Huh, threw a 30 at the Scathach/Fionn banner in the hopes of maybe getting an NP2 for my Fionn for better Castoria stuff, and ended up with my very first CasGil. So that's a different kind of Castoria looping, AIUI; I'm kinda glad because Anastasia does not loop well at all and it's pretty irritating, but I suppose Sieg works better anyway as he's at NP5? CasGil is a tolerable-ish version of Gilgamesh so I might field him anyway.
CasGil is really more of a support than a looper. Generally an Art support, but I actually got the most mileage out of him as a crit support, due to the insane stargen he can give everyone (and now, he also comes with a crit buff as well).
Today's roster: Halloween Shuten, Ryoma, and Super Orion.

Shuten and Ryoma sat in front of Gudao while Grand Archer pruned M-Guy's backline and got within touching distance.

Cue Benny Hill Music when Orion chased him all the way around, flattened Merlin, and pincered the moron with Ryoma.

I'm at a loss for words. Karna and MHX did a lovely waltz, though. Not-Seiba really knows how to lead a taller partner.
Latest grail front was quite fun. Kama, Chloe, Medea, Georgios. Georgios might have had a low level HP recovery up CE but that wasn't really relevant. Would have been better giving Kama or Chloe something.

Anyway, I rush Kama and Chloe down the middle since I want Chloe to deal with Chevalier and not have her get blown up by Karna. Things proceed more or less according to play, as the enemy AI is more interested at making a beeline for me than dealing with the servants. That lets Kama plug the choke point and I get to start exploiting the enemy AI, which becomes much more cautious when they've lost their break bar.

Chloe meanwhile blenders her way through Chev and then Sanzang, because she can loop on self buffs assuming she gets enough crits.

This panics the pudgy frenchman, who flees to the left side of the board. He gets chased by Chloe, and then trapped by Kama (Media took up chokepoint duty). He then proceeds to get beaten up by a middle schooler.

Now, you may be wondering, what happened to the dick wizard?

Dick wizard thought that picking a fight with Georgios was a good idea. It wasn't. After losing most of his hp, he ran away to try and help his master by picking a fight with Kama. Kama proceeded to stall and loop him to death because lol class advantage what's that. Georgios made that possible but it's still funny that it worked.

Shakespeare tried chasing after Chloe, and ate a couple NPs for his trouble.

MVP this round was Chloe by a sizable margin. Her ability to enable self loopage through arts crits while avoiding damage with her evade really let her mow through enemies.

Pretty bad efficiency because of the 3 CE slots. You can run much better drop bonus setup by having a Circe to kill the first boss and then either using a quick or a arts loop setup to murder the last two waves.
Frex if you have welfare Sieg from his event (I think any AoE loop capable arts attacker with a bonus towards assassins will do though) + Castoria:
Plugsuit Circe/Sieg/Castoria/Castoria/x/x
T1 drop all Castoria buffs on Sieg, Plugsuit swap out for other Castoria, Castoria S1, Circe S1, Circe NPs and any 2 facecards finish
T2 Sieg S1, Castoria S2 + S3 on Sieg, Sieg NPs and clears
T3 Circle S2, Sieg S2, Plugsuit S1, Sieg NPs and any 2 facecards finish

I haven't tried a quick setup yet but I imagine you could run 5 slot setup with Lancelot or Dantes, which is still giving you better drop efficiency than running 2 Kscopes and a Aerial Dive.
Thanks for the suggestion BTW. I don't have Circe but Summer Jalter clears the first wave just fine with self buffs. So I've been doing the following:

T1 SJalter, Castoria, Sieg; SJalter does her thing.
T2 plugsuit SJalter for friend Castoria; apply all Castoria buffs, Sieg S1.
T3 Sieg S2 + S3, plugsuit attack.

Jalter is the only one that needs a Kscope, as I don't have her 2nd append. Something for me to consider doing in the long term.

edit: I should note that this is extremely consistent. Wave three needs a facecard or two to finish sometimes but 20k hp seems to the ceiling of what remains.
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Thanks to some bad plays early on then grinding/chasing down everything else, I actually got to finish off M with the Master this time. Suprisingly satisfying, especially since he walked into the metaphorical fist fleeing from RKintoki.
Thanks for the suggestion BTW. I don't have Circe but Summer Jalter clears the first wave just fine with self buffs. So I've been doing the following:

T1 SJalter, Castoria, Sieg; SJalter does her thing.
T2 plugsuit SJalter for friend Castoria; apply all Castoria buffs, Sieg S1.
T3 Sieg S2 + S3, plugsuit attack.

Jalter is the only one that needs a Kscope, as I don't have her 2nd append. Something for me to consider doing in the long term.
Provided you can 100 percent refund Sieg off wave 2 there's a lot of Self-Charge (5 star) ST nps that are viable for killing the first assassin or at the very least putting it within facecard range. Kintoki, Sanzang, Vlad and Arjuna (Alter) who is not ST, but is extremely busted.

Otherwise you might as well throw the Kaleidoscope on Sieg and you can ditch plugsuit and still run +5 drop bonus.
T1 Sieg S3, Castoria S3x2 on Sieg, he nps (you can pop his S1 here but it's optional)
T2 Castoria S1x2 + S3x2 on Sieg (Sieg S1 if you haven't already), Sieg NP
T3 Sieg S2, mystic code buffs if you have any, Sieg NPs
Provided you can 100 percent refund Sieg off wave 2 there's a lot of Self-Charge (5 star) ST nps that are viable for killing the first assassin or at the very least putting it within facecard range. Kintoki, Sanzang, Vlad and Arjuna (Alter) who is not ST, but is extremely busted.

Otherwise you might as well throw the Kaleidoscope on Sieg and you can ditch plugsuit and still run +5 drop bonus.
T1 Sieg S3, Castoria S3x2 on Sieg, he nps (you can pop his S1 here but it's optional)
T2 Castoria S1x2 + S3x2 on Sieg (Sieg S1 if you haven't already), Sieg NP
T3 Sieg S2, mystic code buffs if you have any, Sieg NPs
Nope, my Sieg gets 98% off of wave 2 so I need his S3 for wave 3. Could probably get it up to 100% with a lore, but meh. Not gonna give a lore to somebody with less personality than a cardboard cutout.
My setup tends to be DCS Sieg 3/1/1 with a Skadi. Turn 1 is S3 Sieg, and S2/3 from the Castoria's.

Turn 2 depends on if I got facecard refund or not. If yes, S1 from a Castoria. If no, still S1 then plug the Castoria with less charge for Skadi and S3.

Turn 3 is using whatever Charismas remain, S2 Skadi, and NP Chain Castoria-Sieg for the extra Def down/attack up.

9 times out of 10 it works like a charm.
Yeah, alright, that Karna/Mysterious Heroine X exploit made this fairly easy. Assassin of Parasio fought Sanzhang and Willy Shakes, because I derped and forgot the class advantages. She at least managed to punch the enemy Master once before she went down. Then Medusa swooped in and punched the enemy master twice for the win.

I think this is the only time I've won without killing a single enemy Servant.
Been using this setup for the 90+ node since it came out

(also could swap out Sanzang for Summer Jalter or Mecha Eli and just aim one of the Castoria's S2s onto them instead of Sieg and instead have Sieg use his S3 to get to 100 for his initial NP, since he can refund back to 100% anyway)

Already got setup ready for the next 90+ node too. Benefit of NA clairvoyance. Of course by then I don't even know why I should bother with the 90+ node as I've mostly cleared the shop already so it'd be easier to stick with the ticket node.

As soon as I cash in the lotto tickets gonna end up burning so many embers once I run out of second archive space. I have no one in need to leveling nor anyone I feel like Grailing anyone at the moment so the main thing I want from this lotto is mainly QP, Proofs (which I also farmed from the previous set's ticket node), Bones and some Mana Prisms so I can go and buy some CEs I missed out on their first go around.
Keeping the black grail on spishtar so far makes it fire and forget enough that I don't really feel the need to set up a 6 ce group.


What was I doing? Oh right.

Man, I thought Grail Front 3 was satisfying. It's got NOTHING on Grail Front 6, which I also beat first try. XD Jaguar Warrior absolutely DESTROYED EVERYTHING IN HER PATH. First Hijikata, then Herakles, and then Raikou. She even managed to get both Herakles and Raikou at the same time the one time they paired up! Meanwhile Xiang Yu, after being weakened by Rider Da Vinci (who he defeated) and Summer Hokusai (who he didn't), Fujino (who had just been chilling my Master's side through the whole match) twisted his last life bar away. All that was left was Vlad and Hokusai and Jaguar to corner him with my lovely Jaguar landing the last blow on the Master.

Ooooohhhh man, that was amazing...

Lotto grinding wise though...I'm trying to mess around with a possible 5/6CE setup thanks to different Support Servants. No dice so far. Closest was a 4 turn fight I did with Castoria, NP2 Kiara (Alter Ego; she also had MLB dog tag CE), Arash and Zhuge. I'm thinking of trying (after finding that Kiara again...or better yet, finding more Kiara Supports) a makeshift setup of Mozart (for his arts up skill that'll be easy to level up), Kiara, Arash, Zhuge and Castoria with plugsuit switching. Hope that'll work. Or maybe something involving Space Ishtar. We'll see...

Already got setup ready for the next 90+ node too. Benefit of NA clairvoyance. Of course by then I don't even know why I should bother with the 90+ node as I've mostly cleared the shop already so it'd be easier to stick with the ticket node.

Wait you cleared the shop already?! ...oh wait the CEs. Right. Uuuggghhh. I don't have any of the CEs and with how my 3turn setup works, I can't just use Supports with the coin boosting CEs... Or rather, I'd need to figure out a new 3turn setup that works for me that uses the coin boosting CEs. And that's gonna take a bit...
Been using this setup for the 90+ node since it came out

(also could swap out Sanzang for Summer Jalter or Mecha Eli and just aim one of the Castoria's S2s onto them instead of Sieg and instead have Sieg use his S3 to get to 100 for his initial NP, since he can refund back to 100% anyway)

Already got setup ready for the next 90+ node too. Benefit of NA clairvoyance. Of course by then I don't even know why I should bother with the 90+ node as I've mostly cleared the shop already so it'd be easier to stick with the ticket node.

As soon as I cash in the lotto tickets gonna end up burning so many embers once I run out of second archive space. I have no one in need to leveling nor anyone I feel like Grailing anyone at the moment so the main thing I want from this lotto is mainly QP, Proofs (which I also farmed from the previous set's ticket node), Bones and some Mana Prisms so I can go and buy some CEs I missed out on their first go around.
Doing the 90+ is theoretically better for QP unless you cap it, due to being able to convert the excess shop mats to QP. Apparently the 90/90+ are basically equal in lotto tickets too, so it doesn't matter for the lotto mats which you do.
Reached 51 boxes, which is already one more than my initial goal. I guess I might as well keep going, you can never have too much QP and I want as many FP as possible for the next GudaGuda event.
Did I take advantage of the high cost today? Yes. Did I have a blast? Also yes.

Super Orion, Yuyu, Cu Lancer, Kama, Dioscuri.

Cu took down Hijikata and Xiang Yu on his own, even though Kama hovered in the background. This is par for the course because I have fed that man everything I could. (Insert 'Minmo' image here.)

Dioscuri didn't perform as well as I'd have liked, but managed to bait Vlad into the middle without dying.

Yuyu? Yuyu strut down the middle like a damn runway, took out Vlad and Raikou solo, and then proceeded to toss the last of her first bar in Heracles' initial assault only to deep fry him over his and her next turn.

The only thing that prolonged the inevitable was the extra break bars.
Pretty happy with my strategy this time around. I used Abby as my beat stick with Medea Lilly following behind. Any attack by Abby was just her but Lilly was there in the event of a counter-attack.

Had a mild panic attack when Vlad slammed into Cu and Ushi instead of going after Abby but that was quickly dealt with.
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Wdym? I don't have any of the Coin CEs because I'm not pulling on this banner.

I cleared the shop because I've done enough runs that I have 40+ (getting close to 50)boxes worth of lotto tickets.


-looks at your post again-

-very obviously sees the dog tag ces-




Excuse me while I hide under some covers in embarassment over my brainfart...
Grail Front VI - aka. Zerkerfest

Gramps is capable of locking down chokepoints hard. Even moreso when Waver is backing him up.
Put a Dragon's Meridian on Kintoki Rider, and he's capable of immediately deleting one enemy life bar. He's best when finishing off an enemy on their last lifebar.

Cu might not have the raw beatstick power compared to higher star servants, but his cockroach factor means that he's amazing at going straight for the enemy Master. Case in point: Herk was the only one left guarding the master, and he was not enough to chase down him down.

Lancer ain't "ga shinda" in this episode.
login on multiple devices tutorial i guess
A Short Guide for being able to alternate between F/GO on your Windows 11 (/w Subsystem for Android) and Android Phone (without using any transfer codes):

1. Update to the Windows 11 Insider edition and opt into the android subsystem test
2. Fork MagiskOnWSA from github. The original repo is dead now but there's GitHub - LSPosed/MagiskOnWSALocal
3. Build it
4. Download it
5. Install it through powershell. You'll need to turn on administrator mode for this. The project's opensource so if you're worried about malware do a check through it yourself. It's mostly just shell scripts.
6. You have google play store and google play services now. Excellent. Now we need to transfer over your userid files from wherever they're stored on what device you're using before so you can keep your transfer number intact. Download Android Studio. You can use the installer or just grab the zipped adb files. Either will work but keep in mind you need to run from the directory they're stored in so grabbing a adb zip might actually be easier (default location for using the installer is \AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools)
7. Download fgo on WSA and start it up one time. Neglect going through anything else.
8. Use a USB or something to access your original device's internal files. Find Storage/Android/data/com.aniplex.fategrandorder.en/files/data. (remove the en if it's jp). Find 4 files starting with 54cc, 969b, 644b, and e1a9. Transfer them onto your computer.
9. Connect to your emulated WSA Pixel 5 on ADB. The IP address should just be localhost 127. yadda yadda. ADB might think you have multiple devices so you might want to check your devices and then run set ANDROID_SERIAL=localhost
10. adb push the 4 files that you copied over to your Windows 11 computer onto your emulated adb system. Destination should be /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.aniplex.fategrandorder.en/files/data (again, remove the .en if you're loading up a jp version).
11. You should now be able to login FGO on phone and computer (not simultaneously ofc, but without having to worry about transfer codes and such and such). Congratulations. I guess you can run a lua script without having to root your phone or something.
Hm. Upon further testing it doesn't seem like FG/A works with the the way that WSA implements overlays which is unfortunate. It seems like if you're looking to PC automate your farming the only choice is to download a commercially available emulator and give them access to your telemetry/run in the background in exchange.

I'm not particularly desperate so I'll hold off on risking a hidden crytominer on my computer for now.

I suppose the only viable option for PC automation without installing spyware/cryptominers seems to be running virtualbox with Android x84. Seems kind of clunky and not worth the effort. It seems like FZFalzar opened up a issue for using the shell instance to push commands instead of overlay but that's pretty far out of FG/A's scope considering the whole thing is built around piggybacking off of Android's native accessibility features to avoid paying for ankulua.
My lack of a Foreigner really made this feel more intimidating than it actually was. The fact that all the enemy Servants have an extra break bar certainly doesn't help either. Still managed to first try it, though.

Summer Hoku managed to solo Raikou up top. Meanwhile in bot lane, Assassin of Parasio gets taken out by Hijikata. While Castoria and Kagetora are cleaning up Hiji, Xiang Yu goes mid to double team Medusa with Vlad. Atalanta does her best to stall Xiang while the rest of my Servants try to pincer attack the enemy Master. Herc couldn't protect his Master from the two-pronged attack by himself and Castoria won the game while the rest of his team were rushing back to help.
I'm not quite sure how to three turn this last legendary node efficiently.

I thought I might be able to kludge something together using an arts ST looper, but that doesn't work because that hampers how much charge and damage I can get for the final wave.

Hrm. Maybe loop with Chiyome then nuke with Mo? Something to try out, at least.

Edit: it does work, but it is extremely dependent on facecards for wave 3. Chiyome has a kscope.

T1 Castoria applies NP gain and Art Up, Chiyome applies her Art up.
T2 Castoria uses charisma, plugsuit out for 2nd Castoria. C2 applies all buffs to Chiyome, Ch uses S3 to top off gauge.
T3 Mordred applies all buffs, including plugsuit attack buff. Pray for a Buster card so you can crit.

Things to figure out via experimentation: does Chiyome need the 2nd Castoria S3 on T2. Could help out if you get a Mo arts card but no buster.
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