So...I can't help but wonder what Ritsuka even bring to the table by going in the field ? Because from what's been shown so far, the charismatic, fighty and strategically/tactically inclined one is Kana. What does Ritsuka do exactly ?
Raw power, magical proficiency, and book knowledge. He's much better at history than Kana is, is better with magecraft (most obvious utility is healing, but he's versatile) and is also able to hold his own in a fight.
Useless in Chaldea if not outright harmful.

Raw power, magical proficiency, and book knowledge. He's much better at history than Kana is, is better with magecraft (most obvious utility is healing, but he's versatile) and is also able to hold his own in a fight.
*wince* You're gonna have to establish those credential in a visible fashion soon, because with the way things have been going so far Ritsuka is looking more and more like The Load.
Useless in Chaldea if not outright harmful.

*wince* You're gonna have to establish those credential in a visible fashion soon, because with the way things have been going so far Ritsuka is looking more and more like The Load.

How about him being the only one that all Avengers and Berserkers will listen to, that will be important.
So...I can't help but wonder what Ritsuka even bring to the table by going in the field ? Because from what's been shown so far, the charismatic, fighty and strategically/tactically inclined one is Kana. What does Ritsuka do exactly ?
I got the impression Ritsuka was the one being the strategist and handling logistics.
Useless in Chaldea if not outright harmful.

*wince* You're gonna have to establish those credential in a visible fashion soon, because with the way things have been going so far Ritsuka is looking more and more like The Load.
He healed Mashu early in France, was the one to convince Medea to Rule Breaker Marie, and did quite a number on Saber Alter in Fuyuki. And in Chaldea he takes charge and gets shit done.

I don't know where this idea of Ritsuka being a load comes from, he's been competent throughout.
*wince* You're gonna have to establish those credential in a visible fashion soon, because with the way things have been going so far Ritsuka is looking more and more like The Load.

Really? I thought that it was pretty clear through the general Chaldea segments that while Kana is more personable and rolls with the punches with much more grace, Rits is the actual leader who knows what's going on and keeps everyone on track and fighting the good fight. Without Rits, the entire organization would probably fall apart, or at least be far worse off than it currently is at either point in the timeline.

Not sure where you're getting 'the load' from at all... He's been visibly competent and putting out fires since basically the start of the fic (after the initial jokes about his rotten luck with the Gacha at least).

Edit: Jackie'd
Not sure where you're getting 'the load' from at all...
He didn't break a Servant in half with his bare hands yet. Compared to his mum at his age, Rits obviously doesn't compare favourably.

Fortunately, Jalter is currently bringing him into punching range of a Caster. Ain't she considerate of her new waifu's needs :V?

What, you though she was interested just because of the way Ritsuka makes a dress work :V?
Now that I think about it, why didn't Ritsuka ask Media to craft him a lucky charm for his pulls? It worked plenty well for Souichirou in Carnival Phantasm.
Considering the shape, context, and fact that she only makes one of those, it's possible she needs to channel her compassion/love/attachment/waifuness to make one of those.

So unless Ritsu is ready to go seduce the widowed witch version of misses robinson, it might not be viable.

Edit: Though he is a rather stern no-nonsense individual who has a hidden compassion within him, and actually does have a visual profile not too unlike a much younger Souichirou Kuzuki...
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So...I can't help but wonder what Ritsuka even bring to the table by going in the field ? Because from what's been shown so far, the charismatic, fighty and strategically/tactically inclined one is Kana. What does Ritsuka do exactly ?

Keeps the servants in line with his magnificent bear claw technique. People fear this dreaded technique, especially Nobunaga.
Considering the shape, context, and fact that she only makes one of those, it's possible she needs to channel her compassion/love/attachment/waifuness to make one of those.

So unless Ritsu is ready to go seduce the widowed witch version of misses robinson, it might not be viable.

Edit: Though he is a rather stern no-nonsense individual who has a hidden compassion within him, and actually does have a visual profile not too unlike a much younger Souichirou Kuzuki...
True, but he's not outright broken like Kuzuki was. There's this excellent story in Hollow Ataraxia that tells the story of their meeting from Kuzuki's perspective, and it cemented my views that the two of them are objectively perfect for one another.
Also Mashu will beat Caster to death for muscling in on her man just saying
I dunno, Mashu's pretty much immune to magecraft, yeah, but can she even get through the defenses Mederpa layers on herself? Those things are compared with Berserkules' skin in toughness ya know. I get the feeling it would devolve to Mashu ineffectually wailing on Medea while Medea tries to stab her and they both utterly fail to hurt each other.
He healed Mashu early in France, was the one to convince Medea to Rule Breaker Marie, and did quite a number on Saber Alter in Fuyuki. And in Chaldea he takes charge and gets shit done.

I don't know where this idea of Ritsuka being a load comes from, he's been competent throughout.
It's more that you keep hitting him the balls so often it overshadow everything he does ? Even his wins tend to get tainted by something or other ? I don't know how to properly express it, this lie more in the "Reader gut feeling" territory then proper literary critic, sorry for that.

In short, even after re-reading this story in one go, what my brain retain isn't "Ritsuka is competent", it's "Ritsuka can't take two steps without something blowing up in his face". I think the cracky parts and the serious parts mixing together are crossing wires in my brain in a bad way.

The contrast with Kana also doesn't help.
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It's more that you keep hitting him the balls so often it overshadow everything he does ? Even his wins tend to get tainted by something or other ? I don't know how to properly express it, this lie more in the "Reader gut feeling" territory then proper literary critic, sorry for that.

In short, even after re-reading this story in one go, what my brain retain isn't "Ritsuka is competent", it's "Ritsuka can't take two steps without something blowing up in his face". I think the cracky parts and the serious parts mixing together are crossing wires in my brain in a bad way.

The contrast with Kana also doesn't help.

Yeah, it's not really funny how Ritsuka is the butt of many of the jokes. However, if you showed Kana visibly stuggling to maintain her forces without him around, for example by starting to Panic and not having a clue on what to do next, other than rescuing Ritsuka, you may be able to establish just how competent Ritsuka is.
I mean, I was pretty comfortable with Ritsuka as "the calm and collected one", which is valuable even if he had no other skills.

And he doesn't get butt monkey'd in the serious sections, I don't think.
I just don't get the same impression as some readers here I guess. Kana even had a section dedicated to her and how she is only good at fighting and not much else, with her magic not even as good as her dad.

If the complaint is about slapstick not knowing genders, I find this a different tangent than Ritsuka's competence.
I just don't get the same impression as some readers here I guess. Kana even had a section dedicated to her and how she is only good at fighting and not much else, with her magic not even as good as her dad.

If the complaint is about slapstick not knowing genders, I find this a different tangent than Ritsuka's competence.

It's more that Kana seems to be given more respect than Ritsuka narratively, both in serious situations and comedic ones, it's just more obvious in the comical parts.
It's more that Kana seems to be given more respect than Ritsuka narratively, both in serious situations and comedic ones, it's just more obvious in the comical parts.
I just don't see it. Like, in comedic parts, Kana seems more like a comedic relief that is slightly irresponsible and a bit of a daddy's girl, while Ritsuka takes care of the paperwork and bring unruly Servants back in order. I don't see how that translates to him getting less respect, even as the butt of more jokes.

Like, I get that complaint, Kana should be the butt of more jokes, but I don't see it as her getting more respect anymore than just her having a different role in the narrative than her brother. Ritsuka works in some of those jokes because he is overly serious and the straight man, and thus it serves as a contrast. It wouldn't really work with Kana as she is written.
I just don't see it. Like, in comedic parts, Kana seems more like a comedic relief that is slightly irresponsible and a bit of a daddy's girl, while Ritsuka takes care of the paperwork and bring unruly Servants back in order. I don't see how that translates to him getting less respect, even as the butt of more jokes.

Like, I get that complaint, Kana should be the butt of more jokes, but I don't see it as her getting more respect anymore than just her having a different role in the narrative than her brother. Ritsuka works in some of those jokes because he is overly serious and the straight man, and thus it serves as a contrast. It wouldn't really work with Kana as she is written.

How to put this? You know Murphy's Law, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong?

Well, so far that effect seems to be more focused on Ritsuka than Kana. Ritsuka was the one who got kidnapped, Ritsuka was the only one who Gilgamesh attacks, Ritsuka is the one who has two (Possibly three) Servants attracted to him.

It may just be comedic right now, but that doesn't mean it can't affect the opinion of readers if the focus seems to be disproportionately on Ritsuka when bad things happen.
Ritsuka is definitely the butt of a lot more jokes, but everything I get from the story tells me that he's the competent one of the pair. He does the work, and it's a damn thankless job because there's a lot of it, and he basically almost never gets a break, but he does the work. He's the one with his nose to the grindstone, putting in all the little pieces of paperwork, arranging all the little sundry details, and doing all the dirty work to ensure that Nobu doesn't blow the place up, Medea doesn't go on a power trip, that Altera is still happy and uninterested in destruction, that Gil and Archer aren't wrecking vital equipment with their little spats, etcetera, etcetera.

The fact that he gets made the butt of so many jokes honestly just makes it clearer in my eyes how much work he puts in. I mean, practically every scene he gets made fun of starts with him doing important work. And most of the endings of those scenes involve him saving fucking Chaldea from Servant shenanigans, even if that means him getting suplexed or put in a dress along the way.

Kana is the beautiful and talented queen, Ritsuka is the competent advisor who does all the dirty work that keeps the kingdom running.

Edit: Even if that means regularly pulling double-duty as Court jester.
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Kana leans into the crazy, and thus she's more often than not along for the ride with the craziness.

Ritsuka, being rational and no-fun, tries to stop the crazy, and thus often gets run over by it for his troubles.

But if Ritsuka also leaned into the crazy, Chaldea would probably burn down within the week because he's the one stopping the crazy from ramming through important load-bearing walls.