So, he's both a Psyker AND a Sorcerer? Or is Sorcerer a type of Psyker?
At this moment, he can still learn powers of Psykers, due to the fact that he is an Aspiring Sorcerer, once he becomes a full fledged, that path will close so you will have to choose what he learns carefully.
Are you have any plan to cross over with Tsukihime or wider Nasuverse like Fate/Grand Order?.

I actually want to see someone success in have a wish form the grail.
Also I there was a fic I did that I used as a basis for this. In that I did include the wider Nasuverse in, though so far it has only been in events before the Grail War like Kara no Kyoukai, Shirou is Touko's apprentice in that one. Here's the link if you really wanted
FateIncarnate X4 Chapter 1: Prologue: Reborn in Fire and Death, a Warhammer + Fate/stay night Crossover fanfic | FanFiction
At this moment, he can still learn powers of Psykers, due to the fact that he is an Aspiring Sorcerer, once he becomes a full fledged, that path will close so you will have to choose what he learns carefully.
I'm not really sure how that works. You can be either a Psyker or a Sorcerer? Isn't Magnus know for his immense psyker powers and for being a sorcerer? Or I'm missing something?

EDIT: Which one is better? I know for a fact that the God-Emperor is a psyker, but he's a massive outliner all things considered.
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I'm not really sure how that works. You can be either a Psyker or a Sorcerer? Isn't Magnus know for his immense psyker powers and for being a sorcerer? Or I'm missing something?
There is a distinct difference in that in the lore ad novels almost anyone has the ability to become a Sorcerer though not many have the wits ti match that ambition, Pyksers from what I've learnt of it are more born with their powers unlike a their darker Counterparts that learn the lore.
I believe the explanation Ruven in the Night Lord trilogy on the topic of Navigators is similar to this, that one possess to lore to use it, the other was born to.
Psykers can become more powerful by becoming Sorcerers but at that point they stop using some of the powers they originally had in favor of what they gain.
Like Ahriman's power was originally in divination. Yet at then end of Prospero burns he discovers they have all gained all the regular powers of Astartes Psykers like when he tried to help one of his fellows and accidentally shot him with lightning and then realised that for some reason his words held power.
It is not that can't use them anymore, it is that they are too enraptured with what is new that they do not, or if they do so, very rarely.
I decided to represent this by cutting off what Psyker powers could be learnt once Shirou becomes a fully fledged Sorcerer, simply because there would e so much more to learn. He can still use what Psychic powers he has just that there will be better (read: more powerful and easier used) options available to him.
As for Magnus he is a difficult case as he already new some of the secrets in the warp. He was a powerful Psyker second only to the Emperor himself, yet both of them could be counted as Sorcerers due to how they gained such lore and knowledge bar the fact that at that point at least both of them didn't worship Chaos. It is unknown if Magnus does truly worship as with his opinion to Tzeentch is similar to his former Chief Librarian's. They hate the changer of ways, abeit for slightly different reasons
So technically being a Sorcerer is better overall, and you still can use some psyker abilities as a Sorcerer? Like biomancy or telekinesis or pyromancy like the Emperor?
So technically being a Sorcerer is better overall, and you still can use some psyker abilities as a Sorcerer? Like biomancy or telekinesis or pyromancy like the Emperor?
Yes, you can use all of you abilities you had as a Psyker, there are just other options to choose from so most use them instead
I hope we can begin research the mystic code of time here,Noritaka is fail to research before mage association come to kill him.

Maybe we can show interest in magecraft and Kiritsugu can pass the mystic code to us.
I hope we can begin research the mystic code of time here,Noritaka is fail to research before mage association come to kill him.

Maybe we can show interest in magecraft and Kiritsugu can pass the mystic code to us.
I'm not sure that Kiritsugu still has the origin bullets or the Thompson Contender.
Still by chance are you referring to the Magic Crest?
Psychic Powers Choice 1
"Aspiring Sorcerer?" you manage your voice soft and confused at these turn of events.
"Yes, Sorcerer" Magnus replied nodding his head in agreement, there is a touch of excitement in the red giants tone. "Instead of the subtle psychic manipulation and divination used by the Farseers or the strength-boosting powers of the Librarians, the Sorcerers wield death, destruction, and mutation, the mightiest powers of the Warp" and with this you repress as shudder as chill runs through your spine.
You have little idea what Magnus is talking about though you can make out that you are about to be dropped off into the deep end of the pool before you are even taught the basics on swimming. Searching for something to say the best you can come up with is "can't I walk before I learn to fly?"
Magus looks at you his single eye "Perhaps it would have been better to leave out the mutation part" he muses before chuckling. "A mere jest" he informs you mischief in his eye before he takes a deep breath. "Shirou once again I find myself wondering if I should have been as cautious as you are when I was younger." Now fixing you with his eye again Magnus says "Very well then shall we start with the basics " with a wave of his hand the two of you now stand in the arena. "There are six forms basic expertise that a Psyker can use.
"Biomancy; that us the manipulation of biological energy its its processes, in essence it is the ability to master and shape flesh to your will, not just your own but your allies and foes as well."
Magnus waited for you to absorb this in before he continued "Divination is next, this allows you discern the hidden past of the universe and allows you to know the course of events yet to come, this will allow you search for the answers you seek and sometimes even influence the outcome of fate itself." The thought is a very tempting one.
"There is Daemonology that is split into the Sanctic Powers and Malefic ones, but I will save that for later as while your will is strong I have no wish to rake that risk or for you to either until I am more than convinced that you can make use of it."
"Pyromancy is one of the most spectacular and destructive forms of psychic power, it is focused on fire and is easy to use and manifest for most humans." for some reason Magnus keeps this one short but perhaps there is not much to say about it than he already did.
"Ah Telekinesis, the power of the mind translating it into a physical force, it is a favorite of mine then again most of them are, but this is where I first excelled as it is truly something beautiful to achieve" Magnus seems be be rather fond of this discipline.
"The last is Telepathy, this is the power to contact and control the minds of others, with this you could blast away your foes sense of reason with but a thought, induce them into a numbing state of terror or possess your targets thoughts and mould their actions as if they were your own."
At last Magnus seemed to have finished his explanation "Most Psykers only ever master one" the red giant now chuckles again. "That was never enough for me so I chose to master them all, consider it a sign of good fortune that I am your instructor here so that all of the paths are open for you to choose, in fact I would recommend that you try to surpass me ans master all of them."

Options (Two Choices available)
[]Daemonology (locked until Shirou is adept in all others or a master of two)
[]Actually I would rather just go straight to Sorcery (Note Shirou will gain bonuses for this if he masters the regular Pskker Powers first before he movesonto this option)
With Biomancy we have a chance at recovering Kiritsugus Magic Crest and Divination because we will be able to influence FATE(/Stay Night) itself, alright I'll admit the joke was a bit weak there

I want to learn telekinesis to made Magnus happy but this is what discipline that I am interested.

I want to learn telekinesis to made Magnus happy but this is what discipline that I am interested.
Magnus likes all but Daemonology (for obvious reasons) besides the two chosen here does not mean you can't choose others to study in the future
With Biomancy we have a chance at recovering Kiritsugus Magic Crest and Divination because we will be able to influence FATE(/Stay Night) itself, alright I'll admit the joke was a bit weak there
[X] Biomancy
[X] Divination
With Biomancy, Shirou might be able to keep Kiritsugu alive long enough to to break the curse the Angry Man Jew hit him with.