Lol Counterfit Ritsuka in the Da Vinci event, will probs be a laugh. His class miassignment is Saber, and he just dunks on people with the class container's base stats.
I have yet to see evidence that Mashu could convincingly seduce anyone, much less her crush.

Though I'd like to see her try.
And that's why Jalter is there. Because clearly because she's the evil version of a virginal saint, she knows everything about lewd stuff. Clearly. And Mashu goes to her because the only way to get Sempai out of D'Eon's grasp is to fight fire with fire. And Mashu can trust Jalter to not betray her because she clearly hates Ritsuka. Why else would she turn red when ever Ritsuka comes close and call him an idiot when ever she spoke to him?

Jalter goes along with it because, even if she has the same level of experience as her goody-two-shoes sister when it comes to romance, she can't just come out and admit that. It would ruin her reputation! That's the only reason she's doing it at all. It's not like she likes Ritsuka or anything! What are you, stupid?


(But seriously, make this happen.)
Nah, Ritsuka occupies the same VN archetype as his mother: The aloof, distant honor student senpai that no one knows but everyone admires, who reveals himself to be a lot less composed than he appears to be after you get to know him. But after you get through his prickly shell, he proves to be a warm, caring, and loyal person, who is nonetheless very bad at showing it because he's so used to being detached that he doesn't know how to be attached. Also he's tsundere as fuck.

The gimmick that differentiates him from other aloof senpai types is that he's both related to and the gateway for the Secret Route, Kana. Who is also the gateway into the magical world and other shenanigans, and lastly the only threesome in the entire game - but only after clearing every other ending and navigating both Kana and Ritsuka's routes perfectly to convince them to share the same person.

It also leads to the hidden ending that is Shirou waking up screaming from a long and involved nightmare, but it's questionably canon and there's plenty of evidence that he's screaming because he remembered walking in on it.
So basically this but a bit less disastrous:
It's very casual and off-the-cuff, but she's a world-class expert on curses and junk. She's allowed to go 'Nah, you're lazy, also Camilla's curses are for babies', even if she never ever makes another curse herself and her skill at actual magecraft is pants(Her skill at primordial magic use is another thing entirely).

And I see that Alter doesn't appreciate how things might have gone differently had she forced the fox to join battle-but that would have required using a command seal by the look of things.

Oh yes I bet Tamamo is a world class expert on junk if you know what I mean...

Lol Counterfit Ritsuka in the Da Vinci event, will probs be a laugh. His class miassignment is Saber, and he just dunks on people with the class container's base stats.

No his actual class misassignment is Moon Cancer

Because harem protagonists are cancer get it
I don't agree. Ritsuka's not hitting on Jalter, he's playing "Bond captured by villain" and not in the sexy way. He appreciates she acts like the DEUS VULT angry marine he expects, but his type remains marshmallows/eggplant.
Mashu: "So he can be the spy to that hussy but not to me!? I'll show senpai Bond-villain hahahahahahahahahahha!" *cutely strokes Fou while sitting in Roman's svivel chair*
Fate/Sunny Order (FGO) | Page 90
There are no depths that Mashu are unwilling to sink to if it gets her seduced by Spy-senpai.
Mashu: "So he can be the spy to that hussy but not to me!? I'll show senpai Bond-villain hahahahahahahahahahha!" *cutely strokes Fou while sitting in Roman's svivel chair*
Fate/Sunny Order (FGO) | Page 90
There are no depths that Mashu are unwilling to sink to if it gets her seduced by Spy-senpai.
"Do you expect me to talk, Mashu?"
"No, senpai. I expect you, to dine!"
*EVIL villain Mashu has captured our hero, agent Ritsuka, and is "interrogating" him in a five star restaurant*
Mashu: "So he can be the spy to that hussy but not to me!? I'll show senpai Bond-villain hahahahahahahahahahha!" *cutely strokes Fou while sitting in Roman's svivel chair*
Fate/Sunny Order (FGO) | Page 90
There are no depths that Mashu are unwilling to sink to if it gets her seduced by Spy-senpai.

"Do you expect me to talk, Mashu?"
"No, senpai. I expect you, to dine!"
*EVIL villain Mashu has captured our hero, agent Ritsuka, and is "interrogating" him in a five star restaurant*
Well, on one hand I'm going

But on the other I'm all

. . . I'm so confused. :confused:
Well, anyone who wants to try their hand at that mindbending adventure is welcome to do so. As I'm about to get enlisted into the army and won't have the time to keep up with the thread, F/SO is now officially going on hiatus. Probably long-term hiatus.

What it actually means is that I'm lifting the ban on omakes. If they're funny I might even threadmark them.
Going back to that discussion last page about Ritsuka, Mashu and why Jalter doesn't fit, I just realized that there is a Servant who's 100% in Ritsuka's strike zone, and forward enough to actually throw a wrench in Chaldea's OTP: Mary, AKA Hassan of Serenity. Cute, capable, curvy and purple-haired? Mashu'd better up her game.
Going back to that discussion last page about Ritsuka, Mashu and why Jalter doesn't fit, I just realized that there is a Servant who's 100% in Ritsuka's strike zone, and forward enough to actually throw a wrench in Chaldea's OTP: Mary, AKA Hassan of Serenity. Cute, capable, curvy and purple-haired? Mashu'd better up her game.

And the ability to not be touched as you would die.
Not sure about Mind of Steel, honestly.
Or this end as well: Fate/stay night Part #388 - Geas / Rin-sama gets angry / Geas / Tiger Dojo 31

Also, Rin is someone who willingly joined a deathmatch, and was more than willing to kill other Masters, and didn't even have an actual wish but only went in out of entitlement.

Her attitude toward Sakura in HF was nasty:
Emiya Family vs Voldemort and the Death Eaters | Page 5
I actually found her attitude towards Sakura quite repugnant in HF. You could say that she did care about her, but c'mon.


So please don't come after me anymore, Senpai."

She's desperately begging us.
Sakura's shadow can kill us right now, but it asks for salvation by letting us go.

" "
But I can't answer her wish.
I can't leave Sakura and run away, nor can I let her kill herself along with Angra Manyu.

"We'll go there. We'll go and kill you for sure."
Tohsaka breaks away from her sister.

"Wha "
"What did you expect? As Tohsaka's magus, I can't ignore you. And I can't believe you even if you say you'll kill yourself.
Don't you get it, Sakura? You're not making any sense. You want to kill, but you're telling me to run.
Geez, you're trying to act like a good girl because you're in front of Shirou."


"Oh, you can make a good face. That's what you should've done from the start.
So, is that all? Then get lost. You don't have to hurry since we'll go see you right away.

Look, Sakura. I'll kill you with my own hands."

Tohsaka declares with voice that even contains kindness.

I never really understood this.
what was the point of provoking an already batshit crazy Sakura?
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Heh, Riska, Kana, De leon, Jalter, and Serenity.
Oi, the Tohsaka mystic code is the Jeweled Sword, not Unlimited Harem Works.

And Jalter's not interested, she's just a virgin.

Canonically, the Master can touch Serenity in F/GO without the poison affecting him/her. I think it was justified by one of Mashu's protection skills affecting them permanently or something. I see no reason not for it to be the same here.
Shielders have a couple of class skills that work on the Master instead of the Servant, including a defensive Mana Burst and status effect resistance. It's why canon no-skill Guda can hang out in London's murder fog and tank a cannonball in 'Murrica.

Nahhh. Rin talks a big game but she can't follow through. Shirou's mind snaps before he ever sees what happens.

Rin's personal reason for joining the war is the same as Shirou's: to stop a repeat of 10 years ago. Her grander reason is that as a Tohsaka she's involved no matter what, and she has responsibilities as the land's magical lord/Second Owner.

Remember kids: Kirei raised her right, so he could get off on her suffering later.