Well, at least Blackbeard hasn't tried that on Martha Ruler.

There would be a hole in the ceiling in the shape of Blackbeard that would just be a mess to clean up.
It's not like it would be particularly difficult, considering she speaks the language and she's an adult instead of a elementary school kid.
Actually, no. Written languange is hard outside Golden Age of Learning (i.e, young kids) Even if you understand the spoken languange.

It requires understanding abstract symbols and associates them with sounds. For adult, this was pretty hard, mainly because their ability to remember and associates abstract symbols tend to be dulled and buried by other more important things. Like associating color and shapes with safety and precaution and all other stuff.
Oh good, I may be a sinner, but I'd rather not sin so much that my life or manhood are on the line, no sir ree.
Remember, you're not allowed to lewd Jeanne.

But then again, remember this, its perfectly fine if she lewds YOU.

Loophole abuse FTW.

All you have to do is figure out the means/method that gets her wanting to be the one who jumps your bones, first, and you're home free from the curse.

Also, get Jalter to help. For one, she'd likely find that plan hot as hell, no pun intended, which means she's looking to jump you too, and anything to knock her 'sister' down a few pegs and back to reality would get her support.

Yup, that's right, seduce Jalter, and whisper your plan about Jeanne, and you've got a better than average chance of Jalter helping get Jeanne hot & bothered enough to jump you.

Well, that or she starts to go Du Haine on you, in which case, settle for Jalter.


And for Ritsuka, considering Jalter's attitude towards him (full tsun-tsun in motion), things are looking good for him down the line: Something Something multiple grails to wish from, and Amakusa and/or Romani to give you pointers about manifesting a true body, something something.
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...Please tell me Jalter doesn't count. :oops:
Of course she doesn't. Jalter doesn't even have the memories of Jeanne, she was instead born of Gilles wish of Jeanne actually getting pissed off at everyone for burning at the stake (which is kinda a reasonable response) and wishing to get revenge.

Later after the singularity is when Jalter starts to become her own person. She has as much in common with Jeanne as Nero does with Artoria.
Considering the mess that is Jeanne Alter Santa Lily... I wouldn't be 100% certain of this.

At the very least, Jalter still harbors some of Jeanne's subconscious desires/wishes.
My impression that instead of only taking her memories and traits from Jalter, she also take traits from Vanilla Jeanne. So, instead of pure Jalter, she's basically Lily version of both.

I mean, Lily. That's... how much blatant can you get?
Jeanne Alter Santa Lily is a 100% original home-grown Servant of Chaldea. Made in Chaldea and made real through the machinations of the Master of Chaldea. Her tale is one of heartwarming holiday spirit and an almost incomprehensible act of pure bullshitery. She is, in many ways, the most perfect representative of the madness of Chaldea and it's Master.
Jeanne Alter Santa Lily is a 100% original home-grown Servant of Chaldea. Made in Chaldea and made real through the machinations of the Master of Chaldea. Her tale is one of heartwarming holiday spirit and an almost incomprehensible act of pure bullshitery. She is, in many ways, the most perfect representative of the madness of Chaldea and it's Master.
Details..? or a link to someplace that has them, don't want to derail the thread.
Details..? or a link to someplace that has them, don't want to derail the thread.

Jalter tries to become Christmas themed in revenge for Salter being the Santa spirit last year and dunking on her (though it was through that event that we find that Jalter eternally torments the people she hates through the medium of Monopoly, which is just precious really - almost as much as the Counterfeit Spirits shenanigans being admitted as literally just being a Scott Pilgrim joke complete with seven evil exes), but accidentally drank the Youth Potion and became a kid. Problem is, that makes her horrifically fucking unstable, because now not only is she a fanfic version of someone, she's the child version of that fanfic version of someone who is mostly only able to remain the way she is due to Avengers being sustainable purely on rage, hatred, anger, and if Jalter is any indication the pure power of TSUN, and the literal only thing keeping her up is the Christmas nonsense, which A) Jeanne has fuckall to do with, and B) Isn't exactly something that sticks around all year.

The entire event thus is a masterminded attempt by Ritsuka/Guda/ko/Protagonist and a few Servants to essentially force her as a being that can normally manifest by tying her back into Jeanne's legend by making her a potential alternate past for Jeanne. It worked completely. It's quite a bit of buggery, but that's Chaldea, I suppose, where things that really shouldn't be possible just kinda happen sometimes.

Oh, also, relatedly, Jalter can now exist in full outside the Avenger class with no issues, despite her switching to that class from Ruler mostly because of the stability it provided. As a Berserker she now runs from "tsundere" to "complete fucking chuuni in literally every way", but eh, that's Jalter I guess, they've been doing teenage rebellion jokes with her for much longer than that. Also Jeanne coerced a bunch of sea animals to work for her and that somehow makes her an Archer, but like eh.
It could be worse. It could have been squirrels. Vicious man eating squirrels that Jeanne can't see are the spawn of evil and thinks they are just playing and being adorable.
Yeah but Kars is 10 metric tons of blasphemy before we even get to that.

But that kind of discussion is offtopic. Needless to say, if you can serve as a ballistic weapons platform, you're likely qualified for archer class
Statistically the Archer Class is about half made up of Archers, given current examples. The remaining half is about a quarter guns and a quarter assorted swords, dolphins and bridge fragments.

TBH they're not the only Class with issues with strict adherence to description; a number of sane Berserkers have snuck in, several Assassins don't assassinate, and there's quite a few Casters who don't really cast.
Statistically the Archer Class is about half made up of Archers, given current examples. The remaining half is about a quarter guns and a quarter assorted swords, dolphins and bridge fragments.

TBH they're not the only Class with issues with strict adherence to description; a number of sane Berserkers have snuck in, several Assassins don't assassinate, and there's quite a few Casters who don't really cast.

The problem is really that the names cause people to falsely assume the limits of the class. Archers should be bow wielders instead of long range fighters, Casters should be magic users instead of creators, Assassins should be hitmen instead of stealth experts and murderers, and Berserkers should be rabid dogs instead of brutal people in a fight.

The name gives a general idea of the qualification, but the classes can handle so much more than we normally expect. In that respect Rider is the most accurate class name and even that one misleads you to assume that the mount has to be ridden to get the most use out of it.
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Statistically the Archer Class is about half made up of Archers, given current examples. The remaining half is about a quarter guns and a quarter assorted swords, dolphins and bridge fragments.

TBH they're not the only Class with issues with strict adherence to description; a number of sane Berserkers have snuck in, several Assassins don't assassinate, and there's quite a few Casters who don't really cast.
And lets not even talk about most Lancers not using lances :V