So we pick up the 'morning after' last session (though to be fair we never specified how many days passed since); in any case, I as a player and Inks's characterization firmly supports the idea of waking up alongside a hot partner or few. Like I've said before, Exalts don't dream about threesomes.
Now, starting out, I admit I had an entirely different idea for how this session would be paced- from prior discussions, I thougth we were going to kick into a higher gear and advance quickly into a 'outside of Gem' travel/action setpiece. Instead Aleph drilled down into the meatier parts of Gem's economic and political actors for a proper 'Preparing to the Expedition' session.
To put more simply, I expected all of these preparations to be abstracted into that first int+bur roll- instead Aleph turned it into a diagnoistic that required me to make several decisions and then dedicate further scenes to resolving or advancing those.
To recap- the basic idea is that Rankar is trying to consolidate his power because Inks is, intentionally or not, a concern if not a threat to his position as the Despot. He wanted to put her firmly on a trajectory that says 'Is not after my seat, is not going to harm Gem'- and I like to think that he respects her enough to not try and crassly declare that she belongs to him or holds an undying loyalty towards him. (Thinking about it, he probably has a fantasy or two about her though).
An important note here that's going to come up later is clarity of intention or motive- and communicating that to the player. The despot has an immediate and comprehensible goal- there might be layers to it or it might be completely as-presented, but either way it's digestible to me as a player. This is an important distinction, because if the player can't understand it, they can't act on it.
Now like I said, I expected this whole sequence to be abstracted into a scene-break or montage, with the 'quality' based on my successes. I suppose if I have any misgiving, is that it wasn't clear how my successes actually resulted in the 'awesomeness' of my results. Like, I got a lot options, but none of them really jumped out as me as 'you earned this because you rolled well'. Not every roll has to do that, but it still could have been clearer.
Anyway- after a bit of clarification I establish that my original intention was accepted and that Inks is primarily gathering extra investors to reach the Coxati nation-state. Now the Coxati are not a unified polity, they're feudal lords who only unify in context of foreign relations, otherwise they're well, feudal domains with independent dealings.
Logistically, this sequence is important because it helps underscore some of Creations' implicit agreements with reality- it's cheaper to carry information or small light goods like gems or contracts then bulk goods like grain or livestock.
From here we move to some more Specific plot-hooking; A lot of what Aleph presented today were things that had always been present in Gem, but due to my drive to BUILD, tended to fall by the wayside in the face of those long downtime stretches. Elemi Piercing Sun being one of them. A dragonblooded, founder of the Rangers, talented sorcerer and so on, he is a known entity and one of those sterling examples of 'An Exalt is a nation unto themselves'.
During my stunt, Aleph and I had a brief convo about Speed the Wheels and how it works- strictly speaking, there's no Begin Project action to actually examine, so we have to wing it a lot, most players I've seen myself included, use it to accelerate meetings or whatnot, as that's what the fluff allows.
What we determined, was that the Charm only makes the event happen sooner, not the exact resolution of the event- that's why Inks's desire to meet Piercing Sun was instead stopped by Sagacious Wing. I had to deal with her before talking to her father.
It was also an interesting characterization challenge, because Inks's go-to 'Flirty hot girl' approach to problems actually would not have helped. I lucked out by bringing Maji along, earning points with Wing and Sun's militant characterization.
On the note of stunting, I exercised a rare amount of latitude here by setting the scene as I did, because I did not want to presume overmuch on Aleph's view of the Rangers, but at the same time, I tried to draw logical conclusions. They are a militia force, but one of richly individualistic warriors, as far as I can tell. So their gear is personal, embelished, and the main sink of their wealth into that. I honestly can't remember if I was correct, but Aleph did not correct me so...
Now, due in part to how we had a week and a half break from the game, and Aleph is juggling another heavily houseruled game herself, it's fair to understand why she goofed on the 'Socialize' ability. It's one of 2e's poorly utilized elements at a base system level. In practice, Socialize is rarely rolled, used more as a 'throttle' ability. In Mass Social combat, your other abilities are capped by Socialize-
So for example, if Inks was talking with the Desport's Court, as in, the magnitude X unit led by Rankar, she would have an effective Presence of one dot, as she's Socialize 1. The only reason she doesn't come off like an intemperate boor of a human being is that she's extremely pretty and generally forthwright about her deeds and goals. But in practice, Socialize 1 is 'barely decent company'. Aleph and I generally hew to the 'dice pool' approach to things, so in practice her actual socialize pool is 3-6+, depending on if her Style applies. I may have to rewrite it though, as it's not really doing Inks much good at the moment.
Anyway, after proving herself to Sagacious Wing, I am introduced to the first time to Elemi Piercing Sun- and boy is it an impression. All told it's surprisingly low key for an Exalt, the room was more of a larger-than-life impression than Sun was; but that almost is appropriate, as those are his trophies of a prior, healthier age.
Now, the Rangers of Gem inherited Sun's bias- their patriotic fervor is intense, and the founder himself is outright jingoistic- it's harder to in my mind sell racism in Creation as a vice, but warhawk nationaism and superiority is far more readable.
Thankfully, I managed to convince Elemi to support Inks and her endeavor- though I forgot to actualy ask if this had a concrete element like a Resources rating or Backing.
You'll not here after this scene that we moved on, and Aleph prodded me a second time to run down my contact that I had made several months ago in-game and out, Brushed Sand Salib, Gem's ambadassador to Coxati. Aleph had a great time characterizing him- and I should not forget how she handled Maji and Pipera in the previous scene, which I tried to carry forward here.
But anyway, Sand served as exposition, primarily, and this ties back into what I mentioined about clarity and conveyance. Aleph is used to much richer plots and narratives than I am, as I generally am focused on elements I can manipulate with game mechanics. The sudden recontextualizatio of the Coxati as having just finished a war, of their recent succession upheaval, all of these other factors are tough to internalize, even moreso when sessions are dense with detail and have 1-2 week gaps between them.
Thankfully as far as detail goes, it's not insurmountable, but it's definitely a considereation one must keep in mind as a player or storyteller. It is entirely possible to throw too much information at a player, which either panics them, or catches them with decision paralysis.
Now that's not to say the information wasn't interesting, but it's not the same thing as saying it's playable.
And, lastly, poor Salib. In hindsight Inks's flirtation was too cruel, but I think it'd be better if she were constantly flirty than being faultlessly circumspect.
Moving on to Ajjim and Pesala, I mostly wanted to move a characterization plot forward. I still felt bad about how Pesala was reacting to Inks's abduction, so I thought a shared mutual Adventure would be a treat and psychological touchstone for her to hold onto. Ajjim however quietly declined (as far as I know).
I still however, plan on seccuring a mentor for Pesala, and Vahti, as I very much like the idea of a buxom elemental bodyguard.
The last two 'events' or 'scenes' of the session were the preparations for the actual expedition- and again I thought that this was going to be the first thing that happened, but instead we did it here. Once Aleph told me I had a week to spare, I stunted some training time to learn Wholeness Restoring Meditation. I was actually quite pleased by Aleph calling me out on how much time Inks was spending, so the sta+res roll to stay awake was fun- it felt fair.
The actual caravan expedition was neatly resolved- but of note is SIMHATA MOUNT. I have never seen one in-game before!
The last and important scene is actually treating Piercing Sun. I'll let the scenes speak for themselves, but Solar Medicine is amazing. I'm not sure if we should have allowed Inks to bypass surgery like she did though, but the text of wholeness-restoring implies it, so I'm game either way.