[X] "I met Sypha's friends. They seemed nice. If we can find her, then maybe everything can still be patched up."
I feel like I'm missing a link in your logic. Why the frig would Artemis's dad know more about the situation here than Artemis, who is involved in part of it and not an unclear but significant distance away? How the heck would Duke Zeus* know anything about the bandits he didn't know were going to kidnap his daughter without sending a bunch of people back here to scout?
Is there a reason you expect that "Yo, Dad, someone kidnapped the countess's daughter (probably the guys that tried to kidnap me)" would yield intelligence more relevant than "That sucks, someone should do something about that"?
*Or whatever his name is—I don't remember it being mentioned, so I'll go with "Duke Zeus". (Also, "Duke Zeus" amuses me.)
No. I just suck at coming up with original names.(The Countess's last name wouldn't happen to be Belnades would it?)
There are some really good random name generators on the internet. This one has real and fantasy names for basically any culture you can think of. Super useful tool for writers.
Maybe I'm weird, but I think it's better to be consistently derivative in your naming schemes than random, especially if you'reThere are some really good random name generators on the internet. This one has real and fantasy names for basically any culture you can think of. Super useful tool for writers.
Names as winks to obscure or ancient culture or myth or story? Cool.Maybe I'm weird, but I think it's better to be consistently derivative in your naming schemes than random, especially if you'reripping off old stuffusing character names as literary allusions. I'd suggest something like Behind the Name before random name generators.
Names as winks to obscure or ancient culture or myth or story? Cool.
Names as truly meaningless bits of data which only exist because their absence would be more striking (see also: eyebrows)? Pass.
I find that following a cultural theme works well enough for it to feel quite real. The names we encounter in daily life are effectively random, as chosen from certain cultural pools of common names, with the occasional unusual one.Maybe I'm weird, but I think it's better to be consistently derivative in your naming schemes than random, especially if you'reripping off old stuffusing character names as literary allusions. I'd suggest something like Behind the Name before random name generators.
I never claimed that Artemis's dad would have more information about the situation than Artemis. I don't even particularly think I believe that... although to play devil's advocate there: he may have knowledge of troop movement or other odd happenings that may only come off as curiosities to him at the moment that might make more sense if we hand over the puzzle piece of "By the way, Sypha was allegedly kidnapped from Legerius" and he'll suspect some report he got about some movement might be related.I feel like I'm missing a link in your logic. Why the frig would Artemis's dad know more about the situation here than Artemis, who is involved in part of it and not an unclear but significant distance away? How the heck would Duke Zeus* know anything about the bandits he didn't know were going to kidnap his daughter without sending a bunch of people back here to scout?
Is there a reason you expect that "Yo, Dad, someone kidnapped the countess's daughter (probably the guys that tried to kidnap me)" would yield intelligence more relevant than "That sucks, someone should do something about that"?
In my opinion, the people who ended up getting caught are going to end up grossly underleveled and benched in a gameplay standpoint.Artemis in the Mantrae Arc: Artemis gathers some people, goes to a castle, gets captured. Has one of her allies break her out. Gathers people on the outside and goes back in to rescue her people.
It's okay, maybe it'll be one of those games where they're upleveled to the party average when they rejoin. In which case we should tell Artemis that we want to go to her father on foot and kill absolutely every monster and bandit along the way. I'm sure she'll grasp the brilliance of the plan immediately.In my opinion, the people who ended up getting caught are going to end up grossly underleveled and benched in a gameplay standpoint.
Maybe they're just covered by her hair.Good question. That picture's more of a guideline for how Ryza looks: her normal clothes are a lot less ornate, and her ears aren't actually pointed.
The ears are mostly because I didn't think of that when I was writing, and so I don't want to go back and ret-con everyone into being completely blind.