AN: Percy Jackson x Kancolle…. Heh yeah lets fucking do this. Note, I will be jumping around to scenes that amuse me and just outright ignoring things like context and continuity, because Percy Jackson is not a fandom I know all that well. I read them once up to…. I think the titan war and the general quality of fics hasn't held me to the fandom well enough to actually learn it. The outliers blow me away, but they are outliers. Shame that. Very much up for adoption or adaptation. Could be very easily tweaked in a number of ways.
Staring out over the ocean my hand squeezed the minotaur's horn as tight as I could manage. Mom was dead, and in exchange I got a stupid horn from a bullman with awful taste in underwear. It was the crappiest trade I could imagine.
The other campers kept trying to get me interested in activities, and sing alongs, and mythology, sorry history. Screw that, and screw them.
Mom was dead. They could all just go play in traffic, and they could take all of Greek mythology with them.
I couldn't look at this stupid horn anymore. I didn't need it. I didn't want it.
I hurled it into the ocean, as far out as I could manage. I didn't need the stupid horn. I needed someone who would stop trying to make me fit in with this insane asylum, and would just have my back!
There was a lurch in my gut. It didn't hurt. But the surprise and the wave of exhaustion it left dropped me to a knee. My eyes tracked back out over the water on instinct, just in time to catch sight of a hand, covered by a black glove, breaching the surface. A second later a gaping maw the size of my chest broke the surface. And then I realized it was bigger than I'd thought. The metal monster was mostly pitch black with a strange sheen that made me think of an oil slick. Sticking out above the gleaming white teeth were guns. Lots of guns. Then the head and hand heaved down against the water and a girl surfaced, and I realized the monster head was her left hand.
She looked maybe nineteen or twenty. Her skin was an unnatural off white, almost a pale grey. She wore big clunky looking boots, a dress with a short skirt, and a mask that covered the upper half of her face and sported two demonic horns. All the clothes were pitch black which matched her hair perfectly.
She took a moment to shake herself and then she skated over the waves towards me. Common sense said I should run. Instinct said she wasn't a threat to me. And if she was? Running wouldn't save me. So, I stood there and waited for her.
When she reached the beach, she knelt before me.
"Summoner, Admiral, Light Cruiser Princes reporting." Despite looking so scary her voice was actually really pretty.
I wasn't sure what to say to that, I wasn't sure at all.
"My name's Percy."
"Admiral Percy." The woman nodded her head. "What are your orders?"
"I... I don't know. I've never been an Admiral before."
The woman hummed thoughtfully then stood and patted me on the head.
"That's fine then. You're still young. You will learn. And I will help."
"Percy?!" Chiron's voice called from back towards camp. Turning I saw the centaur galloping towards us with his bow drawn.
Light Cruiser Princes tilted her head curiously as he charged towards us.
I shouted something when I saw Chiron release his arrow, but I shouldn't have worried. Light Cruiser Princes smacked it out of the air with the back of her right hand before aiming one of the little guns on the same hand towards Chiron.
"Try that again and I'll reduce you to red mist, you insolent source of cheap glue." Her voice was calm and level. A shiver ran down my spine at the threat of violence, but I sort of approved. If he had just told me what was going on after the museum, just sent me straight to camp... Mom would have never been in any danger at all. She would still be alive if he hadn't decided it was more important for me to finish the school year.
"Oh?" The woman looked down at me. How that worked with her eyes covered I didn't know, but I could feel the weight of her attention on me. "The little Admiral doesn't like you very much, glue. Should I let my guns have him, little Admiral?"
How did she know I didn't like Chiron?
"… No, it's not entirely his fault." Partly his fault, but not even mostly. Whoever sent that monster though? The Furies are Hades' servants. If he sent the cow man too… but how was I going to get revenge on a god?
"What the Hades have you done now, Percival?" Mr. D, who had absolutely not been there a second ago, asked as he eyed Light Cruiser Princes like some strange, new, potentially venomous animal.
I needed to give her a shorter name. Light Cruiser Princess was a mouthful even in my head. Maybe Liz?
"Don't know, sir. Tossed the Minitour horn in the ocean, she crawled out and decided I'm her Admiral." Don't piss off the guy who can turn you into a dolphin is an unpleasant, but important, lesson to learn.
"He sacrificed a Spoil of War to summon me. He is the summoner and therefore the Admiral." Liz eyed Mr. D very carefully as she spoke. Cool I didn't want her getting turned into a dolphin either.
Mr. D popped the tab on a new can of coke one handed as he massaged the bridge of his nose with the other hand.
"Well, that's not a power I've heard of before. This is going to be a nightmare; I can tell already."
The spinning blue trident that flickered into existence over my head seemed… sheepish? The fact both camp directors started cursing under their breath did nothing to reassure me.
With a silent glare Mr. D slammed a book down on the table it looked old, leatherbound, yellowing pages, the works. Mr. D spent five minutes flipping through pages before pushing the book away and pulling out a beautiful deck of oversized cards. He shuffled them carefully, drew three, growled and tossed the remainder of the deck into a drawer. He pulled out a knife and bowl next. Faster than I could react he lashed out and cut a bit of hair from my head with the knife and dumped it into the bowl along with some dried plants and lit the whole mess on fire. It glowed a sickly green and belched blue smoke that smelled like death and salt. His eye now twitching his hands snaked out once more and he pricked the tip of one of my fingers with the knife he was still holding before dripping the drops of blood into a glass vial of clear liquid. The liquid reacted to the blood by turning a riot of swirling colors before separating into distinct layers. The bottom was a deep and peaceful blue. The middle layer was a bold white and the top layer a dark green that seemed almost angry.
With a clap of his hands all of that vanished from the desk and Mr. D went back to glaring at me like I'd run over his cabin with a tank.
"Your father, should be demoted to the god of bubble baths." He bit out.
"You've ascertained the boy's full heritage?" Chiron asked calmly from his place by the door of Mr. D's office.
"Yes." The camp director ground out never taking his eyes off of me.
Really, only Liz's hand, the one which wasn't bigger than I was and at least a quarter weaponry, on my shoulder was keeping me in the same zip code as calm. Even with that it was a near thing.
"His mother was the daughter of a Valkyrie. That alone should have kept Uncle P from getting involved. Either he didn't notice, or he didn't care."
"Cross pantheon mixing is banned for a reason." Chiron mused with very obviously faked calm. "The results tend to be… unpredictable. A Valkyrie, returned souls. It makes some sense, but I've never heard of them dealing with monsters, only humans."
"I am not a monster." Liz spoke carefully. "... I think." Glancing up I noticed she was frowning thoughtfully. "I am a Light Cruiser of the Abyss." She nodded firmly to herself.
Mr. D pointed his chubby finger right at Liz's covered forehead.
"Both of you, be quiet. I wasn't done yet. His grandmother was a Valkyrie. His grandfather was a demigod. One with the dubious honor of achieving immortality without getting godhood." He looked pointedly at Chiron. "You remember that son of Triton's? The one Uncle H cursed for his hubris?"
"Davy Jones." Chiron muttered an exasperated oath I didn't quite catch.
"Yes, Damien Bones. That cursed moron knocked up a Norse angel, and their daughter seduced the barnacle brain." Mr. D slammed a fist down on his desk before pointing at Liz. "So apparently what that means is this brat can make sacrifices to open up the doors of the idiot's locker and raise up the spirits of fallen warships, as stygian iron monster woman!" The Gods eyes blazed an insane purple.
"This, this, is why the pantheons are meant to stay separate! Cross Breeding like this produces migraine inducing insanity which threatens the status quo!" He ranted. "Never mind the fact we are not supposed to let that much divinity build up into a bloodline like this! It's supposed to be spread out over at least a few generations! Camp half blood, not camp two thirds icor! It's right there in the Olympus be damned name!"
Liz shifted behind me and her human hand slid across my chest like she was hugging my back through the chair I was sitting in. Her other arm seemed to lift a bit on my other side, but she wasn't pointing it at anyone. Not yet.
"If it were up to me, I'd turn you into an otter and be done with this. But it isn't." Mr. D's glare was intimidating, but not as much as his threat. Liz's arm tightening around me said she felt the same.
"Father is convinced that you stole his Master Bolt. You have a deadline. I didn't care to remember when, but you have however long to return it to Olympus or be destroyed. For your sake I hope you can find proof that someone else actually stole the blasted thing or you'll be killed regardless. Given what you are, that may be unavoidable." The grin he shot me was definitely not friendly.
"Go get a prophecy from the Oracle. Talk to Chiron about whatever details. Then get yourself and that thing holding you out of my camp."
"Look, Grover, I'm not taking you with me on the quest."
"But Percy.-"
"No Grover, just stop. I appreciate it alright, but I get two companions. Annabeth knows all this gods and monsters crap, and Liz has guns. Like actually ship to ship guns from World War two. I have no idea what Nature magic is good for but massive guns are what I want backing me up in a fight."
I didn't really care about his life goal of finding Pan. I couldn't afford to worry about helping him. I needed information, and experience. A child of Athena was probably my best bet there. And even more than that, I needed power. Enough power to crush monsters like bugs, and make gods nervous. Liz might not be enough to pull off the second, but she could definitely manage the first.
The Furies stalked down the aisle of the bus. Liz stood and pushed Annabeth and I behind her.
"Cover your ears." The order was calm and level. Not a hint of fear.
She raised her monster arm and the many little guns all tracked forward towards the furies. I didn't even try fighting my grin at the sight of fear on their faces.
The noise was incredible. The furies, the front of the bus, and the car ahead of us all went away.
I sat up watching the fire for some time after Annabeth fell asleep. I needed to rest and I wouldn't be able to stay up much later, but not yet. Liz asked me to stay up for a bit. Something about not showing Annabeth.
"Here, Admiral Percy." Liz handed me a gun. A pistol made of the same gleaming black metal that made up her hull. "My former Captain's sidearm. Your sword is good, a gun is better." She walked me through the bare basics in about fifteen minutes and told me not to try using it unless my target was very close. Not until she had time to train me with it.
Mom would have hated this. She would never have wanted me holding a gun. She never would have wanted me fighting with a sword either. But I wasn't going to lay down and die. She really wouldn't have wanted that. I'd kill any monster that came after me… And if the gods were dead set on killing me… I wasn't going down without a fight.
I pulled Annabeth behind the counter and shut my eyes tightly. There were a few shouts I didn't quite make out followed by a wet crunching sound and a scream. Everything was silent for almost twenty seconds.
"It's safe to come out. The head is now in a box." Liz called.
Annabeth and I shared a glance before peaking over the counter together. The large mouth on the underside of Liz's left arm was chewing something. Presumably part of Medusa. Her left hand was resting on top of a cardboard box… the bottom of which looked damp.
"How are you not petrified?!" Annabeth nearly shouted.
"My eyes are covered." Liz pointed at her mask.
"...Then how do you see?" Annabeth asked.
Liz only shrugged. The box disappeared… somewhere into Liz. Her hold maybe? Did warships have a hold, or was that a sailing ship thing?
"We will need to wait until we are near the ocean, but the spoil should make an excellent sacrifice to summon more ships for the fleet."
"Works for me." I started looking around. Since the original owner wasn't going to need any of this it couldn't hurt to see what might be worth taking.
The Chimera stalked towards us across the viewing platform. Its mother grinned expectantly at us.
Maybe I was getting cocky but Liz had easily mowed through everything we had come across so far, so I was really just waiting for the deafening bang.
Instead, a swarm of tiny figures started popping up seemingly from out of nowhere. They looked like chubby little children maybe eight inches tall with heads too big for their bodies. Every one of them in a miniature version of Liz's outfit and carrying a tiny rifle in their chubby little hands.
One stood on Liz's shoulder brandishing a toothpick of a sword and growled. I heard the growl. I also heard it as an order to fire.
Near four dozen little figures all opened fire together. The Chimera stumbled back. To its credit it didn't go down immediately. But a lucky shot caught the snake tail blowing it off about halfway between the head and body.
The Chimera roared, anger and pain bouncing off the walls of the arch as painfully loud noise even as I uncapped my pen and the little things continued shooting.
The goat head belched fire at the mini Lizs who either scrambled back or burned. I rolled to the side to get away from the Flames.
Liz gave an animalistic growl of her own and lunged straight through the flames. Her monstrous arm's mouth snapped shut over the goat head, and tore it off in a spray of blood and gold dust.
The lion body turned towards Liz, slashing out with a paw that only bounced off. I took the opening to plunge riptide into its side. The monster gave a near whimper of a roar and burst into gold dust.
Liz and I turned as one to look at the now pale and shaking Echidna. There was a moment's silence, and then we moved.
I glared across the sand at Ares. The smug prick just grinned back with his sword resting across his shoulders. He was basically daring me to make the first move.
This was a terrible idea. But I didn't really have any better options. I did at least have a plan.
I lunged in low aiming for his knees and spun away as he batted at my sword. Just from that I knew he wasn't taking me seriously. That was the move of someone play fighting with lightsabers. Just knocking away the other person's weapon instead of actually going for the kill.
We clashed three more times and I made a really awkward slash at Ares ribs. Then I loosened my grip and let him bat Riptide out of my hands.
Are's laughed and went into the motions of an exaggerated slash. He took too long. It was more than enough time for me to draw the gun Liz had given me and shoot him in the leg at point blank range. The next bullet went into an arm. The one after that his head. Every shot after that went into his head, neck or chest. And I kept shooting until the gun clicked empty.
I stood there panting until his body started to glow gold and I had to look away. When I looked back, he was gone. I doubted he was dead. But I hoped that would leave him with a migraine for the next few weeks or something.
Liz and Annabeth both made their way towards me across the beach. Each holding a godly symbol of power. The Master Bolt and the Helm of Darkness respectively.
"We need to get back to New York."
I sighed. Defeat a god of war after escaping the underworld and it's still not enough to distract this girl from this godly fetch quest.
Absently I took both items and made a gimme gesture towards Liz. With a firm nod she produced the various spoils we had managed to collect on the way here. Medusa's head, the horns of the Chimera, some scales that Echidna had left behind, a feather from one of the Furies. I took the whole lot balanced in my arms and waded into the ocean.
Annabeth was shouting something but I didn't really care. Liz would hold her back.
When the water reached my chest, I took a deep breath and started to speak.
"I am Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon, Grandson of a Valkyrie and Davy Jones! I offer these spoils of war and symbols of power to the abyss! Grandfather, throw open the door to your locker and let my ships rise again!"
With a heave, I tossed the pile into the waves.
Thunder screamed overhead from the and storm clouds gathered as if in fast forward until their black mass blocked out the moon and the stars.
The ocean frothed as waves grew strong enough to sweep me back to shore.
"Percy!" Annabeth shouted. "What in the name of Olympus are you doing!"
"Mr. D made it pretty clear back at camp. The Gods were never going to let me live. They already killed my mom. I'd have done it just to spite them for that. But if they plan to come after me no matter what? I won't make it easy for them. They might be able to take Liz without issue, but a fleet? A real proper fleet?" I grinned as I watched pale skin and black metal burst from the waves.
"They're going to be in for a fight they won't ever forget."
"What about your father?! What about all the innocent people that are going to get hurt because of the fighting that this will start?!"
"I never even knew Dad, and he let them kill Mom. As it is neither of his brothers have their symbols of power, and he still has his. That's as much help as he'll get from me. Besides, there doesn't have to be any fighting at all. All they need to do is leave me in peace. I've gotten all the revenge I'm ever likely to manage without losses. It's not really enough. Not even close! But I'll call it enough if they leave me alone after this."
I could see them now. Names were beyond me, but I could sense their classes if nothing else. There was a battleship princess leading an entire pack of animalistic destroyers, and flanked by a pair of heavy cruisers. There was a submarine princess with a dozen submarines trailing in her wake. There was a carrier with a cane and massive hat, being guarded by a destroyer princess and her pets.
It was probably a bit lopsided. But it was a fine fleet. And it would only grow with time. We would need to rig some kind of boat they could tow me in so I wouldn't slow them down. But now? The world was open to us. We could travel the seas killing monsters and offering the spoils up in exchange for more hulls. Let the Gods try to fight us in our own domain. We would blast them from the skies, or sink them into the depths. And if Dad decided to help them? These were warships. They could handle any storm he might send our way.
"Goodbye Annabeth."
Liz slung me across her back as she steamed towards her sisters. We had plans to make and a course to chart.
AN: I was lied to. Still can't copy paste from word without it adding like three extra lines for every gap between paragraphs. Oh well. Copy paste from still gets around the issue.