Well okay, looks like shit happened while I was asleep...

Different topic!

As an NA player, are there any servants I should be preparing for America beyond the regular good ones?
Well okay, looks like shit happened while I was asleep...

Different topic!

As an NA player, are there any servants I should be preparing for America beyond the regular good ones?
Beyond it introducing some enemies who are going to be infuriating to deal with when they get more HP and come in groups of more than 1 like fucking Sprigans and those assassin fuckers, it is not too bad. Just giving you a hint of the bullshit that is to come in Camelot. So just raise who you want.
Beyond it introducing some enemies who are going to be infuriating to deal with when they get more HP and come in groups of more than 1 like fucking Sprigans and those assassin fuckers, it is not too bad. Just giving you a hint of the bullshit that is to come in Camelot. So just raise who you want.
Everyone talks about how Spriggans are awful with their super crits, but the ones I hate the most are the Assassin Soul Eaters. There are barely any Casters in the game and they all have shitty damage.

So raise Medea. Make it so she can NP spam on those fuckers.
Well okay, looks like shit happened while I was asleep...

Different topic!

As an NA player, are there any servants I should be preparing for America beyond the regular good ones?

bring your friend's Scathach to murder cu alter in one hit

have a Soul Eater killer and an assassin for wyverns

resident low star male killer is also a good idea
I don't recall any especially ridiculous battles in America, really. Besides some high damage stuff for Cu Alter, you should be fine.
Guess I'll take advantage of being sick and grind a couple apples worth of xp for Anne & Mary then.

Cheese a multi stage fight with Cu Alter with your own Cu's. Useful and thematic!
I do need to top him off too and throw a grail or two his way...

Beyond it introducing some enemies who are going to be infuriating to deal with when they get more HP and come in groups of more than 1 like fucking Sprigans and those assassin fuckers, it is not too bad. Just giving you a hint of the bullshit that is to come in Camelot. So just raise who you want.
Recently I've been slowly leveling Team Unappreciated and the Gorgon sisters for my thematic teams, they're coming along but not quite ready to party yet.
Everyone talks about how Spriggans are awful with their super crits, but the ones I hate the most are the Assassin Soul Eaters. There are barely any Casters in the game and they all have shitty damage.

So raise Medea. Make it so she can NP spam on those fuckers.
Those bastards are part of the reason I am so happy I rolled Nursery Rhyme. Critting for 90k while leading with her buster feels wonderful. Having a Medea with Heaven's Feel in the Backrow is enough to liquidate most assassins now.
And though I agree with you about Artoria and Medea and think using the "porn game" argument is dumb because the VN wasn't a porn game to begin with I would like to hear your thoughts on Medusa though.
IMO, Medusa has very good Doylist reasons for being that way. Her appearance has more to do with the context she is placed in than her personality specifically.

Firstly, she is a fallen goddess originally meant to embody the desires of man. Her appearance is suggestive of the darker side of sexual desires, domination and submission, bondage, sexual predation, thematically a set of fetishes perceived as something inappropriate by modern society, which is all in line with that concept.

Secondly, she is initially introduced as Shinji's Servant. My first thought about that reveal in the VN had been basically "seems legit". Her outfit and demeanor resonate with Shinji's characterization and reflect the Master - Servant relationship as Shinji views it. Her quiet compliance with Shinji's commands and his acceptance and expectation of such behavior is also evocative in this respect as well as carrying a hidden implication about Sakura's character.

Thirdly, she is Sakura's Servant. I hope I don't have to actually explain how this ties in with Medusa's, well, everything.

Something about Medusa's own personality can also be brought up here - she is largely resigned to whatever role is pushed onto her and what image is crafted for that role. Because of this, I find it fitting that her appearance is dictated primarily by the context she's placed in instead of directly expressing her character. It's also noteworthy that the one outfit we see that she chooses for herself consists of jeans and a turtleneck, understated and not at all sexually charged... at least, not intentionally so (can't argue that Medusa tends to look sexy no matter what she wears).

All in all, Medusa's appearance may just be the most justified one in the entire franchise in this respect. It serves the narrative, and serves it well.

This may seem quite out of context to the previous discussions, but there is a criticism that I have of Fate Grand Order: a rather obvious one.

Fanservice regardless to character, especially towards the female gender. I mean, sure, skimpy clothes are fine and all, but there's something disconcerting if that's the case for literally everyone (female, mostly), regardless of disposition, character, practicality of circumstance, etc. I mean, there's a level of objectification there, and the male gaze.

I'd like the game far more if sexuality was presented in a positive manner instead, supporting character rather than diminishing it into a prepackaged sexual market. Indeed, I like the expression of sexuality, but that's if said sexuality expresses individual autonomy, agency: and that means sexuality should be presented as part of a woman's (and anyone's) continuous life, and not for cheaply exploiting female characters for the consumption of a heterosexual male audience.
I wholeheartedly agree with this. It is quite ironic and very disappointing that the "porn game" that has started the franchise has far less sexual gratification in its character designs. It's especially disheartening when looking back on the earlier works in the franchise - Type-Moon have shown to be capable of creating very appealing character designs while keeping them subtle, understated, and actually saying something about the character, and succeeding in making those characters popular. Saber's original design is most illustrative of this. Meanwhile, its every later iteration (aside from Okita, because I'm biased :V) has been a steady downward spiral.

And then there is much There is Nursery rhyme, Jackie. Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily and Wu Zetian four out of the one hundred female servants.
:eyebrow: Stheno, Euryale, both Helenas, Illya and Chloe, Medusa (Lancer), Chacha, Bunyan, Chiyome, and Abigail. So, more like 15.

Also arguably Elizabeth (she's explicitly 14; not quite a loli but a lot more so than Waver is a shota) and Shuten Douji (personally, I don't count her as such - regardless of the illustrator's notes, it's quite clear that between her disposition, voiceover, and uncanny similarity to her quite clearly not loli seiyuu, the final result at most toes the line of the aesthetic).

I don't get some people

they keep saying about how they hate stuff but you see them just sitting right there playing/eating the darn thing

really does not get how those people work
Because opinions don't have to be uniform, and subscribing to absolutes or expecting others to do so is silly to the extreme. The customer that you mention might enjoy the atmosphere of the place, or the convenience, even if they don't appreciate the taste of the food there. And someone who likes Fate/ will not necessarily like everything in it.

Also, if someone complains, it shows that they care enough to complain. In my case, I'm unsatisfied with the low effort pandering to the lowest common denominator so prevalent in F/GO because I know Type-Moon can do better, that they have done better previously, and I want to see that again. I stick around because I still glimpse some of that brilliance occasionally, though - with a few exceptions, most of which might be coincidences rather than actually the artists' intent - it's typically only present in the narrative rather than the visuals as well.

Its 7 days. Each day you get a white rose. You have to buy the 6 tix and costume chronologically. Rip Ferian's hopes and dreams, they were too pure for this salted world.
I meant, I hope I can get it in the Rare Prism shop later, and that it doesn't have a silly price tag of something like 5 Rare Prisms attached to it.
I do not buy Bathory's 100% arbitrary idoru fetish outfit (seriously why is she an idoru why Elizabeth Bathory).
As I understand it, once in the Moon Cell/on the Throne of Heroes, Elizabeth found out about Japanese idol culture and how they're adored by masses of fans, and Liz was entranced by that image. Remember, Elizabeth's end was being shut away from everyone and all-but-ignored until she withered away to death - kinda understandable she's become more than just a bit of an attention whore in response to that sort of traumatic ending.

I do not buy either Lancer Aturias choosing to ride horses with bare thighs because I guess extreme rashes make them super horny and their whole-ass titties just bouncing out and about barely restrained by a few square inches of fabric.
As previously-mentioned, the third-stage arts for the Lancer Artorias are purely there as bonus fanservice, literally by word of the artist Akira Ishida (that the Stage 2 art is what should be interpreted as the 'canon' form, and that the Stage 3 and 4 arts are just fanservice bonuses).

On the subject of their art in particular, he mentioned that when he first designed the Lancer Artorias, that was before he knew what F/GO's gameplay was going to be like, and that's why they're first introduced with helmets on - he assumed that it would be like previous Type-Moon works, where you don't know your Servants' names until you progress a ways in. As such, he set up the Stage 1 to Stage 2 transition to be a "surprise, it's Artoria!" moment.

Oh, really? So she was never actually Elizabeth posing as Drake? Aww. I thought it added a neat twist to her character :(
As I recall discussion about it, the Japanese text of Fate/Extra mentioned that there's a story that Elizabeth and Drake might have swapped places before the famous circumnavigation mission (apparently to hide a prominent scar the Queen had developed on her face), followed by a comment along the lines that 'but such a story is obviously crap, right?'. Aksys dropped this whole portion from the profile in translation.

At any rate, it was left ambiguous which way we should interpret the existence of that scar on Drake's face.

Ushi was originally going to be male before Takeuchi said "make her a girl we don't want no sausagefest here", if I'm remembering correctly.

I'm pretty sure that's why she's on Da Vinci's list and Brynhildr's Beloved, as a little joke.

the reason Ushiwakamaru is a girl is because Takeuchi went "we need more chicks!" basically and everyone else went "lolwut"
As I recall, the explanation was that when the staff started picking out Servants for F/GO, Takeuchi came in, picked some of the male Heroic Spirits' names, and said to genderswap those ones, and then left the rest of the team to work out the justification of it.

As for Ushi, I seem to recall hearing that the original design for her was presented, and then someone (I'm guessing Takeuchi, but I can't confirm) said for the artist to make it skimpier.

Shuten Douji (personally, I don't count her as such - regardless of the illustrator's notes, it's quite clear that between her disposition, voiceover, and uncanny similarity to her quite clearly not loli seiyuu, the final result at most toes the line of the aesthetic).
Loli in physique can be distinct from childish in disposition or personality.

Plus, Blackbeard claims that Mary Read is a loli too during the first Summer Event, and we know that awkward I-IV art aside, she's not supposed to even be that small a woman. So, I guess there's some degree of difference in perspective on what counts as 'sufficiently loli'.

Because opinions don't have to be uniform, and subscribing to absolutes or expecting others to do so is silly to the extreme. The customer that you mention might enjoy the atmosphere of the place, or the convenience, even if they don't appreciate the taste of the food there. And someone who likes Fate/ will not necessarily like everything in it.

Also, if someone complains, it shows that they care enough to complain. In my case, I'm unsatisfied with the low effort pandering to the lowest common denominator so prevalent in F/GO because I know Type-Moon can do better, that they have done better previously, and I want to see that again. I stick around because I still glimpse some of that brilliance occasionally, though - with a few exceptions, most of which might be coincidences rather than actually the artists' intent - it's typically only present in the narrative rather than the visuals as well.
Honestly, I do kinda get what Z000 is feeling. Some people spend so much time and are so loud about everything they dislike about something, that it's hard to even tell that there's anything in there that they do like.

I mean, at least in the specific case of Zerban, I have seen how much he will fawn over particular Servants he does like (the two standouts in my recollection are Asterios and Edison), but it gets grating to hear how much and how passionately he'll get into railing against the stuff he doesn't like. And it feels even worse seeing it with other people who do the same, especially when I can't tell what things draw them into staying.

It would be nice to hear more about the things people do like, without it being drowned out by going on about the stuff they don't. On that note, would you be willing to discuss some of the F/GO Servant designs that you feel still do have "that brilliance" in them?
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It would be nice to hear more about the things people do like, without it being drowned out by going on about the stuff they don't. On that note, would you be willing to discuss some of the F/GO Servant designs that you feel still do have "that brilliance" in them?
I kind of do that occasionally. (Though Shuten Douji is exactly the case that is most likely coincidental rather than intentional.)

In this case specifically, though, I meant characterization rather than character designs specifically - as in, it is the narrative involving the character that invokes that sense of brilliance in me rather than their visual presentation, and quite often in spite of it.

I have mentioned a few exceptions but most of those are male designs; of female Servants, what I consider such are the aforementioned Shuten Douji, Medb, Circe, and Archer Nobu. And even then, in Medb's case, a significant part of the reason for my wonder is simply the way her design is restrained and understated despite her sexually powerful image, both in legend and in her F/GO incarnation.

In Circe's case, there is not much to talk about - she's... charming. Her design is refreshingly simple, and (aside from those wing things on her head) feels appropriate for her legend in both apparel and decorative items. In a way, you could almost call the approach cheating - such a design does not need much reasoning or elaboration to work, and there are few elements that stand out enough or grab attention enough to warrant criticism (that said, the head wing things, what are those, even?).

Nobu's design, meanwhile, is at least to some extent the opposite - elaborate, noticeably built to look impressive, and strongly evocative. Narrative-wise, we also know it is an image that she projects intentionally - it is both her natural inclination and the way her Demon King skill works, - and that really makes the approach taken for her character design work (then again, her personality is likely the reason that approach was taken to her visual presentation, so, yeah, it's even intentional).
On that note, would you be willing to discuss some of the F/GO Servant designs that you feel still do have "that brilliance" in them?
Off the top of my head, some great designs in my opinion are Munenori (although that's partly his art style), Columbus (that's definitely his art style), Kato Danzo (Robots are awesome), Fuuma Kotaro (Ninjas are cool), and Edison for reasons that should be perfectly obvious.

I also think Penthesilea's pretty damn awesome but that's in no small part due to the fact that she hits things with fucking murderdurians.
Off the top of my head, some great designs in my opinion are Munenori (although that's partly his art style), Columbus (that's definitely his art style)
These two would have been among my first choices if I were to list male Servant designs I consider brilliant. Munenori is simply great. Meanwhile, Columbus' brilliance lies largely in daring to look as he does - villainous, distasteful, and happy. The ridiculously overblown depiction is further emphasized by the art style. Frankly, I would enjoy squeezing the life out him, and that his appearance in his card art alone has been sufficient to make me feel that way is a testament to the success of his character design.
I mean, at least in the specific case of Zerban, I have seen how much he will fawn over particular Servants he does like (the two standouts in my recollection are Asterios and Edison), but it gets grating to hear how much and how passionately he'll get into railing against the stuff he doesn't like. And it feels even worse seeing it with other people who do the same, especially when I can't tell what things draw them into staying.
That's nice, mate. How about I'll talk about what I like or what I don't like whenever I want because mod precedent is that criticism still counts as contributing to a thread and you don't try to concern-troll police me into doing more of what you want. Sound nice? Okay cool, glad we could come to an arrangement.
...Forgot about this,
And Grand Order wiki is very much correct.
Being correct does not make it right. :V
It is correct, but that is all it is. I don't need something like that. :V

Jokes aside, the GO wiki is useful for gameplay purposes but it does not go beyond that. Any additional information about the characters beyond their profiles and interludes or any information at all about the game's story needs to be sought elsewhere. So, yeah, it's still largely synonymous with ignorance, I'd say.
I wish I had a columbus

He's the only 3star I don't have for obvious reasons (ie story locked) and like fucking hell I was rolling the Agartha banner any more after drawing 3 schezs trying for Pent and Fuuya-chan

I mean, I COULD try to roll him in the boys-only gatcha but none of the 5stars interest me enough to justify the attempt (except maybe Cu Alter), especially with Anastasia right around the corner and I NEED ALL THE CASTERS
What was once a curse became a need to live...

I failed to roll Arthur when he first came around and I no longer have any desire for him, even if his suit looks fucking amazing...