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Silly me expecting the Lamenter's lot in life to actually improve

Also when this is all over I seriously recommend we second a squad or two of our vets to mentor the bbs
Pretty sure we already seconded the better part of 6th company to mentor them (the ones led by Pathor?)
Idris Pathor, Legacy of Resplendence
"Emperor guide me, for my Chapter Master is still a madman."
Position: 6th Captain, Master of the Marches
Prior Command: Sternguard Sergeant, Squad Quantum, Angels Resplendent
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Silly me expecting the Lamenter's lot in life to actually improve

Also when this is all over I seriously recommend we second a squad or two of our vets to mentor the bbs

That's already happening.

It doesn't matter, no amount of training can fully prepare a noobie company of Space Marines to face a couple of squads of Veteran Chaos Marines (with legendary stats in BS) with support and a defensible position.

This result was a bit worse than average. But only by a bit. They should get chewed up by this kind of thing.
This is good experience for them. Hard won but vital all the same. Everyone starts out awful, especially against veterans of the long war.

We posted similar numbers at the start of this quest.

The only marines that don't suck are chapters who either pack awesome notables(ultramarines and descendants) to make up for meh stat lines or have fought until their skill is so institutionalized that even the newbies are scary(Black Templar school of never ending crusade).
Jesus, they got fucking rekt. Half a company, including the captain, crippled or killed by ten guys.

Obliterators. They're daemonhost except instead of possessing the marine they fused a suit of terminator armor and turn their host into a walking armory.

Given they had to have earned terminator suits beforehand they were definitely veterans.

Not a good showing for the Lamenters but this is what happens when you can't alpha strike obliterators.
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Jesus, they got fucking rekt. Half a company, including the captain, crippled or killed by ten guys.
To jump on the train of "well, to be fair...", it must also be noted that their assault marines weren't equipped to handle terminator tier armor. Our dudes had power swords and inferno pistols, they just had chainswords. They were outclassed from the very start and frankly it's a testament to their skills that they accomplished as much as they did.
To jump on the train of "well, to be fair...", it must also be noted that their assault marines weren't equipped to handle terminator tier armor. Our dudes had power swords and inferno pistols, they just had chainswords. They were outclassed from the very start and frankly it's a testament to their skills that they accomplished as much as they did.

It's to be expected, as the Lamenters gain more experience and better weaponry. Most likely they'll start performing better just like our chapter did.
Turn 34 (231-235.M42): Chasing Hatred Pt. 3
"Thought of the day: Your past will always haunt you."

It should have been so, so very simple. The Lamenters 2nd and the Crimson 8th will attack the starbase in orbit. The Blood Angels 1st will crush their fortress with their Land Raiders and draw all attention on the ground. The fleet would chase away their void assets and hold position to prevent any escape that way, and the Librarius and their trusted allies would bar anything from stepping into the Empyrean. That leaves the Crimson 3rd to assault the fortress via drop pod. Simple.

On reflection, Damien suspects that perhaps simplicity is the problem.

Task Force Crimson - Deep Strike
15 vs 20 70, 6 Degrees of Failure
Assault Failure! Company Completely Scattered!

"There is a lesson to be learned from this, I think," Damien says with as much good humor as he can manage. If there is a consolation to this, it is that Chaos is as lost as they are. "When assaulting densely-fortified fortresses, always deep strike with a few Terminators!" He glances back. "Right, Lord Asterion?"

The Lord in Crimson Clad grunts, Invictus gripped tight.

Available Forces:
Damien Cybereon, Burning Angel
Aurelius Asterion, Sword-Saint

Damien looks forwards again and shrugs his shoulders. "My thoughts exactly," he says dryly. He tests the vox on his armor again, but there is no reception. They must be far underground. "We have to find a vox relay, or they will destroy us."

The tunnels shudder slightly, echoing with boltfire and the roar of plasma.

"...We should hurry."

The two of them keep walking, isolated from the battle roaring around them.



"Hm? Eight hours and you speak now?" The Lord Sacrifice looks back at his Chapter Master, easy grin completely lost under his helmet. "What ails you, Lord Asterion? You know, besides everything."

"Focus. I feel something."

He readies a retort, but then he hears his auspex. One signal return. A single enemy, then. Manageable, but anything can happen. Meltaguns are the great equaliser, after all.

He draws his blade, and the Crimson Flame ignites with red lightning. Slowly, certainly, the both of them see an end to the corridors on their auspexes, opening up into an intersection. Possibly. Considering the conditions, they cannot trust the technology right now.

It comes towards them, more felt than heard. The heavy footfalls, the beastial snarling. As he and Lord Asterion form ranks and ready to engage, Damien with the Soul of Fire raised and his Chapter Master with a storm bolter raised, it appears.

The traitor comes to them wrapped in twisted, unnatural armor, plate that flexes and shudders like real living muscle. Fleshmetal, bonded to its wearer - or slave - for all time. It drags a titanic daemon axe behind it, its rows of giant chain teeth clicking and crackling with lightning. It is truly titanic, an axe as large as the heretic holding it, and the heretic wears wide-set Terminator armor. He is shuddering, twitching like an addict in withdrawal, completely oblivious to their presence.

He sees other movement behind him, too. Mortals, hereteks, all running along behind the dull brute. Sources of information, if they could just get to them. Perhaps even a working understanding of the fortress? Or even the location of a vox relay?

Damien takes a step forward, but Aurelius holds him back. He wants to ask why, until the traitor's head snaps at them suddenly and affixes them with his unyielding red gaze. Still twitching and shuddering, he notes. No. Not shuddering. Phasing. Jumping about, like a cogitator glitch.

This is no mere traitor. He has become one with a daemon. Half-astartes, half-warp entity. Entirely dangerous. And entirely deserving of death.

"Aaaangeeeeelssssss…" the traitor slurs, spittle spilling from his helmet vents. Fury fills his being as he recognises them. "Aaaangeeeeelsssssssss…. Clipped winged angelssssssss…"

Damien Cybereon tightens his grip on the Crimson Flame. Because if not, he might drop it out of shock. Aurelius Asterion breathes sharply, inhale and exhale, before saying the words he dares not utter.

"Karog Kinslayer. You damned fool."

Chaos Champion Identified!


Suspected Statline
WS-10, BS-4, S-10, T-6, A-5, I-3, P-6, WP-6, F-6

Dodge: 15
- Base, Agility 5: 25
- Terminator Armor: -10
Armor: 80
- Base, Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor: Armor 80
Wounds: 7

Suspected Legendary Skills
Legendary Weapon Skill: The Bloodsoaked Storm, Tier-2
- Tier 1: May Sacrifice Battle Reflex for an Extra Attack Each Round
- Tier 2: May Apply Full Attacks to up to [Intelligence] Opponents in Range

Legendary Strength: Arms of the Fallen, Tier-1
- Tier 1: AP of all Melee Weapons (including Natural Weapons) boosted by 2

Corrupted Toughness: Twisted Aberration, Tier-1
- Tier 1: +2 Wounds, -1 Agility, Intelligence Capped at 3, +10 Intimidation

Chaos Mutations
Twisted Aberration: +2 Wounds, -1 Agility, Intelligence Capped at 3, +10 Intimidation
Champion of Khorne: Willpower 10 vs Psychic Powers, Double Attacks, +30 to Intimidation
The Red Tide of Nuceria: +1 Agility, Grants Access to Legendary Strength - The Bloodsoaked Storm

Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor (Armor 80, +2 Strength, -2 Agility, +1 Willpower, Enduring [Damage Floor of 45])

Available Assets:
- Captain Damien Cybereon, Burning Angel
- Chapter Master Aurelius Asterion, Lord in Crimson Clad
- Quantum Sanguinary Guard Asset
- Interrogate a Chaos Lord
- Destroy this blighted place
- Find a Vox Relay
- Reunite with the 3rd Company
- Kill Karog Kinslayer

[] Write-In: How do you kill the Kinslayer again?
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So this is bad.

The good news is that I think we should be able to take this guy by himself. We have Power Swords, both our people have Legendary Weapon Skill, Aurelius even more than this guy, Aurelius also has three tiers of Legendary Agility, he may be more specced for fighting us than we are him but he can't really quite overcome our advantages without some super lucky rolls.

The bad news is that this might be bloody.

Before anything else we will have to kill this bastard.

Any suggestions? Because otherwise...

[] Well Let's Attack
-Aurelius and Damien close to melee range and began a 2v1 duel against Karog Kinslayer.

I think we'll just have to get stuck in and hope for the best.
Now imagine if you had sent the Lamenters to deep strike instead.

Karog would round the corner and all he would see is the image of ghost!Malakim Phoros making threatening 'I'll fuck you up again' gestures at him.
Damn, legendary weapon skill and legendary strength? With a buch of extra wounds besides?

Its 2v1 so we will win, but this will be tough.
It's less 'We will win' and more 'Provided nothing goes wrong, like say, our rolls being below average, we should defeat Karog with at least one survivor, condition unknown'...
For context, how bad is "Completely Scattered"?

Is it something that can be rallied and reorganized out of or are we straight up combat ineffective?
It means you're unlikely to run into other Crimson Crusader units and cannot link up again without high powered communications, like a vox relay.

Alternatively they've already linked up with the Blood Angels 1st Company ("THE WHEELS OF THE LAND RAIDER CRUSH THE HERETICS CRUSH THE HERETICS CRUSH THE HERETICS") and are having an infinitely funner time.
Argh, it's been awhile who is he again? I have a vague memory of him on Baal, he... he torn through a lot of marines like wet tissue paper right?
Oh come on at least have the decency to Die when we Kill you

I say we use our superior Angel given agility and run circles around this guy. While also stabbing him. In the neck.
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