Ooh good point… hmmm research! Away!Also, does the name have to be sniper-related? Otherwise, something like Calamity Jane might work.
3 snipped and 4 shot with a pistol. And a group of rescued victims. What do you call the female shooter of indeterminate age with no real standout traits you can base a name on? I got as far as looking up famous female snipers
No three of them were sniped with a .308 ughhh damn spell check sniped not snipped 🤦♂️Well, for one thing knife and pistol work doesn't exactly scream "sniper" to me.
I assume she's planning on going sniper, but a name based on her work so far would be close in.
So potentially lean in on the irony?
Point Blank.
"Point Blank killed another one. A shot from a mile away."
I feel like the PRT would be very hesitant about labeling anyone "Calamity" if they aren't a serious large scale threat. They don't want to confuse anyone who hears the name and assumes that Calamity is someone you need to evacuate the city for, rather than just a person with a gun.
I don't see why the PRT would call her anything you've pointed out no reason why they even be involved as a sniper is not a pairahuman and the PRT only deals with perahumans.Ok…. I have no excuse my muse fucked off, latched onto an original idea I've been leaving on the back burner for years. Fucked off again, left me with half written chapters for skittering spouse and using the force made easy, latched onto the old sniper taylor snippet…. And I'm too afraid of it fucking off again to stop working on that now. Because at this point I just want to keep writing, and I'll take whatever I can drag out of my brain. I kind of really hate my ADD when it's not spawning story ideas out of nothing.
On a related note if you were the PRT and presented with 7 dead…. Sex offender's… let's go with that. 3 sniped and 4 shot with a pistol. And a group of rescued victims. What do you call the female shooter of indeterminate age with no real standout traits you can base a name on? I got as far as looking up famous female snipers finding out about Lady Death (who was born in what is now Ukraine and wow does that make so much sense what do they feed them in that Country?) but that is way too lofty a title for baby sniper just starting to murder gangs to have any claim on and she's obviously not picking her own name when she's keeping her head down. So I need some ideas here and nothing I've come up with sounds good.
If this goes how I want this is going to be the weirdest thing I've ever written bounce from perspective to perspective at a ridiculous pace and probably be no more than 40k words potentially a lot less and I might actually just get to toss the entire thing out there whole.
…. I really really hate my muse fucking off every time a scene doesn't quite want to flow right.
Annie OakleyOn a related note if you were the PRT and presented with 7 dead…. Sex offender's… let's go with that. 3 sniped and 4 shot with a pistol. And a group of rescued victims. What do you call the female shooter of indeterminate age with no real standout traits you can base a name on? I got as far as looking up famous female snipers finding out about Lady Death (who was born in what is now Ukraine and wow does that make so much sense what do they feed them in that Country?) but that is way too lofty a title for baby sniper just starting to murder gangs to have any claim on and she's obviously not picking her own name when she's keeping her head down. So I need some ideas here and nothing I've come up with sounds good.
On a related note if you were the PRT and presented with 7 dead…. Sex offender's… let's go with that. 3 sniped and 4 shot with a pistol. And a group of rescued victims. What do you call the female shooter of indeterminate age with no real standout traits you can base a name on?
Psst, Muse. How about you abandon that idea entirely and instead start figuring out a Cooking Tinker Taylor? She makes meals that give temporary powers. They are stronger and permanent if made from parahumans.shopping cooking and finishing this snippet. please muse just let me get this done.
Psst, Muse. How about you abandon that idea entirely and instead start figuring out a Cooking Tinker Taylor? She makes meals that give temporary powers. They are stronger and permanent if made from parahumans.
But she thought it only worked if food was involved because of how she discovered that she had the power.I saw a cooking story once with Taylor. Path To Munchies, I think it was. Like Contessa's Path To Victory but it only worked if food was involved.