Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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IF we get max influence for Grail, there's a decent reason in the fact we might hope for a grail scrap from that, which would give us + 5 and a reroll for grail rolls (meaning Comet and Twilight, mostly), so there IS a reason.

Of course I might be underestimating the Red Church
We are at 0/4 Grail and Max influences give 2 scraps IF we didn't get a reward from influence before iirc. I don't remember if we already got scraps from receiving a Grail influence before but either way I wouldn't bet on getting enough scraps at the Ruined Church to reach level 4.
"Yer ma' told me not tae swear near ye an' all, so ae canny make any promises or bindin' oaths near ye. Or a'least tha's wo' ae think she meant. Et's a pretty foken daft order if ye ask me, but wot do ae no… Dinnae want 'er to gremlin-curse me like she did ye."
Probably the best part of this update is a godlike Name believing that we one hundo percent have both the ability and inclination to curse her (again, a godlike, immortal Name) with kidhood, and that there's nothing she can really do about that except not piss us off.

Our reputation is too powerful
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Probably the best part of this update is a godlike Name believing that we one hundo percent have both the ability and inclination to curse her (again, a godlike, immortal Name) with kidhood, and that there's nothing she can really do about that except not piss us off.

Our reputation is too powerful

The fillyfying beam is a weapon feared across the histories. Those in the Know rightly fear its curse.

Broke my lurking status to comment this update, wonderful work.
But still, back to the topic at hoof. This thing, that you are doing, is something very important to you. It is, as Sweetie Belle would say with her dictionary words, part of your very indemnity. To the point that you can't say you are Silky Stream if for some reason you stop doing this.
I'm, like, 90% sure Sweetie Belle would NOT say that :V
Towards the forbidden cookie jar.


You remember the last time your mom caught you doing this. You still remember the scolding, which was so long that your ears were hurting by the end of it. And you also remember how ashamed you felt, and how she made you promise that you would never do that again.

But of course, you were very ashamed… ashamed of having been caught, not of what you had done.

And you really meant it when you promised that would never happened again.

But here's the thing. You promised, to your mom and to yourself, that she would never again catch you stealing from the cookie jar.

That she would never catch you again.

You fully intent to keep that promise, of course. Your parents did not raise a lying filly, after all. So, in order to keep that promise, you made sure never to get caught again.

You did not stop. You merely got better at it.

And oh, how much better you are now, compared to back then.
...I kinda feel proud of her now. She really takes after her mom

...probably more than her mom would want


You leave your room quickly, but not really quietly. You don't go to those lengths of opening your door extra-slowly, because that would be suspicious on itself. After all, what would you do if somepony was walking around the house? What would you do if one of the maids, or dad, or (Celestia forbid) your mom herself sees you, opening the door so slowly and suspiciously?

Why, if that happened you would be caught before your mission even began!

So no, you don't do it like that. Instead, you go for deniability on this first step. You make sure to pretend that you are extra sleepy, and you open the door quietly enough for it to look like you are only half-awake, and only barely conscious enough that you are remembering you shouldn't make too much noise at this time of the night.

Because if you do it like this, and somepony happens to be on the corridor, then you can just mumble that you are going to the bathroom or something.

After you successfully reach the corridor undisturbed, and can confirm that there's nopony around, then you engage your full stealth mode.
I'm REALLY proud of her now! maybe she'll be a Moth minor? She already understands the basics of stealth!

You disappear in the blink of an eye, your wings flapping as you zip from the ground to the very ceiling. And then you literally crawl through the ceiling as quickly as you can, your best bet at stealth at this point being that anypony who happens to leave their rooms simply won't think to look up. Trusting your speed, and the fact that the ceiling is really dark at this time of the night, since the faint moonlight that comes through the glass windows is aimed at the floor, and not up.
Spider filly!

they grow so fast! She's already undergoing expedition training! :cry:

"The fok yer doin' 'ere?"

-and your heart almost leaps out of your chest as you hear somepony call you from the middle of the kitchen.
...this is going to be glorious, I can tell!

And then your mom is going to serve you your flank on a silver plate, and you are probably going to be a fully grown mare before you are ever ungrounded and let out of your room again, and you're probably going to get a cutie mark for committing crimes and-
oh, it wouldn't be quite THAT bad... also wouldn't you have better chances of a crime-related cutie mark if you actually succeeded at it?

"Ae… Ae sppose ae am? Waet… guest tha yer not supposed tae…? The fok did she mean tha ye canny talk tae me?!"

And she has the grumpy attitude mom told you about!
it's over, Silky will now be corrupted by this foul-mouthed snake...

^ Velvet, probably.

You begin to ask her all the questions.

"Oh oh oh! My name is Silky Stream! And I'm my mom's daughter! And I live here! Are you going to live here too? How long are you going to be our guest? Oh, and how did you meet mom?! Are you also a friend of hers from her school days?"

You don't even notice how the mare takes a confused step back for every hop you take on her direction.​
"And have you met my dad? And what did you think of our house? Is it different from the house you live in? Is it larger? Smaller? Same size? Do you like being here?"

It is too dark, even, for you to see the lost, nearly panicked expression she has on her face. Her eyes darting around in every direction, looking for an escape that isn't there.​
"Oh! And why are you here? Are you writing a book? And can you read?! I'm learning how to read! I mean, I already know how to read, but there's a lot of words I don't know! Do you know what a dictionary is? Are you using a dictionary to help you write your book?!"

Almost as a reflex, she reaches out for something underneath her cloak, panic-induced speed aiding her trembling teeth as they find purchase around the handle of her a-​

yes, she sure is her mom's daughter :rofl:

Not even 5 minutes, and she's already terrified a NAME to the point she triggered her flight-or-fight instinct!

...Still, DoA nearly pulled out her Axe on Silky! THAT CAN'T STAND! :rage:

And as soon as you turn your back to her, the mare's frown crumbles, turning into a mixture of confusion and… honest relief, even if she does her best to hide it as soon as you return to her with your trusty cookie jar. Silky going to turn DoA into a tsundere?!

And in the end, an understanding was born out of several small misunderstandings, as these things go.


"And yer still doin' it aneewae… E's tha' why she cors'd ye?"
"What? Mom didn't curse me. She loves me!"
"Wo' de ye mean yer not cors'd? Look at ye! Yer so wee smol, it has tae be a cors. An' et's pretty mess'd up tha' yer own ma cors'd ye, if ye ask me."

And for all that the filly could only understand about half of what the older mare said, she still laughed at most of it.

"I'm not cursed, I'm just young!"
"Ye… yer wo'? But tha's not what being yong means, innit? Being yong jus' means yer a big ol' snek, just hatched, and tha' yer still learning tae take on horse shape, nae?"
"Ahahaha, that's not right at all… I think? I'm not reeeeally sure where foals come from and… But anyways, I'm just young! I don't even have a cutie mark yet, see?
"Wha… so wot? Bu'… ain' tha normal? Ae mean, et'd be pretty foken scary if ye wee cursed glemlin-sized mares were runnin' around with Brands, no? 'Sides, ae dunnae hav a Brand either."

...that's hilarious!

Misunderstanding number 1: pony youngs and snake youngs are obviously VERY different

Misunderstanding number 2: Brands and Cutie Marks are NOT the same thing :rofl:

You see DoA, THIS is why Velvet wanted to explain the Wake to you!

"Aye then… well, I actelly hav a problem with tha'. Y'see, I canny really promis tae keep this a secret. Sorry 'bout tha'."

"What? Why?"

"Yer ma' told me not tae swear near ye an' all, so ae canny make any promises or bindin' oaths near ye. Or a'least tha's wo' ae think she meant. Et's a pretty foken daft order if ye ask me, but wot do ae no… Dinnae want 'er to gremlin-curse me like she did ye."
...that's not what we meant by not swearing around Silkie! :jackiechan: :facepalm: :rofl:

I kinda like the idea of her fearing we know a fillyfying curse though.

...hopefully she doesn't bring it up to Velvet. She might get ideas.

"… Ahh, stop makin' tha' face. Alright, alright, tell ye wot, le's find a loophole, aye? Ae'll make a promise not tae tell aboot this, alright? Ae canny swear near ye, bu' ae'm sure et's foine if ae do it someplace far from ye."

"Oh, is that how it works? Can you do that?!"

"No foken clue, bu' ae really don' care much eetha. An' actelly, ae'll thro ye an extra. Ae'll also promis tae take responsblty far tae cookies-"
...I'm both annoyed at her finding loopholes to our orders (that we didn't really give), and that she's teaching to Silky.

On the other hand, I'm also kinda proud of Silky here AND amused at everything.

"-IF… ye introdooce me tae tha' littl' guild ye told me aboot. The one tha's reely good at finding stuff? Tha' Brand-Templars? Like ae told ye, ae'm here looking fer somethin'. So, promis me tha' yer all gon' help me find tha' thing, an' we got a deal."

"Oh, you mean the Crusaders? Sure, I can definitely do that! And we're definitely going to help you!"

"Aye! We got a deal then. Now scooch off tae yer bed, et's nearly Glory-rise."

And then they went their separate ways. The filly being absolutely sure that she had just made a friend, who wanted help finding her cutie mark. And the mare being absolutely sure she had just recruited a very skilled band of cursed adventurers, who would help her find the key to her freedom.

Because whoever said that miscommunications can only bring about bad things?


...on a side note, if possible I'd like to use a tapestry ritual next turn to find the Frangiclave. We want to show DoA we're actually helping, and who knows, maybe we can get it by the time her summon would otherwise expire.

"Ae said," she tries for the third time, "me name is Doh'ah' o' Axss! Et canny be tha hard te understand!"
...she really doesn't get it, does she?
Pretty sure the rules for Manus expeditions are that due to risks they happen at the end of turn.

it's not a hard rule, it's a "generally it works like this because generally that's the best option for Velvet".

We are at 0/4 Grail and Max influences give 2 scraps IF we didn't get a reward from influence before iirc. I don't remember if we already got scraps from receiving a Grail influence before but either way I wouldn't bet on getting enough scraps at the Ruined Church to reach level 4.

ah, right. yeah, in that case there's less of a reason for that... unless, I suppose, we end up getting a grail scrap for convincing Comet to betray the Cult I suppose.

By the way, we now have a moral duty to either keep DoA in check, or recruiting the CMC, because by all that is eldritchy there's few things scarier than the CMC starting to learn the lores from DoA!

I can already imagine them exploring the Everfree forest while we're not looking!

...Also we really need to try finding the Frangiclave next turn if we can.
...Also we really need to try finding the Frangiclave next turn if we can.

Agreed, read our books for lantern 4, create a level 4 regent then chuck a ritual scouting action to give us a starting point. We really need to go for it soon while we can still ask the Master to spend some bonding time with her favorite little disciple.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by BirdBodhisattva on Jul 26, 2022 at 6:12 AM, finished with 231 posts and 24 votes.

  • [X] Plan Vespertine
    -[X] You will do the bare minimum to get the farm running. For the benefit of your workers and your city, if nothing else.
    -[X] (Servants) Find a way to reduce suspicion of at-home rituals (don't tell them that, of course)
    -[X] (Hintchasers) Obtain a dead body from the cemetery
    -[X] (Rarity) Focus on her work
    -[X] (Jade) Scout Crepuscular Jailbreak with RotT
    --[X] Sacrifice Lantern 1 reagent
    --[X] At the Velvet estate
    -[X] (Velvet Axe) Lead an expedition (Beneath the Royal Castle
    --[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to physically scouting Crepuscular Jailbreak if RotT fails
    -[X] (Risen) Fleeting opportunity: Steal the original manuscripts from the Bright Library
    -[X] Selene (Winter)
    -[X] (AotL) Grail: Comet Feet
    -[X] (Knock) Explore the Ruined Church
    -[X] (Forge) Grail 3
    -[X] (Winter) Raise a Flourishing Risen
    -[X] Perform the Calling of Influence (Grail)
    --[X] Sacrifice Grail 3 reagent
    --[X] At the cult's gathering place
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Comet Feet
    --[X] With Fluttershy from the start
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Soft Sweeps
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Family Lore lessons
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Dissociate 'Velvet Covers' from cult
    --[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to Crepuscular Jailbreak if both RotT and scouting fail
    -[X] Lead an expedition (Crepuscular Jailbreak)
    [X] Plan Risky Everything Else
    -[X] You will do the bare minimum to get the farm running. For the benefit of your workers and your city, if nothing else.
    -[X] (Servants) Find a way to reduce suspicion of at-home rituals (don't tell them that, of course)
    -[X] (Hintchasers) Call a Grail Influence on Velvet
    -[X] (Rarity) Focus on her work
    -[X] (Jade) Scout Crepuscular Jailbreak with RotT
    --[X] Sacrifice Lantern 1 reagent and equip SH3 artifact
    --[X] At the Velvet estate
    -[X] (Velvet Axe) Obtain a dead body from the cemetery
    --[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to physically scouting Crepuscular Jailbreak if RotT fails
    -[X] (Risen) Fleeting opportunity: Steal the original manuscripts from the Bright Library
    -[X] Selene (Winter)
    -[X] (AotL) Grail: Comet Feet
    -[X] (Knock) Explore the Ruined Church
    -[X] (Forge) Forge 3, Grail 1
    -[X] (Winter) Raise a Flourishing Risen
    -[X] Ask for a Forge Lesson
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Comet Feet
    --[X] With Fluttershy from the start
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Soft Sweeps
    -[X] Reading action to read the 2 Forge 3 books and the Lantern 6 Book
    -[X] Perform Forge Redemption on Twilight
    --[X] At our state. Use reagent
    --[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to Crepuscular Jailbreak if both RotT and scouting fail
    -[X] Lead an expedition (Crepuscular Jailbreak)
    [X] Plan Rarity to the rescue v3
    -[X] Selene (Winter)
    -[X] Rarity (Grail Influence on Velvet with Cadre bonus, Grail 3 reagent)
    -[X] Servants (Find a way to reduce suspicion of rituals done at your barn (don't tell them that, of course))
    -[X] Jade (RotT for Twilight at our barn after its refurbishment, equip SH artifact.)
    -[X] Hintchasers (get a body)
    -[X] Raisen (steal manuscripts)
    -[X]DoA (Lead expedition under Canterlot castle)
    -[X]Velvet actions
    --[X]AoTL for Comet action (Free)
    --[X] Explore Woods (Free)
    --[X] Craft Reagent (Grail 3 , Free)
    --[X]1.Teach Rarity
    --[X]2.Comet Feet social. With Fluttershy, not in reserve
    --[X]3.Soft Sweeps social
    --[X]4.Lead rescue Twilight expedition, take DoA with you
    --[X]5.If doing FR for Twilight craft Forge 3 reagent x2. Otherwise Teach Lores to family
    --[X]6.Help Twilight(FR after making sure that Twilight is not in the state where it can kill her or another action depending on circumstances).
    [X] Plan Guaranteed FR
    -[X] Selene (Winter)
    -[X] Rarity (Grail Influence on Velvet with Cadre bonus, Grail 3 reagent)
    -[X] Servants (Find a way to reduce suspicion of rituals done at your barn (don't tell them that, of course))
    -[X]DoA (Search Manehatten for Twilight)
    -[X] Jade (Lead expedition to rescue Twilight. Take DoA with you. Kidnap Twilight and have her rescued by Velvet not far from Ponnyvile. Do not reveal yourself to Twilight)
    -[X] Hintchasers (cast RotT to find Forge 3 book. Buy it and have it delivered to Loremaster)
    -[X]Velvet actions
    --[X]AoTL for Comet action (Free)
    --[X] Red Church (Free)
    --[X] Craft Reagent (Grail 3 , Free)
    --[X]1.Teach Rarity
    --[X]2.Comet Feet social. With Fluttershy, not in reserve
    --[X]3.Soft Sweeps social
    --[X]4.Read Books Forge 3, Forge 3, Forge 3. Lead Twilight expedition yourself if Hintchasers failed to acquire third book. Have Jade do Memory of Light action instead,
    --[X]5.If doing FR for Twilight craft Forge 3 reagent x2. Otherwise Teach Lores to family
    --[X]6.Help Twilight(FR after making sure that Twilight is not in the state where it can kill her or another action depending on circumstances).
    [X] Plan Risky Medical Procedure
    -[X] You will do the bare minimum to get the farm running. For the benefit of your workers and your city, if nothing else.
    -[X] (Servants) Find a way to reduce suspicion of at-home rituals (don't tell them that, of course)
    -[X] (Hintchasers) Obtain a dead body from the cemetery
    -[X] (Rarity) Focus on her work
    -[X] (Jade) Scout Crepuscular Jailbreak with RotT
    --[X] Sacrifice Lantern 1 reagent and equip SH3 artifact
    --[X] At the Velvet estate
    -[X] (Velvet Axe) Lead an expedition (Beneath the Royal Castle
    --[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to physically scouting Crepuscular Jailbreak if RotT fails
    -[X] (Risen) Fleeting opportunity: Steal the original manuscripts from the Bright Library
    -[X] Selene (Winter)
    -[X] (AotL) Grail: Comet Feet
    -[X] (Knock) Explore the Ruined Church
    -[X] (Forge) Grail 3
    -[X] (Winter) Raise a Flourishing Risen
    -[X] Perform the Calling of Influence (Grail)
    --[X] Sacrifice Grail 3 reagent
    --[X] At the cult's gathering place
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Comet Feet
    --[X] With Fluttershy from the start
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Soft Sweeps
    -[X] Craft Reagent: Forge 3
    --[X] Conditional: If we get a Forge scrap at the Church, instead use a reading action to read the 2 Forge 3 books and the Lantern 6 Book
    -[X] Perform Forge Redemption on Twilight
    --[X] At our state. Use Forge 3 reagent if available
    --[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to Crepuscular Jailbreak if both RotT and scouting fail
    -[X] Lead an expedition (Crepuscular Jailbreak)
    [X] Plan: Being a totally innocent mare
    -[X] You will do the bare minimum to get the farm running. For the benefit of your workers and your city, if nothing else.
    -[X] (Servants) Find a way to reduce suspicion of at-home rituals (don't tell them that, of course)
    -[X] (Hintchasers) Obtain a dead body from the cemetery
    -[X] (Rarity) Focus on her work
    -[X] (Jade) Scout Crepuscular Jailbreak with RotT
    --[X] Sacrifice Lantern 1 reagent
    --[X] At the Velvet estate
    -[X] (Velvet Axe) Lead an expedition (Beneath the Royal Castle
    --[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to physically scouting Crepuscular Jailbreak if RotT fails
    -[X] (Risen) Fleeting opportunity: Steal the original manuscripts from the Bright Library
    -[X] Selene (Winter)
    -[X] (AotL) Grail: Comet Feet
    -[X] (Knock) Explore the Ruined Church
    -[X] (Forge) Grail 3
    -[X] (Winter) Raise a Flourishing Risen
    -[X] Perform the Calling of Influence (Grail)
    --[X] Sacrifice Grail 3 reagent
    --[X] At the cult's gathering place
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Comet Feet
    --[X] With Fluttershy from the start
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Soft Sweeps
    -[X] On furthering your knowledge. Read;
    --[X] BOOK FORGE Level 3.
    --[X] BOOK LANTERN Level 6.
    -[X] Attempt, even if foolishly, to untangle the webs of the Secret Histories
    --[X] Investigate your current skills. To try to understand them, if nothing else. (Current progress 0/3)
    ---[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to Crepuscular Jailbreak if both RotT and scouting fail
    -[X] Lead an expedition (Crepuscular Jailbreak)
    [X] Plan A Gift of Horn
    -[X] (Rarity) Perform The Calling of Influence (Grail) on Velvet.
    --[X] At the Cult. Use Grail reagent.
    -[X] (Jade) Act as your emissary: Reflection of the Tapestry for Crepuscule Jailbreak.
    --[X] At your estate. Use Lantern 1 reagent. Use SH3 Artifact (for Lore Knowledge bonus, not as sacrifice)
    -[X] (Velvet Axe) Lead an Expedition: Crepuscule Jailbreak. Accompanied by Rarity
    -[X] (Hintchasers) Disassociate Velvet Cover from the Loremaster
    -[X] (Servants) Try and make lore rituals less suspicious.
    -[X] Selene (Winter)
    -[X] (Knock) Red Church
    -[X] (Forge) Forge 3, Grail 1
    -[X] Lesson from the Master: Forge
    -[X] Read books: Forge x2, Lantern
    -[X] Craft a reagent: Grail 3.
    -[X] Perform Forge Redemption on Twilight
    --[X] At our estate. Use Forge reagent
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Soft Sweeps
    -[X] Fleeting Opportunity: Comet Feet with Fluttershy
*Velvet performs an eldritch ritual to restore Selene's memories and turn her into Luna*
…The really scary part is that I can actually see that happening. And while Alicorns aren't quite Name level, it will still very much convince her we're probably capable of that…

Jesus Christ, Velvet literally scares Names by now. What the hell.
I don't think that's very likely, since it wouldn't really be conducive to Velvet understanding thirst, pleasure, etc. It would just be a compelling argument.
…Did you forget what his relationship with Fluttershy actually is? Because, uh, that's kinda a large part of what we're banking on to make it work. Also throwing as much actual Grail at the problem as possible.
"-IF… ye introdooce me tae tha' littl' guild ye told me aboot. The one tha's reely good at finding stuff? Tha' Brand-Templars? Like ae told ye, ae'm here looking fer somethin'. So, promis me tha' yer all gon' help me find tha' thing, an' we got a deal."

Actually this sounds amazing. I wonder if a name even can get a cutie mark? Shes a snake, but that never discouraged the CMC in the past.

*nods* Heart/Knock that girl, without a shadow of a doubt
The Velvet would be proud.

Not our Velvet of course :V that other Velvet.

*Velvet performs an eldritch ritual to restore Selene's memories and turn her into Luna*
We turned an outsider into a baby we can do it to her too :V

She hasnt even met Selene yet I dont think.

Actually this sounds amazing. I wonder if a name even can get a cutie mark? Shes a snake, but that never discouraged the CMC in the past.
probably not, we never see a non-pony get a cutie mark in canon. Not even cute Gabby, or any of the student 6.

The only one that get cutie marks are the 4 pony races (earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, crystal ponies (if they even count as a different tribe)), and the zebras
Scheduled vote count started by BirdBodhisattva on Jul 26, 2022 at 6:12 AM, finished with 231 posts and 24 votes.

  • [X] Plan Vespertine
    -[X] You will do the bare minimum to get the farm running. For the benefit of your workers and your city, if nothing else.
    -[X] (Servants) Find a way to reduce suspicion of at-home rituals (don't tell them that, of course)
    -[X] (Hintchasers) Obtain a dead body from the cemetery
    -[X] (Rarity) Focus on her work
    -[X] (Jade) Scout Crepuscular Jailbreak with RotT
    --[X] Sacrifice Lantern 1 reagent
    --[X] At the Velvet estate
    -[X] (Velvet Axe) Lead an expedition (Beneath the Royal Castle
    --[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to physically scouting Crepuscular Jailbreak if RotT fails
    -[X] (Risen) Fleeting opportunity: Steal the original manuscripts from the Bright Library
    -[X] Selene (Winter)
    -[X] (AotL) Grail: Comet Feet
    -[X] (Knock) Explore the Ruined Church
    -[X] (Forge) Grail 3
    -[X] (Winter) Raise a Flourishing Risen
    -[X] Perform the Calling of Influence (Grail)
    --[X] Sacrifice Grail 3 reagent
    --[X] At the cult's gathering place
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Comet Feet
    --[X] With Fluttershy from the start
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Soft Sweeps
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Family Lore lessons
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Dissociate 'Velvet Covers' from cult
    --[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to Crepuscular Jailbreak if both RotT and scouting fail
    -[X] Lead an expedition (Crepuscular Jailbreak)
    [X] Plan Risky Everything Else
    -[X] You will do the bare minimum to get the farm running. For the benefit of your workers and your city, if nothing else.
    -[X] (Servants) Find a way to reduce suspicion of at-home rituals (don't tell them that, of course)
    -[X] (Hintchasers) Call a Grail Influence on Velvet
    -[X] (Rarity) Focus on her work
    -[X] (Jade) Scout Crepuscular Jailbreak with RotT
    --[X] Sacrifice Lantern 1 reagent and equip SH3 artifact
    --[X] At the Velvet estate
    -[X] (Velvet Axe) Obtain a dead body from the cemetery
    --[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to physically scouting Crepuscular Jailbreak if RotT fails
    -[X] (Risen) Fleeting opportunity: Steal the original manuscripts from the Bright Library
    -[X] Selene (Winter)
    -[X] (AotL) Grail: Comet Feet
    -[X] (Knock) Explore the Ruined Church
    -[X] (Forge) Forge 3, Grail 1
    -[X] (Winter) Raise a Flourishing Risen
    -[X] Ask for a Forge Lesson
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Comet Feet
    --[X] With Fluttershy from the start
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Soft Sweeps
    -[X] Reading action to read the 2 Forge 3 books and the Lantern 6 Book
    -[X] Perform Forge Redemption on Twilight
    --[X] At our state. Use reagent
    --[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to Crepuscular Jailbreak if both RotT and scouting fail
    -[X] Lead an expedition (Crepuscular Jailbreak)
    [X] Plan Rarity to the rescue v3
    -[X] Selene (Winter)
    -[X] Rarity (Grail Influence on Velvet with Cadre bonus, Grail 3 reagent)
    -[X] Servants (Find a way to reduce suspicion of rituals done at your barn (don't tell them that, of course))
    -[X] Jade (RotT for Twilight at our barn after its refurbishment, equip SH artifact.)
    -[X] Hintchasers (get a body)
    -[X] Raisen (steal manuscripts)
    -[X]DoA (Lead expedition under Canterlot castle)
    -[X]Velvet actions
    --[X]AoTL for Comet action (Free)
    --[X] Explore Woods (Free)
    --[X] Craft Reagent (Grail 3 , Free)
    --[X]1.Teach Rarity
    --[X]2.Comet Feet social. With Fluttershy, not in reserve
    --[X]3.Soft Sweeps social
    --[X]4.Lead rescue Twilight expedition, take DoA with you
    --[X]5.If doing FR for Twilight craft Forge 3 reagent x2. Otherwise Teach Lores to family
    --[X]6.Help Twilight(FR after making sure that Twilight is not in the state where it can kill her or another action depending on circumstances).
    [X] Plan Guaranteed FR
    -[X] Selene (Winter)
    -[X] Rarity (Grail Influence on Velvet with Cadre bonus, Grail 3 reagent)
    -[X] Servants (Find a way to reduce suspicion of rituals done at your barn (don't tell them that, of course))
    -[X]DoA (Search Manehatten for Twilight)
    -[X] Jade (Lead expedition to rescue Twilight. Take DoA with you. Kidnap Twilight and have her rescued by Velvet not far from Ponnyvile. Do not reveal yourself to Twilight)
    -[X] Hintchasers (cast RotT to find Forge 3 book. Buy it and have it delivered to Loremaster)
    -[X]Velvet actions
    --[X]AoTL for Comet action (Free)
    --[X] Red Church (Free)
    --[X] Craft Reagent (Grail 3 , Free)
    --[X]1.Teach Rarity
    --[X]2.Comet Feet social. With Fluttershy, not in reserve
    --[X]3.Soft Sweeps social
    --[X]4.Read Books Forge 3, Forge 3, Forge 3. Lead Twilight expedition yourself if Hintchasers failed to acquire third book. Have Jade do Memory of Light action instead,
    --[X]5.If doing FR for Twilight craft Forge 3 reagent x2. Otherwise Teach Lores to family
    --[X]6.Help Twilight(FR after making sure that Twilight is not in the state where it can kill her or another action depending on circumstances).
    [X] Plan Risky Medical Procedure
    -[X] You will do the bare minimum to get the farm running. For the benefit of your workers and your city, if nothing else.
    -[X] (Servants) Find a way to reduce suspicion of at-home rituals (don't tell them that, of course)
    -[X] (Hintchasers) Obtain a dead body from the cemetery
    -[X] (Rarity) Focus on her work
    -[X] (Jade) Scout Crepuscular Jailbreak with RotT
    --[X] Sacrifice Lantern 1 reagent and equip SH3 artifact
    --[X] At the Velvet estate
    -[X] (Velvet Axe) Lead an expedition (Beneath the Royal Castle
    --[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to physically scouting Crepuscular Jailbreak if RotT fails
    -[X] (Risen) Fleeting opportunity: Steal the original manuscripts from the Bright Library
    -[X] Selene (Winter)
    -[X] (AotL) Grail: Comet Feet
    -[X] (Knock) Explore the Ruined Church
    -[X] (Forge) Grail 3
    -[X] (Winter) Raise a Flourishing Risen
    -[X] Perform the Calling of Influence (Grail)
    --[X] Sacrifice Grail 3 reagent
    --[X] At the cult's gathering place
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Comet Feet
    --[X] With Fluttershy from the start
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Soft Sweeps
    -[X] Craft Reagent: Forge 3
    --[X] Conditional: If we get a Forge scrap at the Church, instead use a reading action to read the 2 Forge 3 books and the Lantern 6 Book
    -[X] Perform Forge Redemption on Twilight
    --[X] At our state. Use Forge 3 reagent if available
    --[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to Crepuscular Jailbreak if both RotT and scouting fail
    -[X] Lead an expedition (Crepuscular Jailbreak)
    [X] Plan: Being a totally innocent mare
    -[X] You will do the bare minimum to get the farm running. For the benefit of your workers and your city, if nothing else.
    -[X] (Servants) Find a way to reduce suspicion of at-home rituals (don't tell them that, of course)
    -[X] (Hintchasers) Obtain a dead body from the cemetery
    -[X] (Rarity) Focus on her work
    -[X] (Jade) Scout Crepuscular Jailbreak with RotT
    --[X] Sacrifice Lantern 1 reagent
    --[X] At the Velvet estate
    -[X] (Velvet Axe) Lead an expedition (Beneath the Royal Castle
    --[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to physically scouting Crepuscular Jailbreak if RotT fails
    -[X] (Risen) Fleeting opportunity: Steal the original manuscripts from the Bright Library
    -[X] Selene (Winter)
    -[X] (AotL) Grail: Comet Feet
    -[X] (Knock) Explore the Ruined Church
    -[X] (Forge) Grail 3
    -[X] (Winter) Raise a Flourishing Risen
    -[X] Perform the Calling of Influence (Grail)
    --[X] Sacrifice Grail 3 reagent
    --[X] At the cult's gathering place
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Comet Feet
    --[X] With Fluttershy from the start
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Soft Sweeps
    -[X] On furthering your knowledge. Read;
    --[X] BOOK FORGE Level 3.
    --[X] BOOK LANTERN Level 6.
    -[X] Attempt, even if foolishly, to untangle the webs of the Secret Histories
    --[X] Investigate your current skills. To try to understand them, if nothing else. (Current progress 0/3)
    ---[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to Crepuscular Jailbreak if both RotT and scouting fail
    -[X] Lead an expedition (Crepuscular Jailbreak)
    [X] Plan A Gift of Horn
    -[X] (Rarity) Perform The Calling of Influence (Grail) on Velvet.
    --[X] At the Cult. Use Grail reagent.
    -[X] (Jade) Act as your emissary: Reflection of the Tapestry for Crepuscule Jailbreak.
    --[X] At your estate. Use Lantern 1 reagent. Use SH3 Artifact (for Lore Knowledge bonus, not as sacrifice)
    -[X] (Velvet Axe) Lead an Expedition: Crepuscule Jailbreak. Accompanied by Rarity
    -[X] (Hintchasers) Disassociate Velvet Cover from the Loremaster
    -[X] (Servants) Try and make lore rituals less suspicious.
    -[X] Selene (Winter)
    -[X] (Knock) Red Church
    -[X] (Forge) Forge 3, Grail 1
    -[X] Lesson from the Master: Forge
    -[X] Read books: Forge x2, Lantern
    -[X] Craft a reagent: Grail 3.
    -[X] Perform Forge Redemption on Twilight
    --[X] At our estate. Use Forge reagent
    -[X] Fleeting opportunity: Soft Sweeps
    -[X] Fleeting Opportunity: Comet Feet with Fluttershy
And so it begins...
probably not, we never see a non-pony get a cutie mark in canon. Not even cute Gabby, or any of the student 6.

The only one that get cutie marks are the 4 pony races (earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, crystal ponies (if they even count as a different tribe)), and the zebras
True, but it would be amusing to see them try still.
You remember the last time your mom caught you doing this. You still remember the scolding, which was so long that your ears were hurting by the end of it. And you also remember how ashamed you felt, and how she made you promise that you would never do that again.
…I wonder when this was, exactly. Because if it was anywhere in the last half a year or so, Velvet probably knew exactly what she was thinking, and let it happen anyway. Lantern/Moth is a freaky mix.
Her silhouette is kinda fuzzy, and you swear that it was a bit longer and taller just a second ago. But yeah, now that you take a better look at her you are pretty sure that she is wearing some clothing of sorts.
Was… was the DoA just hanging out in snake form? It almost feels like Silky should be apologizing for walking in on her naked or something…
Instead, you begin to jump where you stand, your mind filling up more and more with all the stuff that you simply have to know.

So, naturally, you begin to ask her the questions you have in your mind.

You begin to ask her all the questions.
Definitely her mother's daughter here. If there was ever any doubt, let it now be dispelled.
Oh, and how did you meet mom?! Are you also a friend of hers from her school days?"
I'm not going to lie, I want to see this school that apparently has Names as regular students. Hmm, Mansus Highschool AU…
"Oh! And why are you here? Are you writing a book? And can you read?! I'm learning how to read! I mean, I already know how to read, but there's a lot of words I don't know! Do you know what a dictionary is? Are you using a dictionary to help you write your book?!"
Was the Baldomare writing a book? Interesting. Probably something about how the Wake has changed in the last few millenia.
After all, and how could you not have noticed this before… this mare… is definitely hungry!

Why else would she be in the kitchen at this time of the night?

"Oh, I'm so sorry miss, I should have realized it earlier," you say, not realizing how much the mare sagged in relief at your… change in tone. "Can I get you something to eat? I promise I know where all the good stuff is," you say with a smile on your face.
Her. Mother's. Daughter. This is literally what we wanted to do with Celestia, but Silky is young enough to not let silly little things like social conventions stop her.
probably not, we never see a non-pony get a cutie mark in canon. Not even cute Gabby, or any of the student 6.

The only one that get cutie marks are the 4 pony races (earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, crystal ponies (if they even count as a different tribe)), and the zebras
There is a simple solution. Find Harmony and shake it until it stops being racist.

Anywho, any guesses as to what we'll get to see first this turn? Honestly, I'm expecting the family actions.
Anywho, any guesses as to what we'll get to see first this turn? Honestly, I'm expecting the family actions.
I'm thinking the Calling of Influence.

Talking to Comet Feet, the cult dissociation, and the Soft Sweeps action all seem like they'd be Grail-dependent, the Jailbreak will be at the end of the turn, and I think it would make narrative sense for the Lore lessons to occur after the Soft Sweeps social, since she wouldn't have been included in it if we hadn't taken her social.
I'm thinking the Calling of Influence.

Talking to Comet Feet, the cult dissociation, and the Soft Sweeps action all seem like they'd be Grail-dependent, the Jailbreak will be at the end of the turn, and I think it would make narrative sense for the Lore lessons to occur after the Soft Sweeps social, since she wouldn't have been included in it if we hadn't taken her social.
Personally I don't think we'll need to roll a test for the Soft Sweeps action or anything. Not only is it Velvet being a mother—and thus, of course, instant success :V—we'll probably be making Choices on direction more than anything.
That does make me think.

She was also sitting in a dark kitchen in the middle of the night quietly starving. Presumably trying to figure out what is food, what is cursed magical implements, and what she can actually eat without provoking us.
I mean, she apparently didn't know what sleep was and thought we had messed up the summoning rather than that being her being an ass...

Ah shit, we got the unpopular summon that is in the wake for the first time, didn't we? It is not even a fact of there being nobody to summon her because she remembers when everything went to shit so she was a name from before the Lores were forgotten.
Another concern though. If Silky is this compulsively thieving and sneaky before we ever even start teaching her the Lores… is it good or bad that we will almost certainly be giving her access to eldritch knowledge on how to be even more so? Because she's already rules lawyering and ninja-ing her way across the house like a pro. I shudder to think what she could manage with even a few levels of Moth.
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