Also Saber didn't speak English, she spoke Bretonnian, the precursor to modern Welsh. English is the language of the Anglo-Saxons, who she spent her entire life fighting.

She's kind of ambivalent about it now but at the time she was Maximally Annoyed.
This is why I said that its only sort of her native tongue. The language of the land she ruled, but not the language she actually spoke.
This is why I said that its only sort of her native tongue. The language of the land she ruled, but not the language she actually spoke.
It didn't really speak English when she ruled it, either. King Arthur's legend dates back to the 6th or 7th century off the top of my head, and the Saxons didn't come to dominate Britain until later.
okay, can we stop with the language thing, switch topic before we end with like 5 page of argument
Jeanne will never run out of forgiveness, just as God never runs out of forgiveness. It's refusing to admit you need it that messes up your soul.
Sadly, that last bit is very likely to happen for many of our beloved shenaniganizers.

gags huh :D
I half expect a bar of soap to fly into that dirty little mouth.
"Repent! And that foul language of yours!"
Jeanne isn't Jewish, YHWH is not the name used for God by non-Jewish people, and apparently in canon Jeanne's at least mildly annoyed by the name of Rods From God.
Actually she likes the idea of Rods from God. In fact it was her suggestion on how to stop the Hanging Gardens from leaving the country in Apocrypha. She also apparently sent trash talk letters to heretics, foreign non-christian nations, and etc. when she got bored and had no campaigns to wage. Yes, this a thing the real life Jeanne did.
She also apparently sent trash talk letters to heretics, foreign non-christian nations, and etc. when she got bored and had no campaigns to wage. Yes, this a thing the real life Jeanne did.
Trash talking for a good cause. If someone is heading down a path of peril for his soul, one is morally required to tell him that he's doing it wrong. In all love and charity, of course.
Omake - The Red Makes The Apron Work
"...Kana, we need to talk."

The girl screams and nearly flips off the treadmill, saved only by Archer planting his foot hard enough to stop the track and keeping her head from smashing into the console anyways. She looks up, slick with sweat and panting heavily, her cheeks read from a morning of exerting anaerobic exercise - or maybe she's scandalised. She is in sports attire again, and while she's wearing a hoodie this time the running has caused the zipper to slip free. She looks at him, eyes wide and irises small.

Archer frowns, and raises one of his hands to cough into. "I said, we need to--"


"...I walked in. Kana, I know it's your personal routine but you should look around more often."

"YOU look around! LOOK!"

Archer does, and his blood freezes into a single solid EMIYA-shaped block inside him. Everyone around him, on the weights, on the treadmills, on the mats doing yoga and whatnot, are women. All of them looking oddly at him. This is a fine time for his brain to remind him that Chaldea separates its gym facilities into three spaces, one for each gender and a third as a common room.

He's in the women's gym. This is not the first time he's been here. And he's never realised it.

He looks back at the daughter his other self had, fully speechless and more than a little shocked. Her cheeks are puffed, her face is red, her eyes are slightly tear-stained, and she's trying to force the zipper back up. "OUT!" She orders.

"I'll talk to you later," Archer quickly says, and makes his way out as quickly as possible without actually running for it. This is going to end terribly for him, he just knows it.


"...Holy shit you're one of them."

Archer scowls at Cu, briefly considering tracing one of the beer glasses and throwing it at him, but it would be a loss of composure on his part and he would dodge anyways. A total defeat he could not abide by. Instead he continues cleaning them, working quickly and effectively. "You have eyes, Lancer. I am clearly a man."

"Yeah," the Irish Hero nods with a drink in hand, "But you have the soul of a housewife! You know what I mean, greenpeace," he says, leaning over to the other man on the barstool. "It's not just me, right? He's got a woman's soul."

Robin Hood, who has had his hood down and was all too happy to have a quiet drink, sighs and shakes his head. "I'm not getting involved in this, Lancer. You settle this with the Red Man yourself."

"C'mon, don't tell me you've never thought about it before! Look!" Cu puts an arm over Robin's shoulder and brings him in close. "He's wearing an apron! And he looks so happy to be cleaning! Who does that?!"

"I do that," Archer says evenly, his brow set. "Cleaning is peaceful. It's productive repetition. I take pride in leaving a place cleaner than when I found it. Aren't you always going on about taking pride in your work, Lancer?"

Robin frowns and sighs heavily. "I guess you're right. Archer here wears the frilly type with the hearts in the main kitchen, too."

"It's a prank by the kitchen staff. I don't care."

"Then why do you look so damn happy when you wear it, asshole?!" Fully caught up in the matter, Robin points at the Counter Guardian with finality. "And you nag everyone all. The damn. Time! Don't leave stains. Don't restring in the range. Don't leave traps in the garden."

"People walk in those woods to relax, Robin Hood, not to require immediate treatment in the infirmary to not die."

"And there he goes!" Robin waves his hand firmly and looks at Cu. "Do you see what I mean, Lancer?! Do you see this mother at work?!"

"Yes, Robin! That's damn right!"

Archer pinches the bridge of his nose and briefly considers detonating a Caladbolg in the bar, but rethinks it as it's not worth it and Cu would dodge anyways. Fucking broken asshole. "Someone has to take responsibility in this place. Our Masters run ragged trying to save the world and you assholes are off getting into brawls and destroying public property. I'm just trying to help them." He shrugs. "And if you think that's because I'm technically their father, then fine. But I would do it even if I weren't related to our Masters."

As if on cue, a nearby wall, recently rebuilt with the labour of many machines and salvaged material from a lesser Singularity, is blown open, and through the smoke a Golden King emerges. He laughs and waves into the hole, while a giant walks in the other direction. "Today is my victory, mongrel! Try better!"

"Case in point," Archer says, eyes rolling. Any harder and they'd fall out. "Don't cause trouble for our Masters, King of Heroes. I'm watching you."

"Hmph," Gilgamesh scoffs. "What a nag. Very well, I shall ease their efforts." He waves his hand, and a golden portal sweeps over the gaping hole, mending the shattered concrete with solid gold. "Are you satisfied, faker?"

"That's not what I - fine. Thank you, Gilgamesh."

Gilgamesh shakes his head. "How tiresome."

"Hey, goldie!" Cu calls out. "This red asshole's a real nag, isn't he?"

"Without a doubt, hound!" Gilgamesh responds, his arms crossed. "In another life he might have been a peerless mother, endlessly scolding her sons and taking charge of their lives as if they were her own!"

"I am not a helicopter parent."

"Denial is admission," the King responds imperiously. "Your move, faker."

"He's got a point," Cu says with an eager nod.

"For once I agree with the both of them," Robin grumbles, already regretting his decision to join in.

"See? What did I tell you, you have the soul of a woman! You should trust my instincts more, Archer, they're usually right!" Lancer laughs and toasts to the air before downing his drink, before slinking into bitter depression. "...Tch, I'm jealous."

"A sudden reversal of moods, Dog," Gilgamesh notes with a raised eyebrow. "Fairly amusing. But explain."

"This asshole just told me he's been accidentally going to the women's gym for months. And no one noticed until recently. Hell, no one cares." Cu slams his glass on the countertop and slides it off, the glass saved neatly by the Archer in Red. "He's one of them, asshole he is. And he has the temerity to complain that beautiful girls love him like one of their own!"

"You don't know what I've been through!" Archer snaps at him.


"Peace! Both of you, for fucks' sake PEACE!"

They both settle down, for the man that joins them is their Master. Ritsuka, his eyes haggard and bagged by lack of sleep, but still in a gi and slick with sweat, stomps over to them with a furry creature on his shoulder and a purple-haired Demi-Servant right behind him. "What is going on here?" Ritsuka asks, one smart comment from ending the world. "We're saving the world here. We don't have time to mouth off at each other." He looks testily at Gilgamesh, and the King only responds with a knowing smile. "Lancer. Explain."

"Your dad goes to the women's gym and doesn't like it," Lancer says blandly.


"...N-No, that's true," Mashu says, as she strokes her chin. "Now that I think on it, I have seen Archer at the gym. It's weird, I never really thought about it… It's like he belongs there."

"Exa… wait, but…" Ritsuka clasps his hands and holds it against his mouth, deep in thought. He starts to speak more than once, raising a finger, but always retreats every time. Finally, he sighs. "...Fair point. He does seem like he would fit there."

"Right?" Lancer asks, and smugly looks over at a steaming Archer. Robin and Gilgamesh both nod, raising glasses slightly in salute. Even Fou agrees, and he crawls onto Ritsuka's head and nods vigorously to show it. The Red Man clenches his fists, this close to reciting his aria.

"...Nevermind that. Father, what were you doing there anyways?"

"I found your sister's anime collection."

Ritsuka winches. "Yeesh, yeah it's pretty dire. Woman brought a copy of Eromanga Sensei to Chaldea and I don't fucking know why."

"I don't care about her tastes in anime," Archer says, taking the special care to not sound angry and ironically sounding angriest of all. "I care that it is in a pile. She needs to sort her things and keep her room orderly, or she can't even start to keep her head orderly."

Ritsuka looks at him. Archer looks back at Ritsuka, wondering if he's made a mistake. Ritsuka opens his mouth, letting loose a small sigh. "Wow," he says. "You might be an alternate version of our father, but you're acting more like our mother."

Around Ritsuka, three Servants raise their glasses and cheer. The only one who does not wears red. Interesting, that.

"..." Archer sighs. He turns to his last hope. "Miss Kyrielight, your comments?" He asks, desperate hope in his eyes.

Mashu looks at him, her eyes bright and indecisive. She looks at Ritsuka, then at him, then back at Ritsuka, back and forth as she tries and fails to come to a decision. "Does senpai get it from you?" She asks in a small voice, her cheeks red as she twiddles her fingers.

"...I suppose?" Archer replies, itself a question of sorts.

Mashu gives Ritsuka a once-over, then nods. "Archer is Chaldea's Mother," Mashu asserts definitively. "Senpai looks good in a dress because Archer looks good in an apron. The facts prove it."

"...Mashu why?" Ritsuka asks.

"I'll drink to that!" Cu cheers, and both Robin and Gilgamesh raise their glasses in agreement.

"Congrats, Red Archer! You're our mother!"

"Kill me," Archer begs. The only solution would be to detonate a Broken Phantasm in his hands and return to Alaya with some measure of his dignity intact. But his sense of responsibility chains him here, like a leaden weight on the hand that could end it all.

And Cu would dodge anyways.

He's been betrayed again.
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"Yeah," the Irish Hero nods with a drink in hand, "But you have the soul of a housewife!
The word you're looking for, Cu, is house spouse.
"Hmph," Gilgamesh scoffs. "What a nag. Very well, I shall ease their efforts." He waves his hand, and a golden portal sweeps over the gaping hole, mending the shattered concrete with solid gold. "Are you satisfied, faker?"
As long as it doesn't threaten the structural integrity and he doesn't do that to the floors, I'd say take that as a victory.
"That's not what I - fine. Thank you, Gilgamesh."
Take your victories where you can, Archer.
"You don't know what I've been through!" Archer snaps at him.

He got you there, Archer.
"I don't care about her tastes in anime," Archer says, taking the special care to not sound angry and ironically sounding angriest of all. "I care that it is in a pile. She needs to sort her things and keep her room orderly, or she can't even start to keep her head orderly."
I absolutely agree!
"Wow," he says. "You might be an alternate version of our father, but you're acting more like our mother."

Around Ritsuka, three Servants raise their glasses and cheer. The only one who does not wears red. Interesting, that.

"..." Archer sighs. He turns to his last hope. "Miss Kyrielight, your comments?" He asks, desperate hope in his eyes.

Mashu looks at him, her eyes bright and indecisive. She looks at Ritsuka, then at him, then back at Ritsuka, back and forth as she tries and fails to come to a decision. "Does senpai get it from you?" She asks in a small voice, her cheeks red as she twiddles her fingers.

"...I suppose?" Archer replies, itself a question of sorts.

Mashu gives Ritsuka a once-over, then nods. "Archer is Chaldea's Mother," Mashu asserts definitively. "Senpai looks good in a dress because Archer looks good in an apron. The facts prove it."

"...Mashu why?" Ritsuka asks.
Being Emiya is suffering. Cute suffering, but suffering nonetheless. :V
"Kill me," Archer begs. The only solution would be to detonate a Broken Phantasm in his hands and return to Alaya with some measure of his dignity intact. But his sense of responsibility chains him here, like a leaden weight on the hand that could end it all.
I'd say, "Do it yourself.", but as we've seen you suck at that. :p
Ah yes Archer bullying a famed and beloved group activity in anything involving him that is even remotely not-serious.
"Archer is Chaldea's Mother," Mashu asserts definitively. "Senpai looks good in a dress because Archer looks good in an apron. The facts prove it."

Mashu is smart. When she does speak her mind, there's always a bit of wisdom to be heard.

And good girl knows what she wants. Poor Ritsuka, the Shinjuku chapter definitely will not be nice to him.

Its true she liked Seikon no Qwaser too.

Beyond Hope.

To be fair, Seikon no Qwaser had amazing music. Passionate Squall is my shit yo.