He also taught Ritsuka how to deal with small psychotic children. Just in case he accidentally a Kiritsugu without realising.

I am kind of curious how this conversation went.

Rule #1 Do not let them come in contact with something way more powerful than them. Thousand Yard Stare. You will always regret it.
Chapter Three - Pt. 1
"...Gotta admit, Caster. You are a witch, but you do good work."

"Of course. I was a Princess before I was a Witch, and we always have an eye for fashion."

"Uhm." Attila looks down at herself, tugging at the hem of her white cheongsam. "I don't understand. Why am I wearing this?"

Inside Medea's Temple, her word is law. And Medea must say, she has done good work today. "Because you are a cute girl, Saber! Do you like the outfits?"

"They are..." The tanned Saber looks down, trying to find the words. "...Cute."

Medea nearly cries out as she holds her hands over her heart. Lancer looks away, trying – and failing – not to look at Attila. "This is a good day to have Battle Continuation," he says. "Still, I guess if Master put you up to this, it's okay."

"Okay? Okay?!" Medea turns around in a furious flourish, pointing dramatically at him. "This is more than okay, Lancer! I spent an entire day playing with – I mean working on Saber's style! This is perfection!"

"It's pretty good," Lancer shrugs. "What do you think, Saber?"

"...Cute." She tilts her head. "Cute? Is it... cute?"

"I would say so yes," Lancer nods, while Caster tries to survive another heart attack. She succeeds by the skin of her teeth, for in her territory her word is law and death would be a crime. "So, Attila the Hun huh?"

"That is my title yes," Saber nods. "Why?"

"Not much, I just wonder..."

"Hold it." Medea points at Cu again. "If you are going to fight her, do it when she isn't wearing one of her perfect dresses. What are you, some kind of dog?"

"That was intentional."

"And if it is?"

Lancer looks at her flatly, his gaze promising revenge. He looks back over at Attila. "So, what do you think Saber? Accept my challenge?"

The Saber looks straight through him. "No. I like dresses. They are cute." She looks over at Caster. "Are there more dresses?"

"Of course!" Medea says cheerfully. "This way, Saber~" She guides Attila by the shoulders, all while shooting Cu a smug look. "And you, Lancer, should know your place. Dog."

Cu thinks quietly, simmering in irritation as Medea and Attila head further into her Temple. "Yep," He decides after some thought. "Revenge it is."


When the world of 2026 burned, Chaldea alone survived

Drifting along the Kaleidoscope, the sea of possibility, it seeks to save the past

A song on their lips and a fire in their hearts, they fight to save the past in order to save the future

Standing together to endure against their foe, seeking victory for the sake of their world

Trying not to be consumed by petty revenge plots or the vagaries of chance

And invariably failing, because the Gacha taketh and the Gacha never giveth

Such is...



"..A-And then he says that I should look at a picture!"

Mashu looks at Kana, her expression thoroughly unimpressed. "Kana-senpai... Are you for real right now?"

"What?" Kana hugs the pillow tighter, mashing it against her chest and covering her mouth with it. "But Ritsuka's such a meanie! I do not have a--"

Mashu clears her throat loudly. "Kana-senpai, you are, speaking quite honestly, a pretty girl with a nice body. I don't get why this is a problem. If anything I have a problem."

"TOMBOYS DON'T HAVE CURVES!" Kana shouts, her words only slightly muffled. "And look at you! You're curvy too! Don't you have a problem with it?!"

"...Only if someone notices it," Mashu says furtively, her eyes looking away. She coughs again. "A-Anyways! I'm (mostly) comfortable with my body and you should be too!"

"B-BUT!" Kana tries to speak up, but her voice just falters and she is unable to carry through. "B-But... I was happier being flat and skinny..."

"Hm?" Mashu glances at her chest. It's not nothing, but they are not particularly substantial either. "You are quite modest though?"

"I'm wearing a sports bra," Kana explains. "Have been for years. Why do you think I have an extra belt on my uniform?"

"Ah." Mashu nods. She frowns. "Wait, isn't it bad for your--"

"It's cool, I have magic." The Master sighs and flops back on Mashu's bed. "I actually wanted to be like my dad, you know? Go on adventures, save people, be a hero that fights evil!"

"Don't heroes necessarily need villains?" Mashu points out. "To define good you must have evil. To save people you need to have people that need to be saved."

"Psh, no, I'm not in it to be someone who saves people, I just want to help people who need it. If people stop needing to be rescued from horrible people I'm happy to spend my life playing video games and crap." Kana sighs loudly. "Dad seems different, though. Like he's only happy when he's helping others."

"Wouldn't know how that feels," Mashu says quietly.

"No, you're just too shy and nice to be selfish once in a while. Seriously, go talk to Rits already, he literally fell into another depression spiral that lead to me bitching to you right now." Kana stops, just looking up into the ceiling. "Dad's... well, mom told me he was distorted, once – basically sparkly wizard bullshit for 'fucked in the head'. He genuinely never felt happiness unless he was helping others. Or, rather, he only felt happy as someone who helped others. Otherwise he was just going through the motions, pretending to be a person."

The Shielder falls quiet. She looks down, hair covering her eyes. "I... see."

"Yeah, it was a shitty way to live. Mom managed to help him – I like to think I helped too – but there's always that look in his eyes, like he wants to be out there saving people and not spending time at home." Kana shrugs. "Mom was a little freaked out when I told her I wanted to be like dad – though that might also be because I made a sword like he does."

Mashu frowns. "When you say 'make a sword', do you mean..."

"Yeah, I Project a little. Watch." The Tohsaka raises a hand and green lines start pulsing along her arm. "Manman terotero!"

There is a flash of green, and then in her hands is an english arming sword, crafted to perfection. Mashu looks at it, eyes wide. "You... Actually did it? But I thought Projection was--"

"Yeah, it's a dead end path. Inefficient,empty, and brittle." Kana sits upright and hands the sword to the Shielder. Mashu takes it, feeling the weight of the blade. Well balanced and... familiar, somehow. "Mine are better than most – dad taught me his steps and they seem to work pretty good – but they're still kind of crap. And he's still better than me."

The Shielder frowns again. "So that sword in Singularity F, when you were protecting the Director..."

"Yep! I made it! Of course, magicing up a sword is only half the battle. I was also taught to use the blade!" Kana frowns as she remembers, just as Mashu does. "...By the Saber we fought in Fuyuki, actually."

The violet-haired Demi-Shielder nods. "King Arthur, was it?" Kana nods. "You know, I didn't expect the legendary King of Britain to be a girl."

Kana flaps her hands. " At least she put up one hell of a fight! Honestly, if Caster wasn't there we'd be dead." She sighs happily. "And now we've summoned him as Lancer. Good times! Speaking of, go talk to Rits."

Mashu frowns. "That was random."

"It's called an abrupt topic change, sheesh."

"Speaking of..." This time, Mashu picks up a pillow and hugs it tight. "I... Saw Ritsuka-senpai wearing a dress."

"Oh?" Kana's smile grows into a cheeky grin as she leans closer to Mashu. "What did you think~?"

"...Honestly I'm more jealous that he looks good in it. Seriously. Senpai would be a cute girl and I'm not sure how I feel about that."

Kana titters as she rolls off the bed. "Well, I could just get a wig and some contacts and you'll get the gist of it~"

"Senpai please no."

The doors slide open abruptly before the situation can escalate, and Ritsuka stands in the doorway wearing a serious expression. Before Kana can make a joke or imply anything, he speaks. "So I hear you haven't finished your daily summons," he says, grimacing. It does not reach his eyes. Ritsuka glances over at Mashu and nods. "Sorry for what happened earlier."

Mashu just nods, her face visibly red even though she's covering most of it. Kana just sighs as she stands up, dismisses her projection, and heads off with her brother.

"So, what, you want to roll?"

"After what I said to you earlier... Nah, you handle it."

Kana grins as she hugs her brother from behind. "Thanks, Guda. And sorry for all the shenanigans, too."

"Mmhm," Ritsuka nods, the day brighter now.


"I hate you," Ritsuka says, the day darker now. And not just because they were inside the dark summoning chamber. A pillar was piercing the ceiling now, as three prismatic rings of energy swirl around them.

Kana shrugs, a smug grin on her face, as the summon concludes. Seriously what the actual fuck this is her first roll. She has eight more to go.

And standing before them is a girl with golden-spun hair tied into a braid, wearing an elegant blue ballroom dress with poofy shoulders. All of Ritsuka's frustration and jealousy shrivels up and dies as the light dims and realisation takes over. All the other Servants they summoned seem to remember prior summonings... Could it happen? Can he believe in it?

"I am Servant Saber, and I so swear my sword to the salvation of mankind. I ask of you." She opens her eyes, bright green gemstones that dazzle in the light. "Are you my... Kana? Ritsuka?"

"AUNT SABER?!" Kana explodes into action before he does, throwing her arms out around their new summon. "AUNT SABER YOU ACTUALLY CAME OH MY GOD!"

Arturia Pendragon, King of Knights, just stands in stunned silence as her godchildren hug her tightly, only numbly raising her arms to receive their embrace.


Ever since they were old enough to learn about the tales of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, he and his sister knew that their honorary aunt, godmother, and babysitter was someone special. Sure, for the longest time Ritsuka didn't actually believe that their kind, gluttonous caretaker was actually the legendary King of the Britons, but Kana took to it like water for the thirsty, and eventually even he could not refute the truth, that his parents weren't playing a prank on him.

And when Ritsuka and Kana both joined Chaldea, both learned that their role would be to summon heroes from myth and antiquity to save mankind, and learned that they were all that was left to save mankind... They knew that she would come, sooner or later. Why wouldn't the noble King of Knights come to fight for their survival? Such a battle demanded the presence of a chivalrous knight, to say nothing of a knight each of them knew personally. The only question was whether she would remember.

Intellectually, Ritsuka knew that Servants were merely copies spun from the Throne of Heroes, reflections of one facet of the greater whole. A Heroic Spirit was an existence too great for a 'mere' Grail to incarnate, and never in full regardless. Memories made in a Grail War would be forgotten, at best remembered in books and archives with none of the emotion. He knew that she would not remember. All the facts pointed that way. Kana refused to accept that, but... Kana never paid attention in class. She wouldn't know.

And yet she was right, and he's happy for that. Their aunt remembers them. Something survived of their world, and she was the most reliable person they knew.

They stand there hugging for ten minutes, overcome by emotion. But eventually even Kana had to admit; they had some explaining to do.

Saber broke their hug first, her face screwed in confusion. "FATE called and I answered, but... How are the two of you here?" She asks. "Last I remembered, the two of you were away on some sort of internship with an NGO..."

"Yeah that was Chaldea."

"Ah." Saber nods."I suppose I should be thankful, then. If I had to choose to be summoned by anyone but your parents, it would be the two of you. Though," she adds hopefully, "I don't suppose either of them are..."

Kana shakes her head sadly. "Just us. Dad didn't secretly join like I thought he would."

"Why would he? Dad has actual things to do?"

"I don't know because maybe he'd like to travel through time?"

"Why in the hell would our father want that when we can't even--"

"Ahem," Saber says firmly. Their verbal scuffle ends then and there. "If he isn't here then that is that. The two of you are simply going to have to learn to cook."

"I can make pasta," Ritsuka offers.

"I like hamburgers," Kana suggests.

Saber gives each of them a strained look. Ritsuka feels the disappointment crawling on his back. "It is... a start," Arturia decides. She dusts her sleeves and straightens any creases on her dress. "Well, shall we see the premises?"

Kana looks at Ritsuka. "Yeah, Guda, shall we see the premises?"

"We're not done with the summons yet, but..."

"Ah, my apologies then. I can wait." Saber steps to the side, hands behind her back. "Go on then. Let us see who else answers the call."

Kana titters as she steps forward, tossing another quartet of quartz into the circle. Once more three prismatic rings spin about the room before a pillar of light shoots into the ceiling, and when the light dies a dark man in red stands before her.


"I suppose this is Chaldea then," the man says, his eyes closed. He opens one of them, looking down at the redheaded Master with a grey eye. "So you're my Master?"

"...You are fucking me," Ritsuka sighs. The red man looks at him, one kinked eyebrow raised. "You are actually fucking me."

"Language, Ritsuka," Saber says firmly. She works her jaw. "I have to concur however what in the hell are you doing here, Red Archer?"

"...You recognise me, King of Knights?" The red Archer asks, right as Kana falls into his chest and wraps her arms around him. "What are you doing, Master?"

"What kind of adorable daughteru would I be if I didn't greet my dad home with a hug?" She asks back with a wide, cheeky grin. "Hi!"

"I... Uh." He looks at Ritsuka, currently rubbing his temples. "What is going on, other Master?"

"We know you are Heroic Spirit EMIYA," Ritsuka explains to him. And he had nearly asked if this day could get any more interesting. Well as it turns out yes it very much can. At least he knows enough from asking mom about the Fifth Holy Grail War. "I am Ritsuka Tohsaka and that is Kana Tohsaka. We are the children of Rin Tohsaka and Shirou Emiya. Welcome to the Grand Order, please don't flip the fuck out."

"Ah." He looks down, Kana hugging him tight. EMIYA smiles softly, and puts one hand on her head. Kana giggles, happy for the affection. "Well, I suppose Rin succeeded after all – though more directly than I expected."

He looks up, a newfound determination – and hope – in his eyes. "I am EMIYA Shirou, Servant Archer. My swords are yours in salvation of mankind. And I look forward to fighting alongside you again, Saber," he adds.

"Yes," Arturia nods. "But tell me, Red Archer: Do you still cook?"
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"Yes," Arturia nods. "But tell me, Red Archer: Do you still cook?"
Truly, the King of Knights totally has her priorities straight.

Uncle!EMIYA will not tolerate his niece/nephew lacking in said area of expertise, even if it kills him!

AGAIN!! Auntie Artoria will in fact, fully back his efforts on negating this grave shortcoming!

EDIT: Neridity, since when did you qualify as an Assassin?! (i.e. I got Zabaniya'd).

Addendum: And yeah, Kana is SUCH a Daddy's Girl. Including SWORDS (kinda-sorta) and 'wanna help others'.

However, she comes off as sharing Rin's terminal laziness*, and is somewhere between Mom and Aunt Sakura in curves.

* - Mostly in Kana's, "If there's no one around to save, video games it is!" line.

Clearly, Ritsuka is the actual practicing magus... well, not like the Edelfelt(s) are gonna share the secret behind Ore Scales.
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Truly, the King of Knights totally has her priorities straight.

Uncle!EMIYA will not tolerate his niece/nephew lacking in said area of expertise, even if it kills him!

AGAIN!! Auntie Artoria will in fact, fully back his efforts on negating this grave shortcoming!

EDIT: Neridity, since when did you qualify as an Assassin?! (i.e. I got Zabaniya'd).

Addendum: And yeah, Kana is SUCH a Daddy's Girl. Including SWORDS (kinda-sorta) and 'wanna help others'.

However, she comes off as sharing Rin's terminal laziness*, and is somewhere between Mom and Aunt Sakura in curves.

* - Mostly in Kana's, "If there's no one around to save, video games it is!" line.

Clearly, Ritsuka is the actual practicing magus... well, not like the Edelfelt(s) are gonna share the secret behind Ore Scales.
Ritsuka is the actual practicing Magus and the heir to the Tohsaka Magecraft. Fitting, considering he hews closest to Rin and actually has the mindset for being a mage. Meanwhile Kana wants to be batman but with swords.

She can't do proper Tracing, but she can do anything as long as it is tangentially sword-related. And since both of them are better magi than Rin in terms of circuit count and quality, and the fact that she can easily get a magic sword considering how many Casters she already has (granted just two and Waver is not great for this but Medea tho) means that Kana can technically, after a lot of work and sacrifice...

...Qualify as a shitty level 60 max ascension 1* Saber. But with even less health.
Now they just need Medusa and Sasaki and they'll have the whole original Fate-set. Collector's item.
That's because Gacha's an absolute Cunt, Swordo.

Says 9/10 F/GO players ever. That one dude's also a cunt, because Gacha favours him.
I wanna say I'm the 1% but then I just rolled 333 quartz in JP and failed to get Ereshkigal so yeah fuck the-- no swordo dont the gacha gave you casgil and sanzo and a fuckton of event CEs that are probably more useful than Ereshkigal

but only barely
I can't wait for Ishtar.

I can see it now: Ritsuka summons his mom in a bikini, and someone snarks that they always thought he was a mommy's boy.
And she'll be one of Ritsuka's extremely few personal summons, rather than the imouto doing all most of the work in that area, ain't it?

No, really. The Gacha has it out for the Tokiomi or Rin-like members of the family tree. Tis' Kirei's vengeance from beyond the grave.
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I wonder how the story for this fic will go since this isn't canon Grand Order because multiple grail wars have happened here.
I wanna say I'm the 1% but then I just rolled 333 quartz in JP and failed to get Ereshkigal so yeah fuck the-- no swordo dont the gacha gave you casgil and sanzo and a fuckton of event CEs that are probably more useful than Ereshkigal

but only barely
*stares at the 300+ Quartz burning in his pocket*

*sweats heavily despite being in winter*

D-Damn it.
I wonder how the story for this fic will go since this isn't canon Grand Order because multiple grail wars have happened here.
The focus is primarily on slice of life and character interaction, so honestly not much will change from the OTL. Because the premise is already a bit overloaded, what with having two Masters and they're also the children of Rin and Shirou and it also follows on from the UBW Good End and you get the idea.
The main issue is honestly Romani's existence and plot role, and that shouldn't really need to come up until the endgame.
And she'll be one of Ritsuka's extremely few personal summons, rather than the imouto doing all most of the work in that area, ain't it?

No, really. The Gacha has it out for the Tokiomi or Rin-like members of the family tree. Tis' Kirei's vengeance from beyond the grave.

Well, It sounds like imouto takes after her father, so his absurd luck in summoning was probably passed along.