Firebird, a Worm AU/Xover?

Or it could happen like in canon, where the S9 did not come to BB for Taylor at all. They just didn't see her as important.

Maybe they come to BB for other reasons, maybe they go elsewhere because BB isn't as much of a disaster area in this story.

Taylor is awesome and stuff, but there's no reason for her to be Jack's personal pet project in every single story.
Everything must burn! Everyone must burn! Fire is life!
As long as it's the happy kind of fire that leaves you laughing manically as your enemies' hopes and dreams burn to ash, not the kind of fire that leaves you screaming in agony for all eternity, wallowing with self-hatred over the fact that you have exterminated your entire race with a great burst of flame.

The first one's pretty fun, but the second... not quite so much.
Oh, yeah, the Phoenix can resurrect itself. Other people too.
I must admit, I'm only familiar with the Phoenix before the '86 retcon, so any information I have on it's current capabilities is secondhand, but I haven't read anything about it being able to resurrect others. Is it part of the whole 'burning away parts of the universe that don't work' thing?
I must admit, I'm only familiar with the Phoenix before the '86 retcon, so any information I have on it's current capabilities is secondhand, but I haven't read anything about it being able to resurrect others. Is it part of the whole 'burning away parts of the universe that don't work' thing?

The Phoenix Force is as we know it now the incarnation of all life that was, is, and ever shall across the cosmos and all the multiverse. It is literally in every sense of the word Life itself.
I must admit, I'm only familiar with the Phoenix before the '86 retcon, so any information I have on it's current capabilities is secondhand, but I haven't read anything about it being able to resurrect others. Is it part of the whole 'burning away parts of the universe that don't work' thing?

Eh. It's a cosmic entity. A better question is usually: What can't it do?
Ash is grey. Well, it can be black, but it's typically grey.
Well fine. If you want to be specific. Or accurate.

Strangely enough, it makes me think of Jack Slash being smug at some point and Taylor just setting his head on fire for chuckles.
Really, I currently have no Jack/Nine plans.
Every time the S9 think about coming to Brockton Bay, Jack's head catches on fire. None of the 9 know why, but they're all smart enough to take the hint. And all bastards enough to not stop thinking about it every now and then.

Jack eventually gets used to never having any hair on his head, though to this day he still mourns the loss of his beard.
Or it could happen like in canon, where the S9 did not come to BB for Taylor at all. They just didn't see her as important.

Maybe they come to BB for other reasons, maybe they go elsewhere because BB isn't as much of a disaster area in this story.

Taylor is awesome and stuff, but there's no reason for her to be Jack's personal pet project in every single story.

I couldn't agree more.
Well fine. If you want to be specific. Or accurate.

Every time the S9 think about coming to Brockton Bay, Jack's head catches on fire. None of the 9 know why, but they're all smart enough to take the hint. And all bastards enough to not stop thinking about it every now and then.

Jack eventually gets used to never having any hair on his head, though to this day he still mourns the loss of his beard. it wrong, (since I just read the fic where Taylor and the Undersiders stole Armsmaster's beard) that I now want Bonesaw to make some kind of fireproof beard for Jack and Armsmaster finds out and is pissed because of how much care he has to take to make sure his isn't burnt of while fighting the Pyro Rage Dragon?
...considering that its 'shape' of the Phoenix was actually a recent addition since its just a gigantic bunch of energy, I would say the question doesn't make sense. Are you talking about its original shape? If so then it probably doesn't have knee's. Are you talking about its shape as the Phoenix? Well that's more tricky, though since its a mass of pure life energy and psiconic force on a cosmic source biological limits probably don't apply. Are you talking about it in the shape of Taylor? The answer is probably yes with the disadvantage of now requiring medical aid because she stupidly bent her knees the wrong way (probably with telekinetic power).
No duh, the heroes exist to fight supervillains. If they were just going to send troopers in why even bother with superheroes? Add to that the troopers would at best cause issues for the Wards by getting in the way.
This is fucking stupid. If they don't sent troopers to things like this what justification is there for the PRT to exist at all. Since they clearly aren't a team that responds to parahuman criminals.

Not to mention a trooper with containment foam is frankly better than quite a few parahumans. Kid win just has a laser gun and hoverboard. The laser can't be much better than foam because it is required to be non-lethal and a hoverboard is only so much of an asset. Clockblockers power barring them being used as a lethal weapon or against the most dangerous capes is basically a shorter term and shorter ranged stand in for containment foam. Aegis is just a meat tank that flies which while useful isn't really all that better than foam. Gallants ability to shoot weak kinetic blasts that make you feel things once again isn't much better than foam, as it is a medium range non-lethal tool for incapacitating foes just like foam, but probably not as effective.

There is no way that a couple adult troopers aren't a stand in for one of them. A proper responce team of a dozen would completely replace them against most non-flying foes. That also disregards the fact that the wards are teenagers with minimal training and questionable judgement (as they are both teenagers and parahumans) for law enforcement and hostage situations are hard for reasons that their powers don't help with in the slightest. Note the giant list of complaints Piggot has about how they handled it. Clearly they aren't qualified to handle very complex situations like hostage crisises, yet they are still expected to handle it alone without support instead of having handlers that know what they are doing giving the orders.

They portray the Wards as a safe place to learn how to be a hero yet all we see is them being ordered to act as heroes without any support or training and punished if they fail.

Missy is still hax though.

Look at the protectorate.

Armsmaster: He is hax and normal agents can't replace him.
Miss Militia: If she is fighting to kill she is pretty damn hax but she is still limited to mundane weapons so if she is being non-lethal like in most cases she is limited to the same kind of equipment as normal agents without the need to reload. Sure not needing to reload is pretty damn awesome but not something that makes her better than half a dozen agents firing the same stuff.
Assault: Ya he isn't replacable with normal agents.
Battery: She is pretty dangerous if she gets the time to charge up but she does need that time. Give her a couple agents to cover her and she suddenly gets a lot better. Also if enough foes get put up against her that she can't stand still long enough to charge or take them down in one burst she is kind of fucked if she is solo.
Velocity: Frankly I don't see how he is much of a threat to anyone if he max speed is 10x and it reduces his force to .1 power. He would be hard to hit but brutes could tank him and normal people probably can to. Real life people don't have hp you can chip down you have to actually do damage. I'd be more afraid of an agent with foam or a thug with a gun. (or him with foam that would make him 100x scarier to me)

Sure agents aren't much use against A-listers but most parahumans are just as useless.
Miss Militia: If she is fighting to kill she is pretty damn hax but she is still limited to mundane weapons so if she is being non-lethal like in most cases she is limited to the same kind of equipment as normal agents without the need to reload. Sure not needing to reload is pretty damn awesome but not something that makes her better than half a dozen agents firing the same stuff.
The ability to switch between situational weapons instantly is also a major boon but yeah .
Velocity: Frankly I don't see how he is much of a threat to anyone if he max speed is 10x and it reduces his force to .1 power. He would be hard to hit but brutes could tank him and normal people probably can to. Real life people don't have hp you can chip down you have to actually do damage. I'd be more afraid of an agent with foam or a thug with a gun. (or him with foam that would make him 100x scarier to me)
Having any kind of weapon would make him ridiculously more effective yeah though as long as your punches are causing any damage at all (pain, light bruising, reduction of breath) you can actually wear someone down that way if you don't give them a chance to rest, people are completely susceptible to getting worn down by injuries which would be fairly meaningless on there own. It isn't terribly practical but it can happen just fine.
Not needing to reload means Ms militia can do things like hose down an area with containment foam grenades from a grenade machine gun or some other heavy weapon. She also logically should have a ridiculously wide skill-set simply from not getting tired or needing to sleep ever. Take night courses in that 8 or so extra hours a day and eventually you wind up with a stupidly huge array of knowledge and skills.
Miss Militia can also kill herself via the davy crocket system.
Yes. Miss Militia is a nuclear power.

What's Miss Militia's limitations on what her power can produce? Do the weapons have to be man-portable? The Davy Crocket system was generally designed to be vehicle carried and even the lightest version would weight around 170 lbs - it was man portable in the same way that an browning m-2 .50 cal machine gun is man portable; it is broken down to be carried by multiple people and assembled on site.
Not needing to reload means Ms militia can do things like hose down an area with containment foam grenades from a grenade machine gun or some other heavy weapon. She also logically should have a ridiculously wide skill-set simply from not getting tired or needing to sleep ever. Take night courses in that 8 or so extra hours a day and eventually you wind up with a stupidly huge array of knowledge and skills.
Full auto grenade launchers... Sounds like fun :p.

...Can she replicate any tinker tech weapons she has interacted with? Cause I've just had a truly terrible/terrific thought. Full auto grenade launcher, firing Bakuda grade explosives... How long do you think Brocton Bay would last if she wasn't a hero....
What's Miss Militia's limitations on what her power can produce? Do the weapons have to be man-portable? The Davy Crocket system was generally designed to be vehicle carried and even the lightest version would weight around 170 lbs - it was man portable in the same way that an browning m-2 .50 cal machine gun is man portable; it is broken down to be carried by multiple people and assembled on site.

I believe that generally, if it is a weapon and not tinker tech, she can produce it. Don't think she can produce tanks and stuff though.
What's Miss Militia's limitations on what her power can produce? Do the weapons have to be man-portable? The Davy Crocket system was generally designed to be vehicle carried and even the lightest version would weight around 170 lbs - it was man portable in the same way that an browning m-2 .50 cal machine gun is man portable; it is broken down to be carried by multiple people and assembled on site.
She used a nuke of some sort in the Zion fight.
Armsmaster stupid as hell as usual, no mean no. The stunt with Danny was screwed up.
And Catherine and her buddy another bunch who seems determined to buddy up with Taylor whether she wants them to or not.

I never understood why anyone would choose a code name based on their powers. That stupid at best and suicidal at worst.