Besides the previously mentioned Helena (who counts by any standard that makes Waver count), you also left out Abigail, which is dangerous given what happened when she was first released, and Shuten Douji*.

*And if any of you argue that she's just a short woman, the character design notes for her in Materials called her a "loli-baba". AKA loli.
I will cause they are both 145cm tall over what I call the loli height and Shuten does definitely not look like a little girl and definitely not a child.
Actually, is their any magic armor that you guys can think of from their legends? The Servants we have had other things besides armor to make them more durable. Gawain had his belt along with his sword, Herc would have had the Neminian Lion's pelt. Though those are the ones that I can think of off the top of my head.
Siegfried's Blood Bath, Karna's Sunlight Armor, Gandhari's Blessing on Duryodhana last days on Bharatayudha, Samson's Hair, Subali's and Ravana Pancasona....
I mean, Gawain does have his Belt in GO, and the Nemean Lion's pelt is one of the various NPs folded into King's Order. While King's Order as a whole is not compatible with God Hand, I can totally buy summoning Herc in a different Class would net him the pelt alone on top of it.

Just imagine it, Archer Herc with long range Nine Lives and Anti-Civ memes on top of God Hand.

As for your question, technically Achilles did have his Hephaestus-forged armor, but that seems to have been waived away completely in favor of Andreias. Not particularly surprising since 'Achilles' and 'invulnerable' practically go hand in hand nowadays.
Achilles gets his god forged armor if he is summoned in Greece type moon made a Saint Seyia (whatever that is) reference with it or something
Also I think he gets the pelt if summoned as a Archer I will have to reread that part of SF at some point.
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This isn't type-moon thread.

This is Grand order thread.

And Grand Order wiki is very much correct.
They changed my perfectly good "Bond of Lovebirds" name to that clusterfuck that's up right now. I rest my case.

On the topic of designs, the reason that Rama and Sita look so similar and why Sita wears so little is because the artist apparently misunderstood the instructions and thought that Sita was the magical girl transformation version of Rama.
Come to think of it the thing with Lancetorias' second form vs third form was also a miscommunication.
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They changed my perfectly good "Bond of Lovebirds" name to that clusterfuck that's up right now. I rest my case.

Come to think of it the thing with Lancetorias' second form vs third form was also a miscommunication.
Bad Translation /= useless.

Still good for stats, skills, ect.

I already have things like star drop formula saved thanks to you and beasts lair.
But mostly you.

Thanks for that by the way
Siegfried's Blood Bath, Karna's Sunlight Armor, Gandhari's Blessing on Duryodhana last days on Bharatayudha, Samson's Hair, Subali's and Ravana Pancasona....

No, I meant actually magic armor that protects you not other examples of things that aren't the conventional description of armor that act better then normal armor...

*looks up the last 3 things*

Huh, magic body hair. Neat, though I question the ease at which one can shave it off.
And it's a pretty shit skill. I dunno why they thought a Guts that lasted a single goddamn turn was a good idea. His whole kit is just... bad.

Yeah, like, why not just make it invulnerability with the NP gauge filler attached to it? Is it Gut's because they'd think it be too good or cause he only found out what the belt did when he was going to get his head chopped off? And it's less his kit is bad and more situatied around his gimmick of the stronger under the sun. Then he get's beast.

Wonder if we will get an Servants that affect the field when we hit the Lostbelt like how everyone wished they kept the bug that had Emiya's swords stay in the ground after he NP'd.

They changed my perfectly good "Bond of Lovebirds" name to that clusterfuck that's up right now.

Oh that was you? I liked that translation. I always questioned why they rewrote some shit like that. Yes, it's good for a translation to be as accurate as possible but when that translation becomes as wordy as that...
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And it's a pretty shit skill. I dunno why they thought a Guts that lasted a single goddamn turn was a good idea. His whole kit is just... bad.
Guaranteed+Situational damage boost where it's the situational boost that actually goes up when you level it, the worst rank of an already bland attack-up skill, and arguably the most ineptly-designed skill in the game. Mix it all in with a pre-interlude AoE NP with a Burn damage overcharge and you got yourself a damn fine Servant.

And by that I mean go home Gawain nobody wants you.
Guaranteed+Situational damage boost where it's the situational boost that actually goes up when you level it, the worst rank of an already bland attack-up skill, and arguably the most ineptly-designed skill in the game. Mix it all in with a pre-interlude AoE NP with a Burn damage overcharge and you got yourself a damn fine Servant.

And by that I mean go home Gawain nobody wants you.
Just give Gawain a grail and he can wreck for days ;p
Oh that was you? I liked that translation. I always questioned why they rewrote some shit like that. Yes, it's good for a translation to be as accurate as possible but when that translation becomes as wordy as that...
To be more accurate (because I don't actually know japanese and I'm aware enough to recognize that dictionary-humping is not an acceptable substitute) the specific choice is... not sure who, I badgered whoever was online on IRC at the time. Could be Fallacies, Reiu, canaki, CanonRap or deadfish. Or a combo of them.
Guaranteed+Situational damage boost where it's the situational boost that actually goes up when you level it, the worst rank of an already bland attack-up skill, and arguably the most ineptly-designed skill in the game. Mix it all in with a pre-interlude AoE NP with a Burn damage overcharge and you got yourself a damn fine Servant.
In theory, having the situational boost be the part that levels up could work if it was a truly cool and unique effect that would make you want to bring out Gawain everytime the sun was shining. Similarily, having a below-par skill like Charisma E could serve to balance having two other powerhouse skills, like it does with Lalturia.

The problem is that Numeral of the Saint is dull as fuck, and all of his skills are average at best.

Me too ;_;
In theory, having the situational boost be the part that levels up could work if it was a truly cool and unique effect that would make you want to bring out Gawain everytime the sun was shining. Similarily, having a below-par skill like Charisma E could serve to balance having two other powerhouse skills, like it does with Lalturia.

The problem is that Numeral of the Saint is dull as fuck, and all of his skills are average at best.
Isn't it great how Protector of the Faith A+++ is exactly the kind of selfbuff Gawain's Numeral so desperately wants to be like?

Loving Jesus makes you stronger than the sun confirmed, news at 11.
Isn't it great how Protector of the Faith A+++ is exactly the kind of selfbuff Gawain's Numeral so desperately wants to be like?

Loving Jesus makes you stronger than the sun confirmed, news at 11.
Why couldn't they at least make it give him Invincibility? The very first thing we see him do is facetank for an entire round taking no damage, it's such a perfect fit!
Rule 3: You do not declare your desire for other users to be run over by a truck.

Power have return

I starting to understand Tesla obssesion now

Still not gonna roll for him tho

Im sorry, but this is how you come off.

I dont think so

if people dont like something, then stop using or eating it

Dont just stand there and complain about it while continue to do what you are bitching about

It just get under my pant when those type of people show up and ruin the mood

If you gonna fucking complain about our food then sod off, we have other customer to serve you pile of rotting dick

Gah, sorry but Zerban attitude really remind me of those dick, fucking asshole try to get out of paying

Really wish they get ran over

Power have return

I starting to understand Tesla obssesion now

Still not gonna roll for him tho


I dont think so

if people dont like something, then stop using or eating it

Dont just stand there and complain about it while continue to do what you are bitching about

It just get under my pant when those type of people show up and ruin the mood

If you gonna fucking complain about our food then sod off, we have other customer to serve you pile of rotting dick

Gah, sorry but Zerban attitude really remind me of those dick, fucking asshole try to get out of paying

Really wish they get ran over
Zerban isn't complaining about food. He's criticizing a game that is at this time the only significant piece of Type/Moon lore and stories being outputed. Unlike food, where you have hundreds of options, there aren't many choices available if you enjoy the Nasuverse and all its quirks and stories. So yes, I'd rather have people who are passionate about the work give their criticisms then syncophants who would gladly eat any shit served to them. I guess people that play this game can't criticize Septum or Orleans or any shitty events since they played through right?
I have low tollerance for complain

So im being overboard with this

Let just change topic
Stop: No
Really wish they get ran over

Declaring your desire for other users to suffer a horrible accident is unacceptable behaviour on Sufficient Velocity, and you have been issued with 50 infraction points and a two week threadban for this. I cannot guarantee further action will not be taken after review.

Declaring your desire for other users to suffer a horrible accident is unacceptable behaviour on Sufficient Velocity, and you have been issued with 50 infraction points and a two week threadban for this. I cannot guarantee further action will not be taken after review. [/stop]
If you'd read the post closely you'd've realized it wasn't directed at a user.

I guess venting is verboten!
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I was about to say that but I think desiring people in general to suffer horrible accidents is also counted as rulebreaking behaviour.
Yeah probably but sometimes you have this vague unspecified wish your damn customers fell into a ditch and died because fuck those people this is why working in the service industry sucks but it's not like you really want that.
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