Firebird, a Worm AU/Xover?

Huh...this has suddenly gotten heated...why?

There is nothing particularly wrong with what anyone is saying.

This Emily is shown to be extremely pragmatic to the point of arrogance.

She's putting constant passive pressure on Taylor and Danny to push them towards the goal she wants.

Just putting this out there and sorry to possibly spoil but...

Isn't kinda obvious that Piggot is pushing Taylor into making only two possible choices here?

Instant Wards admittance.

Or a Shadow Stalker scenario.

The double paperwork is a bit blatant yet Taylor doesn't have the experience to see that level of manipulation.

By giving Taylor the independent forms it shows that she understands her plight and will try to help, yet is firm on the goal of cooperation.

This is a direct counter to letting Danny have the restrictive wards forms to keep the schism going.

This pressure leads to a fallout between Danny and Taylor.

Which since teenagers duh, is gonna make Taylor do something rash....which will then give Piggot the authority to bring her in as a patahuman threat....

Viola Taylor now is forced to join the Wards, or it's off to juvie.

Technically this is a hardline recruitment, yet its hidden under a sympathetic soft sale.

Its a masterful manipulation.

The problem that Tayler being a Uber telepathic precognitive....just fucks that plan with all kinds of ducks.

All this talk about forced recruitment is jumping the boat by a lot, yet those thinking the PRT won't employ similar methods are a but naive.

There I'm done with my piece.

Squabble peons!
Which since teenagers duh, is gonna make Taylor do something rash....which will then give Piggot the authority to bring her in as a patahuman threat....

Viola Taylor now is forced to join the Wards, or it's off to juvie.
OK you were going strong until this point. In order for this to work Taylor has to commit a crime. Which she is unlikely too. Piggot can't arrest someone because they "may be" a threat. Or she could and as soon as Taylor asks for a trial she'd be screwed.
My stance, if you can call it that, is yelling at each other about how the PRT is planning on enslaving Taylor through threats and force is both premature given we have no evidence they plan to do anything to her and seems based solely on expecting the worst out of the PRT just because they're the PRT.
I've noticed that people literally talk themselves into every OOC or outrageous action being "in-character". It's Coil therefore he's dumb enough to do that dumb thing. It's the PRT therefore they're horrible enough to do that horrible thing, even if they never did that horrible thing in canon. But they did something else we thought was horrible therefore it all goes.

It's telling that someone brought up Alexandria and Tagg, who showed up for what was almost a state of emergency (and were brought not by Piggot but by top PRT brass who aren't even relevant here) as an example of why whatever horrible scenario being contemplated will happen here.
She's putting constant passive pressure on Taylor and Danny to push them towards the goal she wants.

As Chibi, the author, pointed out.

In fic time, Taylor met with Pigggy Two days ago.

Since the meeting she hasn't had any interaction with anyone from the PRT, Protectorate, or the Wards.

How exactly is this putting constant passive pressure?
I've noticed that people literally talk themselves into every OOC or outrageous action being "in-character".
I think it's a matter of one poster giving a "what if" idea and it just echos around until a bunch of people are dead certain not only is the worst case the likely one but the only possible outcome. Anything else wouldn't make sense. I've been guilty of this from time to time. Sometimes when things get too out of hand everyone needs to step back and think if they're angry at something that happened or angry at some made up idea that didn't happen.
I think it's a matter of one poster giving a "what if" idea and it just echos around until a bunch of people are dead certain not only is the worst case the likely one but the only possible outcome. Anything else wouldn't make sense. I've been guilty of this from time to time. Sometimes when things get too out of hand everyone needs to step back and think if they're angry at something that happened or angry at some made up idea that didn't happen.
The problem is that it's fanon after a certain point, a living thing. Everyone gets caught up in it and talks as if whatever the PRT did or was hypothesized to be capable of doing is canon. It then becomes fanon and is carried to other fics. And then the discussion happens again, with fanon being treated as canon so people feel they have more evidence. And it gets stronger and stronger until it's the assumption.
Wouldn't that mean Piggot would have to arrest every indy cape, the New Wave and her own team? And what happens if Taylor still says no?
Possibly...and Shadow Stalker is an example...this situation only applies to high profile powered capes though...not every single one.

As Chibi, the author, pointed out.

In fic time, Taylor met with Pigggy Two days ago.

Since the meeting she hasn't had any interaction with anyone from the PRT, Protectorate, or the Wards.

How exactly is this putting constant passive pressure?
the pressure is Danny against against Taylor.

One meeting with a stressed Danny and you can easily tell his personality.
the pressure is Danny against against Taylor.

One meeting with a stressed Danny and you can easily tell his personality.


Danny is the one flipping out and being a concerned parent who just realized the enormity of the problem.

He's the one seeking the PRT's aid.

Some call him a lousy father, incopetent, blind, but now those same people complain when he's doing the only thing he knows how to do to try and fix things?

As far as Danny knows the wards are not a military organization sent against threats... as far as he knows all the PR about it being a helping organization to give direction and support is all true.

From his perspective he doesn't see any other option. And it frustrates him that Taylor cant see the potential threats she's willingly exposing herself to.

Danny lived through the Riots... He's seen humanity at it's most basic.

Hes a father who's just trying to keep his kid safe.

But Taylor is a Teenager, Willful and ignorant.
Right.... This is going in circles again.
@chibipoe can you institute another mandatory change of topic, and lockdown the Taylor's Recruitment/Danny's Ineptitude topic until we've got another relevant chapter to bitch about?
If people still feel so strongly about it then they can take it to PMs, find a relevant thread to discuss it on, make a new thread to discuss it on, and/or wait until there's new information to discuss.
Right.... This is going in circles again.
@chibipoe can you institute another mandatory change of topic, and lockdown the Taylor's Recruitment/Danny's Ineptitude topic until we've got another relevant chapter to bitch about?
If people still feel so strongly about it then they can take it to PMs, find a relevant thread to discuss it on, make a new thread to discuss it on, and/or wait until there's new information to discuss.

Yeah. Going to second/enforce this. This doesn't seem to be going anywhere that hasn't been trod over quite a bit since I posted 2.9
Well, it's more that the last two updates have exclusively focused on the issue, so there wasn't much else to actually discuss, but hey. What's next for Taylor, is the question. I could see her trying to join up with Team OC or New Wave, but honestly I think after this whole debacle she might be a bit loath to put herself under anyone else's thumb, even indirectly. I'm thinking she tries to make a go of it alone, maybe call in one of the other groups for backup from time to time. Meanwhile, Coil might want to kick up the tempo since he now knows for a fact the PRT is going to be gunning for her as well. If she goes Ward, it would be very difficult to take her without kicking up a serious fuss, which isn't really his bag.
Hey, @chibipoe, is there any chance of Freighttrain and Spyglass showing up? I just reread Acceleration yesterday so I was curious.

Also, should we be expecting any other OCs to show up playing a significant role?
Maybe I'm misjudging him. Taylor's side of the narrative was heavy on ways that the contract allowed the PRT to put the boot into her if they wished. The other possible interpretation is that Danny viewed this as a feature rather than a bug...

Either that or he simply didn't consider the possibility that Taylor would outright refuse to comply with the PRT's whims. (If so: wishful thinking, dude.)
Or Danny, unlike Taylor is familiar with (or at least believes he is) case law and common applications of the legal terms which significantly limited what the PRT is actually allowed to do. Also Taylor seems to have missed Piggot's reference to the Youth Guard but given that such organizations exist Danny might have gotten professional advice from a lawyer about that contract.

Sitting down and explaining to Taylor what the contract actually means rather than letting her reach her own conclusions would probably have made it seem no where near as bad...but of course that would require someone actually sitting down and discussing problems sensibly in Worm.

Assault - Hey boss... about about we dont go trying to tell the girl with unknown magnitude of telekinesis what to do, especially when she is pissed off and apparently totally ok with being on FIRE!

That's actually not the issue that would concern the Protectorate most about this mess. The fact that she does not appear to care about her own secret identity and has a Thinker power that would help her find out people's secret identity and views the Protectorate as the enemy would be much more scary then anything she could do using her overt powers.

Taylor's issue is that she's looking for the ONE argument, a quick fix, that will solve all her problems.

That makes the last couple of chapters make a lot more sense. Also very believable.

He failed to become informed before he made a major life decision for his daughter.

We don't actually know this. He definitely failed to explain to his daughter anything, but that does not mean he didn't gather the information himself.
People, this argument has ground the horse into glue already, and the author kindly told up to put a full stop on the topic. It's literally seven posts up. Please don't start it again.

Yeah. Going to second/enforce this. This doesn't seem to be going anywhere that hasn't been trod over quite a bit since I posted 2.9
Awesome we made it a few hours and 7 posts before somebody had to bring it back up. The saddest thing about this is that I actually recovered some lost hope in humanity because we were able to go this long before we did it. Says a lot about my expectations of people doesn't it?