The talk of Assassin & mine of "Bad Cooking Skills" makes me wonder if someone who IS a noted "Bad Cook" would be called as an Assassin for 'Poison' attempts.

Either that or the food mutating to try and kill someone by making them eat it?

Caster or Assassin?
The talk of Assassin & mine of "Bad Cooking Skills" makes me wonder if someone who IS a noted "Bad Cook" would be called as an Assassin for 'Poison' attempts.

Either that or the food mutating to try and kill someone by making them eat it?

Caster or Assassin?
Assassin Gawain. NP is a giant pile of tasteless crude mashed potatoes.
"She's fat and trying to work it off," Ritsuka responds casually. "Mashu's taking d'Eon to the medbay after they got piledriven by Gilgamesh after their daily inquest. What's up?"
Whoa, I can just feel the "I have no shits to give." emanating from Ritsuka.
Da Vinci hops off with a skip in her step, like she didn't perform high treason against the court of NoHeadpatsEver
...My friends and comrades, it is time for a REVOLUTION!!! Headpats are a resource that must be freely given to EVERYONE!!!
"Ordering fast food and disguising it as your own cooking?" Kana laughs, a finger over her lip like a bad mustache. "Hohoho, delightfully devilish Ritsuka!"

"You should cut down on the fast food yourself, fatty." While Kana gasps in faux-offense, Ritsuka pulls out his notepad. "I made a list of random shit we could try, and finally summon a goddamn assassin."

"No vampire fiction."

Ritsuka nods, and then throws the entire notepad away. "Plan B it is."

"...I know that notepad is probably empty, but it was pretty funny." Kana nods sagely. "I approve. Anyways, you made a list?"

"Yes. I just need to write it down, and then we figure out what could summon who."

"Or we could just grab a random thing and wing it."

Ritsuka frowns thoughtfully, then shrugs. "Don't see why not. We can always summon again."
Ritsuka is giving just as good as he's taking.
The pillar of light in the summoning chamber dies, and in its place at the center is a large traveling case. Not a servant, not a cleverly solisophistic metaphor, literally a large wooden chest with metal banding, a lock, and everything.
I know where this is going.

Peering in, both Kana and Ritsuka see a disgruntled girl with black twintails, sitting down with her arms hugging her legs alongside a younger boy with rust red hair, who is trying to make sense of the situation. She looks up, reacting to the sudden light and--

Kana drops the lid. The chest closes shut with a hefty thud.

Ritsuka and Kana stand over the chest for several seconds.

"That's only to be expected! I would never tolerate mediocrity in my own children!" Rin glances over at Kana, visibly sweating and averting her eyes, and frowns. "Sorry, did I say something?"
Rin, always master of digging yourself deeper. :lol
"Matou Shinji?" Kana tries again.
Whoa, Kana, whoa, not cool! :V
Kana sucks on her teeth again. "Today couldn't possible get weirder."

Ritsuka slaps his face. For added measure, he flicks her in the forehead.

"Ow! Why?!"

"You idiot you said it not me."

From the chest, a third voice stirs. "Mm… What's going on?"

Yawning, a star-headed stick with wings peeks out over the edge of the chest. Three pairs of eyes turn to it, mortified. The stick spots a redheaded girl, and it purrs.

"Oh hello there, Kana-chan~"
Murphy, you cruel, cruel man.
"Next time we summon a chest," Kana grumbles, "I'm setting it on fire. Wait, no, I'm shooting it with my Gandr."

Ritsuka rolls his eyes. "Sure, give the chest a tummy ache. That'll work."

"It will when I turn its tummy into swords."

Archer opens his mouth. He glances at Saber. He closes his mouth. "I should go," he finally says.

"Same," Ritsuka echoes, and stands up to go when the wall collapses and a man with gold hair, red eyes, and an astoundingly poor taste in fashion flies out. "Oh for fuck's sa--"

Saber steps in front of him in the time between heartbeats. She doesn't even throw a punch, instead holding out a closed fist which Gilgamesh crashes himself against. He recoils and flops bonelessly on the ground. "Well played," the King croaks out, and then falls limp.

"...Thanks, aunt Arturia."

Arturia nods and wrings her wrist. "He really has been trying to suplex you everyday."

"Eh, I give as good as I get now." He looks at Gilgamesh and frowns with concern. "He's not dead, right?"

"Let me try," Kana says, and she pokes him with the pommel of her Azoth Blade. Immediately she falls through a golden portal, shouting 'CHALLENGE ACCEPTED' as it closes behind her.

Ritsuka looks on. He smacks his lips. "Yep, we're not seeing her for at least two weeks. Aunt Arturia, reset the clock?"

"Already done," she says, holding up a stopwatch.
They should rename Chaldea Security Organization to "Dr. Romani's Flying Circus'.
"She's not an assassin, the only important person she killed was herself."
Damn, girl, put some lotion on that BUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN!
Also, fun fact: Originally, Sunny Order was going to feature a younger Shirou and Rin from the Fuyuki Singularity tagging along for the ride. Unfortunately that premise had far too many moving parts, so I cut out the younger Shirou and Rin out and now you have this hive of scum and villainy instead.

It can survive in omake form, at least.
Also, fun fact: Originally, Sunny Order was going to feature a younger Shirou and Rin from the Fuyuki Singularity tagging along for the ride. Unfortunately that premise had far too many moving parts, so I cut out the younger Shirou and Rin out and now you have this hive of scum and villainy instead.
Don't worry, I like the current hive.
Also, fun fact: Originally, Sunny Order was going to feature a younger Shirou and Rin from the Fuyuki Singularity tagging along for the ride. Unfortunately that premise had far too many moving parts, so I cut out the younger Shirou and Rin out and now you have this hive of scum and villainy instead.

It can survive in omake form, at least.
Aw, that would have been cute!
Best Hassan will appear when it is appropriate. Hans might be tricky, even though he's a fun character. And I doubt that Kojirou will appear anywhere besides Shimosa.
Which one? People like Serenity, Hundred Faced, King, and Cursed Arm. As for Kojiro, unless you just don't want to write him, I'm not seeing problems with bringing him into this Chaldea, as a genius he makes for a horrible teacher so Kana still has her inferiority complex. He wouldn't really add to Ritsuka's workload either. Is it just because his personal skill and fighting style leads to enemy Servants suddenly losing their heads?
Best Hassan will appear when it is appropriate. Hans might be tricky, even though he's a fun character. And I doubt that Kojirou will appear anywhere besides Shimosa.
Sad to see Kojirou not making the list, though I do understand keeping down character bloat. Though knowing the sibling's luck they'll probably eventually summon their grandpa.

I wonder if Batman Hassan remembers the Heaven's Feel Route.
As for Kojiro, unless you just don't want to write him, I'm not seeing problems with bringing him into this Chaldea, as a genius he makes for a horrible teacher so Kana still has her inferiority complex. He wouldn't really add to Ritsuka's workload either. Is it just because his personal skill and fighting style leads to enemy Servants suddenly losing their heads?
That's the issue. He doesn't really bring anything new into the equation. Ultimately I have to make decisions about character summons and how to manage bloat, and for all that I like him all he really does is add a little bit to the 5th War Reunion Club and that's not really enough, especially because we never got Regend here.

Actually, going through most of the assassins, how many are actually, in fact, assassins?

Jin ke failed hers
Hans is actually an execurioner
Kojiro is a bushido no name samurai
Whats her name was a spy
Opera was a murder monster
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Actually, going through most of the assassins, how. Any actually are in fact assassins?

Jin ke failed hers
Hans is actually an execurioner
Kojiro is a bushido no name samurai
Whats her name was a spy
Opera was a murder monster
The Hassans, the ninja and the rulers bar Cleo, from the looks of it?
That's the issue. He doesn't really bring anything new into the equation. Ultimately I have to make decisions about character summons and how to manage bloat, and for all that I like him all he really does is add a little bit to the 5th War Reunion Club and that's not really enough, especially because we never got Regend here.
The thing about FGO stories is that some character bloat is inevitable. I like to take a piece of paper and plot out the circles of friendship. In this Chaldea, Kojiro would expand Okita and Arturia's sword nerd circle, join Cu in picking spars, and spend time in meditative silence with Attila. In this case, to the masters he would be the "quiet and reliable" type. You might be able to fit a shipping subplot in as well, since he does flirt some when he gets the chance, and that seems like the kind of thing Kana might jump on. A Medea reconcilliation arc could also be good, getting over the events of the fifth war.

I understand if you don't want a full Fifth War reunion, but it is almost there already, Kojiro is the only one you are missing, and at that point it looks more like you are leaving him out than anything.
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