Scheduled vote count started by SoaringHawk218 on Apr 13, 2022 at 5:24 PM, finished with 23 posts and 19 votes.
[X] Figure out how to talk to Artemis. You know she's tired, you're tired to, but so much has happened, and you need her guidance. It won't be easy, Countess Mantrae will probably tell her guards to make sure you stay in your room and get some sleep, but you're sure there's a way. -[X] You will talk to Artemis tonight.
[X] Figure out how to talk to Artemis. You know she's tired, you're tired to, but so much has happened, and you need her guidance. It won't be easy, Countess Mantrae will probably tell her guards to make sure you stay in your room and get some sleep, but you're sure there's a way.
-[X] Be reasonable in your attempt.
[X] Go exploring. There's still so much of the castle you haven't seen. If you can figure out how to slip out, you're pretty sure you'd be able to find something interesting as night falls.
-[X] You just want a general idea of what things are like.
[X] Figure out how to talk to Artemis. You know she's tired, you're tired to, but so much has happened, and you need her guidance. It won't be easy, Countess Mantrae will probably tell her guards to make sure you stay in your room and get some sleep, but you're sure there's a way.
-[X] Be reasonable in your attempt. -[X] You will talk to Artemis tonight.
[X] Plan Grab and Go
-[x] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
-[x] Write in: "No, I'm taking you with me." Shift, smash the window, rip out the mesh, help Artemis jump on your back, hand her your bag, and fly like the wind. Hopefully in the darkness no one will see exactly what happened. Get as far northeast as you can before putting down somewhere horses can't go, away from people. You can make the trip in hops as often as you're able at night, and walk or hide when you need a rest or you'd risk being seen by people below.
[X] Write-In "She just wants her daughter back, right? So after they give her back they won't be able to take you, because they'll be surprised by a dragon!"
[X] Plan: Coordinate the group, THEN Grab and Go.
-[X] See if Artemis knows where the rest of our group are.
-[X] Attempt to contact each of them if practical, inform them of the situation.
-[X] If we're noticed, aim to blind with bright flashes of magic, but conserve power when possible. Can't rescue Artemis if you're exhausted.
-[X] We can only reasonably evacuate Artemis, but the countess has no particular reason to harm the rest, so leave it to their discretion whether to stage a breakout, or await rescue.
-[X] Return to Artemis's location, become dargon, rescue Artemis, escape like your life depends on it (it probably does).
[X] You... you hate what history has done to your people, but if they fear dragons... You will meet Mantrae immediately, prove yourself a dragon, and make her work with you to betray the bandits once they come for Artemis. If she can betray Artemis she can betray them too.
[X] Write-In Plan : Dragon saves Princess Knight
-[X] O tower bound princess, let me free you from these bonds, I shall become your wings and guide you home
-[x] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
-[X] Warn Artemis and give her your bag through the window. Turn into your other aspect, and break the wall. Take her with you and fly towards her territory. You will let her handle diplomacy afterwards since you will be exhausted. You will come back later for your companions.
Currently, Plan Grab and Go is winning (I'm counting Dragon saves Princess Knight with them since they're functionally the same, just with some added flavor).
I will tell you that, while Ryza would not be using Rage as a power source for that transformation, she would be using an emotion and still be subject to the rules of draconic transformation.
[X] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
[X] "No! There's got to be another way I'm not going to leave you here! I'll think of something…"
[X] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
[X] "You underestimate my power." Rage flows through you.
[X] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
[X] "…Okay. Stay here, I'll be fast. I'll go get your father, then we'll be back to save you."
[X] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
[X] Write-In "She just wants her daughter back, right? So after they give her back they won't be able to take you, because they'll be surprised by a dragon!"
[X] Write-In Plan : Dragon saves Princess Knight
-[X] O tower bound princess, let me free you from these bonds, I shall become your wings and guide you home
-[x] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
-[X] Warn Artemis and give her your bag through the window. Turn into your other aspect, and break the wall. Take her with you and fly towards her territory. You will let her handle diplomacy afterwards since you will be exhausted. You will come back later for your companions.
[X] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
[X] "No! There's got to be another way I'm not going to leave you here! I'll think of something…"
[X] Write-in: "Wait. If we save the countess's daughter, she won't want to give you to the bandits any more!"
[X] Write-In "She just wants her daughter back, right? So after they give her back they won't be able to take you, because they'll be surprised by a dragon!"
[x] Go find Artemis quickly: Somethings wrong, and you need to know your friend is safe.
[X] "…Okay. Stay here, I'll be fast. I'll go get your father, then we'll be back to save you."
[x] Go find Artemis quickly: Somethings wrong, and you need to know your friend is safe.
[X] "No! There's got to be another way I'm not going to leave you here! I'll think of something…"
[X] Plan Grab and Go
-[x] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
-[x] Write in: "No, I'm taking you with me." Shift, smash the window, rip out the mesh, help Artemis jump on your back, hand her your bag, and fly like the wind. Hopefully in the darkness no one will see exactly what happened. Get as far northeast as you can before putting down somewhere horses can't go, away from people. You can make the trip in hops as often as you're able at night, and walk or hide when you need a rest or you'd risk being seen by people below.
[X] Plan: Coordinate the group, THEN Grab and Go.
-[X] See if Artemis knows where the rest of our group are.
-[X] Attempt to contact each of them if practical, inform them of the situation.
-[X] If we're noticed, aim to blind with bright flashes of magic, but conserve power when possible. Can't rescue Artemis if you're exhausted.
-[X] We can only reasonably evacuate Artemis, but the countess has no particular reason to harm the rest, so leave it to their discretion whether to stage a breakout, or await rescue.
-[X] Return to Artemis's location, become dargon, rescue Artemis, escape like your life depends on it (it probably does).
Alright, looks like Dragon!Ryza's coming out to play.
Could I get someone to roll me a d3, someone else to roll 3d6, and a third person to roll a d6. Three separate people, please.
EDIT: Thank you to our rollers. Minor spoilers from the upcoming chapter, you probably got the best "achieve your goals" rolls, but I'll admit I'm disappointed that one bit of shenaniganry won't be happening :,(
This is probably going to be a fairly short update; telling a little story, learning a bit more about your dragon form by necessity, and setting up your high-speed journey to Agrithe.
In other news, I got a dragon model for my birthday, and I've started painting it as a Yellow manakete's dragon form. Not sure if it's an older Ryza or one of her parents, but I'm having fun so far.
Scheduled vote count started by SoaringHawk218 on Apr 26, 2022 at 3:43 PM, finished with 104 posts and 42 votes.
[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[X] The Dragon Within
[X] Travel as fast as you can, resting only when needed. This will make your journey far shorter; it will also be nearly impossible for Countess Mantrae's people to catch up. However, you're almost certain to be spotted, and may even have a notable encounter (Choose oneencounter). -[X] A wing of curious Pegasus Knights intercept you.
[X] Travel as fast as you can, resting only when needed. This will make your journey far shorter; it will also be nearly impossible for Countess Mantrae's people to catch up. However, you're almost certain to be spotted, and may even have a notable encounter (Choose oneencounter). -[X] A mysterious stranger runs into you while you rest.
[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Talk to Artemis about what the world is like.
[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity). -[X] Begin practicing White magic
[X] Travel as fast as you can, resting only when needed. This will make your journey far shorter; it will also be nearly impossible for Countess Mantrae's people to catch up. However, you're almost certain to be spotted, and may even have a notable encounter (Choose oneencounter). -[X] A mysterious stranger runs into you while you rest. -[X] A wing of curious Pegasus Knights intercept you.
[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] "My family...they're gone, mother and father died protecting me. I don't have anyone now, except Artemis. Mother and father would...would want me to be around people who care about me. If there's something you can do so that I can be accepted in human society and be able to spend time with Artemis, I'd like that. I'm not really sure how human nobility works. Would I need a title and some lands to be your ward or something, so I could live here? If you let me stay I can promise I'll keep Artemis safe. I want to do that anyway."
Scheduled vote count started by SoaringHawk218 on Jun 6, 2022 at 1:11 AM, finished with 39 posts and 25 votes.
[X] "Ultimately, as angry as I am with Mantrae's actions, I cannot help but understand them. More importantly, solidarity among the Kingdoms is not to be ceded lightly. It is possible that, with a quick-moving force, young Sypha could be recovered. This would be an exceptionally difficult task, and without you I do not think it would be possible, but you might be able to move fast enough to catch up with whoever took her. You would almost certainly have to foray into the Empire, as that is the only source of the bandits that I can envision, and they almost certainly will have retreated since you and Artemis fled."
-[X] "Understandable as Mantre's actions were, there must still be some consequences for her betrayal. Bring Sypha to me: she will see her mother again, but only after some terms are agreed to between Mantrae and I."
[X] "Ultimately, as angry as I am with Mantrae's actions, I cannot help but understand them. More importantly, solidarity among the Kingdoms is not to be ceded lightly. It is possible that, with a quick-moving force, young Sypha could be recovered. This would be an exceptionally difficult task, and without you I do not think it would be possible, but you might be able to move fast enough to catch up with whoever took her. You would almost certainly have to foray into the Empire, as that is the only source of the bandits that I can envision, and they almost certainly will have retreated since you and Artemis fled."
-[X] "Should you recover her, your goal will be to return her to Legerius as soon as possible. Mantrae's gratitude will ensure her loyalty for the foreseeable future."
[X] Extra money. Phoebe suggests that, if you do end up needing to get information or supplies from someone while away from Agrithe, having a good store of money will be useful. You're not quite sure how this "money" works, but you're sure Robin does.
[X] A bigger map. You still have the scroll Archduke Letoro gave you, and it looks very useful. However, if you're going to be searching, it might be a good idea to dig out a bigger, more detailed map to find your way.
[X] Extra Food: While you'll certainly take some, bringing more might make things easier. Or at least make it so Robin doesn't have to do as much work.
[X] Thunder's Cry: While not as powerful as your dragon form, Thunder's Cry has gotten you out of some sticky situations. You also know exactly how to use it.
[X] Scrolls: Artemis has offered to keep your things from home safe, but you still want to keep learning about your heritage. Each scroll counts as an item. (Dragon Within)
[x] Extra Medical Supplies: While nobody got seriously hurt on your first trip, this time you'll be going straight towards the bad guys. Bringing some extra healing herbs might be a good idea if you get into a fight.
[X] Scrolls: Artemis has offered to keep your things from home safe, but you still want to keep learning about your heritage. Each scroll counts as an item. (Practical Magic)
[X] Pack light, as Robin suggested. You won't be able to bring as much, but it'll make movement somewhat easier. (Top four choices will be taken)
-[X] Extra money. Phoebe suggests that, if you do end up needing to get information or supplies from someone while away from Agrithe, having a good store of money will be useful. You're not quite sure how this "money" works, but you're sure Robin does.
-[X] Extra Medical Supplies: While nobody got seriously hurt on your first trip, this time you'll be going straight towards the bad guys. Bringing some extra healing herbs might be a good idea if you get into a fight.
-[X] Extra Food: While you'll certainly take some, bringing more might make things easier. Or at least make it so Robin doesn't have to do as much work.
-[X] Thunder's Cry: While not as powerful as your dragon form, Thunder's Cry has gotten you out of some sticky situations. You also know exactly how to use it.
[X] Pack light, as Robin suggested. You won't be able to bring as much, but it'll make movement somewhat easier. (Top four choices will be taken)
-[X] Thunder's Cry: While not as powerful as your dragon form, Thunder's Cry has gotten you out of some sticky situations. You also know exactly how to use it.
-[X] Tome: Artemis suggested that maybe it would be good for you to practice with human magic; offering to get you a Thunder tome to take with you.
-[X] Extra Food: While you'll certainly take some, bringing more might make things easier. Or at least make it so Robin doesn't have to do as much work.
-[X] A bigger map. You still have the scroll Archduke Letoro gave you, and it looks very useful. However, if you're going to be searching, it might be a good idea to dig out a bigger, more detailed map to find your way.
[X] Pack light, as Robin suggested. You won't be able to bring as much, but it'll make movement somewhat easier. (Top four choices will be taken)
-[X] Thunder's Cry: While not as powerful as your dragon form, Thunder's Cry has gotten you out of some sticky situations. You also know exactly how to use it.
-[X] Extra Food: While you'll certainly take some, bringing more might make things easier. Or at least make it so Robin doesn't have to do as much work.
-[X] A bigger map. You still have the scroll Archduke Letoro gave you, and it looks very useful. However, if you're going to be searching, it might be a good idea to dig out a bigger, more detailed map to find your way.
-[X] Scrolls: Artemis has offered to keep your things from home safe, but you still want to keep learning about your heritage. Each scroll counts as an item. (Dragon Within)
[X] Pack light, as Robin suggested. You won't be able to bring as much, but it'll make movement somewhat easier. (Top four choices will be taken)
-[X] Extra money. Phoebe suggests that, if you do end up needing to get information or supplies from someone while away from Agrithe, having a good store of money will be useful. You're not quite sure how this "money" works, but you're sure Robin does.
-[X] A bigger map. You still have the scroll Archduke Letoro gave you, and it looks very useful. However, if you're going to be searching, it might be a good idea to dig out a bigger, more detailed map to find your way.
-[X] Extra Medical Supplies: While nobody got seriously hurt on your first trip, this time you'll be going straight towards the bad guys. Bringing some extra healing herbs might be a good idea if you get into a fight.
-[X] Extra Food: While you'll certainly take some, bringing more might make things easier. Or at least make it so Robin doesn't have to do as much work.
[X] Pack light, as Robin suggested. You won't be able to bring as much, but it'll make movement somewhat easier. (Top four choices will be taken)
-[X] Thunder's Cry: While not as powerful as your dragon form, Thunder's Cry has gotten you out of some sticky situations. You also know exactly how to use it.
-[X] Extra Food: While you'll certainly take some, bringing more might make things easier. Or at least make it so Robin doesn't have to do as much work.
-[X] Extra Medical Supplies: While nobody got seriously hurt on your first trip, this time you'll be going straight towards the bad guys. Bringing some extra healing herbs might be a good idea if you get into a fight.
-[X] A bigger map. You still have the scroll Archduke Letoro gave you, and it looks very useful. However, if you're going to be searching, it might be a good idea to dig out a bigger, more detailed map to find your way.
[X] Pack light, as Robin suggested. You won't be able to bring as much, but it'll make movement somewhat easier. (Top four choices will be taken)
-[X] A bigger map. You still have the scroll Archduke Letoro gave you, and it looks very useful. However, if you're going to be searching, it might be a good idea to dig out a bigger, more detailed map to find your way.
-[X] Scrolls: Artemis has offered to keep your things from home safe, but you still want to keep learning about your heritage. Each scroll counts as an item. (Dragon Within)
-[X] Extra Food: While you'll certainly take some, bringing more might make things easier. Or at least make it so Robin doesn't have to do as much work.
-[X] Extra Medical Supplies: While nobody got seriously hurt on your first trip, this time you'll be going straight towards the bad guys. Bringing some extra healing herbs might be a good idea if you get into a fight.
[X] Pack light, as Robin suggested. You won't be able to bring as much, but it'll make movement somewhat easier. (Top four choices will be taken)
-[X] Thunder's Cry: While not as powerful as your dragon form, Thunder's Cry has gotten you out of some sticky situations. You also know exactly how to use it.
-[X] Tome: Artemis suggested that maybe it would be good for you to practice with human magic; offering to get you a Thunder tome to take with you.
-[X] Extra Food: While you'll certainly take some, bringing more might make things easier. Or at least make it so Robin doesn't have to do as much work.
-[X] Extra money. Phoebe suggests that, if you do end up needing to get information or supplies from someone while away from Agrithe, having a good store of money will be useful. You're not quite sure how this "money" works, but you're sure Robin does.