Locked in [X] Plan Deescalation
[X] Beaver Lodge (T2)
ST 80: 67, Success (2 DoS)

[X] Yardwork
-[X] New Vegas Fiends
50P; 20SB; 60V; 50K; ST 95: 69, Success (3 DoS)

[X] Magical Mystery Tour
-[X] Crashed Vertibird
10V; ST 100: 92, Bare Success (1 DoS)

[X] New Enemies
20V; ST 70(-10): 62, Bare Success (1 DoS)

[X] Busy Beavers (T2)
ST 75: 16, Good Success (6 DoS)

[X] Scrap Yard (T2)
ST 60: 44, Success (2 DoS)

[X] A challenger has arisen: Part I (T2)
ST 50: 59, Base Failure (1 DoF)

[X] Old Classics
ST 75: 3, Major Critical Success (8 DoS+C)

[X] The old world has burned.
-[X] Old World Medicine
ST 95: 5, Major Critical Success (10 DoS+C)

-[X] Basic Laser Weapons
ST 90: 70, Success (3 DoS)

-[X] Old World Manufacturing
ST 95: 62, Good Success (4 DoS)

[X] Big Brother (T3)
ST 50: 45, Bare Success (1 DoS)
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Very nice indeed, shame the veronica action failed but with two crits Its not that disappointing. It should be a very nice turn indeed!
Update 4: Pest Control
[X] Beaver Lodge (T2)
Hardin makes significant progress on his renovations. By the end of the month Hoover Dam is a veritable fortress once more. All that remains is to staff it.

Upgraded: Hoover Dam -> Hoover Dam (Fortress)

[X] Yardwork
-[X] New Vegas Fiends

The initial attack on the Fiends goes well. By careful management of your forces and judicious use of ARCHIMEDES II a full quarter of their number are exterminated in a month of mobile warfare. Not only is the Fiend's southward expansion averted before they could reach Black Mountain, their assault on New Vegas is cut short by their heavy casualties.

Killed: 25% of New Vegas Fiends
Gained: Increased Potential Reputation (New Vegas)

[X] Magical Mystery Tour
-[X] Crashed Vertibird

The expedition to collect the Vertibird debris to your south nearly turns into a disaster. Luckily, the robotic ambush is annihilated with only minor injuries. Unfortunately, the black Enclave Power Armour in the Vertibird's cargo hold is damaged in the firefight. The vertibird itself is already too heavily damaged for the Paladins to make a difference.

Gained: Damaged Power Armour (Enclave)
Gained: Vertibird Wreckage

[X] New Enemies
The Lost Hills evacuation goes off almost perfectly. ARCHIMEDES II throws the NCR military into chaos as Black Mountain guides the refugees through the slightest chinks in the NCR entrapment. The return of the NCR rangers from the Baja is nearly disastrous, but they call off the pursuit upon the arrival of your Paladins, thinking them merely a vanguard for a larger force.
Is it at this point that things go wrong. Kimball proves obstinate in his refusal to allow evacuations while General Oliver's replacement proves himself substantially more competent, quickly reestablishing order. Elder Lyons manages to establish a ceasefire, but NCR forces continue to bar the gates of every surviving Brotherhood redoubt.

Gained: 1490 Civilians
Gained: 300 Knights (Recon)
Gained: 44 Paladins (T-45d)
Gained: 94 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)
Gained: Vertibird Plans
Gained: [X] Stalemate
Upgraded: Medium Brotherhood Arsenal -> Huge Brotherhood Arsenal

[X] Busy Beavers (T2)
McNamara's plans to repair Hoover's civilian capabilities prove extremely effective. The generators are brought up to full power and enough space is cleared for multiple major projects. Hardin would like to build a repair facility to keep your equipment from deteriorating under your increased operational tempo while McNamara would like to build a hydroponics facility to secure your dwindling food supply.

Upgraded: Hoover Dam (Fortress) -> Hoover Dam (Fortress-City)
Gained: 1.5GW
Gained: Additional Stewardship Actions

[X] Scrap Yard (T2)
The establishment of a salvage operation proves simple. The locals declare a willingness to work for bottle caps and you happen to have a couple crates on hand from an old recycling facility. They are briefly suspicious at the cleanliness of the caps, but you simply tell them the Codex requires all metal be shiny.
You will most likely have difficulty using the raw materials obtained with your current level of metallurgical knowledge, but you will still get some use from the increased metal supply once a basic processing center is established.

Locked: [X] Scrap Yard
Gained: Mixed Metal Mine (Small, Unused)

[X] A challenger has arisen: Part I (T2)
With the chaos of welcoming another 2000 members, your chapter has no time to train Veronica as a procurement specialist. It will have to wait till next month.

No Effect

[X] Old Classics
You disassemble and reverse-engineer a plethora of Pre-War ballistic and explosive weapons. They prove incredibly easy to make, understand, and maintain. Although their ammunition is more logistically taxing than energy cells, the weapons themselves are startlingly simple. While many of them are merely low-tech versions of existing weapons, some fulfill roles currently left empty. A weapon called the 'Pancor Jackhammer' proves excellent at close range engagements, filling the air with flechettes or breaching armour with explosive slugs. Plasma grenades are excellent at eliminating groups of enemies, but are often unwieldy to use in battle. A small half a kilogram grenade launcher can fire a 25mm plasma grenade up to 250m. A slightly larger launcher can fire a 40mm grenade 400m for a mere three times the weight.

Gained: Old World Ballistics
Gained: Old World Explosives
Gained: Pancor Jackhammer
Gained: 25/40mm Grenade Launchers (Attachment, Miniaturized)
Unlocked: Advanced Old World Ballistics
Unlocked: Advanced Old World Explosives
Unlocked: High Tech Ammunition

[X] The old world has burned.
-[X] Old World Medicine

While cataloging your previously retrieved medical technologies, you discover something astonishing. Among the many medical textbooks of questionable quality is a collection of hard drives. These hard drives contains the meticulous notes of a major pharmaceutical company's head researcher. Researching the standard practices of Pre-War medicine and deciphering the Dam's notes on radiation and genetics is becomes practical child play. However, the real treasure is his notes on the companies then current research programs. These begin with an arsenal of drugs meant to expand business from bacterial illness to viral diseases and radiation poisoning. They then continue with government contracted research to get injured soldiers and retired veterans back into battle. Finally, his notes contain data on an attempt to branch into security with Genetic Locks.

Gained: Old World Medicine
Gained: Advanced Old World Medicine
Gained: Radiation
Gained: Genetics
Unlocked: -[X] Antibiotic Drugs
Unlocked: -[X] Antiviral Drugs
Unlocked: -[X] Antiradiation Drugs
Unlocked: -[X] Steriods
Unlocked: -[X] Old World Cybernetics
Unlocked: -[X] Advanced Genetics
Unlocked: -[X] DNA Fingerprinting

-[X] Basic Laser Weapons
The Brotherhood has long used an arsenal of laser based weaponry. They have long known how to perform repairs, but have always relied on salvage for new production. Now, under your leadership, the Brotherhood has gained the ability to manufacture new weapons, albeit only of the most basic variety.

Unlocked: -[X] Advanced Laser Weapons
Gained: Basic Laser Weapons

-[X] Old World Manufacturing
You turn your Scribe's newfound theoretical knowledge of Pre-War manufacturing into your Knight's practical ability to manufacture larger quantities of material at higher levels of quality. You even have a few ideas for improvement.

Gained: Old World Manufacturing
Unlocked: -[X] Advanced Old World Manufacturing
Unlocked: -[X] Automated Manufacturing

[X] Big Brother (T3)
Progress has been slow, but the ESS has finally begun to learn skills beyond mere gossip mongering. In a few months they might even become a proper intelligence Agency!

Locked: [X] Big Brother

500 Civilians
Large Hydroelectric Generators (100%)
Fortifications (100%)
Empty Slot (100%)
Empty Slot (100%)
Empty Slot (100%)
2 GW
Medium Pre-War Arsenal
Damaged Chinese Stealth Suits
Research Database: Hydroponics
Research Database: History
50 Knights (Recon)
20 Paladins (T-45d)
20 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

100 Civilians
Solar Generators (100%)
Orbital Power Relay (100%)
Small Research Facilities (100%)
200 MW
150 Stealthboys
Huge Brotherhood Arsenal
Vertibird Wreckage
Damaged Power Armour (Enclave)
150 Knights (Recon)
50 Paladins (T-45d)
100 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

100 Civilians
Electronic Warfare Facilities (100%)
Light Fortifications (100%)
Empty Slot (100%)
Strategic Broadcasting and EC(C)M.
Early Warning and Detection Network (EWDN [eww-den]) Control Node.
Small Pre-War Arsenal
50 Knights (Recon)
15 Paladins (T-45d)
25 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

2000 Civilians (Cramped)
Large Fusion Generator (100%)
Heavy Fortifications (100%)
Residential Bunker (100%)
Empty Slot (100%)
Empty Slot (50%)
Empty Slot (0%)
Empty Slot (0%)
Small Pre-War Arsenal
Small Brotherhood Arsenal
Small Stockpile: Spare Parts
Small Stockpile: NCR Trade Goods
Small Stockpile: Industrial Supplies
Small Stockpile: Rations
Unique Schematics: AES-18
250 Knights (Recon)
25 Mark II Sentry Bots
20 Paladins (T-45d)
30 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

Medium NCR Arsenal
50 Knights (Recon)
15 Paladins (T-45d)
10 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

5 Knights (Recon)
5 Paladins (T-45d)

Note: Leaderless bases cannot be used in actions, they lack any use beyond holding a specific piece of land. This planning phase will give you an action to improve organization of hero-less bases.
Note 2: You are currently running low on food, but the stockpile of rations will hold that problem off for one turn.
Note 3: You have gotten your first major upgrade to combat capabilities a bit early. This will increase odds on certain missions. It will not increase odds on all missions, as upgrades generally do not enhance all combat roles simultaneously.
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Well, it seems there's nothing else for it. Now we have to go all in and show no mercy to the NCR military and government. No more half measures.

When we do, we had better make it clear to the civilian population that we offered their leadership an opportunity to limit further bloodshed and that they refused.

@Isaacssv558, how do the NCR civilian base feel about this entire mess anyway? Generally?
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Are you telling me our Paladins are now running around with 40mm underslung grenade launchers- doing a whole lot to effectively address the issue of always being outnumbered by inferior troops?

There's still the possibility of using the Enclave Armor/Vertibird to gain access to that Enclave Base that served as a regional flight hub. We may be able to avoid escalating the war further.
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The weird part is that in Fallout 1 the Brotherhood used mostly conventional weaponry such as miniguns and missile launchers, and they manufactured their own energy weapons. I don't know where the New Vegas devs got the "uses only energy weapons and is incapable of building anything new" Brotherhood of Steel from.
I suggest we move a lot of people from lost hills to the dam and get the hydroponics up while also paying a visit to the plant vault
Well, it seems there's nothing else for it. Now we have to go all in and show no mercy to the NCR military and government. No more half measures.

When we do, we had better make it clear to the civilian population that we offered their leadership an opportunity to limit further bloodshed and that they refused.

@Isaacssv558, how do the NCR civilian base feel about this entire mess anyway? Generally?
You realize the NCR gave you a ceasefire? A bare success means you just barely got them to agree to stop the shooting, getting them to allow evacuation will take additional actions. You can also decide to just carry through on your threat immediately, but it isn't your only option.

The NCR civilians have mixed feelings. They are heavily opposed to expeditions outside of California, but they also want someone to pay for what view as a series of unprovoked aggressions.
Are you telling me our Paladins are now running around with 40mm underslung grenade launchers- doing a whole lot to effectively address the issue of always being outnumbered by inferior troops?

There's still the possibility of using the Enclave Armor/Vertibird to gain access to that Enclave Base that served as a regional flight hub. We may be able to avoid escalating the war further.
The 25mm ones can technically fit on the Paladin's forearm. (Actually doing so is somewhat unwieldy.) However, both versions are single shot only and your Paladins won't use them around potentially valuable technology.

EDIT: Also, grenades aren't much more effective when facing small groups of enemies. 5 Vipers at a gas station will die just as fast to a Paladin without a grenade as a Paladin with one. The exception is things like Deathclaws, which have massive individual HP. Your standard weaponry is already beyond most of the wasteland.
The weird part is that in Fallout 1 the Brotherhood used mostly conventional weaponry such as miniguns and missile launchers, and they manufactured their own energy weapons. I don't know where the New Vegas devs got the "uses only energy weapons and is incapable of building anything new" Brotherhood of Steel from.
I'm interpreting it as different chapters having different practices and energy weapon manufacturing having been lost. Many of the Californian Chapters used ballistics, but all have run out of bullets and now rely entirely on recycled energy cells. As for the manufacturing, there is a reason the success rate on basic energy weapon tech is so high. The Brotherhood already has the knowledge, they've just gotten in a funk and refused to actually do anything with it.

Also, this is why I called the ballistics action "Old Classics". (Fallout Classic)
I suggest we move a lot of people from lost hills to the dam and get the hydroponics up while also paying a visit to the plant vault
Relocating more of your military to the dam is the second part of Beaver Lodge. You will have multiple options to deal with your increased civilian pop.
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Something that I think will make everyone happy(except hardliners) is if we let civilians go to new vegas. That way house gets his customers, the ncr gets to piss their money away in casinos and we can make a killing in tolls
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Planning 4: Technological Superiority
With the influx of new members and the successful deescalation of the NCR conflict you finally have a chance to begin establishing your position as ruler of the Mojave.

Martial: 2 Actions (1 Elijah, +2 Hardin)
[X] Promotion by Fire
With the necessity of maintaining a large number of strategically valuable outposts you find yourself in need of a better way to manage your garrisons. Rather than having each base run by a single figure, you will tie the garrisons into a single organization. Ramos will use his experience managing Hidden Valley to run this Department of Defense (DoD). Hardin will have his current duties as de-facto head of military expeditions formalized as head of the new Department of Offense (DoO). You will continue to head whichever missions seem likely to result in the most loot valuable technology. Perhaps you should make a Department of Loot Technology (DoLT).
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 75%
Reward: Remove Leaderless Penalty. One military action locked to expeditionary actions only. Marks deployment range from edge rather than center of territory.

[Locked] Beaver Lodge
Hardin wants to make Hoover Dam into the Mojave Brotherhood's central military command. Between its power generating capabilities, the possibility of flooding, and secret research facilities, the Pre-War government deemed its safety of great import. As such, it has tremendous potential as a defensive fortification. The superstructure itself is made of reinforced concrete, while the interior is studded with security station and outfitted with a well-stocked armory. In addition, it has some basic radio equipment and multiple helicopter pads to allow coordination with other military hardpoints. Hardin intends to move the majority of your HELIOS garrison into the Dam.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 80%
Reward: Hoover Dam becomes a functioning military base.

[X] Operation: Divine Wrath
The California Brotherhood is capable of making good their own escape. They just need a distraction. Luckily for them, ARCHIMEDES II is the perfect distraction. The NCR military can't organize to stop the breakout if the organizers are all dead via orbital bombardment! Neither can the NCR Congress declare war after being incinerated by a giant laser!
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60%
Reward: NCR in chaos, up to 6000 Brotherhood refugees. Escalated NCR-BoS war.

[X] Beyond the Pale
Black Mountain has given you the locations to many area just outside your current reach but full scouting will require a human expedition. (Location specific options will unlock as you acquire more FOBs.)
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 0%
Reward: Data on more distant location.

[X] Spoiling Attack
If you deem a faction to be a threat you can choose to launch a spoiling attack. This requires your subordinates to agree that the faction poses sufficient threat to warrant the attack. Unfortunately, the Legion proper is currently outside your range.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: Variable
Reward: Enemy Hurt, Loot Obtained

[X] Yardwork
The Mojave is currently infested with bandits and raiders. While no threat to the Brotherhood, they seriously impede the local wastelanders. Wiping them out would improve both the prosperity of the wasteland and the general perception of the Brotherhood.
-[X] Southeastern Vipers
The Vipers infest areas near to HELIOS and potentially endanger your economic and diplomatic initiatives.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 10% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Vipers purged from the area south of Novac.
-[X] Southwestern Jackals
The Jackals infest the area northeast of the NCR Outpost. Wiping them out would clear the way for the establishment of an anti-NCR front in the area.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 10% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Jackals purged from the area south of Goodsprings.
-[X] Western Great Khans
A place called Red Rock Canyon shelters raiders and drug makers. Eliminating them would both cut off an avenue of retreat for the main group and secure the area from raiders.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 20% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Great Khans purged from the area north of Goodsprings.
-[X] Northeastern Great Khans
The most organized group of raiders in the Mojave is based out of the town of Bitter-Springs. While they are strong for mere raiders, eliminating them would greatly strengthen your hold on the Mojave and potentially win you friends in that gaudy mess the locals call a city. In addition, it would help ensure clear supply lines to Hoover Dam.
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 10% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Great Khans purged from the area around Bitter Springs.
-[X] New Vegas Fiends
The Fiends are loosely organized at best but their drug use makes them dangerous fanatics that plague the nearby communities. Their sheer size, massive arsenal, and the numerous defensible locations they have occupied makes them an unusually tough target, but removing a threat to regional stability and acquiring their vault may be worth it.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 6% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Fiends purged from the area around New Vegas.

[X] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
There are many sites across the Mojave potentially filled with valuable technological relics. Send an expedition to one of them in hopes of great returns.
-[X] Yangtze Memorial
This Pre-War monument has a strange red sword stuck into a receptacle on the central pedestal. It looks fairly advanced and a team of Paladins could probably find a way to remove it.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100% per 10 Paladins
Reward: A Strange Sword
-[X] Weather Monitoring Station
Seemingly an ordinary weather station, this strange facility seems to be atop a large vault. The only clue you have to the purpose of this vault is what appears to be a slot machine. Curious.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 0%
Reward: ???
-[X] Remnants Bunker
Your scouts have discovered a strange hatch leading to a well-secured Bunker. No one seems to be home, but you can't seem to get the door open.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 0%
Reward: Remnants Bunker+Contents
-[X] Cerulean Robotics
This Pre-War company building may house useful robotics technologies.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Loot, Data, ???
-[X] H&H Tool Company
This Pre-War company building may house useful Pre-War tools which could be used to further your plans of industrializing the Brotherhood. Trading products to savages while keeping the technological secrets for yourself will definitely work, no matter what McNamara and Hardin say. It's not as if the wastelanders are intelligent enough to understand your work unaided.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Loot, Data, ???
-[X] New Vegas Steel
This Pre-War company building may house useful Pre-War metallurgical tools and data which could be used to further your plans of making industrializing the Brotherhood.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Loot, Data, ???
-[X] Sunset Sarsaparilla HQ
Given the tendency of Pre-War beverage companies to somehow obtain military technology, it could be worthwhile to raid the local headquarters.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Loot, Data, ???
-[X] Silver Peak Mine
You're scouts detected faint traces of the fusion isotopes released by leaking Fusion Packs near a mine. There's tech in them hills!
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Loot, Data, ???
-[X] Quarry Junction
Nope. Not worth it. No way you're sending Paladins to die fighting deathclaws just so you can have a bunch of rocks you don't have the manpower to utilize anyway.
-[X] Allied Technologies Office
You don't think there's anything here. However, the sign does say "Technologies".
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Loot, Data, ???
-[X] Deathclaw Promontory
Normally you wouldn't risk your men against deathclaws. However, there seems to be an active radio present at this particular nest. More importantly, it isn't a type the Black Mountain database is familiar with. This could mean jury-rigged worthlessness... or it could mean Enclave tech.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 15% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Loot, ???
-[X] Mercenary Camp
One of your scouts saw a mercenary with an advanced Gauss Rifle. You should track him down and repossess it.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Loot, ???
-[X] Nellis Air Force Base
The farthest of Hardin's scouting parties have discovered an old Air Force Base filled to brim with weaponry, supplies, and technology. It is also filled to the brim with trigger-happy maniacs armed with explosives, artillery, and even a few suits of Power Armour. An attack could liberate their weapons, but would permanently alienate a powerful faction and be extremely costly in both lives and material.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 5% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, Explosives, ??? Power Armour, More Explosives, ???.
-[X] Crashed B-29
The scans you conducted via the Black Mountain facility have revealed something interesting. Lake Mead contains a nearly intact Pre-War Bomber. You probably won't be repairing it any time soon, but it would still be a valuable source of technology.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Mostly Intact B-29.
The REPCONN HQ has great potential for old world technologies. You are particularly hopeful for discoveries pertaining to robotics and rocketry. You're not sure how pre-war space rockets were fuelled, but you're eager to find out.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, Data, ???.
-[X] Vault 3
Vaults are a reliable source of pre-war tech.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, ???.
-[X] Vault 11
Vaults are a reliable source of pre-war tech.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, ???.
-[X] Vault 19
Vaults are a reliable source of pre-war tech.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, Data, ???.
-[X] Vault 22
Vaults are a reliable source of pre-war tech.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, Data, ???.
-[X] Vault 34
Vaults are a reliable source of pre-war tech.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 30% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, Data, ???.
-[X] Hidden Valley Bunkers
While Hardin has made significant progress in his excavations, there is still much work to be done before the other bunkers are adequately repaired.
Time: 5 Months
Chance: 30% per 10 Paladins assigned. Knights count as Paladins for this option only.
Reward: Hidden Valley bunkers repaired.

Diplomacy: 1 Action (0 Elijah, +1 McNamara)
[X] Stalemate
Kimball is highly reluctant to allow any further Brotherhood and the newly promoted General Hsu is extremely competent. However, that same competency might allow him to see reason and convince Kimball to see reason and acknowledge your ability to kill both them and their families with the press of a button. Owyn says you shouldn't mention your ability to kill their families, even if you do know the exact capabilities of ARCHIMEDES II. You're fairly sure he's just envious of your ability to recover a superweapon without giving it to your enemies and getting your entire chapter killed in the attempt.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 50%
Reward: 6000 Brotherhood Refugees, Technology, Peace

[X] Merry Band of Misfits
With your expanding presence in the Mojave it would be useful to organize a group of Scribes trained specifically for the purpose of being delegated diplomatic tasks. You'll call it the EDC. (Elijah's Diplomatic Corps)
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 75%
Reward: +1 Diplomacy Action

[X] Glorious SPAM
You now find yourself in possession of mint condition Pre-War broadcasting equipment. You could probably use this to start steal the Enclave's idea and start a "Brotherhood Radio".
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 85%
Reward: Mojave knows you exist. Propaganda. Potential options down the road.

[X] Building Ties
Send an emissary to meet with one of the factions inhabiting the wasteland.
-[X] Nelson
Chance: 95%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] Novac
Chance: 100%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Better relationship with locals.
-[X] Searchlight
Chance: 85%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] Nipton
Chance: 60%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] Primm
Chance: 80%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] Goodsprings
Chance: 90%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] Boulder City
Chance: 85%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] Nellis Airforce Base
Chance: 60%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] Jacobstown
Chance: 15%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] New Vegas
Chance: 80%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.

[X] A new order.

Stewardship: 2 Actions (1 Elijah, +1 McNamara, +1 Lorenzo)
[X] Dam Expansion
Hoover Dam has room for additional facilities to be installed. Selecting an option twice will create a large version at twice the cost.
-[X] Hospital
A hospital would allow you to make full use of your recent medical discoveries.
-[X] Hydroponics
Hydroponics have the potential to solve your impending food crisis before it even begins. However, they require technology you do not yet understand.
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 50%
-[X] Basic Manufactory
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 80%
-[X] Metal Refinery
A metal refinery would allow you to make full use of your scrap yard. While you currently lack Pre-War metallurgical techniques, you may be able to improvise something.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 50%
-[X] Repair Center
A repair center would keep your Knights' and Paladins' in top fighting condition.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 75%
-[X] Research Facilities
Larger research facilities would allow you to handle larger research projects.
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 90%

[X] Bunker Bunking
With the recent influx of refugees the Hidden Valley bunker has become overcrowded. McNamara want to convert the areas Hardin has excavated into additional residential area. This will use an Empty Slot, but will allow civilians to stop sharing bunks. Cannot be taken with Fires of Industry.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 90%
Reward: Hidden Valley can accommodate up to 2000 civilians.

[X] Buying Happiness
Local survivor population generally have fewer resources than you. Establishing trade and giving cheap aid will greatly improve your local standing.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100% (Increased difficulty for some settlements. Can be offset by both tech and trade.)
Reward: Improved relations and trade with target settlement. May eventually provide additional supplies and recruits.
Target: Requires Building Ties. Can be executed in parallel to Building Ties.

[O] Greasing the Wheels
The Brotherhood has traditionally lacked much in the way of economic activity. Perhaps it is time to begin changing that?
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 1%
Reward: Brotherhood begins organizing trading caravans.

[X] Scrap Yard
The Scrap Yard north of Novac is filled with raw materials and even the occasional useful gadget. While you lack the manpower to exploit it yourself, the population of the nearby town could be hired to handle on-site labour, lessening the load on your engineers. Of course, you'd still need a way to refine the scrap into something usable.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60%
Reward: Source of raw materials.

[X] Gold Diggers
The Brotherhood currently lacks sources of raw materials other than salvage. Perhaps it is time to change this? At the very least, you could probably find some less valuable salvage to break down. If only you had the manpower to actually run such an operation...
Time: 1 Months
Chance: 70%
Reward: Resource Extraction sites evaluated.

[Locked] A challenger has arisen: Part I
Veronica has shown some promise in economic negotiations. Perhaps you could have her trained as a procurement specialist?
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 50%
Reward: +1 Stewardship Action.

[X] Fires of industry.
The Bunker is only one of many in Hidden Valley. Given the large amounts of machinery present, it may be possible to turn at least one of them into some sort of factory. Cannot be taken with Bunker Bunking.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 80%
Reward: Basic Factory. Can be upgraded to produce more advanced goods with less human labour.

Learning: 4 Actions (2 Elijah, +1 Lorenzo, +1 Ibsen)
With HELIOS ONE fully operation and Hoover Dam in your possession, you can increase the electrical throughput significantly. While this has the potential to reduce ARCHIMEDES II's charge time to as little as 2 hours, it is not without difficulties. While ARCHIMEDES II can handle the power input, HELIOS ONE is incapable of transmitting more than 400MW and you'd need a lot of cabling to connect it to Hoover Dam.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 50%
Reward: ARCHIMEDES II charge time reduced proportional to Hoover Dam's power output.

[X] Sifting Through the Ashes
Much knowledge was lost when the Old World fell. However, much yet remains in rotting tomes and rusting computer systems. Senior Scribe Ibsen can sift through the accumulated historical records of the Brotherhood in search of something useful. Success may not bring much in the way of immediate rewards, but the only consequence of failure is disappointment.
-[X] Pre-War Government
Research the history of the American Government. Maybe it will give you some ideas.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 75%
Reward: ???
-[X] Pre-War Military
Research the history of the American Military. Maybe it will give you some ideas.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 75%
Reward: ???
-[X] Pre-War Corporation
Research the history of the American Corporation. Maybe it will give you some ideas.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 75%
Reward: ???
-[X] Pre-War Culture
Research the history of the American Culture. Maybe it will give you some ideas.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 75%
Reward: ???
-[X] Exhuming the Past
The computer you found in Hoover Dam has a great deal of historical information, but navigating it has proved difficult. What the hell is a Europe?
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50%
Reward: ???

[X] The old world has burned.
The Brotherhood has much old world technology, but their understanding is lacking. Research the nuances of an artifact possessed by the Brotherhood.
-[X] Medical Technology
--[+] Old World Medicine
You know the basics of medicine. You can give first aid, prescribe proper dosages of drugs, and even perform minor surgeries.
--[+] Advanced Old World Medicine
You have discovered the secrets of Pre-War medicine. You can perform difficult surgeries, construct delicate diagnostic equipment, and even develop basic drugs.
--[+] Genetics
You have learned of genetics. You understand the basic theories, and have a small database of human and animal genetics.
--[X] Advanced Genetics
While you understand the basics of genetics you are still unable to quickly catalogue DNA.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 50%
--[X] DNA Fingerprinting
Your newfound knowledge of genetics has serious potential for security. As an incredibly complex unique identifier, DNA is an excellent way to white or blacklist specific people from opening a lock.
Time: 12 Months
Chance: 10%
--[+] Radiation
You understand the basic mechanics and effects of radiation. However, many of its effects differ greatly from the the predictions of Pre-War science.
--[X] Antibiotic Drugs
A one-size fits all solution to bacterial infections would drastically increase lifespans amongst the Brotherhood. Exportation would bear excessive risk of immunity developing, but previously restricted drugs could be traded.
Time: 12 Months
Chance: 30%
--[X] Antiviral Drugs
A one-size fits all solution to viral infections would drastically increase lifespans amongst the Brotherhood. Exportation would bear excessive risk of immunity developing, but previously restricted drugs could be traded.
Time: 24 Months
Chance: 25%
--[X] Anti-radiation Treatments
A one-size fits all solution to radiation poisoning would drastically increase lifespans amongst the Brotherhood. Exportation could benefit Wastelander and Brotherhood alike.
Time: 24 Months
Chance: 20%
--[X] Steroids
These drugs could help injured Paladins complete therapy in record time and return to their duties early.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 45%
--[X] Old World Cybernetics
Mechanical enhancements hold the potential to utilize your knowledge of robotics, electronics, and material science to directly enhance the capabilities of the Brotherhood.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 50%
-[X] Industrial Technology
--[+] Old World Manufacturing
You know how to create a basic factory.
--[X] Advanced Old World Manufacturing
While you know the basics of production, creating higher quality items more efficiently will require additional research.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 70%
--[X] Industrial Automation
The Brotherhood's industry is currently hampered greatly by manpower. It simply doesn't make sense for a Scribe with years of academic study and archival duty or a Knight with years of combat and engineering experience to devote their days to manually working an assembly line. You need a way to solve this problem.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 15%
--[X] Fusion Reactors
The Bunker includes a priceless example of pre-war tech, a fully operational fusion reactor. While your research is limited by the need to keep the reactor operational, you might still be able to learn something from it.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 10%
-[X] Agricultural Technology
--[+] Old World Agriculture
You know the basics of Pre-War Agriculture.
--[X] Advanced Old World Agriculture
You have rumor of advanced techniques by which the Ancients could go beyond simply aiding their crops' growth and directly modify both crops and land for maximal output. Shiny.
Time: 4 Months
Chance: 60%
--[X] Fertilizer
While you have deciphered the basics, your knowledge of fertilizer is still behind Pre-War levels.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60%
--[X] Hydroponics
While you have deciphered the basics, your knowledge of hydroponics is still inferior to Pre-War technologies.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 90%
--[X] Pest Control
While many old pests have gone extinct, radiation and FEV have combined to create many replacements which pose a threat to crop yields.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60%
--[X] Agricultural Automation
The Brotherhood's agriculture is currently hampered mostly by manpower. It simply doesn't make sense for a Scribe with years of academic study and archival duty or a Knight with years of combat and engineering experience to devote their days to manually pulling food from the ground. You need a way to solve this problem.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 15%
-[X] Military Technology
-{+] AP, FMJ, and JHP Ammunition
Basic ballistic ammunition covers a wide range of needs, from armour-piercing and low damage to high damage and likely to bounce off armour.
-[+] Flechettes
These tiny slivers of metal can rip a man to shreds but are easily stopped by armour.
-[+] High Explosives
These can create explosions of many shapes and sizes.
-[+] High Explosive Ammunition
This ammunition contains shaped charges designed to pierce armour.
-[X] Incendiary Bullets
What's better than a bullet? A bullet that sets things on fire.
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 80%
-[X] High Tech Ammunition
By combining both high and low technologies both can be improved. Many of your high tech weapons deal exotic forms of damage that might benefit conventional ammunition. Meanwhile, Gauss weapons are incapable of using variable types, or even larger calibers, of ammunition.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 50%
-[+] Energy Cells and Electron Packs
These surprisingly simple devices simply store electricity in a standard battery.
-[+] MicroFusion Cells
These advanced batteries utilize a minuscule amount of ultra-high pressure plasma for power. While some fusion does occur, increasing efficiency, most of the power comes from the thermal energy stored within the plasma during the manufacturing process.
-[X] MicroFusion Packs
These rare examples of pre-war power technology provide a nearly inexhaustible source of energy. Unfortunately, while the Brotherhood is capable of repairs, you are incapable of manufacturing new packs. Time to solve that problem.
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 75%
-[X] Recon Armour
The standard armour of Brotherhood Knights, Recon Armour is relatively simple to manufacture and can be worn under Power Armour for additional comfort and protection.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 90%
-[X] T-45d Power Armour
The T-45d Power Armour is the less advanced of the Brotherhood's two armours. Commonly issued to those who lack the seniority to obtain a set of T-51b Armour, it remains an extremely powerful piece of gear despite its lesser protection and the necessity of periodic recharging.
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 85%
-[X] T-51b Power Armour
The T-51b Power Armour is one of the most advanced artifacts common among the Brotherhood. The shining plates from which the Brotherhood takes its name can stop most small arms fire short while the inner hydraulics allows the bearer to hit harder and carry more gear for longer. With a TX-25 MicroFusion Pack to provide centuries of power and an air filtration system to protect from airborne weapons, the T-51b equipped Paladin is capable of operating in the most hostile of environments.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 75%
-[X] Rocketry
With the data and artifacts from the REPCONN test site you could probably reverse engineer the basics of rocketry.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50%
-[+] Basic Laser Weapons
Laser weapons are one of the holy trinity of Brotherhood energy weapons. They are extremely accurate and fast-firing, although damage can lag behind other weapons.
-[X] Advanced Laser Weapons
Your current laser weapons are potent, but they have yet to reach the heights of Pre-War technology.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 70%
-[X] AES-18
The AES-18 is a prototype tri-beam laser. While you have both the schematics and a working copy, the design is unfinished and needs additional refinement to reduce costs and increase reliability.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 10%
-[+] Basic Ballistic Weapons
While explosion propelled chunks of metal may be simple, they can be quite effective.
-[X] Advanced Ballistic Weapons
Your current ballistic weapons are potent, but they have yet to reach the heights of Pre-War technology.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 70%
-{+] Pancor Jackhammer
The Pancor Jackhammer is a fully automatic shotgun. It is deadly, durable, and accurate.
-[+] Basic Explosive Weapons
Explosive weapons are expensive, but they can be invaluable against heavily armoured or tightly packed enemies.
-[X] Advanced Explosive Weapons
Your current explosive weapons are potent, but they have yet to reach the heights of Pre-War technology.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 70%
-[+] 25/40mm Grenade Launchers (Attachment, Miniaturized)
Grenades can be powerful weapons, but their use in combat is often unwieldy and short-ranged. These launchers solve both problems.
-[X] Basic Plasma Weapons
Plasma weapons on one of the holy trinity of Brotherhood energy weapons. They are deadly but suffer from accuracy problems and have a lower rate of fire than lasers.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 90%
-[X] Basic Gauss Weapons
Guass weapons are both damaging and highly accurate. Their only downsides are low fire rates, rarity, and specialized ammo.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 80%
-[X] Material Technology
--[+] Old World Materials
The Brotherhood understands the basics of pre-war material science.
--[X] Old World Chemicals
Perhaps studying some pre-war chemistry experiments might be helpful?
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50%
--[X] Old World Alloys
Studying the alloys used by pre-war tech might bear great dividends.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50%
--[X] Old World Composites
Studying the composites used in pre-war tech might bear great dividends.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50%
--[X] Old World Ceramics
Studying the ceramics used in pre-war tech might bear great dividends.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 40%
-[X] Electronic Technology
--[+] Old World Computers
The Brotherhood understands the basics of pre-war computer science.
--[X] Old World Electronics
Studying the electronics used in pre-war tech might bear great dividends.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 70%
--[X] Old World Programming
Studying the programming used in pre-war tech might bear great dividends.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 85%
--[X] Robots
With a newly replenished stock of robots the secrets of old world robotics are once more in reach.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 80%

[X] A challenger has arisen: Part II
Veronica has shown some promise in scientific matters. Perhaps you could train her further in reverse-engineering?
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 50%
Reward: +1 Learning Action, Potential impact on relationship with Veronica.

Intrigue: 1 Action (1 Elijah, +1 Lyons)
[Locked] Big Brother
Now that ESS has been established, you need to turn it into a proper infiltration group. Mere gossip can only get you so far.
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 50%
Reward: Basic Intelligence Network, +1 Intrigue Action.

[X] Murder over New Vegas
You know what the Brotherhood always needed. Well, besides better technology. The Brotherhood needs assassins to deal with those who threaten to ruin your their plans.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 50%
Reward: Assassins.

[X] The Men Who Knew Too Little
While you hate to admit it, the jokes about the Brotherhood's naïveté are rather on target. While Black Mountain has allowed you to detect NCR plots before they begin, not all enemies use radio. While infiltrators may be temporarily stymied by a lack of recruitment, you will eventually have to expand.
Time: 4 Months
Chance: 60%
Reward: ESS Counter-Espionage Department

Piety: 0 Actions

Mixed Metal Mine (Small, Unused)

500 Civilians
Large Hydroelectric Generators (100%)
Fortifications (100%)
Empty Slot (100%)
Empty Slot (100%)
Empty Slot (100%)
2 GW
Medium Pre-War Arsenal
Damaged Chinese Stealth Suits
Research Database: Hydroponics
Research Database: History
50 Knights (Recon)
20 Paladins (T-45d)
20 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

100 Civilians
Solar Generators (100%)
Orbital Power Relay (100%)
Small Research Facilities (100%)
200 MW
150 Stealthboys
Huge Brotherhood Arsenal
Vertibird Wreckage
Damaged Power Armour (Enclave)
150 Knights (Recon)
50 Paladins (T-45d)
100 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

100 Civilians
Electronic Warfare Facilities (100%)
Light Fortifications (100%)
Empty Slot (100%)
Strategic Broadcasting and EC(C)M.
Early Warning and Detection Network (EWDN [eww-den]) Control Node.
Small Pre-War Arsenal
50 Knights (Recon)
15 Paladins (T-45d)
25 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

2000 Civilians (Cramped)
Large Fusion Generator (100%)
Heavy Fortifications (100%)
Residential Bunker (100%)
Empty Slot (100%)
Empty Slot (50%)
Empty Slot (0%)
Empty Slot (0%)
Small Pre-War Arsenal
Small Brotherhood Arsenal
Small Stockpile: Spare Parts
Small Stockpile: NCR Trade Goods
Small Stockpile: Industrial Supplies
Small Stockpile: Rations
Unique Schematics: Vertibird
Unique Schematics: AES-18
250 Knights (Recon)
25 Mark II Sentry Bots
20 Paladins (T-45d)
30 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

Medium NCR Arsenal
50 Knights (Recon)
15 Paladins (T-45d)
10 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

5 Knights (Recon)
5 Paladins (T-45d)

Note: Leaderless bases cannot be used in actions, they lack any use beyond holding a specific piece of land. This planning phase will give you an action to improve organization of hero-less bases.
Note 2: You are currently running low on food, but the stockpile of rations will hold that problem off for one turn.
Note 3: You have gotten your first major upgrade to combat capabilities a bit early. This will increase odds on certain missions. It will not increase odds on all missions, as upgrades generally do not enhance all combat roles simultaneously.
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Depends how well you roll. A bare success wouldn't be done in time. A major success would be done in time to lower the time to 1 month. A crit would be equivalent to finishing the research before starting.

Whats the situation with our brothers in California? Are they able to survive on their own for any sort of time without negative consequences or do we need to evacuate them as soon as possible? Whats their supply situation like?
Whats the situation with our brothers in California? Are they able to survive on their own for any sort of time without negative consequences or do we need to evacuate them as soon as possible? Whats their supply situation like?
Their supply situation will be fine until Turn 12, after which about a quarter will starve each of the next two years. At that point their supply situation will stabilize for the near future.
Damn, was hoping the crashed Vertibird would give us a lead on that Remnant base.
A bare success wasn't enough. That said, you got the Vertibird plans and can research them with a larger facility.