Also i need to ask you a question: you keep creating those totaly cool custom creatures/civilizations with custom powers for the third edition, can you please reveal to me your secrets? I am slowly inventing new charms for a splat i promised to convert to the third edition(The Discordians), but writing them down with the crunch has reveled to be more difficult than expected: any suggestion on how to do it?
The first thing I do is cheat as much as I possibly can. All my write-ups start out by taking a canon write-up that best approximates what I am trying to get in terms of power and specific abilities - I think the Blood Hunters are based on the War Ghost template, for instance - and then I tweak the dice pools and traits to get the exact stats I want, while trying to stay in roughly the same ballpark. I write Merits by plundering canon QCs and, again, tweaking to get them into the state I want, and I do the same for Charms. For instance, Red Moon's Harvest is a rip-off of Mists of Eventide.
So, for Discordians, you're trying to actually write a new Charmset. That's going to be a lot harder. With a bit more training in perfectionning my cheating technique I could probably put out some kind of 2e-style Abyssals based on the canon Solar set, but that would be fairly boring for the great amount of work required; writing a whole new Charmset though, I wouldn't dream of it at this stage.
My advice? Start small. Homebrew low-level Artifacts with a handful of Evocations, some spells, some original QCs, some independent Charms. Start small and then go bigger as you learn how to toy with the system. Also? Play the game. Actual play experience is invaluable in learning good design.
I unfortunately can't really offer much feedback, as I tend to be bad at judging the value of Ex3 homebrew without being able to see the rational for every teeny bit of content, due to lacking experience myself.
Furthermore i could need some help in writing a demon: who could invent a tar-dripping flightless starbeaked(By starbeaked i mean that the "face" will jut from a strange starshaped thing connected to the neck)(I could use a better word for it) flamingo, with the MIGHTY POWERS of........ being a modern doorbell plus a antitheft allarm?(Plus some other powers, like being selectively audible by the summoner)(I got randomly the idea after doing the groceries roughly two weeks ago, still don't know why i tought about it)
That sounds like an Adorjan thing. Demons distantly descended from her tend to have some manner of ties to sound and music, without specifically hewing to her love of silence. There isn't a particularly appropriate 2- or 3CD in canon who could have created them, though, so I would instead go to Makarios, the merchant of dreams. This weird flaming sounds like something he could possibly have created to guard storehouses, and they're the kind of freaking absurdist designs that one could have woven from dreams.