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  • Pure narrative quest: no dice will be used, the author will have free reign to decide what happens.

    Votes: 25 59.5%
  • New dice system: the author will design a new, better dice system to add some randomness and risk.

    Votes: 17 40.5%

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[X] Allow Sypha to tell this people she trusts what you told her. Maybe, if you can get some allies, you can convince humans that they don't have to be scared of you.
[X] Allow Sypha to tell this people she trusts what you told her. Maybe, if you can get some allies, you can convince humans that they don't have to be scared of you.
"Mah. Nah. Keet," you enunciate carefully.
Wait, it's pronounced Keet?
I've been pronouncing that last part as two syllables since I first played Awakening!


[X] Allow Sypha to tell this people she trusts what you told her. Maybe, if you can get some allies, you can convince humans that they don't have to be scared of you.
[X] Allow Sypha to tell this people she trusts what you told her. Maybe, if you can get some allies, you can convince humans that they don't have to be scared of you.
The pair stare at you. "Does it… ever get weird?" Sypha askes nervously. "Just… changing back and forwards like that."

You cock your head. "No?" you say. "Why would it: I'm still me either way. Just a bit different body shapes."

"A bit different?!" Bernard asks.
Weird is in the eye of the beholder. It wouldn't seem that unusual if your parents were the ones who turned into dragons, Bernard.

Can I call you Bernie? No? Glad to hear it, Bernie.

"If you please," you say, a note of venom creeping into your voice. "That's mine."

Bernard frowns. "I've seen something like this before," he says, turning it over in his hands. "Or at least heard-"

"I will be happy to tell you almost anything you want to know," you say. "If you merely ask. However, I do not appreciate you stealing one of the few things I have left of home."
Seriously, Bernie. I get that you're an aristocrat, but you still shouldn't be this open about stealing stuff from peasants.

"But in my heart-form, I can theoretically cast all colors of magic, though I haven't had a chance to learn any others yet. I was thinking about learning White magic so I can heal people, but I couldn't fit the scroll in when I was packing to come and get you."

The girl's eyes lit up. "Really?" she gasped. "That's so cool! I'm always begging Mistress Flarestone to show off some magic, but she's always so busy keeping everything magical in the castle running! Can you do anything else with magic besides make lighting?"

You shake your head sadly. "Not yet," you say. "I haven't had a chance to do more than skim the scroll I grabbed on magic."
Sypha needs to keep in mind that for all that Ryza looks like a super awesome weredragon, she's effectively just a kid.

"But how about the time Lady Seryph discovered the lost treasure of the great Republican pirate Longtooth Gold?"

Bernard sighed. "You do realize that almost all chroniclers agree that story never-"

Sypha quickly put a finger on Bernard's lips. "Hush, don't let your facts interfere with my fantasy, cousin! Not when it comes to Lady Seryph stories! It happened for me, and that's enough."
History versus folklore

"Felinceians?" you ask.

"A species of people that can turn into large cats," Sypha says.
Beaststones confirmed!

The girl giggles. "They are very beautiful," she says. "I've mostly gotten over my I-want-to-be-a-Whitewing phase, though flying with you might be reawakening it." Bernard rolls his eyes and mutters something about girls, only to oof as Sypha elbows him. "Rude!"
Bernie, you're the weird one for not wanting to fly regularly. Or at least for not admitting to it.

She scuffs at the ground, frowning. "It's just… the stories you told… the way you are… that doesn't fit with a lot of the stories I've heard about dragons." You start to open your mouth to correct her, but she raises a hand. "Yes, I know, but that's the point."
If I were you, Ryza, I'd make a point of calling the fictional ones "dragons" to emphasize that those things aren't what manakete are like.

Bernard frowned. "Countless burned and shattered human cities say otherwise," he says. "The Lake of Pillars. The Plain of Scattered Ash. Sundered Mountain. Pretty much every town around the Black Forest..."
Bernie, my dude. You are sitting close enough to a kick a "dragon". It's always uncool to accuse an entire demographic of being savages who'll burn down your cities if you don't restrain them properly, but on top of that, it's downright rude to say that to one of the "savages"!

"Was there any sort of over-arching structure?" Bernard asks. "Rulers, kingdoms?"

You shake your head. "Not in the way you're thinking," you say. "There were elders who were called on to mediate disputes, especially within a Color-Tribe. The closest translation to your language is Lord or Lady, but I don't think it's quite right. There was also the Arbiter, the ultimate judge who made sure arguments between tribes didn't get out of hand. They could ask manakete to do things for them, and most would agree out of respect, but it wasn't like nobility, who can order people to do things."

Bernard frowns. "That seems highly inefficient," he says.

"On the contrary, it means that we didn't have to wait for someone across the continent to tell us what to do," you say.
Ryza, you have to remember that Bernie's an aristocrat. A member of the landed gentry. Bougie as frick.
His ideas on what can or can't work are...how to put this...biased by self-interest.
[X] Allow Sypha to tell this people she trusts what you told her. Maybe, if you can get some allies, you can convince humans that they don't have to be scared of you.
People have done a good job of arguing for the option I wanted to pick anyways.

I disagree that Bernard is an Imperial Stooge, personally. He reads as someone who hasn't had a conflicting narrative given to him ever.
In many contexts, the distinction isn't relevant. A willful Imperial stooge and an ignorant Imperial brat will both support the Empire without a second thought.

I hope Ryza comes across a context where the distinction matters.

Wait, it's pronounced Keet?
I've been pronouncing that last part as two syllables since I first played Awakening!
To the wiki!

In Japanese, it's pronounced "マムクート," which is pronounced either "mamkute" or "mamukūto," depending on if you trust the wiki or Googling individual kana. It's four kana, so I assume it's four syllables either way. (In Japanese, 'n'/'m' can be its own syllable.)
However, it's definitely not pronounced in a way that makes sense for the localized version.

More helpfully: Apparently an NPC in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon implies that it slant-rhymes with "parakeet".
Villager said:
I mean, I ain't stupid. I'd heard of the dragonkin before. I'd just always assumed Manaketes looked somethin' like parakeets.
And that's about the best answer we're likely to get, unless Fire Emblem Engage has a lot more voice acting than the series usually does.
Sypha smiles. "Sure, Ryza," she says. "I'm Sypha Mantrae, but you already know that. I'm eleven years old. I can't do magic like you, but Mama's been teaching me numbers and how to manage Legerius. I also like playing the harp and singing."

My monkey brain saw "playing the harp and singing" and instantly went "BARD?? BARD DETECTED?"

…and I mean, come on. It wouldn't be the first child soldier in a Fire Emblem game.
[X] Allow Sypha to tell this people she trusts what you told her. Maybe, if you can get some allies, you can convince humans that they don't have to be scared of you.
In Japanese, it's pronounced "マムクート," which is pronounced either "mamkute" or "mamukūto," depending on if you trust the wiki or Googling individual kana. It's four kana, so I assume it's four syllables either way. (In Japanese, 'n'/'m' can be its own syllable.)
However, it's definitely not pronounced in a way that makes sense for the localized version.
Oooh, Japanese Pronunciation Question! I can actually answer this one! Mamukuto is technically the correct way to say that. It would be four syllables, with ku being elongated/emphasized by elongation. The - in Kana (in this case Katakana) is one of a few symbols in the Japanese Language that lets you know to emphasize something. JP is weird to a lot of English Speakers because you only emphasize when explicitly told. For example, Miho, the name I use as my nom-de-plume, is pronounced Mi Ho. There is no emphasises in the slightest. It's an annoyance I deal with IRL since I use a Japanese name and English Speakers will always emphasize the first few letters. They also pace it weird compared to a Japanese speaker.
I actually always pronounced it Mah-Nah-Ke-Te, but when I started writing this I looked it up, and the most common pronunciation I found was Keet, and now it's solidified in my mind, so it's what I'm going with.

I don't know Japanese, so I didn't look too much into the original version and went with the localized version.
My monkey brain saw "playing the harp and singing" and instantly went "BARD?? BARD DETECTED?"

…and I mean, come on. It wouldn't be the first child soldier in a Fire Emblem game.
Hell, she wouldn't be the first child soldier in this Fire Emblem game. She's not even the first child soldier to head to Agrithe. You could make an argument that she's the third, depending on where you draw the line between "child soldier" and "young adult soldier".
[X] Allow Sypha to tell this people she trusts what you told her. Maybe, if you can get some allies, you can convince humans that they don't have to be scared of you.
[X] Allow Sypha to tell this people she trusts what you told her. Maybe, if you can get some allies, you can convince humans that they don't have to be scared of you.
[X] Allow Sypha to tell this people she trusts what you told her. Maybe, if you can get some allies, you can convince humans that they don't have to be scared of you.
Sypha appreciation post! @SoaringHawk218 , I want to give you credit for creating something precious in the form of Sypha!

I'm really glad the players voted to bring Sypha back to Agrithe instead of escorting her back to her own home. It created tension between the two groups, of course, but most importantly the way Sypha acted during the whole thing made me really like her. She wouldn't have had that opportunity otherwise. She's feels pure, earnest and likable. Upon reflection of the last few chapters, I realize that Sypha had a genuine choice to make in her own Sypha-Quest and took the path harder for herself instead of being self-centered. It feels like she "gets it" - she's looking at the bigger picture even at her own expense. At the same time, she doesn't feel like she'd go so far in the other direction of self-sacrifice so as to be an Emmeryn (which is good imo lol). And she makes me smile in other ways.

I feel like the core of the party is beginning to form in a grander world here and I absolutely love that feeling. And the other great thing about Sypha is what she did in bringing in more characters in a good way. If it weren't for Sypha, we wouldn't care at all for Mantrae's people (ex. Sir Ector, Bernard). Ector would be considered an obstacle and Bernard would be some obnoxious noble punk. But instead because I like Sypha, there's the chance that those other people could be allies. My monkey brain is suddenly a lot more willing to see them in a positive light and learn about them instead of walling them out. It's like her likeability is a light that spreads to the characters around her (sasuga Fire Emblem royals, I suppose).

Sypha's fulfils the same role as characters like Tana or L'Arachel in that way. As a noble who chooses to get involved with us, they strongly pull in the sphere of characters associated with them (ex. Tana's presence brings in Gillian, Vanessa or Syrene in a much more natural way. L'arachel makes Dozla and Rennac fit in much more).

Actually, strike my rationalization for it. I can try to explain it however I want but at the end of the day there are just some characters you like. When you like someone I think that means the author did a good job, and frankly everything else doesn't matter. It's like Radiant Dawn for me. I think the game is a mess in many respects and there's tons of things that could be improved, but I still rate the game as a 10/10 because despite all the flaws I still just love it. Something about the game and world just appeals to me and I willingly forgive anything else that isn't perfect because that's not what's important. What matters is if you like it and if it makes you happy or a better person and so on. Sypha is likable.

At the end of the day Fire Emblem is a game about fantasy-style characters. Sypha as a character so far really gives me that nostalgic feel I get with the best of the series - and it didn't even take that much time! I like her despite the fact that we've only seen a snapshot of her actions and interactions, and only had a small window to know her. Her character is good enough to shine through despite that. So you did something really good there and I'm just happy to see it!

EDIT: Plus she's potentially the refresher unit archetype! Dancers/singers/bards are always S tier in my heart lets goooo!!
EDIT 2: And she just really bounces so well off Ryza, such a good dynamic
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[X] Allow Sypha to tell this people she trusts what you told her. Maybe, if you can get some allies, you can convince humans that they don't have to be scared of you.
[X] Allow Sypha to tell this people she trusts what you told her. Maybe, if you can get some allies, you can convince humans that they don't have to be scared of you.
If we're going off the Japanese pronunciation more than the pun on Parakeet, this is frankly the more likely version.

Also, Mah-nah-ke-te just sounds cooler.
Yeah, East Asian languages tend to be analytic, dividing up the syllables discretely. The English way is to construct longer sounds.

Source: Vaguely remembered linguistics class from 15 years ago.
Yeah, East Asian languages tend to be analytic, dividing up the syllables discretely. The English way is to construct longer sounds.

Source: Vaguely remembered linguistics class from 15 years ago.
I'm a blundering amateur at linguistics, but that does make sense from what my "research" has taught me about Japanese.

I wonder where the chicken-and-egg of East Asian languages dividing up their syllables discretely and writing with syllabaries/logograms started. Seems like a question that would be hard to answer without a linguist interviewing a bunch of people from pre-literacy China.
[X] Allow Sypha to tell this people she trusts what you told her. Maybe, if you can get some allies, you can convince humans that they don't have to be scared of you.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by SoaringHawk218 on Oct 25, 2022 at 9:54 PM, finished with 47 posts and 30 votes.
We've officially moved from the "only friends and close acquaintances may know" phase of Ryza's personal Masquerade to the "let's just try to keep it from the masses" phase.