Herd animals would help develop domestication as well and likely lead to you develop more herding technologies.
Prize animals are likely to boost your war-making capabilities. Creating the tools to reliably kill bears and orkers will necessitate building things that can easily be turned against other people.
What kind of herding technology do we have so far anyway? As far as I remember it seemed that all we did with the Orkers was keep a few of them around and let them have food when they come nearby.
When it comes to prize animal technologies, the only thing I can really think of that we might develop in learning to kill them would be either more powerful bows or more powerful spears for Orkers which might be useful against cavalry. I still wouldn't like our odds against defending against Orkers with long spears, but whatever helps I guess.
You would get a copy of their value at whatever stage of development it's at.
Would us choosing a value from them affect our relationship with them? Because as is it seems like their values are pretty useful at their current level of development, especially some of Arrow Lakes which encourage community.
It would be next phase, the 17.1 mid-turn. You won't be able to chose any new [Actions] then, just your mid-turn reposes. Those would effect which of the values you'd get.
Ahhh that makes sense then. I'm guessing then that the actions that would likely affect the potential new value would be actions related to the war?
Returning to status quo would not eliminate Murder of Man-Beasts.
Then we really need to make sure we win then. I'm guessing driving them to leave wouldn't eliminate it either?
So would the roll for capturing them, be a separate roll to winning the raid, or would it be included in the original roll?
Improved relationships is a scale. The biggest thing that it gets you is additional buffer before the Peace Builders decide that they need to attack you. If relationships get high enough, then your tribe and theirs will start to intermingle. Marriages, trade pacts, tech sharing... boundaries have a tendency to start becoming fuzzy.
How close are we in terms of our relationships with the Peace Builders anyway? I mean at the rate things are going, it seems like marriages might not be too far off in the future, especially as we might intermingle with their warriors a lot more due to the war, thus causing impromptu relationships to form.
I'm also guessing that at this stage, once boundaries start becoming fuzzy that we might get a chance to fuse with them right? If so, I'd only hope that we get a choice to do so.
The Peace Builders will inform you about when the War For The South starts up again. They'll come to you and ask for help at that time.
Your logistics would be supported by the Peace Builders. Your lines back would be a lot shorter, however, so it wouldn't be as much strain on either of you.
How likely is it for the war to start soon? You mentioned that the Peace Builders have garrisons down south but I'm not entirely convinced that will dissuade the southern tribes from attack them. Would they understand if we took awhile to respond to their calls for aid if we are still embroiled in war with the Northlands at the same time that the south attacked them?
There's at least one development in Study Travel that I can think of which would really help you against the Northlands.
It's good to have confirmation then. How much would that development help us, assuming we did develop it? Is it something obvious we are missing that will cause us to facepalm when we figure out what said development is?
Hitting the Northland's camp would be like trying to shove your hand into a beehive in order to grab the honey within. Sure, you could do it, but it's going to hurt a lot. Better to reduce their numbers first so you're not injured as severely. The Northlands are basically harassing you constantly on approach so it's hard to keep assaults together in the face of that.
Right...I'd rather we not cripple ourselves in this war at the moment, especially with more problems potentially on the horizon.
I'm guessing the only way to alleviate the pain, or make the situation better for us would to be to make sure we can reduce their numbers though effectively neutralizing their tactical mobility with that of their own right?
It's not that you're on the clock. For example, in order to win, say you need to win 5 raids against them. After you've won 1, 2, or potentially even 3, the Northlands are likely to continue fighting. It doesn't matter how long it takes for these wins to occur, whether one phase or two turns. When you get to potentially 3 wins or definitely at 4, the Northlands will know that they're losing and look to bail instead of continuing to fight. What you effectively need to do is go from +2-3 to +5 in a single phase so that the Northlands don't have a chance to escape before they're beaten.
So we need to be able to decisively defeat them then? What's the measure for the status quo returning for both sides?
Also how many of those raids have we won so far on that counter?
After 4 or 5 turns, they'll likely forget who it was that they fought. They might remember that there was an enemy from the south, but they wouldn't remember who that was.
Well that's convenient. They don't have oral histories?
The main difficulty you're having is that you can't force a decisive encounter since the enemy is too mobile.
Yeah, I figured as much. I'm guessing that by eliminating their tactical mobility we could probably be able to more effectively force a decisive encounter against them where our superior warriors and numbers could be used right?
They went from 'basically dead' to 'severely wounded'. They're not out of the woods by any means, but they made a pretty big comeback already. Any further developments would depend on the mercy of the dice. South Lake is still stronger than them, but for now the Bond Breakers have better leadership.
I'm surprised that they haven't issued a call for help yet. Is that because our contact with them has been cut off?
The Peace Builders don't know anything about the Mountain Clans. I assume you mean the Island Makers? The Island Makers are more focused on developing their internal infrastructure. The Mountain Clans have been an inconvenience at best right now.
Yeah I meant the Island Makers. I guess the Island Makers are just turtling up rather than dealing with the Mountain Clans then?
Arrow Lake is a lot closer to trying to wipe them out, but their Elder Council is too cautious to commit to a campaign of it right now. If they had your support (i.e. you Promoted Folk Wrestling among them last turn) or you weren't distracted by war, they would've gone for it.
If we did help them try to wipe out the Mountain Clans, how much would that help our relations with them?
I do want to update again this weekend. The vote is very closely split right now (13 versus 12) so I'll leave it open for a little bit more. There's parts of the update I can work on without knowing your actions. The only thing I think you're really debating on at this point is a Study Travel versus Raise Temple action.
Personally speaking I'm not against building the Temple, I just believe that studying travel is more important so that we can end this war quickly and decisively on our terms.
With the way you described things there is no way for us to effectively defeat the Northlands as they are without a development gained from studying travel to hamper the mobility of the Northlands and to force them to fight. Otherwise they will just continue to bleed us dry.