So I finished about 20 and a half boxes for Christmas and got 3 CE drops total. Not a bad haul all things considered. My support list for others looks a lot healthier for one.
I am now off to clean up some interludes unlocked by some new servants.
Tanuki will say this... Mah waifu is safe. Because Hercules is BEST WAIFU and he ish the stronkest!

Dun ask about the other waifus... Kintoki ish shy. Dun judge.
Speaking of Herc, I went back to Fuyuki in NA to finally beat the Shadow Herc with my leveled up Ceaser. Easy win!

"But Harouki, wouldn't it have been even easier with your Orion?"


HOLY SHIT! My daily trash roll gave me Cursed Arm! It took me over 80 days, even using all the friend points from the story and events to get this damn two star servant!
Is this just a running joke or some deep seated trauma, anyway?
It's a trauma for me and a joke to everyone else, so "Yes"

Like for the longest time, Orion was the only 5star I rolled, even when they weren't rated up, I just kept rolling them until I got NP5 in JP

But it didn't stop then.

I. Just. Keep. Rolling. Orion.

Like, sure, it becomes hilariously easy to beat a lot of the Male bosses later on thanks to that, but when you roll 8 of them in JP and another one in NA, with 7 of them being rolled outside of their rate up, it kills me inside
Oh, apparently Aniplex USA is going to have an FGO Twitch Stream for the London release.

Besides London, I what wonder else will the stream talk about/do...
Oh, apparently Aniplex USA is going to have an FGO Twitch Stream for the London release.

Besides London, I what wonder else will the stream talk about/do...

That seems like it will be a glorious shit show that will have one of the translators be on their and then about half the comments will be a split between the good meme's of the translations and profanity. British profanity to be specific.

Then the other half of the comments will be asking for more quartz/suggestions of how to translate things.

This is my friend, getting those two in one roll. Not even two 10-part roll, just one 10-part roll. Here's his current golden list, if you're interested:

Not bad for someone who plays casually, only opening the game when he feels like it, and without money, for little less than half a year. Especially since he actually got everything he wants. He's on the hitlist for me.

And I'm just even more dead inside every time he tells me of his luck. Sorry, I just need to vent my frustration at having someone always drawing what he want while my golden Servants are welfare or bonuses from the start of the game (NA). Thank god his luck didn't translate to NA, and he drops it, as it would be be very irritating.
Absolutely brutal hours at work this past week means I only ended up with enough socks to full clear 19 boxes, despite my 45 leftover apples.

Ah well, I guess I'll have to be happy I at least got my CE drops.
They already told you what Bonus Servants there are, what need could you possibly have for stuff like basic mechanics when you have that?
Time-limited mission-structure damage-boosting-CE raid-mode all CE copies found via random drop all five welfare copies require clearing lvl 90+ challenge maps six kinds of event currency and if you try anything funny the bomb goes off.