Pretty bad efficiency because of the 3 CE slots. You can run much better drop bonus setup by having a Circe to kill the first boss and then either using a quick or a arts loop setup to murder the last two waves.Have a pretty solid 3T setup for the new legendary node.
Plugsuit MC
T1 Kscope SummerJalter buffs, gets Bunyan buster buff, uses NP to kill boss mob
T2 Swap SJalter out for Merlin, Merlin uses charisma, Kscope Bunyan NPs
T3 All buffs/debuffs applied, Aerial Dive Godjunna NPs. ~20k leftover, facecarding required.
Frex if you have welfare Sieg from his event (I think any AoE loop capable arts attacker with a bonus towards assassins will do though) + Castoria:
Plugsuit Circe/Sieg/Castoria/Castoria/x/x
I think in that case either one of your Castoria's S2/S3 is underleveled or your Sieg's S1 is, because if you have all three at 10 you shouldn't be refunding less than 100%.You know, that was actually the team I decided to come up with, and I just ran it now that I'm done with the 90 node.
I was a bit greedy though, and did use one of Castoria's S2 on Circe, in order for the later to still have her S1 for wave 3. As it turns out, that was a mistake, because when Sieg used his NP on wave 2, he refunded... 98%. So that was embarrassing.
I think in that case either one of your Castoria's S2/S3 is underleveled or your Sieg's S1 is, because if you have all three at 10 you shouldn't be refunding less than 100%.
Right now, I'm farming the normal 90 node, since I need Lancer gems and Feathers more than Assassin Gems and Dust - and also because Space Ishtar is close from a bond up and I want to push a little further with her). But yeah, Sieg certainly makes it look easy. I'm also thinking of throwing Circe into the mix for wave 1 - it'll be a good rehersal for the third 90+ quest, where's she's likely to be my MVP.
I can't help but ask: are the CCs any good? Their effects seem...meh to me. Not terrible, but not the best either. But that could just be me not knowing how I'd use 'em or something...
Actually not quite that long. We should have another round of class-based summon banners around March. (e.g. a banner that can only give Sabers, a banner that can only give Archers, etc.)Me, who badly wants Salieri, plans to NP5 and Lv 90 (at least, if not Lv 100) him: I SWEAR THE WORLD IS MAKING FUN OF ME FOR WANTING ANTONIO BUT HAVING TO WAIT UNTIL KOYANSKAYA NEXT YEAR FOR QUARTZ EFFICIENT SPENDING
You can do one 11x roll and get NP5 right there and that's not even that unlikely a result!
They're not that hard to get and you don't want to find yourself thinking, "man, if only I had gotten that CC from the event."This video: "Salieri is the best Arts looper for this [Scathach Lotto] event."
ahem. excuse me i couldnt help but rant.
Gah, now I'm tempted to do the same since I want to level up Jaguar Warrior and Summer Yu's skills...but I wanna clear the event shop, so I'mma stick with farming the Legend node. Speaking of the shop though...
I can't help but ask: are the CCs any good? Their effects seem...meh to me. Not terrible, but not the best either. But that could just be me not knowing how I'd use 'em or something...
Command Codes in general vary in effectiveness, with them offering minor boosts for the most part - stuff like a few extra crit stars, damage bonus vs X enemy type, or a minor healing effect. They can be pretty handy when used on a character who can leverage their skills/NP alongside them, but in general they aren't gamechangers.I can't help but ask: are the CCs any good? Their effects seem...meh to me. Not terrible, but not the best either. But that could just be me not knowing how I'd use 'em or something...
EDIT: wait, I realize I assumed you meant "the CCs of this event",
Actually not quite that long. We should have another round of class-based summon banners around March. (e.g. a banner that can only give Sabers, a banner that can only give Archers, etc.)
Notably, for the "only gives Extra Classes" banner, Salieri is the only 3* Servant that qualifies so literally every 3* Servant will be Salieri. It's actually peak efficiency lol. You can do one 11x roll and get NP5 right there and that's not even that unlikely a result!
Command Codes in general vary in effectiveness, with them offering minor boosts for the most part - stuff like a few extra crit stars, damage bonus vs X enemy type, or a minor healing effect. They can be pretty handy when used on a character who can leverage their skills/NP alongside them, but in general they aren't gamechangers.
Personally, I've ended up just slapping a Kaleidoscope on Sieg. One less dog tag drop per stack, yes, but this way I can run the node without plugsuit swaps.
As luck would have it, Super Orion doesn't give a solitary shit what Karna's class is, so he just kinda...punched his way across the whole board. Props to Circe for opening him up just long enough for Super Orion to uttery clean house on everything ever.That bug is kind of annoying. I don't want to exploit a bug, but at the same time keeping Karna and MHX supporting each other makes for a giant NOPE.
I eventually managed peal MHX away for Medea to deal with, while Kuro took down d'Eon. Meanwhile Ridertoki was cutting a path through the casters and scared Muniere right into Kuro.
Anyways, I did Grail Front 5 and didn't beat it first try either. However, on my first try, I happened to find a very weird AI behavior that I ended up exploiting the hell out of in the next two tries.
I started off with "spare" Kojiro and Castori and Ushiwakamaru with CES and had them basically wall my Master in, with Castoria in the center. However, for some reason, when I did that, after Karna was right in front of Castoria and MHX close enough to back him up...he and MHX kept switching places. Constantly. And it's not just that one time. I managed to recreat it afterwards.