So what do people feel like exploring next turn with our military actions? Assuming that the success on stalemate does not introduce a ton of new ones.

I am thinking one of the vaults, Crashed B-29 and not sure on the last. Vaults because vault-tech potential, the b-29 because if we can reclaim that and eventually repair and operate it then the legion will have a very bad time trying to attack, NCR as well.
the Crashed B-29 is a must as it will help give us airpower faster becaus if the Boomers can fix it and they dont have same technical knowledge we have so we can fix it easier and i think we need to go to Silver Peak Mine as it has a lot of explosives in it and there is a Remnants power helmet there
Now that we're not spending our Paladins on raider murder, I'm in favour of Deathclaw Promontory. Either that or a second vault.
Money!!!! Let's get the Sunset Sarsaparilla building. Get that cap machine the people already think we polish all metal to make it look clean and new.
The Vaults are all reliably useful options to raise our pop support cap. Along with potential useful additions to our tech, likewise they act as hard points across the Mojave we can use. After that? Not sure really.

Edit 1: pondering what I'd love to see more in a fallout quest ATM. Imagine playing aa House, Caesar, The Master, or the Think Tank, Institute is also viable. These all seem quite interesting to me.
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How Veronica Saved Christmas (Semi-Canon)
How Veronica Saved Christmas (Omake)

Five figures sat in the dimly lit room. They said nothing as they shared their table, each silently pondering their important duties. All waited for the Sixth to arrive.

"Sorry I'm late," the Sixth said between pants for air, bright light from the suddenly opened door now illuminating into the mostly vacant meeting room. As Veronica rushed to her seat, the opened door and its light closed slowly enough that she could see glance at her fellow Brotherhood members' faces. If McNamara felt anything about her being late, he betrayed no emotion with his typical stern-but-pensive expression; Lorenzo and Ibsen barely registered her eye contact, the two scholars probably lost in deep contemplation of god-knows-what research they're currently working on, and Hardin's grim scowl - likely worn every second the meeting wasn't starting on time, if Veronica had to guess - only deepened when they met eyes, Hardin clearly wanting to express his passionate disapproval of her and her tardiness. And the one who organized this meeting, Lyons, simply smiled gently and nodded toward her when she sat down. Hardin immediately spoke as her cushion met the chair's cushion.

"Logistics Officer, you are late to your assigned duty," Hardin barked. "What is your justifica-"

"I had training with Elijah right before this and Elijah was being Elijah," Veronica said in a single breath, almost as if bored of Hardin's predictable outburst. The soldier's deep scowl somehow turned even deeper - the faces of McNamara and especially Lyons expressed small pity, if not just for Veronica than at Lorenzo and Ibsen sinking ever so slightly into their chairs at the thought of Elijah.

"Regardless of the late start, this meeting is too important to delay any further," McNamara interjected as Hardin opened his mouth to bark again. Veronica could not help the corner of her lips twisting into a small smirk as Hardin's face grew red before the armored man nodded in agreement.

"Agreed. I trust you all understand the gravity of this situation?" Lyons spoke. "The utter devastation and ruin we risk for any failure?"

"There are thousands of Brotherhood souls at risk at this very moment. We're running out of time," Hardin sternly says, holding back probable exasperation solely out of respect for fellow chains of command. "It is our duty as a capable chapter to rescue them immediately!"

"And what of the long-term consequences, Hardin?" McNamara calmly says - with a subtle tenseness, Veronica mentally notes, probably born from tested patience at a topic not infrequently brought up. "Diplomacy and maintaining at least neutral relations with a cohesive NCR has proven to have the least probable risk in any of our projections, for both California and ourselves. Is that not correct, Ibsen?"

The scholar nodded confidently in confirmation, McNamara having steered the conversation into the scribe's domain. "He's right. My models absolutely have shown successful diplomacy to be the safest probability for-"

"Successful diplomacy," Hardin triumphantly and loudly declares over Ibsen. Veronica sees Lorenzo give the smallest eye roll. "What about unsuccessful diplomacy? What about a mass, sneak attack by the NCR on our-"

"He accounted for unsuccessful as well in the probabilities. Still the safest bet when averaging," Lorenzo says, stating it with simultaneous matter-of-fact monotone and indignant righteous fury of the scribe's work being questioned by Hardin of all people. "It's really quite simple. He can go over the math with you if you like."

Hardin stammered, intimidated more by this proposition of math than a Deathclaw in close quarters. "That's quite all right, the Head Scribe does excellent work," the elite soldier says, hastily making a tactical retreat.

"And with that," Lyons begins after a respectful moment of silence to let Hardin recover (and, Veronica thinks to herself, hopefully learn from his mistake), "I shall bring up the key point of discussion for our meeting. How to stop the greatest threat to our diplomatic discussions. A player of such enormous ignorance they could be described as an anthropomorphic force of nature. A person capable of supreme callous destruction, a being completely and utterly incapable of basic human-"

"Without the theatrics, Lyons," McNamara interrupts, noticeably without a hint of actual disagreement with Lyons' description. Hardin was sitting at the edge of his seat like an excited puppy and absolutely focused on Lyons at the mention of "supreme callous destruction".

"We need to keep him away from the meetings. Anything or anyway is justifiable, just keep him away - the stakes and consequences of failure are too high this time to allow his usual behavior," Lyons says with an incredibly weary sigh.

"'He'? Who is 'he'?" Hardin innocently asks. Everyone at the table merely stares deadpan at the fighter - Veronica's expression most deadpan of all.

"Elijah, of course," the exhausted Lyons says barely above a whisper. "Fellow Brotherhood members, this is a mission of upmost importance and severity. We must prevent Elijah from interacting with the diplomatic process in any way."

"Even to-" Ibsen begins to question.

"Any. Way," Lyons firmly reiterates with such intense steel and fire in his aged eyes and voice to slightly startle Ibsen.

"I've heard stories from Ibsen and Lorenzo about working with Elijah-" Lyons continued; the engineer and scribe duo sunk deep into their chairs and groaned from helplessness and pain thinking about the memories. "-and I've seen him in action myself. He's unpredictable. More accurately, he is predictably unpredictable, committing to the most insane and foolhardy plans on a whim-"

"Two words: trading caravan," Hardin interrupted with an actually relevant point while sagely rubbing his non-existent beard. Everyone moaned loudly from being reminded of that disaster.

"Exactly. We must find something to reduce his unpredictability," McNamara agreed with seriousness. "Something guaranteed to steer the wind itself away from our diplomatic-"

"Impossible!" Lorenzo loudly exclaimed with a similar tone one would make if declaring the sky blue. "Elijah... McNamara, Lyons, you don't know. You just don't know. You haven't worked with the regular insanity of that man!"

"He shows his true passions in the lab!" Ibsen squawked, the man desperate to finally be able to talk about and process the trauma of Elijah's workplace environment. "That man is erratic, a thousand thoughts springing from his mind constantly! He practically flies through the lab, perfectly able to work through what seems like dozens of trains of thought simultaneously while giving us contradictory orders back-to-back, then scolding us for our inability to follow!" he frantically explains, wide-eyed in terror at the memories.

"He is nothing if not determined, and will not stop for anything once his mind is set! He could decide for himself to fire a laser at NCR residential districts during a national holiday, somehow believing it will help your peaceful diplomacy!" Lorenzo adds, whipping Ibsen into even more of a frenzy. "He-"

"Enough!" Hardin shouts, loudly bringing his power armored fist onto the table. All eyes dart to him as he glares at the two battered souls regularly exposed to Elijah. "You are Brotherhood. Get a hold of yourselves!" he orders. The two simply stare back at the unshakable warrior, their excitement quickly dying down as they follow his disciplined example. "Now then. The solution is obvious, and most importantly, standard protocol - we have the individual with the most information on our target give their recommendation on how to proceed. Logistics Officer, that is you," Hardin states simply, motioning toward Veronica. Everyone immediately turns to the late Sixth.

"Oh. Um...." Veronica finally speaks during the meeting. Silence fills the room as the others give the girl time to process what could be done. "Well, he really wants to work on explosives. Some scouts found some fire ants recently with particularly explosive projectiles. I think I have a plan..."

* * *

Later, on December 25th

"NCR is probably getting uppity at Lyons, I should help by firing ARCHIMEDES II at their capital," the force of nature suddenly Spoke during Veronica's lessons as it strode toward the Doomsday controls.

"Elijah we captured some fire ants, their biochemical processes are really efficient about causing explosions and seemed promising to reverse engineer-" Veronica quickly spoke before Elijah had grabbed her by the arm and was physically dragging her to the base's containment cells.
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Great work! I really liked it. I'm not going to make it entirely canon; randomly lasing Sandy Spring is a bit extreme, even for Elijah. You'll have to wait until the update to see exactly what I plan.

Also, I'm giving you a -3 to the Stalemate roll as a bonus. Yes, this does make it a critical success.

Thanks, and nice. Admittedly the ending was not my first choice - I wanted the final Elijah/Veronica scene to be short and I was running low on time while writing (and wanted to post it during Christmas so didn't want to finish it the next day), so I went for that over-the-top ending as I couldn't think of another way to meet the desired shortness under time constraint. I initially vaguely thought of a more subdued scenario with Elijah trying to radio or physically interact with people, but settled on absurd. Glad you guys liked it.
Update 10: The Best Laid Plans
[X] Magical Mystery Tour
-[X] The Devil's Throat

The expedition is a success; your scouts find an unusual model of minigun featuring advanced improvements. It bears a striking similarity to the CZ53 minigun is labeled a CZ57 'Avenger'. You presume it is some sort of successor model, possibly incorporating technical improvements made just prior to the Great War. Truly, a significant find. Also, the team discovers a few particularly large mutants. The Paladins protect the artifact without difficulty.

Gained: CZ57 Avenger
10V; ST 100: 76, Success (3 DoS)

-[X] Black Rock Cave
The Nightkin infestation is found and eliminated. There was an entire nest of the pests within a nearby cave. It is cleared without difficulty, the assault team even finds a few artifacts. The mutants had hoarded dozens of Stealthboys and an electric power gauntlet. It appears to be a variant of the standard Power Fist specialized for a melee between Power Armoured combatants.

Cleared: Nightkin Nest
Gained: 50 Stealthboys
Gained: Paladin Toaster

20V; ST 100: 69, Good Success (4 DoS)

-[X] Dead Wind Cavern
The missing Paladin is found within a thoroughly unremarkable cavern. The missing grenade launcher, entitled 'Mercy', has a few more scratches, but remains in good condition. The Paladin himself has taken more than a few scratches; he was apparently decapitated by a clawed beast of some sort. More importantly, the former Paladin had apparently discovered a unique pre-war artifact. You have no idea how, but the fallen warrior acquired a pre-war power armour prototype incorporating unique medical technologies.
Elder Lyons claims to have seen something similar in the Capital Wasteland, but he never attempted to recover the artifact. Apparently it was 'too dangerous' and would have risked substantial Brotherhood casualties. Sometimes, you think Owyn forgets the purpose of befriending the locals. Why even bother, if you can't send them to die in your place?
The scouts also include an alarmed exposé on their encounter with "The biggest damn Deathclaw I've ever fucking seen." Apparently the brute possessed extraordinary strength and preternatural swiftness; it wounded almost a dozen experienced Paladins before finally succumbing to the Brotherhood's superior firepower. The team's leader requests an investigation into the danger posed by these creatures. You ignore the trivial appeal and forward that section of the report to Hardin.

Killed: Legendary Deathclaw
Cleared: Deathclaw Nest
Gained: Mercy
Gained: YT-50 'Medic' Power Armor

50V; ST 100: 10, Major Success (9 DoS)

[X] Stalemate (T6) [Double Down]
McNamara and Owyn are put in charge of the NCR negotiations. You offer to assist, but they decline rather vigorously. Naturally, you understand completely.
You realize that diplomatic negotiations are not your forte, you are a genius. Negotiation is much easier when the other party is obligated to follow your orders. Failing that, blazing hot plasma is an excellent route to compromise. Unfortunately, neither of these will work on Kimball, at least not directly. Fortunately, technology is very much your forte and there are more than two ways to vaporise a feline.
Using Black Mountain to monitor NCR's civilian communications is impractical. While military communications are easily identifiable by their incompetent encryption, sifting useful data from the vast mass of civilian communiques is all but impossible. Serendipitously, your genius is impossible. It is the work of an afternoon to discover Kimball's personnel communications. Discovering the existence of 'little Timmy' and the details of his failed attempts to bicycle without training wheels is scarcely more difficult. Kimball's idiocy is clearly genetic.
You enter Timmy's last known coordinates into ARCHIMEDES II's targeting program and write a prepared speech. It is true masterpiece of diplomacy. You begin by wishing 'little Timmy' a swift recovery from that bloody shin. With the pleasantries concluded, you explain, at length, the effect a multi-MegaWatt laser would have on a five year old. The speech is extortionate, but not even slightly threatening. Perfect for McNamara! Perfect to assist with the NCR negotiations. Unfortunately, you fail to follow through on your plan's extraordinary potential.
You check the time, McNamara is currently hosting a conference call with Kimball and the NCR military. You quickly leave your Black Mountain office to assist him. You never make it there; Veronica accosts you with urgent information on the explosive properties of indigenous fauna. Naturally, such an important discovery cannot wait. You shall have to finish it quickly, perhaps before McNamara finishes his call?
Unfortunately, when you leave your lab a week later the negotiations are already complete. While they were successful, the resulting peace's longevity is uncertain. Your plan would have elicited a superior response, perhaps even an unconditional surrender.

Gained: 2593 Civilians
Gained: 729 Knights (Recon)
Gained: 247 Paladins (T-45d)
Gained: 130 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)
Gained: 10 Medicine
Locked: [X] Stalemate (T3)
Gained: Mark I Power Armour (Enclave)
Upgraded: Medium Pre-War Arsenal -> Large Pre-War Arsenal

ST 75: 8-3, Critical Major Success (8+C DoS)

[X] The Fort (T3)
Construction of Fort Elijah proves more divisive than expected. Everyone agrees with the decision to build a fort, but opinions on how to build one are divided. High Elder Maxson the Second's database includes a number of wildly divergent fortress designs. Most would prefer the traditional bunker, but you lack the necessary digging machines. Others prefer more exotic designs; a bailey and enceinte. Eventually, a compromise is reached. A simple quad of of tall bastions connected by thick curtain walls will surround a large field. The structures will be built from reinforced concrete, the gate from welded steel, and furnishings from refined scrap metal. The field will initially only contain a simple barracks and fortified command center. Construction of a hospital and a repair center will require additional steel.
With the design decided, work proceeds quickly. The foundations is planned, and laid, quickly with the assistance of Lorenzo's DIE. With the basis completed, construction focuses on the barracks and command center. The superstructure is completed, but the furnishings and accommodations will require further work.

Locked: [X] The Fort (T2)
Used: 2 Concrete, 1 Steel, 1 Metal

ST 70: 64, Bare Success (1 DoS)

[X] Yes Minister
The newly inaugurated Department of the Interior and Exterior (DIE) is thriving under Lorenzo's leadership. They have already proven exceptionally helpful in coordinating Fort Elijah's construction. With their help you might even build a second fort before long. You even chose a name; the second fort will be christened 'Fort Elias'.

Gained: DIE (+1 Stewardship Action)
ST 80: 58, Success (3 DoS)

[X] The Mineshaft Gap
-[X] Vault 3 (T2)

The repairs on Vault 3 prove more difficult than expected. The previous inhabitants clearly had actively horrid standards of hygiene and maintenance. Lorenzo's reports are, quite frankly, disgusting. You quickly confirm Hardin eliminated all of the savages; such habits cannot be allowed to persist. Fortunately, Hardin is quite sure his sweeps caught all the Fiends. Also, Lorenzo was able to make acceptable progress despite the poor working conditions.

Locked: -[X] Vault 3
Used: 1 Metal, 1 Machinery, 1 Electronics

ST 80: 71, Bare Success (1 DoS)

-[X] Vault 21
Vault 21 is quickly repaired and accommodated to Brotherhood requirements with the assistance of evacuated Californian Knights. The work is completed none too soon. It is quickly populated by newly arrived brothers and sisters.

Gained Base: Vault 21
ST 95: 79, Success (2 DoS)

-[X] Elijah's Little Helpers (T2)
The solution to the incompetence of your assistants was, in the end, straightforward. You simply had Veronica manage their behavior. This worked quite well; the erstwhile addlebrains have seemingly absorbed some measure of her common sense. They are still ignoramuses, but they can at least organize your laboratory to an acceptable standard.

Locked: -[X] Elijah's Little Helpers
ST 75: 33, Good Success (5 DoS)

-[X] The old world has burned.
--[X] Industrial Technology
---[X] Electronics Manufacturing (T2)

You are finally making serious progress on producing electronics. You are still having difficulty scaling the designs, but simple circuitry is already within your ability.

Locked: ---[X] Electronics Manufacturing
ST 70: 26, Good Success (5 DoS)

--[X] Military Technology
---[X] Advanced Explosive Weapons (T3)

The Brotherhood's explosives, while far superior to the work of savages, could stand to be improved. Many of the pre-war fulminating weapons make use of strange and exciting chemicals your Knights have been unable to reproduce. Their replacement ammunition, while effective, is often inferior to pre-war reserves. This is a difficult problem, primarily due to your lack of chemical knowledge.
Fortunately, nature often proves a storehouse for mankind's knowledge. Most modern flora and fauna exhibit the effects of one ancient technology or another. The indigenous 'fire ant' populations provides a living, breathing, and highly aggressive example of pre-war incendiary technology. Their unique flaming breath incorporates every known pre-war incendiary chemical. It's a miracle they don't spontaneously combust, but a great boon to your research. Study of their incendiary glands allows exceptionally rapid reverse-engineering of the pre-war incendiaries.
Synthesis of non-incendiary chemicals will require further research. Fortunately, the incendiary production methods provide substantial insight into the Old World's chemistry.

Locked: ---[X] Advanced Explosive Weapons, +10 ST, ???
ST 75: 10-5, Critical Major Success (7+c DoS)

-[X] A challenger has arisen: Part II (T5)
Veronica's lessons go well this month. She has a long way to go, but progress is being made. At this rate she might be half the scientist you are in a mere century or two. Surprisingly, Veronica does not appreciate your effusive compliments. She seemed quite upset. How odd.

Locked: -[X] A challenger has arisen: Part II (T4)
ST 75: 45, Success (3 DoS)

-[X] Big Brother (T3)
The ESS finally begin to progress in their development of improved infiltration techniques. Perhaps they will actually manage to accomplish something more than mere gossip-mongering this time?

Locked: -[X] Big Brother (T2)
ST 60: 14, Good Success (5 DoS)

-[X] The Purge (T2)
The success of last month's hunt has driven all but the most determined spies to flee the Mojave. Those that remain have gone to ground. The Inquisitors find less than a dozen. While this does further the purge of enemy spies from the Mojave, it leaves them alive to try again another day. Far better to prevent their retreat.

Killed: 5 Frumentarii, 4 Veteran NCR Rangers
Locked: -[X] The Purge

ST 85: 80, Bare Success (1 DoS)
-[X] A challenger has arisen: Part II (T5)
Veronica's lessons go well this month. She has a long way to go, but progress is being made. At this rate she might be half the scientist you are in a mere century or two. Surprisingly, Veronica does not appreciate your effusive compliments. She seemed quite upset. How odd.
I'm sure this won't be a bad thing for us in any way.
Ah, so this is what a negative characteristic character looks like.

Edit: The moment we open our mouths, people immediately gets offended.
well we have clear some of the nest so the Mojave Wasteland is a bit safer and with the add manpower we have solidify our position in the Mojave
So it looks like we have 3 Martial actions and 2 Stewardship actions.

My proposal is this.
Martial: Crashed B-29 with 20 Knights, Vault 22 with 10 Paladins and 14 Knights, Deathclaw Promontory with 67 Paladins
Stewardship: Steel Legion - Mr Ore, Steel Legion - Mr Field

The B-29 seems like something we all agree on. Possible Boomer interest and some flight tech is a solid "yes please". Another Vault is going to be very helpful with the influx of refugees. And Deathclaw Promontory is because we have the Paladins for it and it's possible we'll get some kind of Enclave tech from it. I'd very much like a leg up on those sods. I'm not sending any Veteran Paladins because unless my math is wrong 67 Paladins is enough for 100% and you don't get Veteran Paladins without sending out Paladins to get experience. Also I look forward to some kind of Elite Paladin superunit on top of Veteran Paladins, but that's for later. Speaking of which, we should get on researching our power armours so we can reproduce and improve on them.

The Mister Ores are because we're going to need more raw materials sooner or later, and I'd like to secure that sooner. Farming will become a much bigger deal with the influx of refugees, too, so that's what the Mister Fields are for.