Corona of Radiance
Cost: -
Duration: Permanent
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Holy, Native
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 4
Prerequisite Charms: Glorious Solar Saber, Sun-Sword Concentration, Bulwark Stance
The Chosen of the Sun were born as weapons for a war, and their abilities often reflect this. The blades of the Lawgivers cut deepest when used against the architects of Creation, for that was their purpose. Lawgivers who take this charm have discovered some of the ancient glory that made their weapons so effective.
When fighting Creatures of Darkness, this charm provides the following permanent enhancements:
- rolls of 10 on damage count as two damage successes against creatures of darkness.
- minimum damage against creatures of darkness is increased by 1. This stacks with the Overwhelming tag.
- if they have an Overdrive pool, they gain 1 offensive mote every time they successfully deal damage to a creature of darkness with an attack.
When her anima flares to the 8+ mote level, the Lawgiver gains these additional benefits:
- her bashing and lethal soak are increased by (Essence/2) points against creatures of darkness. At Essence 5+, this increases to (Essence) points.
- her attacks gain the Piercing tag against creatures of darkness. If her attack would carry the Piercing tag from another source, it ignores an additional (Essence) points of soak from this charm.
- she gains +1 to her DVs against creatures of darkness. This does not count as dice added by charms.
Any being which has subsidiary souls, like a Primordial, is considered a creature of darkness for the purposes of charms used by a Lawgiver with this charm. This extends to its subsidiary souls. Furthermore, the Lawgiver can never be considered a creature of darkness.
Additionally, she is automatically considered to meet the requirements to purchase Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgement, and may buy it at the cost of a charm for a Favored or Caste ability. This discount is applied retroactively if necessary, refunding the difference if she has already purchased Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgement.
Shadow of the God-Spear
Cost: -
Duration: Permanent
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Holy, Native
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 5
Prerequisite Charms: Corona of Radiance, Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgement
Rarely, a Lawgiver sees the Unconquered Sun and seeks to emulate him in all ways. They have never succeeded in truly matching his glory, but some have managed to internalize some small measure of it in this charm. This represents an extreme level of devotion to the Ignis Divine, almost unheard of even in the First Age, but those who did were among the only ones he looked favorably upon even after he turned his face from Creation.
By taking this charm, a Lawgiver gains an additional Motivation of "Defend Creation from all threats." (or an appropriate mirror to the motivation of the Unconquered Sun, if that is not it). This Motivation can be reduced to an Intimacy by committing 3 points of temporary willpower and (Essence) motes. This Intimacy does not count toward the normal limit of (Willpower + Compassion) Intimacies, cannot be eroded, and every day spent with the Motivation suppressed this way gives the Solar 1 point of Limit.
The Solar also gains an innate knowledge of the threats to Creation, as seen by the Unconquered Sun. She can spend 1 mote to know if a creature is a creature of darkness or otherwise considered a threat to Creation by the Unconqured Sun. When she attacks a creature of darkness, she adds (Essence/2) dice to her attack, and any Virtues channeled in doing so provide automatic successes instead of dice.
Furthermore, the cost of Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgement is reduced to 1 mote, and its duration is extended to "One action".
Finally, the Lawgivers who devote themselves to the purpose of their patron this way are granted the benefits of being a priest of the Unconquered Sun, and reduce the difficulty of prayers to him by 1 (to a final Difficulty of 5 - Resources value of their sacrifice).