The true purpose of Keris's tiger empire is to make scenery for beach episodes on demand. Either that or episodes where hostile environments cause you to retreat to caves to have heart to hearts with your rivals and make friends with them.

Unwatched, then.

Anyway.... exalted gain xp, right? How? other than battle and quests.
To add to what others have said - one of the reasons that Exaltation is such a terrifying, awesome force in the world is that, if you were to capture a Solar and lock her in, say, a steel coffin with IV feeds for sedatives, nutrition and waste to try and keep her on ice for good, she will keep gaining XP, and treat that as training time for learning Charms to shrug off the drugs and, I dunno, flex so awesomely that mere steel melts at the sight of her mighty thews.
You instantly leap to "it'll fail against mundane social influence", which I question, because there is nothing in the Charm text that supports this in any way.
Well, it is a Charm that creates completely mundane Intimacies. Intimacies can be changed by social influence unless some kind of effect explicitly prevents it. That's just how the game rules work. It doesn't need to say the Intimacies can change normally, that's the default assumption.

But to be honest, I think this discussion has gone on for long enough and has become kind of pointless, so I'll stop here.
Well, it is a Charm that creates completely mundane Intimacies. Intimacies can be changed by social influence unless some kind of effect explicitly prevents it. That's just how the game rules work. It doesn't need to say the Intimacies can change normally, that's the default assumption.

I checked the Charm again, and accept this rebuttal, it is indeed incapable of doing this.

It's still better than equivalent Charmtech in any way.

But to be honest, I think this discussion has gone on for long enough and has become kind of pointless, so I'll stop here.


To add to what others have said - one of the reasons that Exaltation is such a terrifying, awesome force in the world is that, if you were to capture a Solar and lock her in, say, a steel coffin with IV feeds for sedatives, nutrition and waste to try and keep her on ice for good, she will keep gaining XP, and treat that as training time for learning Charms to shrug off the drugs and, I dunno, flex so awesomely that mere steel melts at the sight of her mighty thews.

Basically this.

Capture an Infernal, cut of her limbs and keep her in torture for months and watch as her skin becomes supernatural brass that laughs at your blades and her limbs regrow. Fill her with drugs and diseases and watch as she fills herself with cancers and poisons that eat your poisons. Afflict her mind with hundreds of trickeries and watch as she fills her mind with mad sollipsism to immunize herself.

And then you lock the doors to keep her from you when she has finally escaped, only for her to reduce the doors to slag with a punch because Green Sun Nimbus Flare doesn't care if the target is capable of burning or not.

And realize that if you hadn't trapped her, she would still be grabbing for social Charms in Cecelyne.
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Capture an Infernal, cut of her limbs and keep her in torture for months and watch as her skin becomes supernatural brass that laughs at your blades and her limbs regrow. Fill her with drugs and diseases and watch as she fills herself with cancers and poisons that eat your poisons. Afflict her mind with hundreds of trickeries and watch as she fills her mind with mad sollipsism to immunize herself.

Sounds like amazing story material.
It's actually from one of my characters.

She wasn't Cecelyne main though, she was a Scourge, and after that encounter, she ended as something that was basically a Brass Xenomorph.

She was fun. :V

You forgot that Infernals basically have a built-in response to being captured or confined, which is "Learn Cracked Cell Circumvention".

(Assuming they didn't learn it already, because why wouldn't you?)
You forgot that Infernals basically have a built-in response to being captured or confined, which is "Learn Cracked Cell Circumvention".

(Assuming they didn't learn it already, because why wouldn't you?)

I didn't forget it! Looking at my old character sheet, she even had it!

This was more fun though.

Like, seeing their reactions when cutting her arms of with axes didn't work anymore and then switching to poison and disease only to find that she immunized herself to that as well.

Joy. :V

the reason why I asked was because there was a worm fic where Taylor bought a cauldron vial.

It had a solar exaltation inside.

Now, to be entirely fair, this is not, strictly speaking, impossible. It'd take a lot of explaining where the hell Cauldron got the superlative Occult knowledge of how to build the miniature Cage, plus explaining how the hell they got their hands on an Exaltation (what, do they just have Lytek's cabinet hanging in their garden shed, next to the Entity bits and the traumatized Case 53s?), but that bit isn't a total wash at least.

It's just. Once you release it, it's questionable if the Exaltation even has a definable position. It's certainly not under any obligation to attach itself to the one who opened the Cage. So there's no point.
Isolationism and xenophobia are pretty much extreme right wing elements.

Also, are you asking if mortals could recreate the jade prison? Yeah...unless oWoD mages count, you are not doing it.
Now, to be entirely fair, this is not, strictly speaking, impossible. It'd take a lot of explaining where the hell Cauldron got the superlative Occult knowledge of how to build the miniature Cage, plus explaining how the hell they got their hands on an Exaltation (what, do they just have Lytek's cabinet hanging in their garden shed, next to the Entity bits and the traumatized Case 53s?), but that bit isn't a total wash at least.

It's just. Once you release it, it's questionable if the Exaltation even has a definable position. It's certainly not under any obligation to attach itself to the one who opened the Cage. So there's no point.

Well, if you wanted to run with the 'Heaven's Reach' alternate setting portrayed in Shards of the Exalted Dream, an Exaltation in a bottle works pretty well. Mostly because that's all about going full sci-fi on everything.

Not so much default Exalted though.
Well, if you wanted to run with the 'Heaven's Reach' alternate setting portrayed in Shards of the Exalted Dream, an Exaltation in a bottle works pretty well. Mostly because that's all about going full sci-fi on everything.

Not so much default Exalted though.

Yeah, true, if you go full Heaven's Reach on this shit (which you really should if you're crossing Exalted into a sci-fi setting, and doubly so if you're just adding in the Exaltation), a lot of the annoying rules and stuff that get in the way of crossover just entirely go out the window and everything goes much, much more smoothly.
Yeah, true, if you go full Heaven's Reach on this shit (which you really should if you're crossing Exalted into a sci-fi setting, and doubly so if you're just adding in the Exaltation), a lot of the annoying rules and stuff that get in the way of crossover just entirely go out the window and everything goes much, much more smoothly.

Which things are you referring to in specific?
Besides, going full Heaven's Reach results in solid awesome.

Because Heaven's Reach is fucking great.

Like, you can do anything from Realmhammer 50.000 to Alien: Exaltation with it.

EDIT: Like, I'm pretty sure that you could write the Xenomorphs as pretty acceptable First Circles, with the Queen as a Second Circle.
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So what you're paying for here is the effective double-10s (which you can gain in other ways), a bypass of emergency damage reduction charms and hardness (you're not technically killed by damage, so charms that reduce decisive damage won't take effect) and mostly the effect from consuming the enemies heart.


I hadn't really spent much time mulling over the miracles charms, but god that seems like an oversight to me. At least, I hope it is, because that has shades of pre-errata Zeal. I'd feel very comfortable houseruling that decisive damage reducers work just fine on it by reducing the initiative pool/successes as appropriate. Like, per the core book gambits at difficulty 7 and above should be balanced against that fact that you likely could have just killed the target instead, but if I succeed at a gambit to drop a chandelier on someone, they should damn well be able to use Adamant Skin Technique to shrug off the damage.

To add to what others have said - one of the reasons that Exaltation is such a terrifying, awesome force in the world is that, if you were to capture a Solar and lock her in, say, a steel coffin with IV feeds for sedatives, nutrition and waste to try and keep her on ice for good, she will keep gaining XP, and treat that as training time for learning Charms to shrug off the drugs and, I dunno, flex so awesomely that mere steel melts at the sight of her mighty thews.

I love this interpretation, but what's the canon support for it? I haven't read through the 1e core, but the Ex2 core book says that Solars don't need training to raise favored or caste Abilities, and it says that charms in favored or caste Abilities don't need tutors, but that implies that non-caste/favored charms do, and it's also mentioned that raising Essence over 3 requires pilgrimage and meditation. The Ex3 core says that 'many characters train their charms by exercising the Ability under duress', but just above that there's a blurb that 'neither training nor experience alone is sufficient for mastery'.

I mean, I know that this is basically an extension of the conceit that narrative conceit that standing under waterfalls and shit should count as training, but I was just wondering if there was anything in the books about it.