Can someone explain 1e thaumaturgy first? The only 1e books I've read are Exalted:The Dragonblooded, and Games of Divinity, and I don't think either one covered it.
It's in the Players Guide if memory serves me correct.
Can someone explain 1e thaumaturgy first? The only 1e books I've read are Exalted:The Dragonblooded, and Games of Divinity, and I don't think either one covered it.
Can someone explain 1e thaumaturgy first? The only 1e books I've read are Exalted:The Dragonblooded, and Games of Divinity, and I don't think either one covered it.
Yeah, should be.
Can someone explain 1e thaumaturgy first? The only 1e books I've read are Exalted:The Dragonblooded, and Games of Divinity, and I don't think either one covered it.
So, almost nothing like 3E Thaumaturgy?It was basically 3E thaumaturgy except you just needed an Occult score.
And this is how you do Thaumaturgy correctly.
You mean compared to 2e, or you mean in 2e, was it any use?Was thaumaturgy anymore useful to exalted to to use themselves compared 2e?
I'd say it would depend on the ritual, and also on the type of Exalt. 2e thaumaturgy has a bunch of stuff that is universally useful, but also has a bunch of stuff that can be done in a superior fashion with Charms or Sorcery/Necromancy. Some of the more obscure rituals can be pretty neat, and are hard if not impossible to replicate with other methods.Was thaumaturgy anymore useful to exalted to to use themselves compared 2e?
And speaking of Autochtonia; prosthetics that are higher-quality than what we have now.An Astrologer (or better yet, a Prognosticator from Autochtonia) can lower difficulty of a roll, and IIRC add dice/successes to actions.
I did not know of this. Where was this. Oadenol's codex?Alchemist could make a batch of potions that boost your social really well
I believe this was still part of the discussion of 1E Thaumaturgy. Because I don't remember seeing them either in 2E.
The thing about Thaumaturgy is that most games don't know how to handle time, which means that anything that isn't resolved on-camera in 'banter' or 'combat timing' is hard to learn as players and storytellers.
But the more important thng is that while yes, Thaum should be more meaningful to PCs, its' real 'use' is that you're meant to offload the cost of thaumaturgy onto your Backgrounds- get a team of thaumaturges to refine your magical materials for you- hell, have demons do it if you can bind them.
The major advantage an Exalt has over a mortal is Dice, which can make a ritual create a very powerful result, like an enchantment that lasts several years as opposed to a season or two, but that sort of entitled 'Me Mine I must Use My Max Pools!' psychology is honestly negative on the larger game.
Oadenol's Codex.
Yay, another update!Here we go, Session 28 of Sunlit Sands! Big props again to @Aleph as usual, and we're on the second session of the Coxati arc!
Session 28 log
In hindsight I don't think we spent enough time pre-session discussing what was happening, as we picked up mid-scene from last week. At the same time, I actually am used to that sort of play, so it was fine. I also think I did not get enough sleep, so that did impair me a little more than I expected. Sadly there was nothing quite as awesome as HALT GOATS, but it was still a fun session.
To recap, Inks had just entered the court of Saudari Etiyadi Fire-in-Earth. Saudari is her title, Etiyadi is her given name, and Fire-in-Earth is her 'patronym'. Note that Etiyadi has a bitchin' throne room with flowing magma attraction. Note also that the apparently mortal courtiers can do court-things there too without issue.
One of the main challenges of Sunlit Sands is keeping track of consistent rulings and approaches. Identifying characterization and maintaining it is tough sometimes when rules change session to session- this kind of flexibility is understandable though, and not necessarily a bad thing.
Like, fundamentally, Exalted does not exhaustively list out everything you CAN do, but it does try to give a representative sampling. Compound this with Aleph's own personal experiences and homebrew culture, and we get independent interpretations of the rules.
For example, Aleph really likes making me roll Appearance in general and specifically in this session- not that I'm against that. It's Inks's highest social attribute, but it lacks any objective mechanical reference, so we have to make up and maintain precedent on the fly.
That leads into the first major detour of the session, in which Aleph posits her new understanding and implentation of the three Social Attributes.
Charisma is personal interaction with other people through the medium of what you are doing and how you're acting.
Manipulation is environmental interaction with other people through the medium of setpieces and equipment around them.
Appearance/Awe is general interaction with other people through the medium of presentation and bearing.
An extension of this that we did not touch on was the primary social Abilities and their design spaces- as Aleph is used to a compressed 6/15 trait system as opposed to the 9/25 I prefer.
Presence = single target
Performance = group target
Socialize = throttle ability.
Now, neither of us stopped to actually initiate the following scene using social combat or mass social combat rules. Aleph for example almost never tells me another character's MDV, which is something I am honestly very leery of- I am used to much more system transparency, where difficulties and DVs are plainly known unless hidden. There do exist rules to determine hidden difficulties, but they're rarely invoked as most games of Exalted are already overburdend on rules.
I'm sort of tangenting from my overall reaction to this scene and the session as a whole, which is good. I thuroughly enjoyed Etiyadi as a character, though I had a fairly obvious gigglefit behind the scenes when Aleph described her as an imperious haughty woman with twin ponytails. On the one hand, I was iffy, as 'Tsundere' hews closely to memetic humor I generally dislike, and interest, as I do like tsunderes, in general.
The scene in question was one largely of saving or maintaining face, in that Etiyadi was less concerned about the specifics of Inks's nature or actions and more the broader impact. Until I diagnosed her with Mastery of Small Manners, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to dig myself out of the demonologist whole. Props on Aleph for making me feel the squeeze of Inks's own reptuation, but at the same time, this is still not at all 'hardball' Exalted.
Like, if she wanted to be tougher on me, in gameplay terms, she could have had Etiyadi demand some kind of Reassurance or mechanical challenge that Inks's demon-binding ways were safe or otherwise prevent her from invoking demon resources. Not that Inks brought any. Of course, the counterpoint to this is that any 'challenge' like this eats up screen and session time, which must be managed carefully.
The main thing here is that 'Hard No' or outright refusal to engage with a player is.. It's something that should feel Possible, but actually doing it is the deathknell of a game. The point of the game is to Play, for the challenges to be surmountable within the context of the rules and shared experience. This is actually why 'story' or 'cleverness' based challenges are actually the worst kind for tabletop RPGs, as they're incredibly subjective and contingent on the storyteller knowing Exactly what they're doing or their players being extremely intutive.
So in practical terms... Let's extrapolate Inks's demonologist status. On paper, she could easily be attacked on-sight for her practices. Let's assume that's the highest the scale can go. In practice, what should happen is that if Inks presents herself to an anti-demon court or individual, they could ATTACK, but attacking is not the same as 'narration says you die for being a demonologist'. The former allows play/counterplay, the latter Ends Stories.
Narratively, Etiyadi has to say something in response to Inks's demonology, but practical gameplay should hew towards 'Player finding solutions/validating their character sheets'.
This segues into the idea of basic storytelling advice like 'fail forward' and 'No But, Yes And'.
Before I move back to social/mass social observation, we advance the scene. Inks spent a fair amount of time and motes vamping for the court and establishing her reputation as 'Gem's Painted Lady', and in turn attempting to endear herself to princess and court to a fair amount of success. Aleph was pleased I wasn't breaking out ridiculous piles of successes this session.
But, I was burning through a lot of motes, so Inks showed her caste mark to regain 2m/action... which as Aleph later pointed out, activated her carefully planned 'trap card', and introduced us to the first major god of Sunlit Sands. Alakananda doesn't count, as she is an Elemental.
Tekutali emerged from the magma feature in no small amount of grandeur, and I think Aleph did a good job of underscoring his divinity both in description and how Pipera reacted. I as a player was not exactly afraid- that lack of sleep kinda threw me harder, but I still tried to maintain character.
The interesting thing that Aleph tried to tutorialize here is that in her Creation, objective 'metatextual' understanding of Exalted's lore and metaphysics are uncommon. Local interpretation, isolated mythology and spirits have imperfect memory or experience.
Imagine the idea of a whole nation believing the Unconquered Sun is a woman? Most games I've ever been in wouldn't even care to try- they have enough trouble trying to get people to not treat the UCS like Optimus Prime Best Dad, or gleefuly indulging that. Tying back to the earlier sessions, people should be allowed to be Entertainingly Wrong.
Now the further wrinkle is that Tekutali may as well be right, or more right than he realizes, even if the particulars have suffered historic drift. Creation functions, and its underpinnings work regardless of a specific, authorial viewpoint like Sidereals or our reading of the game books.
In this scene, as I was working on trying to succeed, I managed to play into Etiyadi and Tekutali's main intimacies or interests. Like I said earlier, Etiyadi was trying to maintain face, not actually put the screws to Inks, and as a god, Tekutali wanted flattery, which Inks provided.
Through the challenges of this scene, Inks secured at least the foundations of a trade agreement (and more), as well as possibly an 'in' with a powerful god.
Back to social mechanics- the scene above did not invoke Join Debate or anything of that sort, nor did it involve Mass Social rules, for good or ill.
For context, Social Combat is 'Me vs You vs Other', same as regular combat, though it is contextualized in Long Ticks, or Minutes. Which seems somewhat outrageous, except that the point of Social Combat is not quippy banter, but long, diplomatic talk and oratory. Think 'oral tradition' as opposed to 'Modern comedic quippery'.
Now, I think one thing I'd have to internalize is that Aleph allows or intends the use of MDV modifiers to stack, which I actually am pretty sure is not true. MDV modifiers are supposed to be 'use highest', with Intimacies being the lowest at +/- 1, Virtues at 2, and Motivation at 3, and then the relative appearance modifier.
You're only supposed to use one of those four, as far as I know. If Aleph allows stacking, then that's a whole new ballgame and I'm not 100% sure either way. Part of why Appearance is the godstat is because it is mechanically the easiest, most consistent way to secure a huge MDV advantage, and there are very few ways to diagnose another character's Motivation or intimacies. Better to say that the game hasn't instructed people on how to show that in course of play.
In any case, On paper a social combat sequence is resolved with ticks and actions, but seeing as we have onlyr eally ever had two people debating, we've never needed tick timing. That may change or it might not. And again, we haven't really been using 'Social Combat' anyway for good or ill.
Now Mass Social is a 'bolt on' beast. Same rolls and actions but at-scale. The major difference is that your abilities in mass combat (any kind) are capped by [Socialize], so even the best 1:1 salesperson would be awful leading a court if they were socialize 0 or 1.
For context, Inks is now Socialize 3, so she'd roll Attr X + 3d before stunts and charms.
The other major mechanic is Relative Magntiude- as all courts are mass units. On paper, the 'home' court always has the advantage, compared to an incoming court and courtier.
Now the way the court mechanics work is that you can lead any number of units, but you can only benefit from a unit that is physically present in your scene. This relies on a certain 'common sense' rule. You can easily fit a magnitude 1 court into a throne room, of say 5 people, but not a 10,000 strong population without some heavy effort.
Every point of magnitude one side has over the other grants an automatic success to both a social action and MDV, which is a huge gain in this context. The 2e Solar Charm 'Mastery of Small Manners' actually exists to allow a solo character to entreat with small courts just like the one we saw here in Coxati.
So in theory, Etiyadi could have invoked her court of Magnitude X, however many people she had in attendance, and made my life as a player that much more challenging to overcome her empowered pools- by the same token though, if she lacked Socialize dots, her immedate power would have been greatly curtailed as well.
The Solar Charm 'Gathering the Congregation' like Mastery of Small Manners, exists to mitigate this problem- a Solar can approach any court and rapidly spin up to a superior position or at least equal.
The second half of the session covered more of the local Coxati region- and I should point out that Etiyadi's lands are not the sole representation- there are at least three other such lords in the area if not more, and their culture is very feudal. Aleph mostly spent the time seeding the aesthetic texture of the region and informing Inks of the curious, magical textiles that Coxati is famous for, which I hope to follow up on.
And yes, the session concludes with a 'friendly meeting'. I'm not going to apologize.
With that, Sunlit Sands 28! Feel free to ask questions, seek clarification, and so on.
"Me, Mine, I" as in the feeling or philosophy that You, the On-Camera Player character has to do everything, that the optimization monkey in our brains cannot accept an obvious 'second best' solution. Players are often encouraged to act entitled by the rules and mechanics of the game, (any game) which empower them to act within specific modes of play. For freer-form games like Exalted, that entitlement is huge.
At which point any DM with 3.5 experience raps you on the knuckles and forbids summoning.Until you change your POV and start viewing minions as action multiplication powers.
Okay then... in order, then.Here we go, Session 28 of Sunlit Sands! Big props again to @Aleph as usual, and we're on the second session of the Coxati arc!
Session 28 log
In hindsight I don't think we spent enough time pre-session discussing what was happening, as we picked up mid-scene from last week. At the same time, I actually am used to that sort of play, so it was fine. I also think I did not get enough sleep, so that did impair me a little more than I expected. Sadly there was nothing quite as awesome as HALT GOATS, but it was still a fun session.
To recap, Inks had just entered the court of Saudari Etiyadi Fire-in-Earth. Saudari is her title, Etiyadi is her given name, and Fire-in-Earth is her 'patronym'. Note that Etiyadi has a bitchin' throne room with flowing magma attraction. Note also that the apparently mortal courtiers can do court-things there too without issue.
One of the main challenges of Sunlit Sands is keeping track of consistent rulings and approaches. Identifying characterization and maintaining it is tough sometimes when rules change session to session- this kind of flexibility is understandable though, and not necessarily a bad thing.
Like, fundamentally, Exalted does not exhaustively list out everything you CAN do, but it does try to give a representative sampling. Compound this with Aleph's own personal experiences and homebrew culture, and we get independent interpretations of the rules.
For example, Aleph really likes making me roll Appearance in general and specifically in this session- not that I'm against that. It's Inks's highest social attribute, but it lacks any objective mechanical reference, so we have to make up and maintain precedent on the fly.
That leads into the first major detour of the session, in which Aleph posits her new understanding and implentation of the three Social Attributes.
Charisma is personal interaction with other people through the medium of what you are doing and how you're acting.
Manipulation is environmental interaction with other people through the medium of setpieces and equipment around them.
Appearance/Awe is general interaction with other people through the medium of presentation and bearing.
An extension of this that we did not touch on was the primary social Abilities and their design spaces- as Aleph is used to a compressed 6/15 trait system as opposed to the 9/25 I prefer.
Presence = single target
Performance = group target
Socialize = throttle ability.
Now, neither of us stopped to actually initiate the following scene using social combat or mass social combat rules. Aleph for example almost never tells me another character's MDV, which is something I am honestly very leery of- I am used to much more system transparency, where difficulties and DVs are plainly known unless hidden. There do exist rules to determine hidden difficulties, but they're rarely invoked as most games of Exalted are already overburdend on rules.
I'm sort of tangenting from my overall reaction to this scene and the session as a whole, which is good. I thuroughly enjoyed Etiyadi as a character, though I had a fairly obvious gigglefit behind the scenes when Aleph described her as an imperious haughty woman with twin ponytails. On the one hand, I was iffy, as 'Tsundere' hews closely to memetic humor I generally dislike, and interest, as I do like tsunderes, in general.
The scene in question was one largely of saving or maintaining face, in that Etiyadi was less concerned about the specifics of Inks's nature or actions and more the broader impact. Until I diagnosed her with Mastery of Small Manners, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to dig myself out of the demonologist whole. Props on Aleph for making me feel the squeeze of Inks's own reptuation, but at the same time, this is still not at all 'hardball' Exalted.
Like, if she wanted to be tougher on me, in gameplay terms, she could have had Etiyadi demand some kind of Reassurance or mechanical challenge that Inks's demon-binding ways were safe or otherwise prevent her from invoking demon resources. Not that Inks brought any. Of course, the counterpoint to this is that any 'challenge' like this eats up screen and session time, which must be managed carefully.
The main thing here is that 'Hard No' or outright refusal to engage with a player is.. It's something that should feel Possible, but actually doing it is the deathknell of a game. The point of the game is to Play, for the challenges to be surmountable within the context of the rules and shared experience. This is actually why 'story' or 'cleverness' based challenges are actually the worst kind for tabletop RPGs, as they're incredibly subjective and contingent on the storyteller knowing Exactly what they're doing or their players being extremely intutive.
So in practical terms... Let's extrapolate Inks's demonologist status. On paper, she could easily be attacked on-sight for her practices. Let's assume that's the highest the scale can go. In practice, what should happen is that if Inks presents herself to an anti-demon court or individual, they could ATTACK, but attacking is not the same as 'narration says you die for being a demonologist'. The former allows play/counterplay, the latter Ends Stories.
Narratively, Etiyadi has to say something in response to Inks's demonology, but practical gameplay should hew towards 'Player finding solutions/validating their character sheets'.
This segues into the idea of basic storytelling advice like 'fail forward' and 'No But, Yes And'.
Before I move back to social/mass social observation, we advance the scene. Inks spent a fair amount of time and motes vamping for the court and establishing her reputation as 'Gem's Painted Lady', and in turn attempting to endear herself to princess and court to a fair amount of success. Aleph was pleased I wasn't breaking out ridiculous piles of successes this session.
But, I was burning through a lot of motes, so Inks showed her caste mark to regain 2m/action... which as Aleph later pointed out, activated her carefully planned 'trap card', and introduced us to the first major god of Sunlit Sands. Alakananda doesn't count, as she is an Elemental.
Tekutali emerged from the magma feature in no small amount of grandeur, and I think Aleph did a good job of underscoring his divinity both in description and how Pipera reacted. I as a player was not exactly afraid- that lack of sleep kinda threw me harder, but I still tried to maintain character.
The interesting thing that Aleph tried to tutorialize here is that in her Creation, objective 'metatextual' understanding of Exalted's lore and metaphysics are uncommon. Local interpretation, isolated mythology and spirits have imperfect memory or experience.
Imagine the idea of a whole nation believing the Unconquered Sun is a woman? Most games I've ever been in wouldn't even care to try- they have enough trouble trying to get people to not treat the UCS like Optimus Prime Best Dad, or gleefuly indulging that. Tying back to the earlier sessions, people should be allowed to be Entertainingly Wrong.
Now the further wrinkle is that Tekutali may as well be right, or more right than he realizes, even if the particulars have suffered historic drift. Creation functions, and its underpinnings work regardless of a specific, authorial viewpoint like Sidereals or our reading of the game books.
In this scene, as I was working on trying to succeed, I managed to play into Etiyadi and Tekutali's main intimacies or interests. Like I said earlier, Etiyadi was trying to maintain face, not actually put the screws to Inks, and as a god, Tekutali wanted flattery, which Inks provided.
Through the challenges of this scene, Inks secured at least the foundations of a trade agreement (and more), as well as possibly an 'in' with a powerful god.
Back to social mechanics- the scene above did not invoke Join Debate or anything of that sort, nor did it involve Mass Social rules, for good or ill.
For context, Social Combat is 'Me vs You vs Other', same as regular combat, though it is contextualized in Long Ticks, or Minutes. Which seems somewhat outrageous, except that the point of Social Combat is not quippy banter, but long, diplomatic talk and oratory. Think 'oral tradition' as opposed to 'Modern comedic quippery'.
Now, I think one thing I'd have to internalize is that Aleph allows or intends the use of MDV modifiers to stack, which I actually am pretty sure is not true. MDV modifiers are supposed to be 'use highest', with Intimacies being the lowest at +/- 1, Virtues at 2, and Motivation at 3, and then the relative appearance modifier.
You're only supposed to use one of those four, as far as I know. If Aleph allows stacking, then that's a whole new ballgame and I'm not 100% sure either way. Part of why Appearance is the godstat is because it is mechanically the easiest, most consistent way to secure a huge MDV advantage, and there are very few ways to diagnose another character's Motivation or intimacies. Better to say that the game hasn't instructed people on how to show that in course of play.
In any case, On paper a social combat sequence is resolved with ticks and actions, but seeing as we have onlyr eally ever had two people debating, we've never needed tick timing. That may change or it might not. And again, we haven't really been using 'Social Combat' anyway for good or ill.
Now Mass Social is a 'bolt on' beast. Same rolls and actions but at-scale. The major difference is that your abilities in mass combat (any kind) are capped by [Socialize], so even the best 1:1 salesperson would be awful leading a court if they were socialize 0 or 1.
For context, Inks is now Socialize 3, so she'd roll Attr X + 3d before stunts and charms.
The other major mechanic is Relative Magntiude- as all courts are mass units. On paper, the 'home' court always has the advantage, compared to an incoming court and courtier.
Now the way the court mechanics work is that you can lead any number of units, but you can only benefit from a unit that is physically present in your scene. This relies on a certain 'common sense' rule. You can easily fit a magnitude 1 court into a throne room, of say 5 people, but not a 10,000 strong population without some heavy effort.
Every point of magnitude one side has over the other grants an automatic success to both a social action and MDV, which is a huge gain in this context. The 2e Solar Charm 'Mastery of Small Manners' actually exists to allow a solo character to entreat with small courts just like the one we saw here in Coxati.
So in theory, Etiyadi could have invoked her court of Magnitude X, however many people she had in attendance, and made my life as a player that much more challenging to overcome her empowered pools- by the same token though, if she lacked Socialize dots, her immedate power would have been greatly curtailed as well.
The Solar Charm 'Gathering the Congregation' like Mastery of Small Manners, exists to mitigate this problem- a Solar can approach any court and rapidly spin up to a superior position or at least equal.
The second half of the session covered more of the local Coxati region- and I should point out that Etiyadi's lands are not the sole representation- there are at least three other such lords in the area if not more, and their culture is very feudal. Aleph mostly spent the time seeding the aesthetic texture of the region and informing Inks of the curious, magical textiles that Coxati is famous for, which I hope to follow up on.
And yes, the session concludes with a 'friendly meeting'. I'm not going to apologize.
With that, Sunlit Sands 28! Feel free to ask questions, seek clarification, and so on.
If I'm going to be honest, Shyft wasn't the only one who was a little tired this session (as shown by me oversleeping by two and a half hours this morning despite going to bed at an ordinary time). Inks didn't invoke Maji or Vahti in the meeting, so I assumed Pipera was the only one she'd taken in with her and forgot about the other two.Yay, another update!
The hostility towards demons isn't that surprising, given the execution scene last update with the cultists.
The spoiled princess scene was a nice touch, and her covering her eyes when her father/grandfather popped in was by far the highlight of the scene for me. I'm surprised you didn't recognize who Tekutali Fire-In-Earth was obviously referring to.
Not sure if @Aleph would want me to spoil the surprise, or if you would want me to.
And it is a little surprising that your flame duck Vahti drew no reaction from both the godblood Etiyadi and her volcano god ancestor.
Interesting how they're weaving magic into clothes.
A bit of thaumaturgy, or a blessing from the volcano god? Remains to be seen
If the volcano-god is active, he might have some insight on if someone has been leaving Infernal-natured essence tokens around this area as well.
No comment at friendly meeting![]()