Firebird, a Worm AU/Xover?

Still, its refreshing to see a Trickster that's not as complete prick compared to what the fanon says. But by any chance his lifespan along with Noelle will be drastically improved compared to their Acceleration! counterpart?

Magic 8-Ball says: Future hazy, check again later.
you know someday i hope it really does turn out to be DIO.

I see this one used so much... but it's never DIO.
In this story Dio would've popped up and still been burned to a nonexistent crisp. Nothing less than Lovecraft Tier shit can reliably stand against the PF.
Hmm... The only person to ever reject hosting the PF.
(It's moments like this that we realize the PF bounces between Tsundere and Yandere.)
PF: You broke my metaphysical heart. BURN!
Simon the Digger: *Gets back up and brushes off flames*
PF: This is why I want you, you're so alive! *Burns him again* Why don't you want me?!

The only person to scare the PF away.
PF: *Out looking for a Host* This looks like a good candidate.
Shiki Ryougi
PF: ...Nope. Nopenopenope. I'm out. Nope Train to Nopeville.
Well, Shiki Ryougi is kinda already the Avatar to the root of reality itself. So she is also tecnically the boss of the PF!
Well, Shiki Ryougi is kinda already the Avatar to the root of reality itself. So she is also tecnically the boss of the PF!
The 3rd personality, [ ]. Just Shiki can kill anything alive and the PF is pure Life itself. Something that cannot die, like some of the Types, is beyond her, but it also cannot be said to be living either.
Still we're veering, and I'm not sure Chibipoe would appreciate us turning this thread into a Nasuverse Thread.
Killing the PF, even if you could, would literally be the most suicidal thing anyone could ever do. Even if you could do it. From it all will ever live shall spawn and all life shall return to it in the end.

ALL life, even that not in the universe it currently inhabits.

So yea, kill it with Shiki, or GLORIOUS SOLAR BULLSHIT but all you're doing is killing yourself ultimately.
Questions of whether Shiki can kill the Phoenix(he/she can't) can be redirected to another location. One that isn't here. :p
I know.

I was just heading off the inevitable Nasu derail. I swear, sometimes i venture into VS forum on SB... and anything Nasu related makes my IQ drop.
That's Conceptual Bullshit™ for ya. Always good for a :facepalm: or 100.

Albeit the Nasuverse's level(s) of it still lag behind, say, that of Touhou's and/or Exalted.
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That's Conceptual Bullshit™ for ya.

Albeit the Nasuverse's level(s) of still lags behind, say, Touhou and/or Exalted.

I don't mind Conceptual Bullshit. I mind the people who wank Nasu into ridiculous levels and try to justify things like Gae Bolg being able to even scratch The Hulk when he's fully ramped up.
I don't mind Conceptual Bullshit. I mind the people who wank Nasu into ridiculous levels and try to justify things like Gae Bolg being able to even scratch The Hulk when he's fully ramped up.
Sometimes I think Nasu knows exactly how vague he's made his bullshit, and designed it that way specifically so he could lurk on forums and watch the situation deteriorate.
Sometimes I think Nasu knows exactly how vague he's made his bullshit, and designed it that way specifically so he could lurk on forums and watch the situation deteriorate.
Nasu designed shit to be vague, contradictory, and paradoxical either because he's a genius trying to impress on us the subjective nature of the Nasuverse and the utter incomprehensible impossibility of the Root or because he's a troll. Probably both.
Still makes him better than Marvel Comics. Their shit makes no sense because they don't care.
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Ain't this the derail the author decided to put down? I don't know if I'm allowed to say this, but I thought I'd put it out there.
Nasu designed shit to be vague, contradictory, and paradoxical either because he's a genius trying to impress on us the subjective nature of the Nasuverse and the utter incomprehensible impossibility of the Root or because he's a troll. Probably both.
Still makes him better than Marvel Comics. Their shit makes no sense because they don't care.

Why are for we talking about this Nasu chap whoever he is. This is the PHOENIX thread, son -- ain't got no time for lesser powers :)
You guys love kicking the horse, don't you?

Anyway, will Taylor be in time to catch the next episode of The Last Firebender, @chibipoe , or will she have to wait for the repeat?
Anyway, will Taylor be in time to catch the next episode of The Last Firebender, @chibipoe , or will she have to wait for the repeat?

Well, the marathon was a mid-week thing... so it could have been airing during the weekend while she was experiencing Coil's hospitality, but it could also be airing the weekend coming up now that's free. So 50/50 chance
(It just occurred to me that I completely forgot to write this after the last chapter came out.)

I really enjoyed the chapter. The time skip threw me off, but not for long. And, once I figured out what was happening, it was enjoyable to read (and the fact that I didn't see the possibility of that sort of time skip coming helped).

That random Doctor, who I don't remember the name of, made me smile for that entire scene (I deny cackling like an idiot in the library... I think I might be developing a reputation there...).

One thing has been on my mind, though. If the phoenix manifested (at least somewhat), does that mean there might have been another world wide pre-cog blackout?