Thanks for the feedback, @Adventwolf, @Crazy7s1, @ErraticWizard, @Klaus Wulfenback, @BeepSmile. I'm glad Elijah's characterization is coming across successfully.

Hmm does Elijah think that Robert House is a) as smart, b) less smart c) more smart than him d) insufficient data to tell.
Elijah thinks House is smart enough to handle technology responsibly. This is high praise coming from Elijah. He does not consider House smarter than himself.
How does Elijah feel about the thought of someone being cleverer than him.
Elijah wouldn't even consider the possibility.
TL,DR: Basically, what do we have to do to get Elijah and House to be BFFs?
Neither of them really do friendship well. They currently have mutual respect, which is probably the best you can hope for.
You'd think Elijah would cut House some slack if he ever figures out he's literally a pre-war genius. I mean, the mental gymnastics the Brotherhood leadership/scribes went through to ignore the realisation they were savages compared to the West Coast Enclave must've been bad enough prior to Fallout 2.
Neither of them really do friendship well. They currently have mutual respect, which is probably the best you can hope for.

I think House views Elijah like someone who could have been a fellow CIT student, an insufferable genius with a big ego and crazy opinions that get under other people's skin. Brings a sense of nostalgia to the Old World Industrialist.
I feel sorry for the Khans. They don't stand a chance against us.

Unfortunate yes, but in the end it was never going to end well for the Khans. They might have history, but their history usually ends with a stronger group nearly wiping them out. For all their traditions and their quasi-noble customs we have to remember that at the end of the day they're a chem manufacturing raider gang.

Comic Narrator on Elijah: He isn't the hero we need, he isn't the hero we deserve... wait a minute, are we sure this guy is even a hero?

Probably inside the Brotherhood Elijah is seen as a hero. Outside of it... huh, I just realised we did a Caesar and secured our territory so the people living in it don't have to fear Raider attacks. It'll be, "he may not be nice, but he gets the job done."
Outside of it... huh, I just realised we did a Caesar and secured our territory so the people living in it don't have to fear Raider attacks. It'll be, "he may not be nice, but he gets the job done."
Well, to be fair to Elijah, he has let the non-raider groups in the mojave to continue doing there own thing. He only pacified the groups attacking others.

Ceaser on the otherhand, removed all threats in the regions he's in by attacking everyone who didn't immediately submit. Pax Romana has been achieved, peace at the price of the freedom/identity of all within.
Comparing the BoS to the damned Legion isn't fair at all. Luddites are a dead end.
To be fair, Caesar doesn't have a better option; the tribes didn't have access to any significant technology. I've always headcanoned Hoover Dam as a means for his still unchosen successor to modernize the Legion. After all, Rome wasn't just legionaries; they also invented concrete.
To be fair, Caesar doesn't have a better option; the tribes didn't have access to any significant technology. I've always headcanoned Hoover Dam as a means for his still unchosen successor to modernize the Legion. After all, Rome wasn't just legionaries; they also invented concrete.
The Legion can barely be called Roman at this point, they are less advanced than the Guals and the "society" of the Legion is more akin to an extremely large slave legion.
The Legion can barely be called Roman at this point, they are less advanced than the Guals and the "society" of the Legion is more akin to an extremely large slave legion.

I think Caesar is aware of that and wants to take Vegas as the shining capital of his new Empire so he can reform the Legion into an actual stable society before he dies.
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Update 9: The Great Purge
[X] Yardwork
-[X] Western Great Khans
-[X] Northeastern Great Khans (T2)

Hardin crushes the Mojave's sole remaining raider tribe with ruthless efficiency. His first action is to cut off any opportunity for retreat. Their western outpost is eliminated shortly before Hardin's main force begins the assault on Bitter Springs. Inquisitors, temporarily reassigned to Hardin by Elder Lyons, form a vast web across much of the surrounding areas. Even the smallest and stealthiest groups will find themselves unable to make good their retreat.
The outpost at Red Rock Cannon is easily eliminated by 25 handpicked senior Paladins. Ten form a killzone at the Canyon's northern end while the remaining 15 advance from the south. A dozen Inquisitors block any less obvious escape routes. The battle begins with a spurt of red as the Paladins belch deadly light from laser Gatlings. The savages don't stand a chance; their sporadic counter-fire doesn't even scratch the gleaming steel of Brotherhood armour. Most die in the initial engagement, and those who flee are gunned down as they reach the killzone. The operation is a complete success.
The assault on Bitter Springs is more difficult, but no less successful. Two hundred of the Brotherhood, split evenly between Knight and Paladin, surround the settlement. They are arrayed in three groups, one for each route to the settlement. And a host of Inquisitors was with them.
The battle of Bitter Springs begins with a literal bang. The primary group approaches within range of the settlement before being sighted. Their initial salvo proves devastating; scores of anti-personnel missiles pierce the air in prelude to a decimating series of explosions. The savage warriors are given no chance to recover; the Brotherhood follow their heavy ordnance with a hail of bullets. The Khans return fire with enthusiasm but lack ammunitions capable of dealing serious hurt to the elite Brotherhood shock troops.
Soon the Paladins reach the settlement. The Pancor Jackhammer exceeds expectations; it excels in eliminating the raiders entrenched within the settlement's close quarters. Most of the savages are unable to even flee before Hardin's onslaught. Those few who escape the settlement's destruction are annihilated by the Knights stationed in Canyon 37. The remaining stragglers are picked off by Inquisitors.
The battle is a complete success; the Great Khans are obliterated in a single day. Mr. House is extremely pleased; he finds your thoroughness commendable. Work on his new power cables certainly benefits from Hardin's conscientiousness. Workers are able to proceed much faster with the threat of raids entirely removed.

Obliterated: Great Khans
Accelerated: Wheels on Wheels: New Vegas

AN: I had mixed feelings about writing this; I don't dislike the Great Khans. I prefer to encourage them to build their own empire. However, Elijah and the Brotherhood would not see them as anything more than an inconvenience to be removed.

[X] Magical Mystery Tour
-[X] Yangtze Memorial

The old war memorial proves surprisingly lucrative. A strange, red glowing sword of unusual design has been stabbed firmly within the stone foundation. The scouts have some initially difficulty removing it from the stone, but a junior Knight named Arthur proves able to pull it. The sword is apparently an experimental 'Laser Katana', the AEX-7 Rising Sun. A worthy prize. Emboldened by their success, the Knights excavate the sword's former housing in search of further artifact. Their odd decision is rewarded, the katana's schematics are found within an iron casket buried just below
the sword's stony scabbard.

Gained Artifact: AEX-7 'Rising Sun' Laser Katana

[X] Wheels on Wheels
-[X] New Vegas (T2)

The Strip is powered well ahead of schedule. The rapid elimination of the Great Khans removes the threat of raids and allows construction to proceed at a rapid pace. Mr. House proves true to his word, the necessary materials are delivered on time despite your accelerated schedule. Steel pylons spring from the ground between Hoover Dam and New Vegas. They are hung with thick cables of aluminum carrying the river's might. New Vegas comes alight at their arrival, brilliant billboards illuminating the night.
Mr. House is the most pleased you have ever seen him. You suspect he finds the sight nostalgic. You cannot blame him. There is a certain allure to such a blatant display of technological power. You certainly appreciate his payment for services rendered. He provides a full set of RobCo development tools. He even includes an experimental debugging technology known as a 'stack trace'.

Gained Technology: Basic Development Tools
Gained Technology: Advanced Development Tools
Gained Trade: Energy Exports (New Vegas) {-200 MW}

[X] We Come in Peace
Brotherhood Radio's propaganda drive proves well timed. It coincides with a your virtual elimination of raiding in the Mojave. Elder Lyons' contribution is particularly valuable. He gives a passionate and stirring speech on the Brotherhood's true purpose; protecting the simple folk of the wasteland from predatory evil doers. Complete malarkey, of course. Owyn truly deserves his reputation as a master of propaganda; his speech coincides perfectly with your recent campaign. He even made a point of giving you an intense stare during key portions of his soliloquy. You appreciate his acknowledgment of your greatness.

Increased: Goodwill (Wastelanders)

[X] Yes Minister (T2)
Recruitment for the Department of the Interior and Exterior (DIE) proceeds without significant difficulty. They are expected to begin full operations next month. Maybe you should make McNamara find better lackeys assistants to run your laboratory.

Locked: [X] Yes Minister

[X] Pourable Stone
Lorenzo does not appreciate being made to spend the month mixing concrete. It is, he feels, an insult to the noble art of engineering. He may be correct, mixing large quantity of powder does sound like chef's work. Unfortunately, you don't have a hundred chef's to spare, especially for something so mundane as mixing concrete.
Ironically, his skill as an engineer prove to make him an excellent concrete mixer. Lorenzo and his men manage to reduce wastage drastically. They produce half again the expected concrete with no additional materials. His feelings on this are mixed, to say the least.

Gained Materials: 30 Concrete
Used: 10 Limestone, 10 Stone

[X] The Mineshaft Gap
-[X] Vault 11

Vault 11's restoration finishes without difficulty. The new base has few useful facilities but is entirely sufficient and has space for 1000 residents. You have already begun using it as an outpost between Hoover and HELIOS.

Gained Base: Vault 11

[X] Sowing Seeds
The seed collection program concludes without incident. The required number of seeds are generated, and the decreased food yields are within expectations.

Gained Materials: 5 Seeds
Used: 2 Food

[X] Elijah's Little Helpers (T2)
Your attempt to recruit assistants proves most frustrating. The supposedly talented young Scribes prove both incompetent and frustrating. One of them even had the gall to laugh when you asked him to compile a program into machine code by hand. Worst of all, they are incapable of organizing your laboratory. Key artifacts are not where you left them and useless junk is often not placed into storage until well after you have finished examining it.

Locked: [X] Elijah's Little Helpers (T2)

[X] The old world has burned.
-[X] Industrial Technology
--[X] Electronics Manufacturing (T3)
Your work on electronics manufacturing is off to a slow start. The foundations of future research are laid, but little direct progress is made.

Locked: --[X] Electronics Manufacturing (T2)

--[X] Portable Machine Tools (T2)
You complete work on improved machine tools far sooner than expected. The pre-war tools recovered from H&H tools prove invaluable to your work. Not that you couldn't have easily done it without, but the tools made the process far faster.

Gained Technology: Portable Machine Tools

[X] A challenger has arisen: Part II (T5)
You forget to attend Veronica's lessons this month. The lackeys assistants should have done a better job managing your schedule. It's as if they didn't realize they were supposed to handle your calendar. Disappointingly, Veronica makes little progress in your absence.

Locked: [X] A challenger has arisen: Part II (T5)

[X] Big Brother (T3)
ESS is once again too busy assisting the SSK to make progress on the expansion. At least the purge gave them experience with how not to conclude an infiltration. (i.e. At the barrel of a gun.)

Locked: [X] Big Brother (T3), ST +5

[X] The Purge (T4)
The Secret Spy Killers begin to purge the Mojave of foreign operatives. Inquisitors roam the Mojave in search of hidden enemies. Those with radios are quickly located by Black Mountain and eliminated by power armour clad enforcers. Radio silence proves no defense. Inquisitorial trackers scour the desert for any trace of spycraft. Those they discover are stalked by the Secret Spy Killer's best hunters. By month's end over a hundred spies have been killed with nary a casualty among the Inquisitors.

Killed: 80 Frumentarii, 35 Veteran NCR Rangers
Locked: The Purge (T2)
So I have a idea for a unit we could make:

The Men-At-Arms. These guys are intended as sorta defenders of towns under our jurisdiction. As they won't be proper Brotherhood members, they don't need as extreme vetting, but it can also serve as a sort of "trial process", to see if anyone actually is worth recruiting.

Equipment wise, well, we got all that old NCR equipment they generously "lent" us, right? Use that. Step up from the pipe guns and leather armor they normally would have, and still not as good as our shit. Maybe have squad leaders equipped with a laser pistol or rifle, to show off their rank?

So a 5 man squad would have say 4 NCR Service Rifles (Repainted in Brotherhood colors), and a Laser Rifle, all equipped with Combat Armor, in theory.

Maybe also supplement them with robots and or Knights just needing to cut their spurs and or get some experience with the locals....
Well except for those failures, solid turn though I like how Elijah missed the point behind the look Lyons gave him. Also bonus tech from the good roll on getting power up and running in New Vegas!
X] Wheels on Wheels
-[X] New Vegas (T2)

The Strip is powered well ahead of schedule. The rapid elimination of the Great Khans removes the threat of raids and allows construction to proceed at a rapid pace. Mr. House proves true to his word, the necessary materials are delivered on time despite your accelerated schedule. Steel pylons spring from the ground between Hoover Dam and New Vegas. They are hung with thick cables of aluminum carrying the river's might. New Vegas comes alight at their arrival, brilliant billboards illuminating the night.
Mr. House is the most pleased you have ever seen him. You suspect he finds the sight nostalgic. You cannot blame him. There is a certain allure to such a blatant display of technological power. You certainly appreciate his payment for services rendered. He provides a full set of RobCo development tools. He even includes an experimental debugging technology known as a 'stack trace'.

Gained Technology: Basic Development Tools
Gained Technology: Advanced Development Tools
Gained Trade: Energy Exports (New Vegas) {-200 MW}
That's some really nice synergy there. Hopefully we can knock out those Programming actions pretty quickly now we have some good Dev tools!
That's some really nice synergy there. Hopefully we can knock out those Programming actions pretty quickly now we have some good Dev tools!
There's a reason Mr. House wanted the Khans gone. His intelligence and skill at planning make him rather difficult to write, but they are an excellent way to distribute hints and red herrings. Elijah is actually easier to write in some ways because his intelligence doesn't extend to planning.
Just finished a reread now that this is back.

Spies never passing continues to be a meme, and some solid successes elsewhere.

We definitely need to get our people evacuated from California, but that chance of success is basically a coin flip. Hopefully it'll go up a bit from our actions this turn
Just finished a reread now that this is back.

Spies never passing continues to be a meme, and some solid successes elsewhere.

We definitely need to get our people evacuated from California, but that chance of success is basically a coin flip. Hopefully it'll go up a bit from our actions this turn

Stalemates chances have gone up a bit. Also with our successes this turn we hopefully will be able to do the NCR tourists action which more likely then not will improve its chances further. We can also if we choose blow both Diplo actions on it to boost it more. I'm pretty confident we can get to a reasonable chance of success.
So @Isaacssv558, how does our Wastelander support compare to the canon NCR's support in the Mojave? Do we have to worry about Prim pulling anywhere near the same sort of shit they did in New Vegas for instance? The Powdergangers don't exist, the BoS hold on the Mojave seems a lot stronger than the NCR's ever was.
So @Isaacssv558, how does our Wastelander support compare to the canon NCR's support in the Mojave? Do we have to worry about Prim pulling anywhere near the same sort of shit they did in New Vegas for instance? The Powdergangers don't exist, the BoS hold on the Mojave seems a lot stronger than the NCR's ever was.
You have a lot fewer interactions with the wastelanders and your hostile interactions tend not to leave survivors to spread resentment. Your hold seems stronger primarily because your grip is substantially looser. The wastelanders have little reason to resent your absent authority and non-existent taxes. Many see you as somewhat overzealous vigilantes.

Your propaganda is also superior, although your initial reputation was substantially worse. For instance, most of the Mojave will assume 'wiped out the Great Khans' is biblical style bragging and really means 'drove the Great Khans out of the Mojave'.