So, anyway. Dread Panoply of the Silent Wind is... not a great Charm. It's not a great Charm for Adorjan and it's not great outright. You can consider this to be optional stealth errata for it, as well as fully functional Charm in its own right.
(I'm actually inclined to replace Glorious Solar Sabre and other such effects with something similar. I'd prefer to see a Solar swordmaster picking up a twig and cutting a man's head off with it like it's a sword because he has internalised the tao of dao, than forming a magic glowing sword made of lens flare.)
Tornado's Castaway Toys
Cost: 5m, 1 Compassion Channel; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Freedom Lets Go
To Adorjan, weapons are just like feelings; things to be discarded at a whim. While this Charm is active, the warlock may reflexively ready mundane or improvised close combat weapons with a -0 DV penalty. This includes scavenging improvised weapons from the environment or picking up a dropped weapon. When the Infernal's anima is at the 8-10 mote level or higher, she may even form silent gale-blades from the burning light of her soul, which may have the form of any mundane close combat weapon.
In addition, the Infernal treats all mundane close combat weapons as if they were their closest equivalent single or paired basic 1, 2 or 3-dot close-range white jade artifact weapon, as judged by the Storyteller. Improvised weapons benefit from this effect too. The murderous winds of Adorjan envelop the object, so a broom impales a man like a dire lance and chopsticks pierce like short daiklaives. Targets killed by an enhanced weapon are automatically targetted by a free activation of Kamilla's Sacred Inhalation. However, enhanced weapons only last for a single action - when the Infernal's DV next refreshes, they dissipate into wind and are destroyed. If the Infernal killed at least one enemy with the weapon and has an overdrive pool, she gains 2 overdrive motes when this occurs. She may only gain this benefit once per refresh of her DV.
If the Infernal uses this Charm to enhance mundane weapons stored within her Dread Panoply of the Silent Wind, the weapon is not destroyed, but returns to Elsewhere and may not be re-summoned until her DV refreshes yet again.
With a second purchase, this charm may enhance pre-existing ranged weapons or thrown objects. The warlock does not gain the capacity to create mundane ranged weapons from her anima. The maximum range of any enhanced weapon is the Infernal's Dash speed, the projectile disintegrating beyond that distance into red and white ribbons. In the case of weapons like bows or firewands, the weapon as well as the projectile is destroyed when the Infernal's DV refreshes.