Odd idea that is waaaaay outside my wheelhouse. Percy Jackson's mom is three or four generations removed from… not sure what would be most appropriate for this concept… Hades maybe? That interacts oddly with Poseidon's godly power and Percy gets very different demigod powers. He gets to summon either ship girls or abyssals. Just take away his water control and earth shaker powers but leave him with water healing, maybe give him the ability to heal the girls. Then set him lose with supernatural navel firepower. Got to admit I'm not that big on PJ but I'm fighting not to cackle right now at just how funny it would be to point navel canons at anything and everything in that setting.
Odd idea that is waaaaay outside my wheelhouse. Percy Jackson's mom is three or four generations removed from… not sure what would be most appropriate for this concept… Hades maybe? That interacts oddly with Poseidon's godly power and Percy gets very different demigod powers. He gets to summon either ship girls or abyssals. Just take away his water control and earth shaker powers but leave him with water healing, maybe give him the ability to heal the girls. Then set him lose with supernatural navel firepower. Got to admit I'm not that big on PJ but I'm fighting not to cackle right now at just how funny it would be to point navel canons at anything and everything in that setting.
This would very much amuse me. It's also something that would be new and interesting. I'd love to see a snippet, TBH
Could do a seriously mixed heritage? Like Sally go Hephaestus three generations back on one side and Hades on the other? Honestly the hardest decision to make here is if abyssals or ship girls would be funnier. Ship girls have all that crazy quirky energy but abyssals would be down to murderize anything threatening the summoner and adorably not understand how or why that could be a problem. Also pet whale seal whatever the hell monsters that tear out monster throats with their teeth and demand head pats. That last one is what makes it really tempting.
See, the answer to this question lies in this meme.

"Why Not Both"

But more seriously, there's no reason you can't have both.
See, the answer to this question lies in this meme.

"Why Not Both"

But more seriously, there's no reason you can't have both.
I dunno on the one hand I want to agree but on the other having both seems…. Honestly, it seems like too much. Like I know they are opposite sides of the same coin but they are very opposite.

Should Percy count as an instillation? Installations get their own guns right? I mean I would think primarily AA guns And maybe fifty calls in pillboxes or something but you can mount anti ship guns on the coast can't you? I feel like I read about the german's getting tricked into doing that on the wrong beach before the allies hit normandy.

edit: ughh no that would probably be too much too. I mean yes flack cloud to the face from the protagonist would be satisfying but then the idea is for him to actually need the shipgirls. And sufficient AA would still shred everything wouldn't it? Dumb question. Yes it would.
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I dunno on the one hand I want to agree but on the other having both seems…. Honestly, it seems like too much. Like I know they are opposite sides of the same coin but they are very opposite.

Should Percy count as an instillation? Installations get their own guns right? I mean I would think primarily AA guns And maybe fifty calls in pillboxes or something but you can mount anti ship guns on the coast can't you? I feel like I read about the german's getting tricked into doing that on the wrong beach before the allies hit normandy.
Yeah. Blutcher (A German Admiral Hipper Class Heavy Cruiser) Was sunk by a shore installation in Norway. There's actually a movie about it.

And Percy as an Installation would be interesting, but only (To me) as a female, mostly because I'm a canon purist in that regard. I cannot stand male shipgirls.

Edit: As for abyssals and shipgirls being the same side of a coin, it's more accurate than you think, according to the Kancolle Movie.
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Death metal goths made of vampire pale skin, blackened metal and and the souls of ships that feel as if they were betrayed. Also hatred and rage. Can't forget that.

basically evil ship girls. Lots of firepower and armor, not so great with things like tactics and restraint.
Odd idea that is waaaaay outside my wheelhouse. Percy Jackson's mom is three or four generations removed from… not sure what would be most appropriate for this concept… Hades maybe? That interacts oddly with Poseidon's godly power and Percy gets very different demigod powers. He gets to summon either ship girls or abyssals. Just take away his water control and earth shaker powers but leave him with water healing, maybe give him the ability to heal the girls. Then set him lose with supernatural navel firepower. Got to admit I'm not that big on PJ but I'm fighting not to cackle right now at just how funny it would be to point navel canons at anything and everything in that setting.
I dunno on the one hand I want to agree but on the other having both seems…. Honestly, it seems like too much. Like I know they are opposite sides of the same coin but they are very opposite.
You could always expand the mixed ancestry idea to include other people. Since Percy is the direct son of Poseidon and indirect descendent of other gods, he is therefore more aligned with the sea than other aspects (so he summons the ship girls). But Nico and/or Bianca, being the direct children of Hades and indirectly from other gods, can summon Abyssals due to their association with the underworld and Tartarus. Counter Percy's guns with guns from another.
Could do a seriously mixed heritage? Like Sally go Hephaestus three generations back on one side and Hades on the other? Honestly the hardest decision to make here is if abyssals or ship girls would be funnier. Ship girls have all that crazy quirky energy but abyssals would be down to murderize anything threatening the summoner and adorably not understand how or why that could be a problem. Also pet whale seal whatever the hell monsters that tear out monster throats with their teeth and demand head pats. That last one is what makes it really tempting.
Or reverse it. It'd be hilarious to have Children of Death summoning the cheeriest ship girls and completely deflating any "doom and gloom" moments with their attitudes. And Percy has to hold the reigns (maybe his horse powers play into it) on a legion of murderous dark ships who want to annihilate anything that inconveniences him (Gabe gets blown up the moment Percy's power awakens).
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Death metal goths made of vampire pale skin, blackened metal and and the souls of ships that feel as if they were betrayed. Also hatred and rage. Can't forget that.

basically evil ship girls. Lots of firepower and armor, not so great with things like tactics and restraint.
What fandom are they from?
Ah. Wasn't sure if they came from the same place.
What is the appeal of that? I've never really understood the interest.
One part Pokémon collecting, one part naval cannons going BOOM, three parts fanservice, and a dash of historical trivia for flavor. At this point there's a pretty hefty dose of inside jokes mixed in as well.
Odd idea that is waaaaay outside my wheelhouse. Percy Jackson's mom is three or four generations removed from… not sure what would be most appropriate for this concept… Hades maybe? That interacts oddly with Poseidon's godly power and Percy gets very different demigod powers. He gets to summon either ship girls or abyssals. Just take away his water control and earth shaker powers but leave him with water healing, maybe give him the ability to heal the girls. Then set him lose with supernatural navel firepower. Got to admit I'm not that big on PJ but I'm fighting not to cackle right now at just how funny it would be to point navel canons at anything and everything in that setting.

That seems more weighted to Hades, than Poseidon. Fallen Spirits, even if they are of the sea. fun idea, but the direct parent provides more power and inclination/alignment, whatever you know what im tryin to say.
if you come up with something to handle that, then more power to you. It is a funny idea, but all i'm hearing in my head is John Goodman as Zeus yelling to take that boy out.
maybe it's something he does as a collaboration? like a team attack kinda thing that's permanent? or just some weird magical accident?
That seems more weighted to Hades, than Poseidon. Fallen Spirits, even if they are of the sea. fun idea, but the direct parent provides more power and inclination/alignment, whatever you know what im tryin to say.
if you come up with something to handle that, then more power to you. It is a funny idea, but all i'm hearing in my head is John Goodman as Zeus yelling to take that boy out.
maybe it's something he does as a collaboration? like a team attack kinda thing that's permanent? or just some weird magical accident?
Could play it up as a Dionysius situation? Demigod attaining godhood. I don't think the greeks had a god for sailors or ships. Poseidon was god of the sea sure but not sailors…. Right? So the position is available.
I don't think the greeks had a god for sailors or ships. Poseidon was god of the sea sure but not sailors…. Right? So the position is available.
I think that Hermes, since one of his roles was the God of travellers, eventually included sailors under his domain. Since he is also the God of merchants and thieves, that would cover merchant ships and pirates as well.
Could play it up as a Dionysius situation? Demigod attaining godhood. I don't think the greeks had a god for sailors or ships. Poseidon was god of the sea sure but not sailors…. Right? So the position is available.

Kinda iffy. Back then God of the Sea basically WAS the god of sailors, don't worship nobody else kinda deal. (Like : This is MY WATER and if you want to hang around, you better be keeping ME happy!) Still, Demi into Full God, he'd still be a son of the sea in this case, it be more like he's growing into...A Job? Maybe? I don't know what i'm saying. Like, Ares got domain over losers in a war, that's how clarisse got that civil war boat and the deadguys on it. So, what i'm trying to say is that the whole thing is conceptually convoluted and would make most sense in a bureaucratic pantheon where there is a paperwork shuffle, as is i'm twisting my brain trying to make it fit. It COULD make sense, It COULD make everyone pull out their hair asking "HOW!"