pokemon and human gods as separate pantheons.

It seems kinda strange to have a child of human gods bossing around pokemon in this case.
Are the Poke-Gods alright with that?
Or am I misunderstanding the situation?

You could pull a dick move and say all dark types go after demigods but that's…. Dumb. Don't like it.

You could also say a Poke-God or Legendary has their own "team" of super-monsters they deliberately send out to harass those jerk-ass demigods that think they can boss around pokemon.
Politics and all that.
It seems kinda strange to have a child of human gods bossing around pokemon in this case.
Are the Poke-Gods alright with that?
Or am I misunderstanding the situation?
I mean, the legendary pokemon are basically the settings pantheon anyway right? But they don't seam to mind regular humans bossing around pokemon. At least the demi gods would be fighting alongside instead of standing in the back shouting orders…. And honestly that would be a big deal in my mind because any story that uses the turn based game system in writing a fight scene should be vaporized. This would have to be a lot more chaotic and fluid.
I suppose another way to phrase it would be, what exactly are Poke-Gods doing in this setting?

The Human Gods are running around losing lightning bolts and generally fucking up by the numbers.
The Demigods are cleaning up their messes and playing with pokemon.

Are the pokemon worshipping the PokeGods?
Are there Demi-Pokemon?
Does a Pokemon refuse to work with a specific demigod because their favorite PokeGod was screwed over by the Demigod's parent?
Do the Pokegods have their own plots they order pokemon to do behind their trainers back?

Honestly having the Legendaries "as is" being powerful but unconnected entities would work just fine.

"To complete this quest we have to meet Argus, Atlas, and Arceus... this is going to suck."
I suppose another way to phrase it would be, what exactly are Poke-Gods doing in this setting?

The Human Gods are running around losing lightning bolts and generally fucking up by the numbers.
The Demigods are cleaning up their messes and playing with pokemon.

Are the pokemon worshipping the PokeGods?
Are there Demi-Pokemon?
Does a Pokemon refuse to work with a specific demigod because their favorite PokeGod was screwed over by the Demigod's parent?
Do the Pokegods have their own plots they order pokemon to do behind their trainers back?

Honestly having the Legendaries "as is" being powerful but unconnected entities would work just fine.

"To complete this quest we have to meet Argus, Atlas, and Arceus... this is going to suck."
*Shrugs* I'd say that would all be up to anyone trying to pick it up. You could use the poke gods running around as a reason why the olympians had to get their shit together or else humans would get squashed. Demi-pokemon could be interesting certainly, as is everything else you brought up. It's a bare bones idea I don't think I'll pursue, but if it had potential before, incorporating the stuff you're suggesting would add a whole nother layer of depth and flexibility. The concept could go dozens of ways at least. It would all boil down to finding someone that really knows both fandoms and has the creativity to blend them properly but again, dozens of ways to do that at a minimum.
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I already know that Zeus is going to do one of his famous acts when he sees pokemon appear. Shapeshift into one and have *** with a woman. Or maybe be as a disguise to hide from Hera.
Have a vague idea for a percy jackson pokemon crossover I'd love to throw at someone.

pokemon and human gods as separate pantheons. Demi gods having pokemon like abilities… demi gods of war as fighting and or steel types etc etc…. Give an actual reason why some trainers obsessively focus on one type, those pokemon recognize the demi god as being if not one of their own then at least similar. All legendaries are at least minor poke gods if not major ones. Demi gods charged with working with their pokemon to keep mortals from poking the much more accessible and in many cases more animalistic legendary pokemon to prevent them from lashing out and causing chaos and destruction. Enter evil organizations as actual credible antagonists instead of goofballs stopped by individual preteens…. Well… that's not quite right because they'll still be getting stopped by teens and preteens won't they… but maybe with the demi gods acting more as a group instead of the bullshit three to a party system? Or at least form parties where they cover for each others type weakness.
So in short; Percy Jackson the Pokemon Trainer. Versus "Team Red Ribbon army", that's not afraid to go all mafia, "PG" gloves all off, and murder conspiracies on the high. Or, "what your typical Pokemon Trainer kid can't; Demi-gods will do." Sort of deal.

But honestly, bigger canary if going all Poke-Legendary = gods (demi), would be 'would either of them have secretly, spawned some Demi-God of their own?' (Either pokemon, or more heretical; human.) Though that'd likely spiral/lead to your hypothetical "Ash Ketchum" character being a bigger can of worms as "what sort of god could fit Ash Ketchum" tier of upgrade? Likely/probably, along the lines of travel (Mercury, anyone?), as much as N would be likely about Wilderness/Taming, if going loose 'hack' examples. But that'd be at the then likely risk of decrying from Percy himself, really.

That said...
Percy should probably get mudkip as a starter. Water and ground for the son of the sea god known as the earth shaker. Hmmm oh there's an idea! Parents claim their kids by gifting them with their first pokemon!

Hmm the only thing that really ignores is the monsters of the PJ fandom. You could pull a dick move and say all dark types go after demigods but that's…. Dumb. Don't like it. Could keep the PJ monsters but that wouldn't really fit either. Maybe have some version of Poke rabies where pokemon just lash out at humans and have to be either cured or killed. And the demigods being powerhouses in their own right along with causing say… accelerated leveling in pokemon they share an affinity with get pushed into being the ones to deal with the issue.

It's a little bare bones but I think the concept is there.
Honestly, it'd likely start with going typical Professer Dick!Zeus "Oak" analogue, before things go into 'higher calling' simillar to ye Warrior of Light, or Heroes Journey... Or, "I wanted a simple wander around the Pokemon adventure. Train my pet pokemon, and get badges. Instead? I've been dragged into the Divine League" in all the bizarre, 'high myth/fantasy' grade horrors that his Starter Pokemon would have to suffer through.

But hey, one can say at least having a pet that could fight, or stand their ground, would be a... maybe bit of a bonus, if lazy crossing over Pokemon with Percy Jackson. Or, y'know? It could unwittingly spiral to some "Codex Alera" instead?
*Shrugs* I'd say that would all be up to anyone trying to pick it up. You could use the poke gods running around as a reason why the olympians had to get their shit together or else humans would get squashed. Demi-pokemon could be interesting certainly, as is everything else you brought up. It's a bare bones idea I don't think I'll pursue, but if it had potential before, incorporating the stuff you're suggesting would add a whole nother layer of depth and flexibility. The concept could go dozens of ways at least. It would all boil down to finding someone that really knows both fandoms and has the creativity to blend them properly but again, dozens of ways to do that at a minimum.
For alternative horror? Imagine if Zeus and pals, under divine pet rights, have the 'ownership' of Legendaries, clearly. Or "you walk into the Divine league, only to battle a league of legendaries on a battle vacation", sort of horror show.

... And no doubt, they'd be flexing on those Poor Demi-gods, that'd have to deal with all sorts of drama. Not just greek, but Poké. With the latter honestly, being almost more of a mercy... At least, until you get MewTwo or such, and even then..
I already know that Zeus is going to do one of his famous acts when he sees pokemon appear. Shapeshift into one and have *** with a woman. Or maybe be as a disguise to hide from Hera.
.... And that, is how Ash's Pikachu, would clearly get shanghai'd into Percy Jackson Olympian shenanigans, faster than one can literally never let it down, that Zeus went to the point of even bred with animals. Well, Pokemon. But still, likely along that same line/parraell.

But honestly, I'd probably 'lean' on the monster angle, the 'most' that could have been on artificial breeding, or creating of legendaries, is The iconic MewTwo... And no doubt, it's the sort of clustertruck that'd have likely led to if Olympians (or any other Divinity/Panthology, that's been Percy Jackson'd). Likely throwing an 'incident/slammer' on that Laboritory, assuming other legendaries or just natural calamity doesn't happen...

... Though ironically, it could lead to one hell of an irony, if MewTwo's got it's psychic body dragged into Camp Half-Blood, under a 'technicality', along with being hanged with a Damocle's sword, that could very well spiral into that Pokemon having... mixed, angst, on different layers of tragedy; roman-greek edition.

Still. It'd likely lead to a heads or tails case of in another lens, or spiral (if going more 'light hearted?') Imagine if it were only "Poke gods" being the Camp Half-blood 'source', or panthology? It'd probably be some casual place where 'chosen' (read, "I knew/like this kid", or worse/better, accidental bloodline), ends up arriving, to get stuck with the sort of "kid adventures" that no sane mundane would do.

Tuesday, in Pokemon world, basically. Except your trainers have to stand fast, if and when things go all mythological, here. Or added irony, "Team Olympus" if you want a bit of an alternative joke, or "I am your father" dabs to be had?
Trying to work out an idea nipping at the back of my head and wanted to see if anyone had any ideas. Post GM Taylor with bug control back dropped into Dr. Horribles sing along blog….. I can taste the potential but it's giving me fits trying to make the two fit together in any kind of sensible way.

There just doesn't seem to be any reason for her to go villain besides having a creepy power in a setting that leans into cliches. No one we saw would even rate a raised eyebrow from Taylor and I honestly think she would end up ranting at everyone about how shallow their everything is. Which could be interesting in it's own right but kind of murders the original plot with a chainsaw if anything she says sinks in.
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Does she have to be an active villain? She could just retire and be the retired vet who lives down the road that nobody thinks of until some dumb gangbangers try to start some shit.
Hm, maybe Taylor could play the straight man, and get infuriated at how cliche and insane everyone is?

As for making her a villain…well, maybe she could try living as normal civilian, but then shit goes down and she uses her power to survive. Then she gets branded a villain because she has a villainous power.

Maybe the Hammer guy could then pick a fight with her in order to get an easy PR win?
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Start at the press conference, Horrible fires the freeze ray. Evil laughter is gradually drowned out by buzzing. Penny is Taylor, and she was trying so VERY hard to be done with this shit.
Start at the press conference, Horrible fires the freeze ray. Evil laughter is gradually drowned out by buzzing. Penny is Taylor, and she was trying so VERY hard to be done with this shit.
That one I can't see happening. Tay working with the homeless sure. Tay even temporarily falling for hammer man? No don't think so…. Maybe if she were just using him for sex and to get funding for the homeless shelter? But… yeah, can't see Taylor doing that.

Hmmm but maybe if she worked with Penny, or was living in the shelter because legally she doesn't exist and can't find steady work…
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Maybe she was one of the reporters at the opening for the shelter? Perhaps that reporter Dr Horrible pauses to confirm that it's two Rs. Has a sixth sense for some categories of news stories.

While there at the conference, she's gathering up the bugs at the shelter to remove as her own private gift to the shelter when Dr Horrible strikes. Shift them into position to potentially get involved if absolutely needed. Then Captain Hammer (corporate tool~) decides he's gonna shoot a sparking laser gun, and Taylor's just done with all this cliche cape shit and takes steps to make sure no one gets killed by malfunctioning mad science. The fact that Captain Hammer ends up with a bug phobia... surely it's just an unfortunate accidental side effect. ;)
Honestly, it'd be all fun and games until Taylor, "Post-Khepri" (incident), goes all Eldritch Choir, with BEES....

Or, 'Singing Buzzing Bees', with some 'invisible/unseen Caper', gone full Anti-Hero on this cliche "tragedy". Only to end up escalatin' into unwittingly gaining Villain branded interest, instead? (While no doubt, possibly going "Fucking Tinkers" on Dr. Horrible?)
Fucking Sparks 2
Fucking Sparks ch 2

I… am in serious need of
beating the damned clinging rust off my keyboard. The writer's block is giving me fits here. Someone suggested just diving into something new for a change of pace. This was the first thing to come to mind. So here we are. Fuck my writing scheduale. Fuck the last two years. And more than anything else, fuck writers block.

Oh yeah, time skips abound, and thanks go to the amazing Functionality for putting up with my stupidly random muse and edditing this. No, I absolutely got that order right.

{}{}{}{} Taylor

The ferrets, sorry, wasp eaters, were not ready. The vespiary squad? Not ready. Soldiers? Clanks? Constructs? Well… at least some of them had fought against the Other's work before. But that didn't mean they were ready to hunt across the continent for mind controlled agents either…. And maybe I wasn't exactly ready. But I was better equipped for the job than anyone else and even with my age the Baron knew it too.

Though he had decided I needed an escort, "For my protection." And I wasn't really going to argue about it either. A year of fighting lessons from the Jäger's and anyone else I could convince to spare the time for a lesson had made me… better, but not nearly good enough. At least in hand to hand. Sending my bugs after people was pretty effective! Unless the target was a clank. That didn't always work out so well. People are afraid of bugs. Clanks, usually, they aren't.

And no one would teach me to shoot, yet. Or to fight with a weapon. But I did have more spider hounds, so it was ok. For now. They were very fluffy, and had plenty of teeth after all.

"Ready to go leedle bug gurl? The airship iz ready, und ve hef lots uf bugs to hunt, yas?" The big blue jӓgermonster, Dari showed off his fangs with a big smile.

"Not my bugs."

"Ho no. Not again. Ve learned after lasht time. Bug pie iz very goot, yas? Bot Jesh shtill vakes op screemink about spiders after vakink op in silk pie crusht." Dari chuckled, but the human soldiers standing at the door shuddered.

"Good. Come along boys." I waved the spider-hounds into line behind me and shouldered my pack. "Time to go hunting!"

The Baron was counting on me. Even if this was just a test run to a small town for a few days this would be the basis for every future mission. The Other's work was no joke, and if I could make the continent safer from her work… Well, at least my special abilities were being appreciated for once.

{}{}{}{} time skip

"Taylor." Baron Wolfenbach nodded absently from behind his desk without looking up. I couldn't really begrudge him that given the stacks of papers on said desk were all at least a foot and a half high. "You don't normally insist on delivering your reports in person. How bad was it?"

"Sturmhalten's population is almost, if not entirely made up of Revenants." I had to fight to keep my voice calm. The mission to Sturmhalten had been… delicate.

The Sturmvoraus family had an excellent network of spies and informants. While my exact role in the Baron's Military was almost certainly still secret, the fact I regularly traveled with groups of the Barons soldiers wasn't. I was too distinctive to go in by myself under cover and while the Baron could order them to allow me to wander the town, it would almost certainly stress diplomatic ties in ways no one wanted. Instead I wandered through as part of a small unit with the story that our airship had suffered mechanical failure, and we would be out of their hair as soon as we could arrange transport.

It didn't take them long. But it was enough time for me to know the town was infested like nowhere else I'd ever visited.

Instantly the Baron set aside his paperwork to give me his full attention. His various aids all ground to an immediate halt as they stared at me horrified.

"You're certain."

"Yes, sir." We weren't there long enough for me to get a feel for everyone. I suspected some of the smoke nights were clean, they were actually good enough to avoid my insect tracking for short amounts of time, and they kept moving. I wasn't certain about them but I managed to track at least two who weren't revenants, so that was something.

I passed the Baron the full report and settled in to wait as he read.

"... Thank you, Taylor. This is invaluable information. I'll need to address this carefully. Put it out of your mind, if anything this proves the value of your work. Do you think you could handle an accelerated schedule?"

"Yes, Sir!" I wasn't going to back down. Not now. Not after seeing so many infected people in one place. The Baron could figure out how to help them. Finding the victims was my job.


"Vot's vrong bug gurl? Deedn't hyu vant to see some fightink?"

"Yes! But I didn't want to fight an army of clanks!" I shouted to be heard over the gunfire and glanced around the support piler. I had to duck back immediately or get shot. "Clanks don't run screaming when I swarm them!"

The Jäger cackled like a hyena before tossing a grenade into the advancing clanks. They were obviously cheap because they didn't even try to move out of the way.

Rolling out of cover I took the opportunity to start shooting the surviving clanks with my stolen rifle. It was definitely time to revisit the argument of being taught to shoot and getting my own gun. I was missing more than half my shots!

I wasn't even sure why the stupid Spark was attacking us. Really, we were just passing through! But I did know that he was going to regret it.


I'd seen the Baron look exasperated before. Lots of times, actually. But it had never been my fault before, usually it was the Jäger's, or some spark, or one of the kids from the school.

"You put down a minor revolt… by accident."

"It wasn't really an accident… It just wasn't planned. We just fought back."

"And once the attacking force was dealt with you decided to follow them back to the spark who made them, destroy their defences and quite literally drag them here?"

"...Yes? Should we not have? The Jägers seemed to think it was a good idea, and it wasn't like it was hard. The Spark was kind of dumb. And there was enough open space in his clanks for the spiders to gum them up with silk. It didn't even take two days."

"... Just, call for backup next time. And yes, we'll get you firearm training before sending you out again… Never should have let the Jägers train anyone."

{}{}{}{} age fifteen

I'd never worked with the Vespiary squad before. The Baron didn't think I was old enough to go near an active Hive engine in the past. And the Wasp Eaters still couldn't do subtle. Not the way I could. So our work just hadn't overlapped before.

But I'm older now. I know how to shoot now. I can fight with guns, knives, claws and fists. Only the Jägers want to spar with me anymore. Though I usually still lose to them.

And right now there was a hive engine ready to go active, and it was all hands on deck to make sure it didn't kill a town, or more.

Two long knives, slid into sheaths along either thigh. My belt cinched tight, sawed off shotgun in the holster across the small of my back and shells loaded into every loop. The chest holster with the tiny little deathray meant for only the absolute worst clanks tightened to a proper fit, and half hidden under the long coat. The only thing I was missing was a proper hat.

I should have had a dozen hats or more by now, but none of the people I'd fought wore hats that actually fit.

The only down side about today's mission? I still wasn't going to earn a hat. Not fighting bugs.


We finally had an answer to the question the Baron had been asking since I'd first joined up. I could not control the Other's creations. Not perfectly. The queen resisted my efforts entirely. The slaver wasps were easy enough to redirect into a simple circle. It wasn't really controlled, but it did keep them from escaping, or from attacking anyone. As for the warriors?

Bugs, four foot high, with serrated scythe limbs, screamed and shrieked as they threw themselves at one another. Blood and bug guts leaked out of dozens of shredded exoskeletons. And the Jägers pouted.

I couldn't fully control the warriors, but I had just enough influence to flip their instincts. Make them see each other as the threat. I took my time lining up the shot with the little death ray and blew the queen's head off as the warriors ripped one another to shreds. That and tried to ignore the Jägers.

"Thiz iz no fair! Ve come for fight, und dey keel each odder! Bug gurl takes all de fon out uf fightink bugs!"

""Yah, bot de Odder's bugs... Dey're not moch fon to fight anyvay. Alvays vit de vorryink about de humans, und hurryink op. No time to enjoy it, yah?"

"Dot iz true..."

"Besides, bet hyu bug gurl vill let us make bug pies vit dese, yah?"

"Ho! Vell, if ve gets to make bug pies... bet even de generals vill be happy about dot. Bug gurl iz zo shtingy vit her leedle minions."

"Sheme... Bug gurl been fightink for years, und shtill no hat to show for it."

"Maybe ve make her vun, yah? Iz not how it's done, bot she musht hef earned it by now, yah?"

"Hy don't know... Her firsht hat iz BIG deal. How vould hyu feel if someone jusht give hyu you firsht hat?"

"Ah, dot iz goot point, bot how hyu feel if hyu fightink for years und not find anyone vit seme size head?"

I grit my teeth and did my best to ignore the furry shits. Instead I focused on knifing some of the wounded warriors.

"Hy mean she iz not leedle anymore, not zo moch anyvay. Bot she iz not all grown op either, yah? Und mosht pipple vho are fightink are big men. Und all grown op. Bug gurl iz gurl vho shtill has growink to do. How many years vould hyu hef her vait?"

"Ok, zo iz not fair. Vot hyu hef me do? Shtick some gurl her size in hat und hef bug gurl beat her op?"

"No, dot iz shtopid plan. Bug gurl hates bullies. She probably pat odder gurl on head und sic svarm on us. Hy don't vant to vake op vrapped in spider veb hangink from ceilink! Once vas bad enough!"

"Ho? Hyu scared uf bug gurl? Maybe ve pot hyu in hat dot fit her und let her beat hyu op? Hah!"

I wrenched my knife through a warrior's throat and twisted as I bit down on a growl.

"Hyu shtopid?! Everyone knows not to cross bug gurl! She maybe not vinnink mosht spars, yet, bot she gets more dan even once hyu fall asleep. Besides hat dot fit bug gurl vould fall off my head!"

With a twist I dragged my knife all the way through the warrior's neck. I picked up the dripping bug skull and tossed it at the two furry assholes. It bounced off one's skull and landed in the other's claws.

"Go take that skull and clean all the meat off of it, and out of it!" I growled at the pair and pointed with my knife. "Once the damn things clean I'm making a hat out of it. Got a problem with that?!"

The two shared a look, then gave their best big fanged grins.

"Yas Ma'em!"

"Hyu gots it!"

The pair saluted and ran off.



The Vespiary squad tried to copy my hat design for their uniform. I… probably would have been grumpy about it, but otherwise let it slide. The Jäger's? They were much less willing. They knew just how long I'd gone without being able to win a hat, and though my hat was unusual they thought wearing the skull of an enemy who didn't wear hats was clever and let it slide. But to have an entire group copy me without earning it? They took that as an insult to tradition, and to me, an honorary Jäger.

I never got the full details, but there was apparently a great deal of arguing between the Jägers and the Vespers behind closed doors. The final decision was to allow the squad to have hats with a built in mounting for a warrior's skull. But they weren't allowed to actually wear a skull unless they personally killed a warrior.

Neither group was fully happy with that deal, but I was grateful, and my pride was satisfied so the Jägers left it at that. It also gave the Vespers an internal status symbol to fight for which was all to the good in my mind. Having something to earn, something to prove, that pushed people to be better.

{}{}{}{} Age 19

I strolled through the halls absolutely seething. Around me a small swarm buzzed and hummed with angry energy. Farther down the ship I set warrior wasps to the dull but critical task of slaughtering one another.

I go away for three weeks on a minor scouting mission. Just check in to make sure the Duchess of Boomberg wasn't going to go completely off her nut and start blowing up the countryside, again. But Sparks will be sparks so of course the crazy bitch was planning to turn her peasents into living bombs. All for her glory that she might challenge the might of the Baron's Empire and seize control of Europa for herself. The fucking idiot. So I'd had to kill her. And defuse her doomsday device.

It's always the red wire. Why I'll never know but Sparks just can't help themselves. They just have to play into the stupid cliche's like that.

So, I killed her, took her hat, and freed her subjects. I left the town with a few new craters, and crippling entomophobia… par for the course really. Point was I got the job done with a minimum of fuss. So of course that meant I came back to the castle in shambles and hysteria.

Red fire, what had the Baron been thinking bringing an active hive engine here! He could have bombed it into oblivion in some out of the way valley. He could have locked it up in a steel box, or dropped it into the depths of the ocean for some monstrous construct to snack on. But no. The Baron brought the damned thing here, failed to properly secure it, and now the fucking wasps were loose.

Fucking Sparks. I was going to chew him out over this. Commander and Ruler or not, this was the kind of stupid I expected from the mad lads who ended up gutted by their own creations.

{}{}{}{} The Baron.

Seeing a small swarm of the Other's creations cut into each other was usually a sight that filled any sane man with vindictive glee. And knowing the threat was well and truly contained took a weight off my shoulders, certainly. But oh it was going to cost me this time.

"What are they doing?" The Heterodyne girl asked cautiously, her weapon still pointed at the rapidly diminishing swarm.

"Ah, Taylor's back." Gill glanced my way with no small amount of sympathy.

"Taylor? Who's-"

A door on an upper level slammed open as the woman in question stalked through it onto the scaffolding above. The young construct had certainly grown up over the years. Now standing five foot ten she walked with grace and confidence in spite of her diminished, but lingering, insecurities about her appearance. Her long black hair was kept in a tight bun at the back of her neck, just beneath a new woman's bowler hat, decorated with moving copper gears along the left side, and a modest red and gold feather on the right. She was dressed in sturdy grey trousers, a white button down shirt, and a black leather coat, festooned with loops for shotgun shells, which reached to her just above her knees. Her gun belt cinched securely over the coat bearing her gun and many more loops, all filled with shells as well.

She held one of her knives in one clawed hand and tapped it idly against the other.

"I go away for a few weeks… and this is what I come back to? Baron Wolfenbach, how long has it been since you got a proper nights sleep?" One eyebrow went up, and I had to stomp on the insidious urge to growl. The girl wasn't even out of her teens, she worked for me, and still she managed to act like I was a naughty child in need of a dressing down. Ever since someone had made those damned Lullaby-wasps and told her to make sure I got more than three hours of sleep a night…

"...Gil, he's taking too long to answer. Do I even want to know?"

"Ah, well… At least a week? I think?"

"Well, at least he didn't set a new record this time."

"Um, excuse me, I don't want to be rude," The Heterodyne girl interjected, "but ah, what's going on?"

"That," Taylor took back the conversation, "is an excellent question. Would someone like to tell me why there was a hive engine onboard the castle without me being here to monitor the damned thing?"

"It was contained." I glared up at the girl.

"Not well enough." Which wasn't really fair at all. Nothing would have gone wrong if that oaf Othar hadn't gotten loose and started breaking everything in an attempt to escape… Oh sweet lighting. Othar was loose, and Taylor was back.

"It was properly contained." Gil answered. "But we had a minor issue of a prisoner escape, and that, well…"

"Who on earth would your father keep prisoner that can cause this kind of chaos, no one normal certainly. Has to be a spark, right?"

"Ah, well, you see-"

And that was the moment Othar chose to come swinging across the room on a chain and sweep the young lady Heterodyne off of her feet.

{}{}{}{} Taylor

Othar Tryggvassen.

Othar, fucking, Tryggvassen.

The smooth talking, scheming, utterly mad, spark. The never to be sufficiently damned bastard who strung me along for six weeks trying to use me to further his insane agenda before finally admitting that he lied, and that my chitin and mandibles repulsed him. Here, now, alive.

But not for much longer.

"Baron… I will see to it that the wasps are contained if you would be so good as to have them disposed of."

The big dumb oaf froze as my voice carried across the room.

"If you would be so good as to get eight hours of sleep, I'm sure everything else can be sat on until you are properly rested and able to sort things out. In the meantime… I have someone to deal with."

"I was hoping to study his spark." The Baron tossed out. "I promise it would be excruciatingly painful, and it would leave him the broken shell of a man."

"...Tempting, Baron. But this is personal, and it just wouldn't be as satisfying as seeing to it myself. There will be other sparks you can take apart, I'm sure."

The oaf tried to run. He didn't get far.
So happy to see more of this. Of course, I'd imagine that anything further would require a proper plan beyond plot bunny chasing, since no way would things stay on the canonical rails.
So happy to see more of this. Of course, I'd imagine that anything further would require a proper plan beyond plot bunny chasing, since no way would things stay on the canonical rails.
I actually like this kinda plot bunny parade fanfic. Sure, it isn't the same as a full fic, but it's like a plate of hours d'oeuvres. You get a pile of highlights/cool moments/milestones that let you connect the dots to imagine what a full fic would look like. In some ways I find these more inspiring than the 'proper' fics.

I know I definitely want to see more Jagermonster shenanigans. Seeing how Taylor would interact with Castle Heterodyne would be fun too. I can imagine that it would really really like Taylor's abilities and try to pressure Agatha into recruiting Taylor. After all, I'm betting that the Heterodynes would really approve of that kind of pest control.
I actually like this kinda plot bunny parade fanfic. Sure, it isn't the same as a full fic, but it's like a plate of hours d'oeuvres. You get a pile of highlights/cool moments/milestones that let you connect the dots to imagine what a full fic would look like. In some ways I find these more inspiring than the 'proper' fics.

I know I definitely want to see more Jagermonster shenanigans. Seeing how Taylor would interact with Castle Heterodyne would be fun too. I can imagine that it would really really like Taylor's abilities and try to pressure Agatha into recruiting Taylor. After all, I'm betting that the Heterodynes would really approve of that kind of pest control.
She would spend 15 minutes in it's presence, leave, and come back with a horde of bugs that could eat wood, stone, metal, and anything else the castle is made of. The castle would be so impressed it wouldn't really mind when she survives any murder attempts.
Cradle X RWBY
AN: RWBY x Cradle fic. If you haven't read Cradle something like 90% of this is going to mean absolutely nothing to you. Sorry.. That being said I absolutely recommend you read Cradle. It's a hell of a ride. Though the first book was pretty lackluster, unfortunately.

Anyway I have purged the plot bunny and that's what's important here. This was originally just supposed to be a mental exercise. See how closely I could recreate the weapons, fighting styles and semblances in a new power system. Then I titled my head and wondered how best to fuse the two settings and this was the result see end for a bit more AN.

The small amphitheater within the Ninecloud City easily held the crowd of more than one thousand True Gold sacred artists. The only truly notable thing about the group was their ages. Every one of them was young.

Six months previously the call had gone out from the Nine Cloud Court to every corner of the nation. The Queen was searching for young talent. People who might someday be future leaders, prodigies.

The message was simple; any True Gold not yet twenty five was invited to come to the capitol. They would be given unique tasks, opportunities, and rewards. All to push them to advance. Communities which raised them and gave up their services at home for the Empire would be rewarded. Individuals who distinguished themselves had the potential to be sponsored as far as their paths might take them.

Power, riches, glory, respect, all there for the taking. If only one had the skill and drive to take them and the willingness to swear an oath on their soul to not discuss the particulars.

Now young prodigies had arrived from all across the nation.

A bell chime brought the dull roar of conversation to an end as all eyes turned to the rainbow glow of the Ninecloud Soul.

"Presenting her Majesty the Luminous Queen Sha Miara, who has recently succeeded her late Mother Sha Leiala."

Frantic muttering broke out across the hall as the teen nearly stomped out onto the stage looking imperious and energetic. Her veil loosened enough that no one in the crowd could doubt the Ninecloud Soul's declaration. As one the mass of Sacred Artist kneeled in respect and fear.

"Oh do get up!" Miara shouted to the crowd. "I didn't go to the trouble of getting you all here just to make you bow."

Tentatively the crowd rose to their feet. The child queen gave a decisive nod as the last person stood.

"Right, you all are here because I'm bored!" No one dared to interrupt the young Monarch but all were incredulous. "Ever since I inherited the throne my advisers are the only people I'm allowed to talk to. They're all old, and boring, and annoying. If I don't get some company closer to my own age soon I'm going to be miserable until I'm as old and boring as they are. That's where all of you come in."

She paused to grin at the crowd.

"You're some of the best young sacred artists on the continent and you're only a step away from being Lords and Lady's. So, with a little help and some top notch resources at least some of you should make it to Underlord, maybe even the peak Underlord, in time for the Uncrowned King tournament!"

All through the audience eyes burned with excitement and desire at the mention of the tournament, and the thought of the prizes which could be won.

"Which is how I'm justifying all this to my advisors. Well, that and the missions you'll be going on. I'll be sending you out all over for things like killing sacred beasts, collecting natural treasures, helping my citizens, stuff like that. Completing missions and returning with valuable materials gets you points, those points can be used to buy all sorts of things that will help you advance! Time in advanced cycling chambers, rare treasures made by our refiners, time training with experts of paths similar to your own!"

"I want the best and only the best! Whether that's competing in the uncrowned king tournament, or being my future advisors, aids and leaders of vassal states! I don't care where you're from or what path you're on! All that matters is that you're the best and not ancient and annoying! You've been assigned teams of eight, and each team will get a cloud ship as well as a list of missions! Now I've got to go take care of a bunch of stupid paperwork so get to work, advance quickly, and all of this is covered by your oaths of silance. So don't tell anyone!"

Her speech completed, the young Monarch turned and stalked off the stage past a very frustrated man radiating the power of an Archlord


Eight teens sat around a simple but comfortable dining room table in their brand new cloud ship. All of them sipped from cups of tea as they cautiously took each other's measure.

Well, most of them.

"I'm Xiao Long Yang, fire and force path, nice to meet you all!" Yang waved to the group. Her goldsign, golden scales from her elbows to fingers, caught the light as she waved.

"Oh, me next! Me next!" A girl with short orange hair shouted. "Valkyrie Nora! Lightning and force path!" A pair of short ram's horns shaded the light blue of lightning strikes poked out from her head.

Just like that the two boisterous girls broke the tension and the others around the table at least partly relaxed as introductions were traded.


"So there I am, fresh to my goldsign feeling like I could take on the whole world, returning home as the conquering hero. I'm thinking it'll be at least a few months before Dad'll have time to help Ruby get an appropriate Remnant, and I might finally get a bit of a lead on her. So I open the front door, swagger in… and get bowled over by my lowgold little sister and her brand new wings."

Most of the group laughed or chuckled as Ruby self consciously played with the hem of her sleeve.

"Turns out while we were gone she raided Dad's stuff for parts, made a half dozen launcher constructs ranging from low to truegold, then talked a group of lowgolds into helping her tackle a razor hawks nest. She got the remnant and they got the sacred beast meat and the eggs. Apparently she was afraid I'd leave her behind."

Yang smiled ruefully as she tosselled her sister's hair.

"Yaaaang." Ruby whined as she tried to disappear into her own robes.

"You managed to make truegold level constructs as a jade? How old were you?" Weiss asked.

"Twelve" Yang threw her arms out. "It was ridiculous! I mean seriously impressive, but ridiculous! Dad couldn't decide if he was proud of what she accomplished or pissed at her for being so reckless and using so much valuable material he planned to sell."

"Don't know why he was upset. We managed to sell all the launchers that didn't break." Ruby muttered.

"You took on a truegold sacred beast with a pack of lowgolds and a bunch of untested launchers." Yang deadpanned.

"And a plan! It was a good plan, because it worked!"

"It was a crazy plan, and it's a miracle you're alive!"

"How would you know, you never even make plans, you just punch things!"

"Hey! I don't just punch, I also set stuff on fire!"

Before the argument could devolve further the sisters were distracted by giggling.

"I'm, I'm sorry." Pyrrha got out between giggles. "I don't mean to laugh. You two are just so…" She trailed off as she failed to find an appropriate word and instead just giggled again.

"Oh, Reny!" Nora turned to her friend as he put down the last scroll given to them by the Ninecloud Court which he had been reading instead of participating in the conversation. "Was there anything good in there?"

"Quite a bit. Detailed instructions on opening our Soul Space, a primer on Soulfire, and on the proper form of meditation for advancing to Underlord."

Many eyes blew wide open in surprise and Weiss lunged across the table only to take incredible care as she opened the scroll and began to read. Several of the others darted to her side to read over her shoulder.

Yang leaned back into her seat and stared at the ceiling.

"So this really is on the level." Yang said, running a scaled hand through her hair. "The Queen really is semi sponsoring the most promising Golds in the Empire, just so she'll have people her own age to talk to. Because she's bored."

"I'd be bored too." Ruby said, once again playing with the hem of her sleeve. "And lonely."

The group traded looks as they considered just what the Queen must be feeling.

"We're in a race, with the best of the best." Weiss muttered. "There's no chance this will go on forever. Sooner or later some of us will be cut loose. The faster we advance the more likely we are to stay an investment, the further we can go."

"If we could earn spots in the tournament…" Pyrhha muttered. "The Uncrowned King, a good showing could mark anyone as a future asset to sponsor past Underlord."

"But we're talking about companions for a Monarch." Jaune said. "Underlord might mean we show promise, enough to keep us around, but that's not going to cut it. If she's serious… we've got to treat this like it's an impossible opportunity. Because if you want to keep up with a Monarch Archlord is probably the bare minimum. She's looking for future Heralds or Sages."

Yang whistled through her teeth.

"Honestly, I always thought this was as far as I'd get." Blake spoke up as she looked into her cup of tea. "The tribe I grew up in wasn't exactly flush with resources. I was only highgold when the Queen's offer reached us. But the compensation they offered for giving up young truegolds? It was enough to help the whole community, so they threw resources at me until I advanced then sent me off. Now you're telling me I could advance all the way to Sage if I want it badly enough? If I can work hard enough?"

The girl looked up with a fire in her eyes as her black cat ears twitched.

"I thought my path was done, but I don't want it to be… Where do we start?"

Slowly, like a fire being stoked up from embers the others began to smile with similar manic energy in their eyes. There was a way forward, and the only thing to do was advance.

AN: It's rough. I know it's rough. But the child Monarch didn't exactly get a lot of lines for me to get a feel for her from, and getting this down was really more about the concept for me. I love fusions. Crossovers are good but fusions scratch an itch for me and they are RARE. I'm not planning to chase this, but I love how many easy options this opens up. Pick a fandom. Drop the cast in an unexplored section of cradle, figure out a way to approximate their powers, invent an excuse one of the Monarchs might use for the group to be forced together to train. Have fun reinterpreting their backstories. Have the long term plan be for them to hit the uncrowned king tournament, the best of the lot displace some of the nameless shits in the first few rounds. And maybe the best one or two break through into the top 16, from there? Play it by ear and decide if you want them getting sucked into things or not. Maybe fit some of the none cradle antagonists into the Dread God cults. Maybe have those antagonists be the focus of the plot until the tournament. There are a lot of options to play with here and it makes for a really enticing fusion if you don't mind working without canon rails for a while.
This is a good first chapter.

I am only familiar with RWBY, tho. What is cradle?
Will Wight's cradle series available for kindle and not in bookstores is a 10 book series likely at least two more books in the works if the previous trend continues. First book is meh at best but by the end of three I was scrambling to buy the 4,5,6 collection. It's a cultivation series. Which if your like me and hadn't heard of that before, means if you have drive talent and resources you can go from normal human to break the world and ascend to the heavens in a few years.