Latest grail front was quite fun. Kama, Chloe, Medea, Georgios. Georgios might have had a low level HP recovery up CE but that wasn't really relevant. Would have been better giving Kama or Chloe something.
Anyway, I rush Kama and Chloe down the middle since I want Chloe to deal with Chevalier and not have her get blown up by Karna. Things proceed more or less according to play, as the enemy AI is more interested at making a beeline for me than dealing with the servants. That lets Kama plug the choke point and I get to start exploiting the enemy AI, which becomes much more cautious when they've lost their break bar.
Chloe meanwhile blenders her way through Chev and then Sanzang, because she can loop on self buffs assuming she gets enough crits.
This panics the pudgy frenchman, who flees to the left side of the board. He gets chased by Chloe, and then trapped by Kama (Media took up chokepoint duty). He then proceeds to get beaten up by a middle schooler.
Now, you may be wondering, what happened to the dick wizard?
Dick wizard thought that picking a fight with Georgios was a good idea. It wasn't. After losing most of his hp, he ran away to try and help his master by picking a fight with Kama. Kama proceeded to stall and loop him to death because lol class advantage what's that. Georgios made that possible but it's still funny that it worked.
Shakespeare tried chasing after Chloe, and ate a couple NPs for his trouble.
MVP this round was Chloe by a sizable margin. Her ability to enable self loopage through arts crits while avoiding damage with her evade really let her mow through enemies.
Pretty bad efficiency because of the 3 CE slots. You can run much better drop bonus setup by having a Circe to kill the first boss and then either using a quick or a arts loop setup to murder the last two waves.
Frex if you have welfare Sieg from his event (I think any AoE loop capable arts attacker with a bonus towards assassins will do though) + Castoria:
Plugsuit Circe/Sieg/Castoria/Castoria/x/x
T1 drop all Castoria buffs on Sieg, Plugsuit swap out for other Castoria, Castoria S1, Circe S1, Circe NPs and any 2 facecards finish
T2 Sieg S1, Castoria S2 + S3 on Sieg, Sieg NPs and clears
T3 Circle S2, Sieg S2, Plugsuit S1, Sieg NPs and any 2 facecards finish
I haven't tried a quick setup yet but I imagine you could run 5 slot setup with Lancelot or Dantes, which is still giving you better drop efficiency than running 2 Kscopes and a Aerial Dive.
Thanks for the suggestion BTW. I don't have Circe but Summer Jalter clears the first wave just fine with self buffs. So I've been doing the following:
T1 SJalter, Castoria, Sieg; SJalter does her thing.
T2 plugsuit SJalter for friend Castoria; apply all Castoria buffs, Sieg S1.
T3 Sieg S2 + S3, plugsuit attack.
Jalter is the only one that needs a Kscope, as I don't have her 2nd append. Something for me to consider doing in the long term.
edit: I should note that this is extremely consistent. Wave three needs a facecard or two to finish sometimes but 20k hp seems to the ceiling of what remains.