Magnus has had you strip bare save a waste cloth you don't remember ever putting on "It would be better that you do this in the waking world, but for now we will make do with it in your mindscape" Magnus admits. Out of nowhere he takes what seems to be a knife clips your finger with it "first I will have you learn how to re-knit your tissue and bones properly before I teach you how to enhance or warp them." The Crimson King stares at your cut before your very eyes
Magnus's roll needed: 2 rolled:Roll(2d100):99 + Roll(1d20):1 Total: 132 impossible success
Your wound was healed before your very eyes, the process Magnus seemed to make slow so that you could observe what was occuring. "It may be a bit more difficult for you" Magnus admitted "but I am sure you will be able to do it as well. he then cuts your finger on the other hand "now this time I want you to re-knit this" he states.
needed:5 rolled:Roll(3d20):2,19,1 Total:22 critical success
it was not easy at first but you managed to close up the wound leaving only the barest traces of a scar that soon vanish, though this is more likely due to the fact that you are in your minds cape than anything else.
"Well done, you did remarkable for a mortal" Magnus informs you though the last word through you off for a bit
Biomancy Power options unlocked