AN: Still toying with Taylor in DC ideas. This was the shortest I've come up with. It's got one shot energy. Just nowhere to go with it from here. Just something I knocked out in an hour or two after work while my brain was spinning its wheels. I've been poking it with a stick for weeks hoping it would spawn more words but it hasn't. I feel like I should give DC villains more credit but Gotham rogues only survive on plot armor in the first place. Plus I keep making Taylor more murderous when I try these. I wan't more murderous Taylor we don't get enough of that. She was really into measured responses in canon but I just can't bring myself to treat Gotham like it deserves that much consideration, at least not for something this short.
It started with a phone call.
Arkham Asylum made lots of calls to the police department. For breakouts, for riot suppression, for asking why a man dressed as a bat felt qualified to determine the mental health of the people he beat into the pavement before dropping them off on their doorstep.
This time the call was for them to send a coroner to confirm deaths and identities of two prisoners that didn't survive the night.
The police descended on the possible crime scene performed their investigation, and made their reports.
By nightfall all of Gothem whispered hushed rumors of who had died in the asylum. They prayed it was true, they refused to believe for fear of another trick, they declared it must be some other inmates that died and rumors had only spiraled as they always do.
The bats and birds flew through the night, on grappling cables and cloaks and impossibly light feet. They descended on the crime scene, and the police commissioner, and the streets, hunting for answers and leeds and truth. They found nothing but the inflamed throats of the victims.
DNA, dental, and fingerprints all came back a match. Word got out and the city breathed a sigh of relief because those two deaths in a city where death is a near constant meant safety for everyone else. Those deaths meant part of the nightmare was officially over. They meant fragile hope.
The city did not celebrate. They raised glasses, and muttered prayers, but they did not celebrate because it is Gotham and the people know better than to trust a good thing until it's been proven as such, and not the prelude to some new horror. Not knowing who and how and why they still feared the next hit.
It progressed with a video. Uploaded from a stolen device, in a camera free part of town and the device later abandoned free of fingerprints or DNA.
The video was of a girl in an insect themed outfit of dark gray with yellow lenses speaking clearly into the camera, the backdrop for the recording was an abandoned warehouse.
"I'll try to keep this short and simple. Batman and all his bat's and birds presumably took up the vigilante gig because they decided the police just were not enough. And that's fair, the cops are pretty damn useless here. I've put on a mask for a similar reason. The bats and birds aren't enough.
"Don't get me wrong, I respect them all, but it's clear that half measures just lead to more deaths. I was born and raised in Gotham. I know I need to make myself clear or else no one will understand what I'm doing. You'll all just assume the worst. So this is me laying down my lines. Cross them at your own risk.
"If I catch a human trafficker, they die. If I catch someone trying to gas the city, or poison the water supply, or something similar, they die. If I catch a rapist or pedophile they die. If you murder or torture people for kicks? You die. And most important of all, if the Bat, or the cops have thrown your ass in Arkham or Blackgate you damn well better stay there until you are lawfully released or I will find you.
"Joker and Scarecrow were my proof. Stay in your place, take your fucking meds, and stop treating all of us like toys you can knock over and abuse in your game with the Bats. On behalf of the city, we've had more than enough of your bullshit. And unlike the Bat I'm more than willing to meet you on your own level if it means people can stop carrying emergency gas masks with them for a trip to the grocery store.
"Those are my lines, respect them or have an up to date will."
The video spread like wildfire. Most scoffed and assumed it was fake, or a flash in the pan soon to be locked up, some hoped it might last a few months.
Gotham City Police department started receiving anonymous tips, made by burner phones, sometimes they rolled up to find corpses of traffickers and sometimes they found active drug labs with everyone inside restrained or run off. And as word spread that the new mask was keeping to their rules, hope started to grow.
The bats scoured the city hunting for leads that seemed to not exist. The striking costume from the video was nowhere to be seen and this new vigilante held no pattern they could discern. Popping up at random all across the city. And why would they have any luck when the girl behind the mask could act without being physically present.
The inmates at Arkham were nervous, but not convinced. Two Face, after some prompting, bet on a coin toss.
The bats did not find him in time. And the inmates started to fear. Mr Freeze and Bane joined forces and broke out. The bats found Freeze first, but not Bane. Two days later, Freeze failed to wake up in his cell. The suit keeping him alive was damaged while he slept.
People started to believe, inmates at Arkham started to believe. And the people in Blackgate almost unanimously decided that a mass breakout might make it harder for the latest masked freak to find them, but it wasn't worth the risk because she'd likely find at least some of them and no one wanted to risk dying like that.
Well off criminals started to invest in bug proofing and pesticides. Those measures were either of only middling effectiveness and thus a waste of money, or fully effective which just made it more obvious they needed to be investigated. The police saw a spike in anonymous tips.
The bats and birds searched in vain. The police continued to receive anonymous calls. People started to accept the new normal.
Riddler lasted six months before he decided he just couldn't take it any longer and broke out. He died on camera, choking to death on bugs.
Crime rates continued to drop. Red Hood was insufferably smug and cheery about that fact.
Oracle's custom built search algorithm took eight months to acquire a tentative ID. Taylor Hebert age seventeen. Orphaned about a month before Joker and Scarecrow were murdered. Ran away from her foster home a week after being placed. Presumably she had been surviving on the streets for nearly a year now, all while giving everyone the run around by simple virtue of keeping her head down, avoiding cameras, and not doing anything dangerous in person. It was almost insulting how effective those methods proved to be.
Barbra Gordon drummed her fingers on the wheel of her chair before deleting her findings and arranging for a fruit basket to be delivered to the hotel room she tracked Taylor too. The girl was amazing untrained, she'd be an absolute horror with training. But that was for the future. For now Barbra just wanted Taylor to know she was appreciated, and give the younger girl a way to get in touch.