I wish this year Summer is fill with nothing by Male Swimsuit

I mean, who wouldn't want to see Herk oiled enough to gleam the light of the Sun off his abs
Yesh! Give me the Andersen that wrote stories like the Tinderbox and Nightingale with Luck Rank E- in love!
My Body is made of stories.

Ink is my Blood, Dream is my Heart.

I created thousands of Stories.

Unaware of Death.

Unknown of Life.

Endure Suffering to build Dream for Others.

And yet, I keep chasing my Ending to the end.

These hands cannot do anything but write Stories.
Now i have it in my head that Swimsuit Han is a Rider

he ride around on an Office Chair in Trunk or Speedo while his head is still glue to his Tablet
Now i have it in my head that Swimsuit Han is a Rider
... Not sure if you made a typo writing Hans or for some reason tried writing "He is a Rider" in Danish and gave up 1/3 of the way through, like most people trying to write Danish do.

he ride around on an Office Chair in Trunk or Speedo while his head is still glue to his Tablet
Nono, he's wearing an oldtimey swimsuit and "riding" a duck-themed flotation ring that eventually changes to a swan as he goes through the Ascensions.
Swimsuit Merlin and Waver

The most left field thing they can throw at us
Watch Summer Merlin (Rider) herald the arrival of new Quick meta.

And then Santa Merlin (Assassin) will do the same for Arts.

The final battle of part 2 will be nothing but a team of Merlins :V.

Because DW will realize that the only Servant that can dethrone Merlin is another Merlin.

#Artoria'sNightmare :V.
I'm talking about a specific type of sexualization being present in Fate Grand Order, whereupon everyone (female) is sexualized in an exploitative way. Ask yourself this: would most of the characters want to wear stockings and high-heels to battle? Or wear chainmail bikinis? I think it's disrespectful of how they'd be. Many would still clothe themselves skimpily, but under appropriate circumstances. A few would go into battle skimpily, but that would be in line with their characters, rather than being fanservice forced in. Conversely, many others would wear casual clothes.

Really, it's about presentation. If the sexuality is rubbed on one's face, instead of growing organically as part of a character's personality, not being an aspect to the character but rather the dominant focus in presentation, then it's exploitative.
Actually, I'd say only around half of the female characters are dressed skimply for no reason, not counting the Swimsuit versions. And all Servants are by definition strong enough to not care about the clothes they're wearing.

There are about 1/3 were the most fanservice they get is a dress with short skirt and stockings. Some of those even get armored legs instead of stockings.

I don't deny that there are characters dressed (or undressed) for pure fetish fuel, but if we got pure numbers FGO is in the middle. But those that are problematic more than make up for it, like Boudica or Ushi or Raikou or Abigail, the last one almost got people banned for posting her official art.
considering that they do, I would suppose so.
This is bullshit circular logic. They do because the person creating the product made them, but in the vast majority of cases they did not provide any sort of adequate reason why they would want to. I do not buy that Saint Martha would wear a skimpy robe with a big fat cross-shaped plunging neckline that plunges all the way to her navel and thigh-highs. I do not buy that Mashu would magically receive the 'sexy' version of Galahad's armour just because his powers cosmically realised she has tits and wanted to make sure you appreciated this fact. I do not fucking buy for a second that a humanoid Reaper with little to no emotions or willingness to display them that grew up among the Huns and was recorded by history as a man would dress like a rainbow Kill la Kill stripper. I do not buy a single aspect of Ishtar's fucking awful design. I do not buy Tomoe Gozen running around with giant hip cut-outs in her pants so everyone can get cheeky glimpses at her ass while she fights. I do not buy Bathory's 100% arbitrary idoru fetish outfit (seriously why is she an idoru why Elizabeth Bathory). I do not buy the legendary valkyrie Brynhildr dressed like a sexy schoolgirl. I do not buy either Lancer Aturias choosing to ride horses with bare thighs because I guess extreme rashes make them super horny and their whole-ass titties just bouncing out and about barely restrained by a few square inches of fabric. I do not buy a single motherfucking thing about either Yorimitsu's designs from their clothes to their poses to their freakish proportions to the centralised mommykink. Et fucking cetera.
You are talking about a franchise that got it's start as an adult visual novel; if you want realistic armor for the females you are looking in the wrong place.

Proper cuirass. Some chunky-ass gauntlets. Sabatons. Armoured skirts. Realistic? Sure it's not, it's anime. She's not perched on high heels in a miniskirt with her tits flopping out and about either. But somehow, magically, people have still been able to crank it to her she's become popular and beloved by the fanbase. Hhhhhrrrrmmmmmm.

Even without the armour it's fine it's basically just a regular-ass dress. The titty-window's tiny and she barely turns up unarmoured anyway, and she's got some damn pants on under that dress which is a touch you know would not be fucking there if she was created solely for Grand Order. And, oh, what's this? What's this other female character from the porngame?


ohhhhno, it's a modest yet memorable design that covers her up just fine, conveys the character, and was absolutely no stop to the people that fell in love with and cranked it to her

shit it's almost like the porngame managed to make desirable female characters without dressing them up like their porn-parody counterparts that's... that's so unfortunate...
This is bullshit circular logic. They do because the person creating the product made them, but in the vast majority of cases they did not provide any sort of adequate reason why they would want to. I do not buy that Saint Martha would wear a skimpy robe with a big fat cross-shaped plunging neckline that plunges all the way to her navel and thigh-highs. I do not buy that Mashu would magically receive the 'sexy' version of Galahad's armour just because his powers cosmically realised she has tits and wanted to make sure you appreciated this fact. I do not fucking buy for a second that a humanoid Reaper with little to no emotions or willingness to display them that grew up among the Huns and was recorded by history as a man would dress like a rainbow Kill la Kill stripper. I do not buy a single aspect of Ishtar's fucking awful design. I do not buy Tomoe Gozen running around with giant hip cut-outs in her pants so everyone can get cheeky glimpses at her ass while she fights. I do not buy Bathory's 100% arbitrary idoru fetish outfit (seriously why is she an idoru why Elizabeth Bathory). I do not buy the legendary valkyrie Brynhildr dressed like a sexy schoolgirl. I do not buy either Lancer Aturias choosing to ride horses with bare thighs because I guess extreme rashes make them super horny and their whole-ass titties just bouncing out and about barely restrained by a few square inches of fabric. I do not buy a single motherfucking thing about either Yorimitsu's designs from their clothes to their poses to their freakish proportions to the centralised mommykink. Et fucking cetera.


Proper cuirass. Some chunky-ass gauntlets. Sabatons. Armoured skirts. Realistic? Sure it's not, it's anime. She's not perched on high heels in a miniskirt with her tits flopping out and about either. But somehow, magically, people have still been able to crank it to her she's become popular and beloved by the fanbase. Hhhhhrrrrmmmmmm.

Even without the armour it's fine it's basically just a regular-ass dress. The titty-window's tiny and she barely turns up unarmoured anyway, and she's got some damn pants on under that dress which is a touch you know would not be fucking there if she was created solely for Grand Order. And, oh, what's this? What's this other female character from the porngame?


ohhhhno, it's a modest yet memorable design that covers her up just fine, conveys the character, and was absolutely no stop to the people that fell in love with and cranked it to her

shit it's almost like the porngame managed to make desirable female characters without dressing them up like their porn-parody counterparts that's... that's so unfortunate...
Zerban drink some water, your salt concentration is getting to high.
Edit: You don't like the outfits characters wear that's okay, and I'm not surprised from the guy who un-waifued Jeanne. But a lot of people like those outfits, like me, and they fit with the personalities given to them. You need to calm your history boner. Fate Heroes are RL inspired not accurate.
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Liz's base outfit was made for CCC, why are you even surprised

the first ascension is from an April Fool's joke

EDIT: you want to talk about fanservice this

is what passes for Nightingale in Soul Reverse
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Liz's outfit was made for CCC, why are you even surprised
Oh, right. That was when The Rot had set in.

Hell I'll even go to bat for Nero's design at this point because at least there's a through-line of logic to it. Nero's proud and passionate and flamboyant and loves to show off in all aspects (and there was that one time she got all evasive when asked if she was male or female in life) so I buy her being the sort of person to see a dress with a see-through thigh-and-crotch window and a plunging assline and going "BRILLIANT".

And 'Drake' was fine back when the Japanese version hinted at her being Elizabeth the First on a very enthusiastic cosplaying session, I know I'd probably flash my funbags like that if I was fresh off being trapped in a 16th century dress and also lead-poisoning free for the first time in my adult life. I don't know why subsequent depiction had to ruin that and say that Francis Drake had big-ass titties.

But a lot of people like those outfits, like me, and they fit with the personalities given to them. You need to calm your history boner.

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Objection. Merlin cannot be constructed as an Alter, and he's not the Boss of a Singularity like the other Santas are.
What do you think Camelot Lost Belt will be about :V?

Seriously though, I agree, before we get Santa Merlin, we will get Santa Medea Lily, Santa Tesla, Santa Cu Alter, Santa Mufasa, Santa Tiamat, Santa Goetia and then Remnant Santas.

So it will be good ten years before you can make team out of your own Merlin's. Because Summer Merlin won't be restricted by thematic.
And 'Drake' was fine back when the Japanese version hinted at her being Elizabeth the First on a very enthusiastic cosplaying session, I know I'd probably flash my funbags like that if I was fresh off being trapped in a 16th century dress and also lead-poisoning free for the first time in my adult life. I don't know why subsequent depiction had to ruin that and say that Francis Drake had big-ass titties.
You mean this Drake?

She always was like this.
Seriously tho, every gender is sexualized.
The problem is not that girls are the only ones sexualised, it's that the ratios of sexualised to non-sexualised Servants is so skewed. For every sexualised male you can find at least two females, and this is despite the fact that IIRC there are still more Male Servants than Female.

EDIT: Honestly, I probably overshot the sexualised males by a long shot.
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Staff Notice: Do not post content containing slurs
A guy being shirtless is not equal and equivalent to the way the female characters are designed.

Get back to me when Ruler George Washington traipses around in a Borat-style over-the-shoulder banana hammock.

Males and females find different things attractive, who knew!

The problem is not that girls are the only ones sexualised, it's that the ratios of sexualised to non-sexualised Servants is so skewed. For every sexualised male you can find at least two females, and this is despite the fact that IIRC there are still more Male Servants than Female.

Only by a very slim margin.

And shota is a rather common, uh, fanservice let's say for females. There are a lot of shotas.
Yes? Reread my post dude.
She's one of the few female Servants that get more clothing in FGO. Her depiction didn't get any worse than it always was, unless you count the barmaid clothing for Extella Link. Or you're only talking about that they forgot that she was supposed to be Actually Queen Elizabeth?

FGO in the end is a mobage. That it even possess females in non-simpy clothing is miracle.
This is bullshit circular logic. They do because the person creating the product made them, but in the vast majority of cases they did not provide any sort of adequate reason why they would want to. I do not buy that Saint Martha would wear a skimpy robe with a big fat cross-shaped plunging neckline that plunges all the way to her navel and thigh-highs. I do not buy that Mashu would magically receive the 'sexy' version of Galahad's armour just because his powers cosmically realised she has tits and wanted to make sure you appreciated this fact. I do not fucking buy for a second that a humanoid Reaper with little to no emotions or willingness to display them that grew up among the Huns and was recorded by history as a man would dress like a rainbow Kill la Kill stripper. I do not buy a single aspect of Ishtar's fucking awful design. I do not buy Tomoe Gozen running around with giant hip cut-outs in her pants so everyone can get cheeky glimpses at her ass while she fights. I do not buy Bathory's 100% arbitrary idoru fetish outfit (seriously why is she an idoru why Elizabeth Bathory). I do not buy the legendary valkyrie Brynhildr dressed like a sexy schoolgirl. I do not buy either Lancer Aturias choosing to ride horses with bare thighs because I guess extreme rashes make them super horny and their whole-ass titties just bouncing out and about barely restrained by a few square inches of fabric. I do not buy a single motherfucking thing about either Yorimitsu's designs from their clothes to their poses to their freakish proportions to the centralised mommykink. Et fucking cetera.


Proper cuirass. Some chunky-ass gauntlets. Sabatons. Armoured skirts. Realistic? Sure it's not, it's anime. She's not perched on high heels in a miniskirt with her tits flopping out and about either. But somehow, magically, people have still been able to crank it to her she's become popular and beloved by the fanbase. Hhhhhrrrrmmmmmm.

Even without the armour it's fine it's basically just a regular-ass dress. The titty-window's tiny and she barely turns up unarmoured anyway, and she's got some damn pants on under that dress which is a touch you know would not be fucking there if she was created solely for Grand Order. And, oh, what's this? What's this other female character from the porngame?


ohhhhno, it's a modest yet memorable design that covers her up just fine, conveys the character, and was absolutely no stop to the people that fell in love with and cranked it to her

shit it's almost like the porngame managed to make desirable female characters without dressing them up like their porn-parody counterparts that's... that's so unfortunate...

Wait, you seriously can't buy Ishtars design? Brynhildr looks more like a stylized cheerleader and going by the Hero's Bridesmaid or Sidekick or however that was translated skill the design checks out.
You really have a problem with Tomoe's thigh gaps? That get covered by her armor because that is just the under part of her getup? I'd have thought you'd be more annoyed by the side boob. And cow demon is enough for me about Raikou... and also because Onigashima is my favorite event, I like the whole asthetic surrounding her and her as a character in general and don't reall have a problem with her design to begin with... I probably can't really talk because I do pretty much like most of the designs of the Servants we have and more have nitpicks about certian parts of the designs more then the overall design.

And though I agree with you about Artoria and Medea and think using the "porn game" argument is dumb because the VN wasn't a porn game to begin with I would like to hear your thoughts on Medusa though.