If Zerban make something like FGO, i would never download it

if i want historically correct character that wear sensible clothing, i go and read history book, or go outside my room and *shudder* interact with actual female wearing sensible clothing
Or you're only talking about that they forgot that she was supposed to be Actually Queen Elizabeth?
I mean, that was obvious enough. Elizabeth flashing her giant funbags when she finally gets to cut loose and not wear ridiculous dresses and also not get lead poisoned is something that I could buy, but Francis Drake actually being a woman with big great honking Golden Hinds for no real reason is kinda eeeeeeh?
The problem with making everyone historically accurate is that we'd have a ton of semi-clones.
Have you every noticed how character designs get more outlandish the more characters there are in the work? That's because they each have to stand out. With just a dozen or so, you can get away with those sensible outfits everyone and their mother makes up and posts on blogs, but at some point they get samey.

And FGO is about to break the 200 mark.

(Asagami is #200 but Solomon has two entries and Goetia and Tiamat technically aren't servants so technically the 200th design is #203 although technically technically we already passed the 200th design because FGO is still missing some servants from previous works plus the vaporware Saber Deermud)

I do not buy Tomoe Gozen running around with giant hip cut-outs in her pants so everyone can get cheeky glimpses at her ass while she fights.
Should've used the detached sleeves and sideboob as example, hakama actually do work that way.

(tbf they're bigger than standard and usually you wear Hakama over the shirt such that the shirt's cloth hides the exposed parts.)

I do not buy either Lancer Aturias choosing to ride horses with bare thighs because I guess extreme rashes make them super horny and their whole-ass titties just bouncing out and about barely restrained by a few square inches of fabric.
Yeah but the canonical form for combat is the 2nd one. (Although presumably the thighs bit still applies so eh)
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@ZerbanDaGreat your comment about Ishtar dressing like that and not believing she would wear that. I agree with you with that if we're going to be to accurate to legends she should be walking around topless or without clothes at all.
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if we go with legend then the rest of the Irish Serant should be wearing paint and running around naked
She's one of the few female Servants that get more clothing in FGO. Her depiction didn't get any worse than it always was, unless you count the barmaid clothing for Extella Link. Or you're only talking about that they forgot that she was supposed to be Actually Queen Elizabeth?

FGO in the end is a mobage. That it even possess females in non-simpy clothing is miracle.
Reread my post. You're still missing it.
That was an aksys error actually on being Queen E.
But it wasn't in the English version. How was it their fault?
If Zerban make something like FGO, i would never download it

if i want historically correct character that wear sensible clothing, i go and read history book, or go outside my room and *shudder* interact with actual female wearing sensible clothing
That's alright chief, from the sounds of it I wouldn't want your business anyway.

Edit: Jesus the fucking Titty Defence Force coming out of the woodwork faster than I can refresh.
That was an aksys error actually on being Queen E.
Fate/Extra said:
I'll be the first to admit that I can't read Japanese properly but I'm decently sure this means that it was actually part of the original Japanese too. If my GoogleTranslate-Fu has failed me, then I apologise.
That is kind of not true some did but Cu Chulainn for example has this section describing how he gears up in his armor and what not.
I know

just talking

how about we switch topic

screaming about what character wearing is going to go in circle until every one set themself on fire and we all get banned
Incidentally I wonder how many designs did Takeuchi approve because he knew the fans would like them and how many were approved because he himself liked them and he's the boss and how much do both circles overlap.

Like, the Lancetorias have big boobs because Takeuchi personally chose that bodytype for them.
Incidentally I wonder how many designs did Takeuchi approve because he knew the fans would like them and how many were approved because he himself liked them and he's the boss and how much do both circles overlap.

Like, the Lancetorias have big boobs because Takeuchi personally chose that bodytype for them.

I know he really liked Sanzang and Rider Kintoki's designs when they were brought to him. And he even made an entire event for Sanzang just because he liked her because it was just supposed to be a trial quest. Not to mention most of the original generation female Servants were told by DW themselves to make them more naked like Ushi, Altera Boudicca and the like to appeal more. That's why I always consider the second stage art to be the more canon/original designs seeing that's what they use the most.
Ushiwakamaru is 100% Takeuchi

I'll be the first to admit that I can't read Japanese properly but I'm decently sure this means that it was actually part of the original Japanese too. If my GoogleTranslate-Fu has failed me, then I apologise.

No, I could have been thinking of a different error in Extra. But there is a difference in implications between the localized and JP version
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