I actually liked Matther Wasser's relatively benevolent take on the Empress, who found that the RDG was no longer working for her when she tried to nuke Thorns/Mask of Winter, and has been in seclusion trying to regain the motivation/defining intimacy that granted her access to it in the first place.
Where can I read this?
Where can I read this?

My bad, was another dude, I misremembered.

maddman75 said:
The Scarlet Empress: When the fair folk armies were descending onto Creation, the Empress managed to enter the Imperial Manse and activate the Realm Defense Network. Everyone knows this. What no one knows is why she was able to do so while so many others failed, and why she has vanished.

When the First Age Solars created the Imperial Manse, they knew they had to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. So they created a powerful guardian effect, that only the purest and truest of Exalts could access this power. Any Exalt entering the chamber will be tested - they must have a Motivation to save Creation from its enemies, or they will be barred from entrance. If they try to force past the barrier they will be annihilated. When the Empress entered the Manse, she did it not for glory or power or even to destroy her foes, but to save creation from the Fair Folk.

Five years ago, the Empress was warned by her Sidereal advisors that the Deathlords were about to march. She went to enter the Imperial Manse to prepare it to strike down their armies and found that she couldn't enter. It had been centuries since she'd gone inside, and her Motivation had changed. The Empress's motivation is now to Preserve the Realm, and that isn't what the Realm Defense Network is for. It won't let her in any more.

If this were made public, it would tear creation apart. The Dragon-Blooded would erupt into full civil war, as the Empress's entire claim to power would be gone. The Threshold would completely pull away. The Deathlords and Fair Folk would invade at once. The Empress vanished to stop that from happening. This puts everything in a holding pattern. The Jade Prison breaking and the appearance of the Solar and Abyssals she did not forsee, but ultimately it changes nothing. So long as she can't enter the Imperial Manse, she can't be Empress.

So where is she? In retreat. She is on top of the Imperial Mountain, meditating, viewing all Creation. She is trying to change her Motivation, so she can once again access the Manse. Until then, she takes no notice of the events in Creation.

it's from the Thread with no original ideas, which is an excellent repository of fantastic Exalted fluff, stories, and ideas.

It's the thread that made me actually find lunars at all interesting.
Hmn, Ebon Shadow style makes your anima emo. Can that be used to prevent it from identifying you as a filthy 'nathima?
I wouldn't think so. It's still an anima that isn't DB, and I don't think it affects your caste mark, so peasants would still probably be inclined to run and get the monks for help.

Does anyone know which prehistoric fauna the Death Moa (pg. 823 of the leak) is the stand-in for? More importantly, anyone know of a picture?

it's from the Thread with no original ideas, which is an excellent repository of fantastic Exalted fluff, stories, and ideas.
That's where I got the baseline for my version of Faffles, a ghost who is trying to amass an army of the dead in preparation after getting visions from the Neverborn of an invading army of magical material golems from another world.
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For @Havocfett. And also for me.

Orultdoof, the Thunderous Witness
Demon of the First Circle
Progeny of the Immortal Father

In the streets of Malfeas and in the sands of Cecelyne, the thundercrash music of the orultdoofi can be heard. Blind and with skin the colour of snow, the thunderous witnesses see through the shades and hues of sound. Silence thus terrifies them even by the standards of the denizens of Malfeas, and when bound within Creation they will play their music even louder as to avoid its terrible darkness. Their eyeless faces and red fur are common sights within the Demon Realm, and if they lack the skill of the angyalkae, they make up for it in volume. Their booming music reaches out across many blocks of Malfeas and thus wards against the terrible hush of Adorjan with great efficacy.

When one takes up an instrument, lightning roils and boils across its surface and shimmering auroras of demonic flame coruscate around it. The thunderous witness plants its tail in the ground, and its hollow fluted horns made of ivory fall from its head and swell into immensity, trapping the orultdoof. When they are so bound, the fallen horns capture the sound of its music and amplify it a thousandfold. They do not care about their binding, so long as they can play. This is the only time the orultdoofi seem alive, for without an instrument they shamble through life, half-asleep and apathetic to all others. These creatures need no meat nor water nor rest when they make their music, and thus never cease unless their instrument is destroyed. Should that happen, the orultdoof seemingly dies, but in truth it is reborn from its fallen horns at the next sunrise or sunset.

Upon the horns of the orultdoofi, the true names of all who have died when listening to their music are engraved. For the serried ranks of demonkind who lack the surety of reincarnation which mortals possess this is therefore one of the few ways a memorial might be attained. Demons who know this truth will fight like tigers when they hear the music of the thunderous witnesses, taking much comfort in the knowledge that if they perish some small marker of their existence shall remain. When demon lords march to war they will bring thunderous witnesses with them upon great palanquins, upon sandships or mounted upon the backs of great flying beasts. Thusly do they drive off the Silent Wind and inspire their followers with admirable expediency.

Summoning (Obscurity 2/3): Sorcerers summon the thunderous witnesses to make great noises which can be heard over the sound of even the most furious battle. It is said that Mnemon once drove a fortress city to defeat by summoning twenty five orultdoofi and having them play day and night until the minds of the defenders broke and they sallied forth to slay the players or die - they cared not which. Mortal men care less about the engraved names upon their horns, but those who field hordes of demons will sometimes use one to motivate their serfs. An orultdoof might escape the Demon City when a war leader calls for a great chase after thieves who have stolen something valued.
I have what may be a rather stupid question, but how divorced from RAW is the system that you are using? Also, would you ever consider formalizing it for us plebs like TAW is?
Here's a link to some of the rules they use.

No idea what the Thaumaturgy rewrite is, but mortal xp is probably similar to the 3rd edition xp split: some xp you get is limited towards non-magical stuff(abilities, attributes, styles, etc), and the rest can be spent on charms, sorcery, or anything else like that. You might be able to spend magical XP on mundane stuff as well.
Keris: "Sasi, I'll be gone for a couple of weeks."
Sasi: "Oh? To Malfeas? What will you be doing there?"
Keris: "Murdering a citizen and every living member of that horrible species he made."
Careful, Keris. That sounds like the kind of undertaking that could lose you an arm.

...And all of your hair.
Assuming that firearms were a thing in Creation, or an Exalted found themselves in our world, or some such similar, would firearms fall under the effects of archery and archery charms?
Assuming that firearms were a thing in Creation, or an Exalted found themselves in our world, or some such similar, would firearms fall under the effects of archery and archery charms?
Shards of the Exalted Dream says they would fall under Firearms and Firearms charms. They fall under Archery if you don't want to add a new ability. It already covers the closest things in Creation to firearms.
Assuming that firearms were a thing in Creation, or an Exalted found themselves in our world, or some such similar, would firearms fall under the effects of archery and archery charms?

Sort of. Shards of the Exalted Dream had parallel Exalted universes, including a Modernish and a Space Opera one, which put guns and blasters under their own ability, Firearms, and introduced a handful of charms that key off it.

That said, a lot of Archery charms simply apply to ranged attacks, and those work fine with guns. I'd also stick the Martial-ready keyword on those charms, linking them to firearms.