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That roll is why Quarto is in terminator armor: :p

That really mattered huh. fucking dice.

[x][CRIMSON] Deploy to Mahalangur and assist the KPDF in their battle against the Blood Drinkers. Their line is faltering, for all their resolve. Any amount of Astartes support will be invaluable.
[X][ENCARMINE] Deploy to Mahalangur and assist the KPDF in their battle against the Blood Drinkers. Their line is faltering, for all their resolve. Any amount of Astartes support will be invaluable.
[X][LAMENT] Deploy in the void and assist in the destruction of the Blood Drinkers fleet. They cannot flee without their ships, and who knows what else they have sequestered away on their Battle Barges?
I really hope we get to collect all those bodies and fire them into the fucking sun.
Is Quarto's terminator armour the set we've been secretly building for him or is it another one?
It is his relic suit, yes. Because the Chapter decided to rest and recuperate, Osiron was able to spend time on completing his armor - and due to the high roll, was able to essentially perfect it despite rushing the process and risking flaws in the product that Quarto would have to live with and could not correct until after the War for Karanda.

Incidentally, for anyone interested (like, say, @Cornuthaum), this is an opportunity to do a write in to define the capabilities of his armor and help Quarto in his fight duel against Arden.

An example statline would be, say:

Relic Terminator Armor (Name Die After Hostilities Cease)
Armor 16, Soak 3, Strength +3, Perception +3, Agility -1, Void-Sealed

Trait - The Captain Commands: This suit of Terminator Armor is equipped with a sophisticated command and control suite, layered throughout the armor's underlayers and in the helmet. This holy system, known only to some of the greatest Forgemasters in the galaxy, interfaces directly with a Space Marine's Black Carapace and allows them to keep track of the flow of battle through intuitive comprehension of the vox channels and troop movements, not unlike how a Mind-Impulse Unit allows pilots to truly become one with their vehicles. It allows the Captain to remain in the command loop even in the midst of intense combat, allowing Space Marine Commanders to continue issuing commands and remain abreast of developments on other fronts even despite their tendency to engage in honorable duels against enemy champions, with zero effect on their armor's efficiency in combat. If those who wear this suit are unable to keep up with the density of information, they may simply dismiss the system.

The Named Character may continue to provide their full Command Bonus (in Quarto's case, +16) to the battle even if they are involved in combat personally. However, this bonus only remains active as long as they succeed a Hard (DC 80) Intelligence test to keep up with the vox traffic while in combat. The test may be reattempted once failed in combat, but it will cost the character's action for their turn.
It is his relic suit, yes. Because the Chapter decided to rest and recuperate, Osiron was able to spend time on completing his armor - and due to the high roll, was able to essentially perfect it despite rushing the process and risking flaws in the product that Quarto would have to live with and could not correct until after the War for Karanda.

Incidentally, for anyone interested (like, say, @Cornuthaum), this is an opportunity to do a write in to define the capabilities of his armor and help Quarto in his fight duel against Arden.

An example statline would be, say:

Relic Terminator Armor (Name Die After Hostilities Cease)
Armor 16, Soak 3, Strength +3, Perception +3, Agility -1, Void-Sealed

Trait - The Captain Commands: This suit of Terminator Armor is equipped with a sophisticated command and control suite, layered throughout the armor's underlayers and in the helmet. This holy system, known only to some of the greatest Forgemastplanete entire galaxy, interfaces directly with a Space Marine's Black Carapace and allows them to keep track of the flow of battle through intuitive comprehension of the vox channels and troop movements, not unlike how a Mind-Impulse Unit allows pilots to truly become one with their vehicles. It allows the Captain to remain in the command loop even in the midst of intense combat, allowing Space Marine Commanders to continue issuing commands and remain abreast of developments on other fronts even despite their tendency to engage in honorable duels against enemy champions, with zero effect on their armor's efficiency in combat. If those who wear this suit are unable to keep up with the density of information, they may simply dismiss the system.

The Named Character may continue to provide their full Command Bonus (in Quarto's case, +16) to the battle even if they are involved in combat personally. However, this bonus only remains active as long as they succeed a Hard (DC 80) Intelligence test to keep up with the vox traffic while in combat. The test may be reattempted once failed in combat, but it will cost the character's action for their turn.

I wonder if Osiron sent the armour via drop pod or something beause I'm pretty sure they're on opposite sides of the planet :D
It is his relic suit, yes. Because the Chapter decided to rest and recuperate, Osiron was able to spend time on completing his armor - and due to the high roll, was able to essentially perfect it despite rushing the process and risking flaws in the product that Quarto would have to live with and could not correct until after the War for Karanda.

Incidentally, for anyone interested (like, say, @Cornuthaum), this is an opportunity to do a write in to define the capabilities of his armor and help Quarto in his fight duel against Arden.

An example statline would be, say:

Relic Terminator Armor (Name Die After Hostilities Cease)
Armor 16, Soak 3, Strength +3, Perception +3, Agility -1, Void-Sealed

Trait - The Captain Commands: This suit of Terminator Armor is equipped with a sophisticated command and control suite, layered throughout the armor's underlayers and in the helmet. This holy system, known only to some of the greatest Forgemasters in the galaxy, interfaces directly with a Space Marine's Black Carapace and allows them to keep track of the flow of battle through intuitive comprehension of the vox channels and troop movements, not unlike how a Mind-Impulse Unit allows pilots to truly become one with their vehicles. It allows the Captain to remain in the command loop even in the midst of intense combat, allowing Space Marine Commanders to continue issuing commands and remain abreast of developments on other fronts even despite their tendency to engage in honorable duels against enemy champions, with zero effect on their armor's efficiency in combat. If those who wear this suit are unable to keep up with the density of information, they may simply dismiss the system.

The Named Character may continue to provide their full Command Bonus (in Quarto's case, +16) to the battle even if they are involved in combat personally. However, this bonus only remains active as long as they succeed a Hard (DC 80) Intelligence test to keep up with the vox traffic while in combat. The test may be reattempted once failed in combat, but it will cost the character's action for their turn.

I mean, that sounds solid to me. I can't think of another way you could use cogitator crystals to upgrade armor, and we get a perception buff, as well as a bit more strength too. No willpower or fellowship like basic terminator armor, which is odd.
I just did an example! Those crystals are essentially a superior conductive material for faster computation of armor systems. Which can be anything from faster reflexes to better marksmanship to near-precognitive parry augments, or stuff like integrated weaponry due to the space savings of not needing as much internal wiring. Hell, you could even have the power armor not have an agility penalty, entirely possible due to it being built on a Tartaros chassis.
I just did an example! Those crystals are essentially a superior conductive material for faster computation of armor systems. Which can be anything from faster reflexes to better marksmanship to near-precognitive parry augments, or stuff like integrated weaponry due to the space savings of not needing as much internal wiring. Hell, you could even have the power armor not have an agility penalty, entirely possible due to it being built on a Tartaros chassis.

How come Tartaros is our baseline armor anyway? I like the idea that when they were rushing out the 27th founding, some bureaucrat managed to fuck up so hard it wrapped around to greatness by rediscovering the STC for superior Terminator armor on a shelf somewhere, and sent it out without knowing what it was.
How come Tartaros is our baseline armor anyway? I like the idea that when they were rushing out the 27th founding, some bureaucrat managed to fuck up so hard it wrapped around to greatness by rediscovering the STC for superior Terminator armor on a shelf somewhere, and sent it out without knowing what it was.
I decided to be merciful and say that the 27th Founding started with some perks. Plus the Crusaders got the STC Template from the Blood Angels, and spent about ten turns without Terminators or Veterans of any kind. It's probably easier to start with a mark of Terminator Armor than to overhaul your entire armory.
Ooc why is it called Relic Terminator Armor? I mean I understand Terminator armor is a serious piece of equipment that's not handed out to even veteran troops. But if it's not something being handed down through the generations it's not really a relic.
I'm calling it Relic because it's highly customised and will invariably be better than any 'regular' suit of Terminator Armor. Also because it's probably going to become the armor of the 1st Captain of the Crimson Crusaders, passed down through the generations from Regent to Regent. The 1st Company looks like it's going to become the heavy arm of the Chapter, whether or not it is actually the Veteran's Company.
Proposed name: The Mantle of Responsibility
Armor 16, Soak 3, Strength +3, Toughness +2, Void-Sealed

I'm Not Finished Yet: Fitting the mantle of the heir to Chapter Command, the Mantle's machine spirit does all it can to maximize the wearers chances of survival even in the most extreme circumstances. Grants one re roll to Heroic Survival

Pretty basic build overall, I can't think of any other traits so maybe someone else could suggest some? Pls help bb Quatro

Edit: Changed to comply, will probably edit again when it's not 3 a.m anymore
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Proposed name: The Mantle of Responsibility
Armor 16, Soak 3, Strength +3, Toughness +3, Fellowship +2, Void-Sealed

Traits: The Captain Commands
I'm Not Finished Yet: Fitting the mantle of the heir to Chapter Command, the Mantle's machine spirit does all it can to maximize the wearers chances of survival even in the most extreme circumstances. Grants one re roll to Heroic Survival

Pretty basic build overall, I can't think of any other traits so maybe someone else could suggest some? Pls help bb Quatro
...Yeah, a bit too powerful. You get one trait, and you get 3 Stat Points to spend. It should be around the level of what I've suggested.

For reference, the Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor statline i:
Armor 16, Soak 3, Strength +3, Perception +1, Agility -1, Void-Sealed
I'm calling it Relic because it's highly customised and will invariably be better than any 'regular' suit of Terminator Armor. Also because it's probably going to become the armor of the 1st Captain of the Crimson Crusaders, passed down through the generations from Regent to Regent. The 1st Company looks like it's going to become the heavy arm of the Chapter, whether or not it is actually the Veteran's Company

Given that the First Company generally stays on Karanda as part of the garrison/teachers for the Karanda Planetary Defense Force as well as Crusader Neophytes and Aspirants that's not really surprising. What you get in the First Company is the Marines who either don't want right now to be on the frontline or who for various reasons aren't able to be on the frontline. They are, of course, still Space Marines, and I expect that the First Company sees a surprising amount of turnover aside its Command Squad from Marines switching between the First Company and a standard Battle Company. However, it also makes a great training company for those Marines who may be ready for Terminator honours or specific skills.

The duties normally taken by the First Company, being parcelled out on a squad basis to other Battle Companies as the Terminator arm and as a source of Veteran Sergeants for the same, is being handled by the Veteran Company instead.
Given that the First Company generally stays on Karanda as part of the garrison/teachers for the Karanda Planetary Defense Force as well as Crusader Neophytes and Aspirants that's not really surprising. What you get in the First Company is the Marines who either don't want right now to be on the frontline or who for various reasons aren't able to be on the frontline. They are, of course, still Space Marines, and I expect that the First Company sees a surprising amount of turnover aside its Command Squad from Marines switching between the First Company and a standard Battle Company. However, it also makes a great training company for those Marines who may be ready for Terminator honours or specific skills.

The duties normally taken by the First Company, being parcelled out on a squad basis to other Battle Companies as the Terminator arm and as a source of Veteran Sergeants for the same, is being handled by the Veteran Company instead.
Pretty much. The only time the 1st Company should get called in from this point is when something really absolutely needs to die right now. The one person who would most advocate the 1st Company go out and do stuff, Quarto, probably doesn't desperately want to go on patrol or fight shit in space anymore, either. He's got nothing left to prove.

I must say, I'm also glad that Quarto's character progression went this way. He went from an insecure 1st Captain not certain if he deserved to own such a mantle (probably because his claim to fame was being the best orator, not the best commander or warrior), to a badass legend in his own right who is entirely secure in his position as Regent of Karanda. It's amazing. The choices made to get him to this point through that path were all amazing. :p
Can we see the not-Sanguinius guy's stats? He sounded interesting, but Quarto piledrived him in a single update.

edit: derp, it was Cicero
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Can we see the not-Sanguinius guy's stats? He sounded interesting, but Quarto piledrived him in a single update.
The flying guy? Cicero's the one that did him in.

Fury grips Cicero suddenly, like a revelation from high. He slams his bare forehead against Galethos' own, hard enough that his own vision whites out. But the grip around him loosens, and Cicero does not need eyes for this part.

"You don't belong in the sky, Galethos. Do you know why?"

He feels his stomach lurch as he contorts on to the winged Captain's back, gravity starting to take hold again. They fall, and his pinions twitch and struggle to flap. Cicero takes each of them in hand, grabbing them by the base. And he pulls, and pulls. Blood rushes to his head. Pain spikes in his legs and back. His arms burn with exertion. But he pulls, hardest that he has ever pulled.

"No! NO!" Galethos flails at him, but it is too late.

Already plummeting through the air, Hale Cicero rips out both mighty black wings and tosses them over his back. Without fear, he wraps his arms around Galethos, holding his arms tight and his back straight.

"Don't you know?" Hale whispers into his ear, like a lullaby to a child. "Only Angels may fly."

The ground consumes his vision, growing larger and larger and faster and faster. He hears little but the wind rushing by his ears, struggling to close his eyes. But Cicero smiles, and Galethos screams for his life and for revenge. It matters not now.

"And you," Cicero concludes, closing his eyes, "Are just a deluded fool."

There is rushing wind and the screaming of fools. And then…

There is silence.
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Resolution of Sanguinius
Armor 16, Soak 4, Strength +3, Perception +1, Toughness +1, Void-Sealed

As much iconography as it is armor, richly decorated reliefs in the armor display Sanguinius' defense of the Eternity Gate during the Siege of Terra. Using the same xenos derived improvements as their armored vehicles use, Osiron has managed to craft a suit of unparalleled agility and toughness. To look upon this armor in action is to glimpse the glories of the Golden Angel and the bane of traitors.

Trait: The Last Stand
Grants an invincible save (5+) against even otherwise mortal wounds and upon the final wound in addition to the normal save.
Resolution of Sanguinius
Armor 16, Soak 4, Strength +3, Perception +1, Toughness +1, Void-Sealed

As much iconography as it is armor, richly decorated reliefs in the armor display Sanguinius' defense of the Eternity Gate during the Siege of Terra. Using the same xenos derived improvements as their armored vehicles use, Osiron has managed to craft a suit of unparalleled agility and toughness. To look upon this armor in action is to glimpse the glories of the Golden Angel and the bane of traitors.

Trait: The Last Stand
Grants an invincible save (5+) against even otherwise mortal wounds and upon the final wound in addition to the normal save.

I really like the idea of this, as Quarto's wargear is very tank based (Terminator Armor, Storm Shield, and Iron Halo) and it utilizes the stuff we found throughout the quest, giving it a really flavorful feel, but I don't know how the mechanics of that trait work in this quest. If I'm reading this correctly, we get a 20% chance, so DC 80, to pass failed tests against attacks that would have killed us?

If you don't mind, I thought of this trait:

Adamantium Wall: The relic cogitator crystals have been used in conjunction with advanced motive systems to allow unparalleled reaction to incoming threats. The end result is that the enemies of Man will find nothing but The Left Hand of Thunder when they seek the blood of the Crimson Clad.

- Weapon Skill is increased by (insert reasonable amount here) for the purposes of Parry tests.

I have to admit, I don't fully grasp the mechanics of this quest, so I left the amount blank, rather than create something over or under powered
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