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    Votes: 17 40.5%

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She made a bad play that she thought was the only move available when she was scared and under time pressure.

Ought she have considered other options? Yes.
Ought she have made better moves? Yes.
Do I see how it happened? Yes.
Do I think her rash action should have consequences? Yes.
Do I want those consequences to be temporary? Yes.
Am I framing these questions so I can keep saying yes? Yes.
I think the biggest consequence for her will be the lack of trust. Sure she was backed against the wall, but she went straight to abusing the faith placed in her without really attempting to evade.

I'm not even sure that she's really that trustworthy on a normal level. Ryza doesn't know enough to react to it IC, but Mantrae did go through her stuff. It's not like it was a security check or something; no one was treating Ryza like a threat at the time. She was curious and had the power to look, so she did.
That doesn't speak to me of someone with particularly good character even when she isn't under stress.
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I'm cutting Jenna some slack here because info on manaketes is clearly near nonexistent but I feel like her worst fears would have already passed when Ryza took Artemis and left rather than try to level the castle in dragon form. Though maybe it's worse from her view if Artemis is taking a dragon back to Agrithe to report the betrayal and Legerius could be looking at reprisal of an Agrithian army that now has a dragon with it.
"Letting the young lady go with that… thing…"

Kelton raps the other man on the shin. "Ryza ain't a thing!" he hisses. "She's a nice little kid who helped me save my sister out of the goodness of her heart!"
I'm glad Kelton is there. Robin's nice, but he seems more like the kind of guy who'd hear that and quietly nurse a grudge against him instead of vocally defending Ryza's personhood.
It seems a poor repayment, to simply leave the people she had worked so hard to keep friendly to potentially die in flames. Especially Kelton, who the little manakete clearly adores.
He also made Robin more willing to work with Mantrae's men, so that's another point in his favor.

While you would prefer to live, to not cause further pain to Lady Artemis and Ryza, so long as she is able to take Lady Sypha back to Agrithe, the mission will be successful.
Dang if we aren't getting some strong characterization for Robin this update.

"And it is in Legerius's best interests that more is known. I need you to take a small expedition and go back to the mountain where Lady Artemis was ambushed and see what you can find out about her small friend."
Oh. Now that is something.

"With how far this is from the usual trade routes and the fact that no word of it had reached us, it's probably survived the worst of the looting that normally happens. We might discover something interesting!"
Good news, we won't need to go back home to get Ryza's stuff. Bad news, if Mantrae goes all British Empire on manakete artifacts, Ryza's liable to spend literal centuries fighting to get her stuff.

Staring back at you from the hole in the rubble is the mostly-intact skull of a dragon. You immediately dismiss the idea that it's a wyvern: the horns are in the wrong position, the muzzle is too wide, it's too big… no, this is a dragon skull. Probably an adult, based on the size…
remembers how mummies were ground up into medicine
considers that these remains might have actual magical powers

For Legerius's sake, I really hope Mantrae doesn't go all British Empire here.

The memory of the thunder-scoured room fills your mind… from the pattern, it was clear that the caster had been at the window, likely the source of the claw marks on the outer wall…

A lightning dragon… could have easily done those things…
Welp. There are no words strong enough to describe how badly this ruins Ryza's cover which are appropriate to use in the presence of a child protagonist.

Artemis also max-rolled on going to talk to Rignali, but that wasn't as interesting to me.
I choose to interpret this as "Artemis threatened Alejandro enough to make him leave her and Ryza alone," and not "Artemis diplomancy'd Alejandro's dad".
Good news, we won't need to go back home to get Ryza's stuff. Bad news, if Mantrae goes all British Empire on manakete artifacts, Ryza's liable to spend literal centuries fighting to get her stuff.
Now to be fair, in this analogy Ryza kind of has the bigger British Empire nobility at her back if it came to something like that. Considering "yeah just march in and raze her lands" was even on the table as an option, and we just delivered Mantrae's daughter to said bigger noble, it probably wouldn't be to hard to convince the Archduke to throw "give us Ryza's stuff it's hers by birthright" on the negotiations table.
Now to be fair, in this analogy Ryza kind of has the bigger British Empire nobility at her back if it came to something like that. Considering "yeah just march in and raze her lands" was even on the table as an option, and we just delivered Mantrae's daughter to said bigger noble, it probably wouldn't be to hard to convince the Archduke to throw "give us Ryza's stuff it's hers by birthright" on the negotiations table.
Fair enough. But until Ryza finds out that a bunch of humans have been poking around her home and trying to decide whether they should loot anything, and does something about it, I'm going to worry about some moron deciding that these dragon bones would sell for a nice sum at the next market town.
I noticed nobody's asked about Mjolnir yet, so I will. Why did you use it when you could have used a name like Thunderbolt or Vajra (also mythical weapons associated with lightning and thunder, in this case Zeus' spears for which the phenomenon is named and Indra's club, respectively)?

If there's one thing Fire Emblem is consistent on, it's one name per legendary weapon (or at least that's mostly the case, because Archanea regalia have their names appear in Valentia and Fódlan. A callback to how, IIRC, Kaga at one point planned to use those regalia as recurring elements across the series?).
I noticed nobody's asked about Mjolnir yet, so I will. Why did you use it when you could have used a name like Thunderbolt or Vajra (also mythical weapons associated with lightning and thunder, in this case Zeus' spears for which the phenomenon is named and Indra's club, respectively)?

If there's one thing Fire Emblem is consistent on, it's one name per legendary weapon (or at least that's mostly the case, because Archanea regalia have their names appear in Valentia and Fódlan. A callback to how, IIRC, Kaga at one point planned to use those regalia as recurring elements across the series?).
Probably because it a actual spell in fire emblem that pretty powerful Mjölnir
Fantastic update, loved it! Now I want to see the update even more now, which will take a while to write. Patience is a virtue that I have and lack in various amounts.
Fair enough. But until Ryza finds out that a bunch of humans have been poking around her home and trying to decide whether they should loot anything, and does something about it, I'm going to worry about some moron deciding that these dragon bones would sell for a nice sum at the next market town.
Based on the reaction that Flarestone was having at figuring things out, we're probably okay on this aspect. She specifically told them to hide the stuff they'd already collected and cover up the bones they found. She thinks the Countess has made the dragon mad and seems to be doing what she can to ward off any further retribution. It's one thing to loot a grave. It's another thing to loot the grave of a dragon's mother when the child is still around to get angry about it if she finds out.
Well yeah, but it already exists in Genealogy, and (Archanea regalia aside) Fire Emblem does not typically reuse names for legendary weapons.
I'm a bit fuzzy on what the issue is here? The name "Mjolnir" is used in Genealogy of the Holy War (a Jugdral game), Awakening (an Archanea game), and Fates (set on an unnamed continent not used by any other mainline game). Plus, different Mjolnirs don't do the same thing; Awakening's Mjolnir just give a small Skill boost (improving crit chance), Genealogy's boosts both Skill and Speed (improving Avoid), but Fates's increases crit damage and reduces Avoid. All they have in common is the name and being thunder magic.

Using the same name for different legendary weapons isn't weird, even outside of Fire Emblem fan games. And even if it was weird for mainline games, it would be weirder to apply that standard to fan games.
I choose to interpret this as "Artemis threatened Alejandro enough to make him leave her and Ryza alone," and not "Artemis diplomancy'd Alejandro's dad".

Not quite. She never actually made it to the Marquess, which she's kind of glad about since relationships between Agrithe and Rignali have never been exactly smooth. Not to the point where she was seriously worried, especially since she could make it clear that the Archduke knew exactly where she was and who to blame if she didn't make it back, but still it would be a tense talk trying to convince him to openly stand with Agrithe on anything.

Then, she ran into Alejandro on the road. For all that he irritates her, she knows he's a fundamentally decent human being and, perhaps more importantly, he has a flare for the heroics and dramatics of a united front against a larger outside threat. He basically invited himself along for the meeting, sending his younger brother back home to let the Marquess know.

EDIT: Although Artemis is sort of regretting his coming along, since he takes great pleasure out of flirting with her. She can't figure out if it's genuine interest or he's just trying to get under her skin.
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To add onto "Generally does not reuse weapon name" Fodlan tossed all that very quickly, nor has it been true since the existence of Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia (FE Echoes). Falchion has multiple copies, and in Awakening has another copy through temporal bullshittery. Only weapons created by the truly divine seem to get the "only one" treatment, and that really only applies to a few of those anyway. Heck, FE loves reusing old legendary weapons as easter eggs. Mercurius has new lore in FE3H because a version of it exists there, as do many weapons from previous games.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by SoaringHawk218 on Oct 31, 2022 at 11:23 AM, finished with 54 posts and 22 votes.

Well, looks like Ryza's going to be focusing on White magic, her dragon-self, learning why humans don't like manakete, and doing some self-care.

Meanwhile, she'll spend time talking to Artemis and Sypha (more than others)
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Agrithian Downtime Pt. 1
[X] Downtime Plans: (Vote for as many as you want, top four will be chosen.)
-[X] Knuckle down and get to learning White magic: it would have been really useful in helping Bernard! Besides, it'll be nice to have more peaceful magic to show people, rather than just lightning bolts.
-[X] Re-read the scroll discussing your dragon-self and begin taking the steps towards Awakening. You had a few close calls on the trip to save Sypha, and you and your dragon-self will need to work together.
-[X] Focus on yourself. You've been under a lot of stress recently, ever since you woke up to find your parents dead, the rush to Agrithe, then back into Legerius and the Empire, then back to Agrithe again. You… need a rest.
-[X] Put serious effort into figuring out what humans think about manakete. You're going to be meeting with this Mistress Flarestone at some point, and you want to know in advance what sort of misconceptions you should work on correcting.
[X] Downtime Interactions: (Vote for as many as you want, top two will be chosen. Top three if "Make more time…" is chosen from Plans)
-[X] Artemis
-[X] Sypha

"As much or as little as you want. No one tells you how to mourn. And when someone says 'Move on,' you take their hand and say 'My choice.'"
-Wyrmguard Commander Avaline Gwythara

As you follow Artemis deeper into the castle, you can't help but notice people stopping and staring at you. There aren't that many, you suppose, compared to the crowds you'd seen outside… but there is a steady trickle. You blush slightly and try to keep behind Artemis as you walk, but you can't hide from their gazes.

Nor can you hide from their whispers.

"Who's that girl?"

"Could that be her?"


"The girl who saved Lady Artemis."

"Has to be, they're together."

"But she's just a child!"

"Who're the others?"

"She's so small!"

"I heard she glowed as she walked, but this one doesn't seem to do that."

"Did you hear what I just saw?! Out at the grove?!"

Artemis notices your nerves and puts a hand on your shoulder. "Easy, Ryza," she says softly. "Easy, you're okay."

You look up at her. "Everyone…"

The bigger girl grimaces. "Father and I did our best to clamp down on the rumors, and we kept anything major from getting out, but people talk. Are they making you uncomfortable?"

You pause to consider your emotions. They… are, a little. The gazes you've seen haven't seemed upset or angry or any sort of bad emotion, but it was a bit unnerving to have a bunch of people who don't know you staring at you like you're some sort of fascinating scroll found tucked away in a library. However, you also recognize that there's not much you can do about it. You're not a Black manakete, you can't just sneak everywhere for the rest of your life. You're going to have to get used to people looking at you funny.

"It's not too bad," you say.

Artemis clearly hears some of the emotions behind your words, and she sighs. "I'm sorry," she says. "Do you want a proclamation put out that you're to be left alone?"

You shake your head: the best way to get over the staring is for people to get it out of their system. Eventually, you'll just be Ryza, not "The strange girl who might or might not have saved Artemis and maybe glows possibly?" "I'll be fine," you say. "But thank you."

She frowns, but pats you on the shoulder again and nods. "Alright," she says. "But if you ever need space, there are a few places in the castle that almost nobody goes, I can point them out to you."

That sounds great. "Thank you," you say.

Before anything more can be said, Artemis looks up and approaches a pair of guards in heavier, more ornate armor standing outside a door. "Is my father still in his meeting?" she asks formally.

"He is, Your Ladyship," one of the men says politely, though he makes no move to get out of the way. The helmet grinds slightly as it turns to look down at you, then at Sypha, who's a few steps behind you. "However, he gave orders that if young Lady Sypha and her escort were to return, they were to be seen in immediately. A moment." Artemis nods, stepping back and gesturing you and Sypha forward. The knight knocks on the door.

"Yes?" Archduke Letoro's voice calls from inside.

"Your Highness, Lady Ryza and young Lady Sypha have arrived," the knight says.

"Send them in."

Steeling yourself, you nod to the armored man as he opens the door. "Thank you," you say. He nods back, the faint glint of his eyes behind his visor seeming calm as you lead the way into the room.

The Archduke is standing behind a massive desk. In front of him, looking back at you curiously, are a pair of men in similar outfits to his, though slightly less ornate. You can't quite see what's on the desk itself, but from the size of it you think it might be some sort of map: everything else had been pushed to the corners of the table.

"Ryza, welcome back," the Archduke says.

Clumsily, you curtsy. "Yes, thank you," you say.

Next to you, Sypha curtsies herself, far more smoothly and elegantly than you managed. "Your Highness," she says, sounding for all the world like this was just an ordinary meeting. You're not quite sure how she does it.

"Sypha Mantrae, it is good to see you well," Archduke Letoro says. Looking past you, he raises an eyebrow. "And it seems there are more guests. Bernard Rickman, isn't it?"

"It is, Your Highness," Bernard says, bowing formally.

A slight frown crosses the Archduke's face as he gestures to the men. "This is a matter that demands my attention, gentlemen. See that the initial patrols are sent out as we discussed, we will reconvene to discuss the second wave after I am done here."

Neither of the men argue. "Of course, Your Highness," one of them says, smoothly picking up the map and rolling it up. "By your leave?" Archduke Letoro nods, and the pair of them leave quietly.

Sitting, Archduke Letoro gestures for you to approach. "Come, sit, children, we have much to discuss," he says calmly. Nodding, you, Sypha and Bernard approach, and you hear Artemis, Alejandro and Tuck filing in behind you.

As you start to clamber into one of the big chairs on the other side of the table, the Archduke glances at Bernard. "Yeoman Tuck, go and find Healer Clara; it seems one of our guests has some lingering injuries that need to be seen to. No one else is to disturb this meeting."

"At once, Your Highness," Tuck says, turning to leave.

As he does, the Archduke turns an eye onto Alejandro, who's leaning against the wall next to the door. "Is there something you need, Alejandro Rignali?" he asks dryly.

The man shrugs casually. "Just a little curious about all this, Your Highness," he says. "Surely that's not so terrible."

The Archduke's eyebrow rises again. "Curiosity is no sin, of course," he says. "However, attempted espionage when you are a guest in a man's home? That is something else." He nods towards the door. "You may go."

You expect Alejandro to look upset or worried or offended, but he just gives an easy grin. "Of course, Your Highness," he says, bowing. "Can't blame a guy for trying. Father would be very upset if I didn't attempt to ferret out any Agrithian secrets while I was here. Now that I've done my due diligence, I'll be on my way. Your Highness," he bows slightly to Artemis. "Lady Artemis, always a pleasure." She simply rolls her eyes as he casually steps out and lets the door close behind him.

Sighing, Artemis slumps against the wall herself. "Irritating little…" she grouses.

"He is a guest, Artemis," the Archduke rebukes gently. "Besides, the more you react to men like him, the more they will be encouraged to continue." He shakes his head. "But we have more important things to discuss. Ryza, it seems your mission was successful." He glances at Bernard. "More so than I thought."

You nod, "Yes, Your Highness," you say. "But first, I'm sorry I didn't bring Robin back. He promised he'd be okay, but I could only carry two people, and everyone thought it'd be best if I brought Sypha and Bernard."

Archduke Letoro nods. "While I am curious about who 'everyone' is, I think they are right. You were charged with bringing Sypha to safety, and it is good that you ensured this young man was rescued as well." Leaning back in his chair, he frowns. "Of course, I was not expecting him. What happened?"

"Well, the flight to Legerius went pretty well…"

You quickly tell the story. How you flew back to Legerius, how Robin was able to track the Talons from the ambush point to their camp, the gravesite that told you who you were dealing with, how you found them, formulated a plan, and then blundered straight into the Mantraeans' plan and nearly started a big fight before you and Sypha were able to work everything out.

As you speak, the Archduke doesn't interrupt or question you, simply nodding and listening. Finally, as you describe your last flight back to Agrithe, he gives a small smile. "Once again, Ryza, you have exceeded all expectations. Well done." You preen slightly. "And Sypha, I am glad that you did your part in preserving the alliance between Agrithe and Legerius. Welcome, and rest assured you are safe here."

"Thank you, Your Highness," she says. "And… and I am sorry…"

The Archduke raises a hand. "Peace, child," he says. "You are blameless in these happenings." He glances between her and Bernard. "Now, I would know how the two of you came to be in that situation. I had thought these mercenaries would be targeting only Kingdom nobility, but it seems that is not the case."

Bernard frowns. "Your Highness, I am not sure that you were wrong," he says grimly. "I likely would have been killed myself during the ambush when the Talons took Sypha had their commander not recognized me. They fell upon us without warning or quarter as I was escorting Sypha home in a clearly well-prepared ambush." He growls. "They certainly were far more rough with me than they ever were with Sypha, as if I were not considered valuable. Though I will admit some of that was because I was deliberately keeping their attention on me."

"Bernie!" Sypha gasps. "Why would you-" She folds her arms. "You shouldn't have kept getting yourself hurt for me! I want you to be okay too!"

"I promised I'd get you home safely. I-"


Archduke Letoro clears his throat pointedly. "Both of you have good points," he says. "It is the responsibility of a man to ensure the protection of his kin, especially if he has made a specific oath to do so. However, one cannot offer protection if they are killed themselves." Both humans looked down, shamefaced. "Did the Talons say anything to you about why they did this? Who might be behind it?"

Sypha shakes her head. "Not really," she says. "There was something about a northern wing of the operation, but I just heard that in passing…"

"A northern wing…" the Archduke says slowly. "…I will have to see a message sent to some of the Northern Kingdoms. If there is another Talon chapter operating in the north… then this is larger than I had feared."

A tense minute of silence passes before you speak up. "Um, Archduke Letoro?"

He looks at you. "Yes, Ryza?"

Swallowing, you push forward: you'd made a promise. "We should talk about how we'll get Sypha back home to her mother," you say.

"Indeed," the Archduke says. "I had held off; but now that you have returned, I will be sending a message to Countess Mantrae inviting her here. There is a meeting that I am calling among the Southern Kingdoms, and she and I can sort things out there."

You frown. "I thought that wasn't happening for weeks," you say. "I promised that I'd make sure she went home as soon as possible; isn't there a way we could do things faster?" Sypha throws you a grateful smile, and even Bernard looks slightly impressed.

Thankfully, the Archduke doesn't seem upset that you're pushing back against him. "A reasonable question," he says. "The most likely outcome is that Countess Mantrae or her representative will arrive well before the meeting, and Sypha will be returned to her soon after." He glances at her. "That said, if you are willing, I am sure the Southern Lords would welcome your first-hand account of what happened. And young Lord Bernard, I am sure your unique perspective will also be appreciated."

The two glance at each other. "We'll… keep that in mind, Your Highness," Sypha says in a small voice. "Thank you."

The Archduke gives Sypha a small smile. "Rest assured, I will see to it that young Ryza is able to fulfill her promise sooner rather than later. Until then, you will be safe here in Agrithe, I give my word." He glances at Bernard. "You as well. It has been some time since we have had an Imperial guest, but you are welcome here. Did you come of your own volition?"

Bernard nods. "I did, Your Highness."

"Then there should be no trouble. Hopefully, the healer will arrive soon to see to your injuries."

As if summoned, a faint knock is heard. "Healer Clara, Your Highness," the guard says.

"Send her in," the Archduke says. A moment later, an older, elegant-looking woman carrying a staff steps in.

"Your Highness, I'm needed?" she asks, curtsying smoothly. You are really going to have to get lessons on how to do that properly.

"You are, Healer," Archduke Letoro says, gesturing towards Bernard. "This young man recently arrived and seems to have had some medical attention, but there are still injuries. No guest of Agrithe need suffer longer than needed."

"Of course, Your Highness," Healer Clara says, hustling over and taking a look. "Oof, looks like you were put through the ringer, sweetie," she says, lowering her staff. "But don't worry, I'll get you fixed up." As she closes her eyes, light starts flowing from the gem at the top of the staff and settling over Bernard. Fascinated, you watch as the White magic does its job, smoothly moving from point to point on his body rather than shining everywhere at once.

A few seconds later, she releases the spell, letting the magic flow away. "There, that's better," she says, smiling. "Are there any other pains, young lord?"

Bernard straightens up. "No, Healer," he says.

"Hmmmm…" she says, looking him over. "You're still sitting awkwardly on your left side…" Light plays from the staff again, caressing that side of the boy's body. "There, that should handle that cracked rib. Now are there any other pains, young lord?" She gives him a dry look as she says this.

"… No, Healer," Bernard says.

"Much better," Healer Clara says. "Is there anyone else who needs healing?" she asks, looking between you and Sypha.

You shake your head. "No, Healer, I'm fine," you say. "Just a little tired."

She raises an eyebrow. "More than a little if I'm to judge, young lady," she says. "As soon as you're done with your meeting with His Highness, I strongly suggest you go get some rest." Artemis nods vigorously.

"Okay, I will," you say.

"I'm okay too," Sypha says. "I never got more than a little rawness around my wrists, and that healed on its own. It was never bad."

Healer Clara smiles. "And there's an honest young lady," she says. "Is there any other way I can assist, Your Highness?"

Archduke Letoro shakes his head. "Nothing save your usual exemplary service, Healer Clara," he says. "Thank you."

"Of course, Your Highness," she says. "By your leave?" He nods, and she curtsies again.

"Thank you," you say, waving. She smiles and gives you a little wave back before slipping out.

"Healer Clara is the oldest and wisest of the healers here at Castle Agrithe," Artemis says as you throw her a questioning glance. "She's been here since I was a baby, and some days I think she'll be here long after I'm gone." She smiles. "If you ever get hurt, don't hesitate to find her; she'll get you patched up in no time." She pushes herself away from the wall. "Is there anything else that you need Ryza, Sypha or young Lord Bernard for, Father?"

"I would speak to Ryza alone for a moment," he says. Artemis frowns, but doesn't comment as he continues. "Please see our guests to their chambers, Artemis." His small smile widens slightly. "I am sure your mother is eager to make them feel welcome."

Artemis smiles too. "I'm sure she is," she says, but she doesn't immediately move. Instead, she glances at you. "Ryza?"

You wave. "I'm okay," you say. "Go on, I'll be fine. Sypha and Bernard need some rest too."

Your human friend rolls her eyes. "Not as much as you do, but very well," she says. "Father?" He nods and gestures lightly. "Alright. Sypha, young Lord Bernard, I'll show you to the guest chambers."

You and Archduke Letoro sit in silence until the faint echoes of the closing door have faded. "Is something wrong, Your Highness?" you ask.

He shakes his head. "No, not that I know of," he says. "Is there anything you wish to add to your report?"

You frown thoughtfully: you don't think so. You'd told him everything important that had happened. "No," you say.

The man considers you for a moment. "Are you certain? No worries or concerns?"

You shake your head. "Nope. I'm just looking forward to Sypha getting to go home, she clearly misses her mother a lot, and her mother misses her."

"Indeed," Archduke Letoro says. "Do not worry, Ryza, I am a man of my word. Countess Mantrae and I will have a discussion about ensuring something like this never happens again, and then Sypha will be returned safely."

Feeling brave, you meet his eyes. "And if you can't come to that agreement?" you ask.

He doesn't look away. "I do not foresee that happening. Legerius and Agrithe were allies even before Legerius split from the Empire, and we have remained allies since. My goal in this was never to strain that alliance. Indeed, a firm understanding between us will serve only to strengthen us both. I very much doubt that Countess Mantrae wishes for there to be any trouble. There will be an agreement."

The pair of you stare at each other for a few seconds before you're forced to lower your eyes. "Alright..." you say.

"Do not fear, Ryza. I will not test the promise you made to keep the peace. It was a good one, and I appreciate you going above and beyond to keep relationships friendly between Agrithe and Legerius."

You shrug. "I… I just didn't want to hurt anyone who didn't deserve it," you say.

"Hmmm…" the Archduke says thoughtfully. "Ryza, have you put any though into what you plan to do after this is all over?"

You shake your head. "Not really. I've… been kind of stressed, recently. With everything's that's happened, I mean."

The Archduke's expression softens a fraction. "You have had quite the few weeks since you woke up," he says. "What I said when you brought Artemis back still stands: you have a home here in Agrithe for as long as you wish it. In fact…" he leans back. "If you desire, I can grant you some official standing here."

"What do you mean?" you ask, cocking your head.

"You have done two great deeds for Agrithe," Archduke Letoro says. "Young though you are, relatively speaking, you have achieved things that few others could have dreamed of achieving." He meets your eyes seriously. "If you wish it, I could knight you for your victories. You would be given standing and respect beyond that which your natural talents have already won you, and it would be easy for me to negotiate for your home to officially be recognized as your domain. I checked the maps, and as best as I can determine it is currently considered part of Legerius. However, I do not believe Mantrae would begrudge your claim to it. Especially since you brought her daughter to safety."

You squirm slightly. "If you don't mind me asking… what would that mean? For me?"

Archduke Letoro nods. "A wise question," he says. "If you were to accept, you would become one of my vassals. We would create a contract that would lay out the rights and responsibilities we have towards each other. At its most basic, that would include my promising to support and protect you from any who would threaten you, and you promising to lend your strength to me in any campaigns I might need you in."

"I don't know…" you say.

"It is not an easy decision, I know," the Archduke says. "I do not expect you to answer immediately. Take all the time you need to think. Discuss it with anyone you wish to. If you choose not to accept, I will completely understand. I wish to be clear: your acceptance is not a condition to your being allowed to stay here. You have done many services for Agrithe already, you have a home here whatever you say." He studies you. "However, there would be benefits to you as well, so it is not a one-sided arrangement. Having an official standing in the world is not something to be taken lightly. You would be recognized as nobility, even the Empire would have to accept that." He leans back. "Just give it some thought, that is all I ask."

You slowly nod. "I will," you say. "Is there anything else?"

The Archduke shakes his head. "Not at the moment, Ryza," he says. "My wife and daughter will not be happy if I keep you from your rest longer than needed." He smiles dryly. "Despite what she said, I expect Artemis will be waiting for you outside, along with young Lady Sypha and young Lord Bernard. They all seem rather taken with you."

You feel your face heat up. "I just try to be friendly," you say, standing.

"And that, Ryza, is a thing all too rare in this world."

As you leave the office and indeed find Artemis lurking just down the corridor with Sypha and Bernard in tow, you think over Archduke Letoro's offer. It's going to be a hard choice to make, and you'll spend a lot of time thinking it over, but which way are you leaning right now?

[] You find yourself… liking the idea. How many times had you been worried about people not liking how friendly you are with Artemis? This way, they won't have any excuse! Besides, having some people who have promised to help you could be useful. You think you'll probably take him up on it.

[] You don't know if you can tie yourself that strongly to Agrithe. You like it here, you like the people, but you've only known them for a few weeks. Things could easily change over the years and decades. Best to just stay friends. Besides, it'd be weird taking orders from someone younger than you. You'll probably respectfully decline.

It's nearly midday of the next day when you finally poke your head out of the ridiculously warm blankets. 'Guess I was more tired than I thought…' you think, blinking slightly against the light leaking in through the curtains.

You'd been ushered back into the small room you'd slept in after bringing Artemis home. The scrolls and clothes you'd left behind had been exactly where you'd left them, and you'd taken some time just to read a bit before exhaustion finally claimed you last night. Grimacing, you realized that probably hadn't been the best idea: you should have just gone to sleep like Artemis suggested.

As you roll yourself over, you notice something new on the bedside table. Curious, you wiggle over, careful to stay mostly under the warm covers, until you can see it.

Written in Common script, it takes you a while to puzzle the note out, but you smile as you recognize Artemis's clear handwriting.


I see you're still sleeping. That's good, Sypha told me how much you were pushing yourself to get her safely here. I know that's what Father asked of you, but you should be sure not to hurt yourself while helping others.

Whenever you wake up, you can go and get some food from the kitchens, I told them to expect you. If you need help finding your way, ask any of the staff or guards, they'll be happy to show you around. I'm not sure exactly where I'll be, but if you just want to talk, I'm sure someone can find me.

If you're not ready to eat dinner with the whole castle yet, that's okay too. I've been trying to track down some of the rumors, but since other-you was apparently spotted landing yesterday… well, they have only gotten wilder. Father and I have made it clear that you are a welcome and respected presence in the castle, so if anyone gives you problems tell us and we'll set them straight.

Rest well; Sypha and Mother say hi.


Rolling over, you think. You are hungry, so you should go get something from the kitchen… but a part of you just wants to lay here and sleep for a while.

You frown. It feels… almost strange, to have the hardest decision you need to make be whether you eat or sleep. With everything that's been going on since you woke up, it felt like you should be making more momentous decisions.

Although, maybe it was because of all the stress that you should be making easier choices. You'd done the hard work, you'd brought Artemis home and you'd saved Sypha and Bernard and made everything better. Maybe the Mother was pleased with you and giving you some time off.

Burrowing back into the blankets, you smile. Yes, that sounded about right. You'd done well, nobody could dispute that. It was only fair that you take some time to relax! Let Artemis and Archduke Letoro and others handle things for a little bit, you're going to take a nap. Then you're going to go get something to eat other than salty meat. Then maybe you'll curl up with a scroll, or just go flying for fun, or find something else that you enjoy.

There'll be time to save the world later, now it's you time.

In the end, after you wake up again near sundown and finally find your way to the kitchen to get your private dinner, you ask the nice guard who'd agreed to show you around to take you to the highest point of the castle.

"The central keep," he said, gesturing around. There's no garden up here, just cold stone and the odd man-sized notches that seemed omnipresent at the top of castle walls. "From here, a man can survey the entirety of Agrithe, or very nearly." He cocks his head. "Is there anything else you need, my lady?"

"Just Ryza, please," you say for what feels like the millionth time. It's nice to be respected, you suppose, but you do wish people wouldn't be so formal with you all the time. "And no, I don't think so. Do you mind if I just stay up here for a while, Keller?"

He bows. "You are an honored guest here in Agrithe, Ryza," he says. "Wherever you want to go, you may go." He frowns slightly. "It does get a bit cold up here…"

You smile. "I'll be okay," you say. "I've been flying around the country for the past few weeks, I've gotten used to the cold."

The man's eyes widen slightly, but he nods. "Very well. By your leave?"

"You don't have to ask me that," you say. "This is your home, yours and Artemis's and the Archduke's. I'm just a guest."

Keller chuckles. "Of course, Ryza," he says before going back down the ladder leading up to the roof, closing the trapdoor behind him.

You take a minute to just wander around the edge, marveling at how much you can see. It's even more spectacular than when you'd stood on the peak-balcony back home: some of the view had been blocked by taller mountains. Here, you're on top of the world. Hopping up on one of the high points, you just take a moment to spread your arms and let the wind billow your cloak dramatically. Laughing, you almost give into the urge to "fall" off and spread your wings to get some fun flying in.

However, after a moment, you drop back onto the roof itself and lay down, staring up at the stars and moon as they start to shine. Slowly, the smile slips off your face as you stare up at them. How many times had you done this with Father or Mother? Just curled up under the night sky and looked up, pointing out shapes and figures among the glinting lights?

"Hi, Father," you say to the silent night. "Hi, Mother. I hope… I hope you're both doing well. I'm doing okay…"

Slowly, haltingly, you tell the story of these past few weeks to the stars, and hopefully to your parents watching from the Mother's side. You laugh. ("And Artemis just started screaming! I know it was kind of rude to stare into her face like that, but it was kind of funny…") You cry. ("I just… what am I supposed to do now? What if I'm the last of our kind… what am I supposed to do?") You marvel. ("There's just so many of them! I can still hear them, all the way up here! How to they keep each other's names straight with so many of them?!") You plead. ("Mother… Mother please, haven't I been a good spiritual daughter? Haven't I done everything I can to make the world better? Can't you give me some sign of what to do?!")

You don't know how long you just been laying up here, under the stars. Finally, however, with an aching back and hands freezing from acting as pillows under your head, you stand up. "I… I should go, Father, Mother," you say. "But… I'll come back soon. I'll talk to you, tell you how I'm doing." Sniffling, you wipe your nose and look up at the moon. "And… I'll make you proud. I don't know how, but I promise I will." Swallowing, you turn to make your way back inside.

As you clamber down the ladder, you blink as you see Artemis sitting quietly against the door leading further down, her sad eyes watching you. "Hi, Ryza," she says.

"Oh, hi, Artemis," you say, forcing a smile onto your face. "What are you doing here?"

"I came looking for you," she says softly, standing up. "I… I didn't listen in, after I realized what you were doing, but I figured I should hang around, see if you needed a friend afterwards."

You rock back and forwards on your heels. "Sorry, I didn't mean to keep you-" you start.

"Don't. Don't ever apologize for taking time to grieve." Artemis opens her arms slightly, but doesn't approach. "I certainly did enough of it after you left, and I only lost a friend. You lost your family, I can't-"

Stepping forward, you wrap her in a hug. "Yes you can," you whisper. "You can imagine, because you have a big heart and we're friends." Squeezing, you snuggle your face into her stomach. "Thank you. Thank you for being my friend."

Kneeling down, Artemis embraces you fully. "Thank you for being mine, Ryza."

The two of you hold each other silently for a minute or two before you finally untangle yourself. "It felt good," you say. "Just… talking to them. I don't even know if they heard me, but it felt good."

"I'm sure it did," Artemis says. "Is there any sort of memorial or funeral service you want to hold for them? I'm sure we could set something up…"

Frowning, you cock your head thoughtfully. "That space up there… is it ever used? Would it be wrong to put… I don't know, some sort of shrine up there? I can put it somewhere else-"

Artemis smiles. "I'm sure it'll be fine," she says. "Although if it's anything other than stone, you might need to find a covering of some sort, so it doesn't get rained on."

"A lot of memorial shrines are carved outside," you say. "So they're almost always just formed from rock." You look up. "I'll probably have to find some new rock, since I don't want to damage the hard work you all put into building this place."

"Hmm," Artemis says. "Is this… shrine-building process a private thing, or can anyone help?"

"It's normally something a manakete family will do together," you say, a slow, hopeful smile spreading across your face. "Do you… want to help?"

"If you'd have me, then yes. Even if it's only helping you carry the rocks."

Swallowing, you hug Artemis again. "Thank you."

The two of you stand like that for a few minutes more before Artemis finally leads you back to your room. This time, you have no trouble getting to sleep.
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Alejandro bows slightly to Artemis. "Lady Artemis, always a pleasure." She simply rolls her eyes as he casually steps out and lets the door close behind him.

Sighing, Artemis slumps against the wall herself. "Irritating little…" she grouses.

"He is a guest, Artemis," the Archduke rebukes gently. "Besides, the more you react to men like him, the more they will be encouraged to continue." He shakes his head.
Depending on how you interpret this, Artemis's dad is either telling her "Reacting negatively to flirty noble scions could cause an international incident" or "Don't turn down flirty men, period".

Either way, definitely sounds like an environment where "Artemis can shut him down whenever she feels the need to do so."

Bernard growls. "Though I will admit some of that was because I was deliberately keeping their attention on me."

"Bernie!" Sypha gasps. "Why would you-" She folds her arms. "You shouldn't have kept getting yourself hurt for me! I want you to be okay too!"

"I promised I'd get you home safely. I-"
Say what you will about Bernard being a naive Imperial sycophant, but he tries to be honorable.

"Healer Clara is the oldest and wisest of the healers here at Castle Agrithe," Artemis says as you throw her a questioning glance. "She's been here since I was a baby, and some days I think she'll be here long after I'm gone." She smiles.
Artemis...I won't complain too much about this, but if you make a habit of raising death flags we are going to have words.

"What I said when you brought Artemis back still stands: you have a home here in Agrithe for as long as you wish it. In fact…" he leans back. "If you desire, I can grant you some official standing here."

"What do you mean?" you ask, cocking your head.
Whatever we decide the best course of action to be now, it'll feel less artificial to have Ryza ask for official status later.

"Just Ryza, please," you say for what feels like the millionth time. It's nice to be respected, you suppose, but you do wish people wouldn't be so formal with you all the time.
This is only the third or fourth biggest reason to be apprehensive about becoming official nobility, but it's certainly one of them.

"It's normally something a manakete family will do together," you say, a slow, hopeful smile spreading across your face. "Do you… want to help?"

"If you'd have me, then yes. Even if it's only helping you carry the rocks."

[X] You don't know if you can tie yourself that strongly to Agrithe. You like it here, you like the people, but you've only known them for a few weeks. Things could easily change over the years and decades. Best to just stay friends. Besides, it'd be weird taking orders from someone younger than you. You'll probably respectfully decline.
-[X] You definitely need to talk about it with Artemis first. Hopefully tomorrow, if she has time.
Poor Ryza.

I'm pretty split on the decision about Letoro's offer, but I think I'm leaning towards declining. Ryza's never been comfortable with all the formality of nobility and accepting would put her right in the middle of all that rather than being "just" Ryza. Wouldn't be opposed to the subvote talking to Artemis about it but I'll think a bit more before putting a vote down, I think.
[X] You don't know if you can tie yourself that strongly to Agrithe. You like it here, you like the people, but you've only known them for a few weeks. Things could easily change over the years and decades. Best to just stay friends. Besides, it'd be weird taking orders from someone younger than you. You'll probably respectfully decline.
-[X] You definitely need to talk about it with Artemis first. Hopefully tomorrow, if she has time.

Honestly I would find it hilarious if Ryza actually explained the whole "weird to take orders from someone younger" thing.
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[X] You don't know if you can tie yourself that strongly to Agrithe. You like it here, you like the people, but you've only known them for a few weeks. Things could easily change over the years and decades. Best to just stay friends. Besides, it'd be weird taking orders from someone younger than you. You'll probably respectfully decline.
-[X] You definitely need to talk about it with Artemis first. Hopefully tomorrow, if she has time.

Not to mention, I feel like we could just have Ryza be a wanderer, searching the world for other Manaketes. Course we are gonna stick around for now, but that's one of the long-term goals I think Ryza would have.
Voting is open for the next 15 hours, 26 minutes