Althou, I kind of think the Berserkers need more love, and damage buff to their NPs... like the Single Target Berserker NPs should start at 900% and scale up from there... :3
Ned Kelly. Like robin hood but more modern, and therefore worse :p
Actually, is their any magic armor that you guys can think of from their legends? The Servants we have had other things besides armor to make them more durable. Gawain had his belt along with his sword, Herc would have had the Neminian Lion's pelt. Though those are the ones that I can think of off the top of my head.
Ned Kelly was famous in part because his makeshift armor.

No, I don't care that they'll make him a scantily clad loli, I want my snakey-poo!
Loli Charybdis would make more sense. Maybe. Kind of.
Out of curiosity, are there any historical/mythological figures that you guys want to see become Heroic Spirits in FGO?

I wouldn't mind seeing Theodore Roosevelt become one.
Before Teddy, The Most Decorated Bishie in US Army History. :p Andrew Jackson was fine, but he and Geronimo would argue a lot. And sometimes fist involved.

More Indian Servant would be fine. Hanuman and Sun Go Kong will be either best bud forever or best enemies forever. Ravana with self-applying guts would be terrific. Yudistira is a Lancer, to continue Being Lancer is Suffering meme. If we have Kumbakarna, Pauline would be happy she had someone to gave her pillow lap. Normal-sized. In the other hand, his energy requirement would be intense. And if Khrisna got summoned....

He would be not allowed to keep his flute. Ever. And maybe Ultraman meme at some point.
The hero twins from Mayan legend
Things Hun-Apu and Xbalangue must not be allowed to.
  • Making a joke about arm as emergency food.
  • Pretend to be a dentist.
  • Cooking.
  • Having access to corn kernel.
  • No, sacrificing a giant to build a house would never work. Remember that 40000 stars in the sky that wasn't there before?
Loli Charybdis would make more sense. Maybe. Kind of.
... Not really, no. The only part of Charybdis that'd make her more suitable is her gender, and given that this is Fate that's no excuse.

Meanwhile, when we look at Orochi's pattern:
Shuten Douji, descended from Orochi, scantlily-clad lolibaba.
Chiyome Mochizuke, cursed/blessed by Orochi, scantily-clad very-young miko-kunoichi-widow.

So if Orochi ever appears outside of his seven-headed(!!!) mob appearence, it'll likely be as a young girl with very few clothes. Probably wearing nothing but a snake-skin or something like that.
Out of curiosity, are there any historical/mythological figures that you guys want to see become Heroic Spirits in FGO?

I've been waiting for Sigurd for a while, but I guess that's just a matter of when, especially with a Lostbelt dedicated to hitting Norse stuff from the looks of it.

It's still interesting because I want to see more details and how Sakurai fits him into the spins of 'machine' Siegfried and Bryn have going on.
Are you telling saying they should be willing to lose potential millions to make it more wholesome?
Personally, yes, yes, I do. If they cannot include fanservice without compromising the character's wholesomeness, they should forego the fanservice. As I've mentioned previously, it is rather ironic that the company had held itself to a higher standard back when they were making "porn games".

That said, there is no need to lose potential millions or even compromise on the pandering over that - they just need to put some more honest effort into reasoning the design choices and bringing the character's appearance in line with their personality.

As an example, St. Martha. Instead of going with a generic stripperific appearance that so obviously clashes with the image projected by her personality and demeanor, put her into actually modest nun robes initially. Throw in a form-fitting casual outfit or maybe simple work clothes that show off her arms and shoulders for the second and third stage. Then, in the final ascension, show her in the moment after Tarasque's *cough*beatdown*cough* pacification. You know, sitting on top of the dragon, much as she is in her actual final ascension, but make it a knocked out dragon, Martha looking flushed, whether with embarrassment or exertion, a cute stern scowl on her face, and her dress torn and disheveled, showing off more skin that she would normally. There, a fanservice opportunity that does not compromise the character's integrity but instead builds on and reinforces her image.

Out of curiosity, are there any historical/mythological figures that you guys want to see become Heroic Spirits in FGO?
Abe no Seimei, complete with magnificent fox ears, fox tail, and a slightly sadistic, teasing disposition to fit Tamamo's description of him as "black-hearted". I want a male fluffy tale.

Also, Uesugi Kenshin for the next GudaGuda event, and I don't even care whether TM make Kenshin male or female as long as they make him/her interesting.

And since the next singularity seems to be set in medieval Russia, someone from Ukrainian history and folklore, such as Ivan Sirko, would be a pleasant treat. Sure, it won't happen but hey, I can dream, right? Ivan Sirko is hailed as the greatest kharakternyk (basically Cossack sorcerer) of all, and the common depiction of those involves shapeshifting, precognition, luck/fate manipulation, enchanting ammo to hit unfailingly, and brushing flattened bullets off themselves and throwing them back at the shooters. In specifically Sirko's case, even his dead body was said to bring victory to the Cossack host. He was one mean motherfucker all-around. Besides, look at this face; prime Heroic Spirit material right there (and yes, I know that's not how he actually looked; it's still the most famous depiction of him, and one I'm rather partial to).

but if you are saying that a mobile game that is designed to be PAY TO WAIFU is "bad" in design because of character designs with unrealistic equipment and such....
No, unrealistic equipment and such is expected. But I also expect a character's appearance to be evocative of their personality or at least designated role in the narrative.

In short, people saying that FGO is too fanservicey are basically saying "how dare they pander to the lowest common level and make CRAZY cash".

Because that's really what it comes down to. At least from where I'm seeing here.
There is a good kind of pandering and a lazy kind of pandering; the former can enhance the overall experience but F/GO is mostly guilty of the latter - random and thoughtless low-effort fanservice without regard or respect for the characters. I don't fault the fact of fanservice; what I am unsatisfied with is the lacklustre quality of it.

Let's consider Ushiwakamaru. The way she dresses is hand-waved as a result of "tengu upbringing". But that tengu upbringing is rarely, if ever, brought up in regard to anything outside that. I would not mind if the trait was more wholesome, tightly weaved into the character. As is, though, it has too little presence, too little overarching influence to be taken as anything more than a throwaway excuse for the fanservice.
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Out of curiosity, are there any historical/mythological figures that you guys want to see become Heroic Spirits in FGO?

I wouldn't mind seeing Theodore Roosevelt become one.
I have a lot of people I want to see in Fate.
Rostam and Esfandiyar would be two big picks of mine, I'm curious as to how their rivalry would be done and if/how it'd be distinct from some of the other rivalries we've seen in Fate.
Diomedes, because he's straight up my favourite mythological character, even though I don't trust Higashide with the Trojan War.
Eratosthenes, a guy who did a lot of smart stuff and ran the Library of Alexandria for a while.
Fereydun for being a very cool dude who may also turn into a dragon (Nasu/Sakurai don't you fuck that up).
Also Oliver in the vain hope that Astolfo has not monopolised the position of being Roland's bestie.

All that said, I wouldn't be too horribly pushed if they didn't show up. Except for Oliver. I would forever brand Higashide a coward if Broliver doesn't get to be bros with Broland in the battle of Broncevaux Pass.
Out of curiosity, are there any historical/mythological figures that you guys want to see become Heroic Spirits in FGO?

I wouldn't mind seeing Theodore Roosevelt become one.

Alan Turing. But somehow we got power armor Charles Babbage instead. Not that I'm complaining.

I know that it's unlikely as hell to happen but I would pay some good money to see a Brazilian servant.
I feel you brother.

Santos Dumont, inventor of the airplane, the dirigible and the wristwatch would be an awesome Servant. Monteiro Lobato could join writer team, there's no shortage of writers to choose from actually. Lampião would be Billy but AoE, maybe even Avenger instead of Archer. There's all those leaders of rebellions through our Regencial Period and tons of legends from the indians from the Amazon.

Most of them wouldn't be all that strong, except if Santos Dumont gets the Tesla treatment, but they would be really cool.
Out of curiosity, are there any historical/mythological figures that you guys want to see become Heroic Spirits in FGO?

I wouldn't mind seeing Theodore Roosevelt become one.
Duryodhana especially, more of the Pandavas, Ashwatthama, Krishna, Parashurama...

I'd be satisfied with just Duryodhana and Krishna though. Half because I love the friendships between them and Karna and Arjuna respectively, and half because I'm sure attractive bishonen designs for them both would maybe pull people away from shipping Karna and Arjuna constantly.
Personally, yes, yes, I do. If they cannot include fanservice without compromising the character's wholesomeness, they should forego the fanservice. As I've mentioned previously, it is rather ironic that the company had held itself to a higher standard back when they were making "porn games".
FSN was never a porn game it was an Urban-Fantasy Visual Novel. The only reason that it contained sex was so it would sell more. And it fucking did because you know why
That is a simple marketing truth. Do you think that the Ghost in the Shell movie despite being mediocre would have performed as well as it did if it didn't have Scarlet Johansen in it.
Everyone likes sexy people, men, woman and the in-between. Do you think that Merchandise of Girls and men, would sell if they weren't hot or cute. For who the hell would look at a poster of an average person.
And how can you say their character is compromised by how they look like if that is how they are portrayed from the start. Also you keep using fanservice bu t i don't think you know, what you think it means.
The correct word would be sex-appeal.
Fanservice covers a lot of different things. Nick Furry appearing at the end of Iron Man is Fanservice. Easter Eggs that makes references to other parts or a different franchise is Fanservice.
Also, it seems your just complaining that the characters are good looking. If so then you must hate every single piece of entertain if you think sex appeal is bad. Cause as i said it makes money.
Hmm, I wierdly never actually thought about italian Servants.
Da Vinci was the low hanging fruit, and with excluding more roman characters (Virgil, Cato, Sulla), off the top of my head I'd like to see:
Garibaldi, most likely as a Rider
Caster Macchiavelli
Caster Giordano Bruno
Rider(?) Marco Polo

Also, for laughs, I'd like to see Agilulf, the Nonexistent Knight.
Pierre Terrail, seigneur de Bayard - Wikipedia

Can't get more chivalrous than this
the knight without fear and beyond reproach

He died in the midst of the enemy, attended by Pescara, the Spanish commander, and by his old comrade, Charles, duc de Bourbon, who was now fighting on the opposite side. Charles is reported to have said "Ah! Monsieur de Bayard... I am very sad to see you in this state; you who were such a virtuous knight!" Bayard answered,

" "Sir, there is no need to pity me. I die as a man of honour ought, doing my duty; but I pity you, because you are fighting against your king, your country, and your oath." "