Any of the Hassan outside Gramps would be a solid choice for the story at this point. Gramps has too many clauses and caveats to summon right now. Assassin Emiya could be interesting, but he fits better with if you accidentally a F/Zero. Its a bit early for Jack too, the Sanity break would end them. Carmila adds a bunch of Fresh hell San damage and might be fun.

Omake of a second Stheno pull when.

Jing Ke could work, but you get a little thin with Characterization. I'd Go with Cursed Arm or Serenity.
Tbh it doesn't sounds like he is forcing his ideas onto you, but more like laying out some suggestions on how you could incorporate Koujirou and providing a rebuttal to your argument.

Your reaction does feels a bit too much, but w/e your thread, your rules.
I'm sorry, the way it read to me was that he was forcing his ideas onto me (and then telling me to work out the details). I've done a lot of work in the background for this story already, hopefully some of it will see the light of day, but I don't want to have to do what other people tell me to do when I have my own things, you know? It's not fair, and it's not nice, but I'm just tired of that sort of behaviour.

I've thought about Kojirou in this story, a lot. A lot. How to include him, what his dynamic would be like, what would be funny. Also when he would show up, how he would show up, what he would bring to the table in Chaldea, so on and on and on.

It doesn't work. It would be a bunch of work for a character we've all seen before, done by people who can get to grips with his character much better - one of the major obstacles I've run into with Kojirou is that I can't figure out his character voice, and if I can't do that then there's no point is there? - and who can figure out something more meaningful than 'standing around being a snarky, insightful warrior-scholar'. And I also have to accept what his presence means, that he's taking up a slot that could belong to any other character. Having him around means sacrificing screen time for Ushiwakamaru, or Hassan, or Alexander the Smol, or anyone else.

It's not just a matter of having him show up and being him, having fun with a bunch of characters. It's that I have to do that with everyone, every single Servant and every single member of Chaldea interacting with every other member of Chaldea and every other Servant and it's just ridiculous. I'm not the writer I used to be. I can't just throw down six thousand words a night every night for months at a time anymore. I'm tired. I'm joining the army at the end of this week and I definitely won't have the time or energy to update as infrequently as I do now. So, unfortunately, I have to make a decision. And I've decided to sacrifice Kojirou's place as one of Chaldea's regulars so that I might be able to explore someone else in this absurdly large cast.

If you're not happy with that, then that's unfortunate but you'll just have to accept that. I just don't think I can do him justice, or that his inclusion would do the story justice.
That's the issue. He doesn't really bring anything new into the equation. Ultimately I have to make decisions about character summons and how to manage bloat, and for all that I like him all he really does is add a little bit to the 5th War Reunion Club and that's not really enough, especially because we never got Regend here.
Personally I believe you should have a rotating cast. Most servants are static beings, so keeping them around for too long isn't really super interesting (it has been kinda showing, in fact, 'cause their memes have begun calcifying).

Just say the others are busy doing stuff like gathering supplies or helping the staff or resolving small-fry singularities or exploring or whatever, it's basically what the game does anyways. All those servants yet you only bring a few (not counting Pokeball summons).

I mean, if Medb can have her Rider class by literally riding people, then any thing's possible.
And by being a queen, and by having actual Rider-type NPs...

I mean, yeah she claims she's a Rider because she's a sex machine, but that's obviously not entirely true.
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Personally I believe you should have a rotating cast. Most servants are static beings, so keeping them around for too long isn't really super interesting (it has been kinda showing, in fact, 'cause their memes have begun calcifying).

Just say the others are busy doing stuff like gathering supplies or helping the staff or resolving small-fry singularities or exploring or whatever, it's basically what the game does anyways. All those servants yet you only bring a few (not counting Pokeball summons).
Yeah, I'm about to do it for Chapter 12 too. Spoilers: Blackbeard appears.
The surgical skills is probably one of the few things that make sense. Also, I could see Jackie running away from Medea and The Pants. Heck, it would probably take the effort of seven servants to stop the threat that is pantless Jackie.
From what I recall of Apocrypha, Jack reacted positively to the dress Reika gave her. Also I think she was a bit embarrassed by her work outfit?

something more meaningful than 'standing around being a snarky, insightful warrior-scholar'
tbh it's not like that's much more shallower than the Gilgameme or Nobu or whatnot. And, like, yeah he's the kinda character that'd be at the fringes but that's fine because in the end you still need some guys that only exist to fill out the background.

But you do you.
Tbh it doesn't sounds like he is forcing his ideas onto you, but more like laying out some suggestions on how you could incorporate Koujirou and providing a rebuttal to your argument.

Your reaction does feels a bit too much, but w/e your thread, your rules.

On the balance of author responses to this sort of post this was pretty polite, terse and direct, but polite.

In general, criticism is saying what does not work in a piece of writing. Once you get into what could work, things are likely to get a bit more hazardous.
On the balance of author responses to this sort of post this was pretty polite, terse and direct, but polite.

In general, criticism is saying what does not work in a piece of writing. Once you get into what could work, things are likely to get a bit more hazardous.
I agree, and as the one chastised, want this to stop. I just started brainstorming on reflex, and once that starts, it gets into "write this for me" territory. That is one of the quickest ways to kill interest in a story.
Jokes aside about his tendencies, isn't his behavior sort of an act he puts on?
Not really. He really is a lolicon, but the attraction is just that; he just really likes small and cute girls. He expresses no sexual desires, and thank fucking god for it.

That being said, his goofy attitude may just be an act, seeing as he's sharp enough to keep the Grail on him at all times and be wary of his companions.
I wonder if Mara Hati's like Cleopatra where sheer charisma was the major factor but people assume they were attractive as hell physically and cause the servant vessel to be like that because of it.

At least that's my working theory.
Jokes aside about his tendencies, isn't his behavior sort of an act he puts on?
Yeah, it's the whole Obfuscating Stupidity trope. But fake or not, that doesn't stop him from being incredibly annoying. Plus, his physical design is just disappointing. For one, he's named Blackbeard and yet he was that skimpy little thing that barely qualifies instead of a real beard. Plus his weapon, the claw thing, isn't intimidating and I'm pretty sure actually using it would break his fingers. And his face is dumb. But mostly it's the lolicon idiot thing. Even if it's fake, that doesn't mean that it's any less irritating.
And by being a queen, and by having actual Rider-type NPs...

I mean, yeah she claims she's a Rider because she's a sex machine, but that's obviously not entirely true.
I'm curious, does this mean that all royalty that were known for going places on horseback (but not known for any other specific weapon type use to qualify for another class) allow them to be summoned as a Rider? The Rider type NPs I can get, but even then, her NP is basically death by snu snu.

Yes, her being a Rider because she likes riding men is memetic fanon, but from where most people are sitting, it's the explanation that kinda makes the most sense.
I'm curious, does this mean that all royalty that were known for going places on horseback (but not known for any other specific weapon type use to qualify for another class) allow them to be summoned as a Rider? The Rider type NPs I can get, but even then, her NP is basically death by snu snu.

Yes, her being a Rider because she likes riding men is memetic fanon, but from where most people are sitting, it's the explanation that kinda makes the most sense.
Marie qualifies for the same reason, and Medb was a warrior queen. She commanded the armies of Connacht from the back of a chariot.
Marie qualifies for the same reason, and Medb was a warrior queen. She commanded the armies of Connacht from the back of a chariot.
Marie was the one I was thinking of, yes.

Knew about Medb being a warrior queen, but not about the chariot thing. I'm unfortunately not all that knowledgeable about Celtic myths, the one history class that mentioned them focused mostly on Cu as a warrior and the sidhe. I only knew about Cu before that through Fate and RPGs like Persona, and Scathach through her connection with him. Sure, Medb is connected with the Cu legend as well, but while that aforementioned history class mentioned the Tain Bo, it didn't touch on her all that much. History class instead of literature might've had something to do with it.

I think most of the people who perpetuate the "Medb is a Rider because she's the thot queen and likes riding men" have no idea about her Legend either, and would stop saying that if Delight Works actually showed her on a chariot or whatever. Instead, the most you see of her characterization in America is someone thirsty for Cu, attacking with a Riding Crop, her Extra attack where she steps on and slaps the shit out of her target, and her NP, which is the aforementioned death by snu snu. Then again, I never pulled her and therefore have not done her interludes, where she might get more characterization, so I can't really talk.
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You do realize her NP is running over you with her chariot and magic bulls and then fucking you dry, right? She rides over you and then she rides you.

But yeah many Riders are kings or rulers of some sort, it's a small bias although in no way class-defining.
You do realize her NP is running over you with her chariot and magic bulls and then fucking you dry, right? She rides over you and then she rides you.

But yeah many Riders are kings or rulers of some sort, it's a small bias although in no way class-defining.
No, I got the running over you with her chariot and bulls part (though it looks more like a carriage than a chariot to me, even if the NP itself is called Chariot, My Love), but I thought that was more to pull the target into the carriage so that she cold have her way with them, not to physically run you over with them first. I guess I ignored the damage pop up that happens when they run into you, more distracted by her dragging the target off screen, the curtains closing, and the hearts popping up.

Anyway, Medb as memetic thot queen has already emerged as the fan on interpretation of her character, and her attacks don't do much to alter that perception, so good luck educating most of the people who perpetuate that line of thought. You're gonna need it.
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Yeah, it's the whole Obfuscating Stupidity trope. But fake or not, that doesn't stop him from being incredibly annoying. Plus, his physical design is just disappointing. For one, he's named Blackbeard and yet he was that skimpy little thing that barely qualifies instead of a real beard. Plus his weapon, the claw thing, isn't intimidating and I'm pretty sure actually using it would break his fingers. And his face is dumb. But mostly it's the lolicon idiot thing. Even if it's fake, that doesn't mean that it's any less irritating.

Beards are always large in your heart! Just ask whitebeard.
