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Give her a nice phone and a even if Danny signs Taylor up for the wards what can they realistically do if she says no
Give her a nice phone and a even if Danny signs Taylor up for the wards what can they realistically do if she says no
so even if Danny signs Taylor up for the wards what can they realistically do if she says no
so even if Danny signs Taylor up for the wards what can they realistically do if she says no
Wildbow: Technically parents can force the kid to join and the PRT can march them in and twist their arm, but that's a recipe for disaster
so most will be gentler.
Wildbow: Obviously there are cases where it just gets messy, like a parent wanting to control/force the join and the child resisting, but these are often negotiated and if the parent is cooperating then the PRT has a way of tracking the kid.
'we'll keep an eye on him and keep the door open, just phone us when he's leaving the house'
Wildbow: It's kind of interesting to think about, but I imagine there could be a PRT department specializing in recruiting runaways, or negotiating the tricky parent/child relationships.
snifferblisters: CASA for Capes.
Wildbow: Even just having something like Miss Militia appearing on the regular while the kid is patrolling
"Hi there." "leave me alone" "Can't legally do that, kid."
Piggot pretty much laid out what they would do during their discussion.
Also, I kind of hope Taylor's precog bites her in the ass at some point, like in her quest to get what she wants in the moment she readily ignores how this will further affect her life/relationships. Like with Danny, she's unwilling to tell him what's going on in her headspace because it won't get her out of the Wards program and won't tell him she went to fight crime for fear of getting into an argument. I'm probably seeing what I want to see hear, but I also would like to see the fallout that occurs from her putting off her problems until they just pile on top of eachother in one clusterfuck.
Yeah. She has precog, sure. But she's so focused on one thing....
Also, lol double-standard.
"You were never there for me when I needed it!"
"Why can't you just let me do this on my own!?"
"You just ignored and avoided the problems that were in your face!"
"This is going to cause problems, so I will lie about it to avoid problems!"
Like father, like daughter I guess![]()
It never ended well for those who manipulated the Phoenix. Why should Lisa be immune? Even when Lisa gets out of Coil's thumb, what guarantee do we have she won't be the next one wanting to use Taylor's precog power? With her own Sherlock thing going, she might just get the words to say that convince Taylor. Again, I'm still waiting for the mind punch.
As for Pan Pan, didn't know what to say. Though, the next time the three meet or just Taylor and Amy meet without Vicky may be....bad.
hree question before I speculate a bit. (Or four, depending how you count them.)
Can Taylor's precognition predict Scion, the Endbringer's and Eidolon?
Was Amy affected by Victoria's aura, becoming "Victoriasexual"?
Has whatever PRT officer they eventually decided to assign to Winslow already started attending the school and can you give us the names of the students he or she will be reporting on?
Now, some speculation.
Danny hasn't brought in the paperwork to register Taylor as a Ward. Taylor hasn't brought in the alternative paperwork Piggot had provided to her. Armsmaster, Miss Militia, Piggot and/or a specific PRT flunky probably kept an eye out for either Danny or Taylor to come and drop off paperwork. Assault and Battery have encountered Sirin going out and seen that she's both powerful and versatile (telekinesis) and will report this. Depending on what they think of Danny Armsmaster, Miss Militia and/or Piggot might decide to give him a call to inform him that she's going out. After all, if he signs the papers and ruins his relationship with his daughter it won't be their fault.
If Coil doesn't order her to observe Taylor Lisa will probably start arranging "accidental" meetings with Taylor so that she can get an idea of how Taylor will react to her (carefully formulated) plea for help.
I asked for an example on what you thought Danny should do, not what he shouldn't have done. Do you actually have any solutions better than what he did, or is your argument nothing more than ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWAH!Well not signing your kid away for one thing, if this was a hundred years in the past Danny would be signing her into a institution.
His idea is to hand her off to strangers, because he has NO IDEA of how to talk to Taylor or how to be a father. There would be less bitching about him is signing her into a government program and telling everything he knows about his kid who already said no.
If this is a example of Danny's fathering no wonder so many Taylor's treat him like a mushroom.
I wonder. With all the bitching aimed at Danny, does anybody actually have any better ideas than him?
I was unaware Victoria was polytheistic.
Out of the prominent villain leaders in the Bay, I think only Skidmark is more fucked up than her, and he had drugs to help him get there. Of the lesser villains the only ones more fucked in the head than her that spring to mind are Oni Lee, Bakuda, Night, Fog and Bitch. So... That's being eaten by his powers, overcompensating psychotic, raised by psycho-Nazis x2 and Bitch.
Damn... Amy is fucked up.
I mean when Lung, Kaiser, Hookwolf, and Cricket are more stable than you are mentally, you are seriously messed up.
Danny should find out what she can do, find out who (cape names only) she'll be patrolling with as an independent and what they can do, have her take serious self-defence/martial arts and first aid classes, find out what being a Ward really means and have her choose between the following options:
1) Join the Wards.
2) Don't go out patrolling. If you do I'll sign you up for the Wards immediately.
3) You can patrol as an independent cape so long as the below rules are followed. Break them and I'll sign you up for the Wards immediately.
3.1) Only patrol when accompanied by so and so. (The Parahumans you introduced me to.)
3.2) Only patrol during certain, pre-determined times. (If that needs to change discuss it with me first.)
3.3) Do not engage the following list of people. (List to be determined beforehand and updated on a regular basis.)
3.4) If attacked by anybody on the list fly away immediately, dragging your teammates along telekinetically and call the PRT/Protectorate. (If you do fight them you'd better have an explanation as to why that will satisfy me.)
3.5) Keep up your schoolwork. If you don't you aren't allowed to patrol.
3.6) Keep up your self-defence/martial arts and first aid classes.
The problem is however that it seems as if Danny would rather have somebody else take care of her and assume responsibility for her. Perhaps he doesn't believe that he can do a good job as a parent.
"Dad if you don't let me keep sneaking out to fight superpowered people at night unsupported, then the group that you would have me join to stop that Might actually stop me from doing that!"
Taylor lied about the bullying.
Taylor lied about Emma.
Taylor lied about her powers.
Taylor lied about sneaking out.
Taylor lied again about sneaking out.
Taylor is Danny's kid, Just because I could beat up my Mom by the time I was 15 does not mean I did not have to listen to her. Taylor is pretty clearly being an ass in this case. Especially as she has no reason to not join the wards.
I stared at him. "And what would be the point? Over a year of dealing with Emma and you never noticed anything was wrong until I was stuffed into a locker full of bloody waste! I could become an entirely different person and I don't know that you would notice, sometimes!"
"You never talk about things," he returned and I felt my weight shift a little, but I stood firm. "How am I supposed to know what's wrong if you won't talk about it?"
"I tried!" I yelled. "When they first started. I tried to bring it up to you then, but you were too caught up in feeling sorry for yourself because mom was dead to even notice that I needed you too!"
This pretty much sums up my take on the issue. Could Danny be doing a better job as a parent? Yes. Could he be making better decisions? Yes. Are any of his actions implausible given his current knowledge and emotional state? No.I certainly understand peoples opposition to authority (especially one as shady as we know the PRT to be), but sometimes shit like this is best left to people who actually know what they're doing (to outside appearances and information Danny would be privvy to).
I'm glad we get to see all of these things, but it makes it feel like a filler chapter (though I suppose that's because it was originally meant to include 2.9, as well).
A point. In Firebird at least Taylor tried to speak with Danny about the bullying. (Chapter 2.3) From what is said he ignored her, brushed it off or perhaps did not believe her. After seeing that he was no help she likely stopped coming to him for help after a while.
How his signing her up for the Wards not taking care of her? He's a rep for the Dockworker's Union with no history or understanding of combat or superheroing, trying to take personal control over how she goes about being a cape in that way is both dangerous and irresponsible.
This isn't a perfect analogy, but it'd be like a parent dealing with their traumatized child by treating their psychological problems by himself instead of sending them to a psychiatrist. Except bad judgement in this instance ends in his daughter dying/setting the city on fire.
I certainly understand peoples opposition to authority (especially one as shady as we know the PRT to be), but sometimes shit like this is best left to people who actually know what they're doing (to outside appearances and information Danny would be privvy to).
Well Armsmaster already did his wards pitch and it patently didn't work, so Danny probably doesn't feel anything he says will change that.The main problem I have with Danny trying to sign her up for the Wards the way he did is that it doesn't seem to be a case of him trying to take care of her. It seems to be a case of trying to shift responsibility for her to the PRT/Protectorate.
The second problem is that he doesn't try to discuss it with her, try to convince her or ask her to provide other options. He just leaves her alone with Armsmaster, takes the papers and signs them before she even gets home.
The third problem is that he isn't shown as even trying to reassure her about the Wards. He just wants to force her into them.