Firebird, a Worm AU/Xover?

I don't think anyone is arguing that she won't get any possible charges dropped. The above however, is EXACTLY why the previous way of treating Taylor is likely to come to an immediate end.

They will point to the above, and say that Taylor is not properly trained, and does not understand how to 'hero'. Therefore the soft sell option has been removed. She's shown that she NEEDS training, and the training for that is what the Wards program is for. They will now force the training - or be forced to label her a villain and arrest her.

Bingo. And the best part? They're not wrong, really. If she's going to be running around fucking people up, she's exactly the same liability Shadow Stalker was. Actually she's worse, since the PRT's liable for shit she pulls.
Frankly speaking, the judicial situation in the Wormverse is... unpredictable, at best. On one hand, we have the basic assumption that trained, mature adults should be competent at their jobs, like most people are IRL. On the other hand, we have people like Tagg in positions of power, and situations like Canary.

So really, chibipoe can take this in whatever direction he(she?) feels like, and collective SOD should be more or less unbroken. If common sense prevails, we'll see people cheering her on. If the ITL(Insane Troll Logic) that is staple of the wormverse prevails, we should see some bureaucratic asshole or the other causing trouble.

Having said that, her legitimately being in any kind of trouble would simply shatter my SOD, at least. I can't speak for anyone else, obviously, but that's my take on it. Because where I come from (India, if you want to know), this sort of thing would be followed up with people hoisting her up on their shoulders, awarding her and throwing parties in her honor.
what points on a human boy are safe to strike
I sincerely hope this is a typo.

On a more serious note, your analysis of the situation seems spot on to me, with one exception: Taylor has refused nearly all contact with the PRT, so there is no way she could have received that training. I'm not familiar enough with the Law to say whether this makes her liable for refusing to accept the training her position as a Ward mandates, or if it makes the PRT liable for being unable to manage and train their Ward.

Another thing that comes to mind is whether or not allegations of excessive force can even be filed against Taylor. Both parties in the conflict are masked, and laws on Earth Bet seem to at least give some consideration to this. I have to wonder if Cricket would even be able to make a case for police brutality/excessive use of force.

Finally, here are my personal thoughts on the situation, for all anyone cares:

I doubt that Taylor (or any other Ward) would face legal ramifications solely because of the brutal methods she used to subdue the four E88 capes, even if you include the unnecessary beating she gave Cricket. The fact of the matter is that she just stopped the escape of a known parahuman villain, and in the process successfully subdued an additional three parahumans from the same organization. No significant collateral damage was incurred that I recall, so there is only her actions towards Cricket that may be objectionable.

What I can see is the PRT attempting to use that last bit as their justification for bringing Taylor to heel. It is a flimsy excuse to do so, but it is one nonetheless. Whether or not they succeed in their attempts, or indeed even try, only time (and chibipoe) will tell.

I've got shit to do now, so if you reply to this and don't get a timely response, that's probably why.
What I can see is the PRT attempting to use that last bit as their justification for bringing Taylor to heel. It is a flimsy excuse to do so, but it is one nonetheless. Whether or not they succeed in their attempts, or indeed even try, only time (and chibipoe) will tell.

Considering the foreshadowing Chibipoe gave, something like that might happen.

But it wont end well. Not well at all.
I find it amusing that people's responses to the chapter will probably mirror the reactions in the story:

Majority of random citizens: "She smacked down Nazi supervillains, that's awesome!"

Minority of random citizens: "Sure, she stopped them from a prison break, but that was really excessive."

PRT: "Legally speaking, we have to do something about her. The problem is that we already established that we wouldn't do anything about her in spite of having a responsibility to do so. We're pretty much between a rock and a hard place now. Whose plan was this, anyway?"

Coil: "Exactly as planned."

Taylor: "Why doesn't anyone take my side?!?" *burninates random objects*
Taylor: "No, see, it's right here in subclause 32b."

Piggot: "Let me see that."

Taylor: "See? Hitting a motherfucker with another motherfucker is a supported tactical maneuver."

Assault: "Good timing, kid. My proposal was only accepted last week."
Yeah, if that happens, I fully expect Piggot to cite the PRT equivlent of Rule Zero and strike down that subclause.

Also, if this ends up going to court, and Taylor and/or her lawyer try to pull the "Taylor is untrained, you can't hold her to trained standards" (like some people are speculating), I expect the judge's response to go something like this:

"Miss Hebert claims she is untrained. Therefore, defendant is hereby remanded to the custody of the Parahumans Response Team to recieve the training she so despertly needs via the Wards program."
Also, if this ends up going to court, and Taylor and/or her lawyer try to pull the "Taylor is untrained, you can't hold her to trained standards" (like some people are speculating), I expect the judge's response to go something like this:

"Miss Hebert claims she is untrained. Therefore, defendant is hereby remanded to the custody of the Parahumans Response Team to recieve the training she so despertly needs via the Wards program."

I honestly don't think a Lawyer would go that route since there are much better ways to get Taylor out of that situation then well... that.
I honestly don't think a Lawyer would go that route since there are much better ways to get Taylor out of that situation then well... that.
Oh, there likely are (damned if I can think of them, though), but for that specific scenario, well... As it turns out, many judges have a rather surprising sense of humor. I can honestly see real-life judges doing that if given that setup.
so if the PRT dose threaten to label her villain and arrest her it would all be a bluff wouldn't it as they cant be shown to be trying harder to bring her in than any of the gang villains while at the same time they have just seen Taylor brutally and with very little apparent difficulty take down three of the E88 heavy hitters added to this unlike Sophia Taylor has friends with powers so if it dose come to a fight its unknown which side they would join.
Okay, seriously? What's with the Piggot hate? From what I remember reading, she criticized Armsmaster for thoroughly borking the investigation, she was upfront and honest with Taylor, and has been trying to softball recruitment because she knows forcing Taylor to physically join the Wards won't work out well. Is there something I'm missing here, because Piggot seems quite reasonable, just stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Probably hate for canon/fanon Piggot bleeding over, despite all evidence of this story pointing to a more reasonable interpretation of the character.

Not really more reasonable. Just smarter on how to handle parahumans.

She was still talking to Taylor into become a Ward in all but name with the documents she handed her. Just in a way Taylor wouldn't catch when she was all sleepy.
Yes, so? What is wrong with encouraging a cape to become a Ward? How is that unreasonable?

Considering the cape in question didn't want to be Ward? That is unreasonable. Especially when she didn't listen to Taylor at all.

Then there is the fact that it is not encouraging a Ward. That document that was supposed to be the better solution makes Taylor a Ward in all but name.

Like I said before, which you probably ignored.

Something like that isn't encouragement. It's political double speak or some bullshit like that.

The only reasonable thing she did honestly was not going straight to the hard approach when Taylor ran away from home because of her dad trying to control her and needlessly poked her with the soft approach.

That approach still drove Taylor further away from the Wards and just annoyed her further.

But I am not going to reply further if this turns into another argument.