Firebird, a Worm AU/Xover?

I find it best to ignore the entire upper tier of Marvel and DC, because it turns into a giant dick waving contest, where everyone is just different levels of unbeatable Gods. It's like Nasu, but on the scale of Universes instead on a single world.

To some extent, yeah.

But at least we can safely say that Infinity Gauntlet wielder trumps Gilgamesh!. (incoming nasu wank that Gil would win a contest of force, omg!)

ETA: Though to be fair... last I looked... upper tier DC doesn't come anywhere close to the sort of shenanigans cosmic-tier Marvel stuff gets up to)
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To some extent, yeah.

But at least we can safely say that Infinity Gauntlet wielder trumps Gilgamesh!. (incoming nasu wank that Gil would win a contest of force, omg!)

ETA: Though to be fair... last I looked... upper tier DC doesn't come anywhere close to the sort of shenanigans cosmic-tier Marvel stuff gets up to)
In fact the only DC member than comes even close is Superman Prime 1 million.
I remember that exchange.
I remember what I said (and, in fact, double-checked).
I never said Taylor could take Thanos, with or without the Gauntlet.

Was that you? I don't even remember where I saw it, but I could swear somewhere, I saw someone claiming that. Don't believe it was you though. My memory resembles a sieve at the best of times though, so I might be wrong. It was why I said someone somewhere.
Was that you? I don't even remember where I saw it, but I could swear somewhere, I saw someone claiming that. Don't believe it was you though. My memory resembles a sieve at the best of times though, so I might be wrong. It was why I said someone somewhere.
Was it in a conversation about people wanking characters?

I mean, it was also a pretty recent thing, so it would have less time for you to forget. I know how that kind of memory is. Mine is much the same.
Give Taylor the Gauntlet, that should be fun :) .

I did a snippet once where she found the Power Gem because why not. It was short and dumb though. No way would I drop all six in Bet... they'd end up on Jack Slash's hand because things get worse. -_- (of course, if it's the MCU versions... give him the Power Stone... he's dead in five seconds. The Stones are a lot more hazardous than their comic counterparts.
Was it in a conversation about people wanking characters?

I mean, it was also a pretty recent thing, so it would have less time for you to forget. I know how that kind of memory is. Mine is much the same.

I think that was the discussion, but it wasn't you that I was referencing. It was a bit before that, where someone was like: Thanos spotting Khepri and going nope like this that I was referring to.

I think that was the discussion, but it wasn't you that I was referencing. It was a bit before that, where someone was like: Thanos spotting Khepri and going nope like this that I was referring to.
That's still not the same thing. It makes sense if you read it as "nope, not worth the effort".
I do the same thing with certain people I don't want to interact with.
That's from Valkrior right?

I don't think anyone ever said anything about Thanos with the gems equipped, only that he would nope the fuck out on seeing Khepri.


Reading that over again, Thanos earned his title of Strongest in the Universe.

Full on Pheonix Force might Tickle him with the Gems Equipped but not much else.
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But at least we can safely say that Infinity Gauntlet wielder trumps Gilgamesh!. (incoming nasu wank that Gil would win a contest of force, omg!)
Gil? No, that's just silly. [ ] Ryougi on the other hand?
Don't read the following if you think you'll make a Vs debate out of it, I didn't post this to make a Vs debate.
If she was actually motivated into doing something she could just pull out 20 million or so copies of the Infinity Gauntlet and destroy Thanos... or just destroy Thanos and his Infinity Gauntlet. "I Am The Root" Hax is the ultimate tier of Hax. And before the Ryougi = Ciel level quote pops up, that's fighting level. The ability to kill entire universes with a new one or simply just leave it Dead (not everything in the the universe is left dead Dead, the universe itself gets killed Dead) isn't 'fighting' ability; it's God Hax. Before any arguments of IG > Root crop up; does the IG exist? Is it something you can acquire and use? Yes, yes it is. Awesome, then it's less than the Root because it's a thing and the Root is Everything (including all the things that are Nothing).
Cosmic entity pays no attention to dimensional barriers. Only the Phoenix. No Summers and his ridiculous number of siblings and future/past/alternate reality children that litter the world. No Sinister, etc.

Gotta say this is a relief...constantly reading about his Mary sue children gets annoying.

I lol'd at this, because I have an outline for a story where Sinister gets his hands on DNA from Khepri!Taylor and, after a failed attempt to grow a proper human from the genetic material, splices it with Summers DNA to create a mutant capable of surviving and utilizing the vast amounts of energy gathered and generated by the "unleashed" QA shard.
That is one of the reasons why I dropped Valkyrior... but that's not important. What is important is if Taylor will become a Boring Invincible Hero, or if Chibipoe can continue to write interesting conflicts for her, even as her power inevitably grows. Like Superman, it is hard to write a good story for a character with godlike powers, but when those rare few are pulled off well it sticks with you like little else can.
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it is hard to write a good story for a character with godlike powers
The trick I think is in avoid the conflict being driven by "who can win in a fight" and more about internal struggles with things like morality, ethicality, and how the limits the character does have on a personal or human level keep them from being the god people think they are.
End result, bad mojo happened, lotsa people died then came back, and then, Gauntlet became plot device for a lot more stories after that, until Stark broke it........welp.
The trick I think is in avoid the conflict being driven by "who can win in a fight" and more about internal struggles with things like morality, ethicality, and how the limits the character does have on a personal or human level keep them from being the god people think they are.

That, or switch the crux of conflict around. Alot earlier, before Chibi picked this up and this was still being discussed, one of the things I talked about is that if the biggest threat in the story is the power of the main character, then that is something you should address instead of making it a conflict about the other character fighting someone as power or more so.

My argument was towards discussion about how Phoenix would handle Scion. So I said, if Scion's defeat is a foregone conclusion, then why not have it become a fight between Taylor and Phoenix? Taylor trying to control the Phoenix to do the deed, and the Phoenix not cooperating. So in the end, the fight is not about how strong Taylor is power-wise, but how Taylor is faced with something that canonically she is never good at: Asking for help.
No Summers and his ridiculous number of siblings and future/past/alternate reality children that litter the world
Man, wonder what generation of triggers they'd be up to if they did exist in Worm?

And whether or not even the entities would be able to work out who in the line was the first to trigger :p

The cast of the X-Men and their supporting members can go fly kites.
They'd probably enjoy that. Consider a typical day in a comic book character's life, then consider how much better that day would be if instead they got to go fly kites.

Hell, look at Taylor in this fic. Can you say she wouldn't trade any of her last few days to just say "Fuck it, I'ma go fly a kite today." and blow everything else off? Also, and then use super TK to build and fly the worlds biggest kite because why not.
ETA: Though to be fair... last I looked... upper tier DC doesn't come anywhere close to the sort of shenanigans cosmic-tier Marvel stuff gets up to)

That orb? That's DC Comics. All of it.

...aaaaand now I want a story where Taylor becomes the host to the Basanos. Not as powerful as Phoenix!Taylor (she/they would need prep time and a separate multiverse for that), but would make the Simurgh green with envy.

On the subject of Firebird, and feel free not to answer this if you don't want to spoil anything, but what can we expect in terms of threat escalation from the world's foes?

For example, on a 1-10 scale, 1 would be street level stuff, 5 would be Scion on a rampage, 8-9 would be something like every entity in existence teaming up, and 10 being DarkPhoenix!Taylor not holding back.

In my mind, Acceleration got up to a 3-or-so with Leviathan and the S9 based on this scale.
Considering the fact that Accelerator is a science based Pheonix lite.

Threat scale?
What threat scale.

But it all really depends on how big shard she has.