It isn't a bad thing; the canon NCR were called murderers for a significantly less deliberate massacre at Bitter Springs.

Yeah, the only person who would know what the Brotherhood did would be House and he wouldn't really care about the Khans. If anything he might consider it useful to be on the side of a competent and thorough organisation.

Remeber everyone, there were elderly and children in the Khans ranks.

If I remember correctly we did something similar to the NCR personnel and settlers when driving them out... that's probably why Kimball's so vocal in wiping us out. Well that and a desire to get all that wonderful technology, especially the reactors in those bunkers that would really help with the energy crisis.
Remeber everyone, there were elderly and children in the Khans ranks.
Eh. Elderly who, despite pretensions of nobility and culture, were/are chem-trafficking raiders. Children who would grow up to become such. It's a shame that it happened, but I won't shed tears over it and I'd stand by the decision.
next turn we need to start building The Fort so that we can upgrade it before the Legion comes in turn 12. also @Isaacssv558 next turn will there be a option to start wipeout the wastland Creatures?
next turn we need to start building The Fort so that we can upgrade it before the Legion comes in turn 12. also @Isaacssv558 next turn will there be a option to start wipeout the wastland Creatures?
They're coming in turn 12? That's... sooner than I had hoped. By a lot.

Speaking of the passage of time, @Isaacssv558 how long does Elijah have before he kicks the bucket, roughly?
They're coming in turn 12? That's... sooner than I had hoped. By a lot.

Speaking of the passage of time, @Isaacssv558 how long does Elijah have before he kicks the bucket, roughly?

Well he was alive years later after he left the BoS. That was on his own with limited access to medical technology or expertise. I think he is good for a while.

At turn 12 it is the year the Legion attacked the Dam in the OTL. We might be able to avert the attack by launching a raid against them for the next few turns.
Was there confirmation that the Legion is definitely coming in turn 12?
Your scouts found them a while ago, but Elijah (and the BoS in general) doesn't take savages seriously.
next turn we need to start building The Fort so that we can upgrade it before the Legion comes in turn 12. also @Isaacssv558 next turn will there be a option to start wipeout the wastland Creatures?
Not yet. The creature's lairs are too numerous and decentralized. However, your patrols do keep their numbers down.
They're coming in turn 12? That's... sooner than I had hoped. By a lot.

Speaking of the passage of time, @Isaacssv558 how long does Elijah have before he kicks the bucket, roughly?
Elijah is stupidly hardy. Expect him to last at least another two decades with decent medical care.
Your scouts found them a while ago, but Elijah (and the BoS in general) doesn't take savages seriously.

Not yet. The creature's lairs are too numerous and decentralized. However, your patrols do keep their numbers down.

Elijah is stupidly hardy. Expect him to last at least another two decades with decent medical care.

Well I feel horribly under-prepared now...
I sense a distinct existential threat. Every available action that isn't Diplomacy on Stalemate is now dedicated towards getting ready for that. At least if I have anything to say about it.
Well I feel horribly under-prepared now...
Pancor Jackhammers my friend. We'd likely have to try to have a worst showing than the NCR did at the first battle for the Hoover Dam.

And all it takes is a few Inquisitors with Gauss Rifles to really make centurions have a horrific casualty rate and then suddenly their lack of radios becomes a huge issue.

If the NCR was a near completely unmechanized and under equipped circa WW2 army at the end of their supply line versus a full scale iron age military, then we're a pre-war battalion. The Legion's morale and esprit de corps is going to be stretched to the breaking point if they're risking 40-1 casualty ratios assaulting fortifications.

Like if the NCR got a reasonable boost, it stands to reason a Centurion isn't going to be able to shrug off multiple anti-material rounds with scavenged bits and pieces of better armors than that.
Going to have to go back and check it out, but what sort of ranged weaponry does the legion posses? Mainly because I wonder if they can deal with air targets at all which would make getting even a few vertibirds up and running amazing. Also the move in large troop concentrations, there are so many weapons that can deal with that if we can deploy them in time. Massed artillery strikes, machine guns, napalm, or of course orbital laser strikes as they approach our territory. Use it to blow up supply depots and they could end up starving on the march.
Pancor Jackhammers my friend. We'd likely have to try to have a worst showing than the NCR did at the first battle for the Hoover Dam.

And all it takes is a few Inquisitors with Gauss Rifles to really make centurions have a horrific casualty rate and then suddenly their lack of radios becomes a huge issue.

If the NCR was a near completely unmechanized and under equipped circa WW2 army at the end of their supply line versus a full scale iron age military, then we're a pre-war battalion. The Legion's morale and esprit de corps is going to be stretched to the breaking point if they're risking 40-1 casualty ratios assaulting fortifications.

Like if the NCR got a reasonable boost, it stands to reason a Centurion isn't going to be able to shrug off multiple anti-material rounds with scavenged bits and pieces of better armors than that.
The NCR also had at least 20 times as many soldiers as you do and was still overcome but for a cunning trap which exploited the Legion's rigid tactics. Their veteran rangers are just as, if not more, skilled than your Inquisitors and had pretty good sniper rifles. (Your Inquisitors have power armour and are really good at using it. This is why they beat veteran NCR rangers.)

Also, the Legion's troops are indoctrinated fanatics who consider fear of death the gravest of sins. Those who are unwilling to sacrifice their lives for a cause are considered mere animals. Even attempting to preserve or extend your life with medical knowledge is frowned upon. You may be overestimating your ability to break their morale.

Side Note: A lot of this information apparently comes from the lead designer arguing with a feminist online, which I find mildly amusing. (The feminist apparently thought the Legion's male members were super privileged despite being literal slaves.)

Edit: "The discipline of legionaries is absolute. In combat, they obey every order without question and if needed, will gladly sacrifice their lives."

Edit2: The NCR took 1000+ causalties every year that the war lasted.
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Going to have to go back and check it out, but what sort of ranged weaponry does the legion posses? Mainly because I wonder if they can deal with air targets at all which would make getting even a few vertibirds up and running amazing. Also the move in large troop concentrations, there are so many weapons that can deal with that if we can deploy them in time. Massed artillery strikes, machine guns, napalm, or of course orbital laser strikes as they approach our territory. Use it to blow up supply depots and they could end up starving on the march.
From the wiki,
Fallout Wiki said:
The Legion excels at melee combat, as evidenced by their choice of weaponry - primarily, the machete, which cripples limbs. They are not averse, tactically speaking, to using firearms, but will not provide them to the lower ranked troops. They usually have to scavenge firearms and the ones used by the Recruits are rather low quality and include .357 Magnum revolvers, varmint rifles and single shotguns. A ranked Decanus is most often armed with a submachine gun of some sort. On a whole, Prime and Veteran Legionaries prefer slower, more reliable firearms, like cowboy repeaters, .44 Magnum revolvers and hunting rifles. The most high tech Legion soldiers are the Centurions, who use anti-materiel rifles and marksman carbines. Legion soldiers on average have more health than NCR troopers, but are less durable due to having worse armor. The Legion makes extensive use of hit and run tactics. Legion raids typically involve sending an overwhelming force to suddenly attack a town, killing everyone (sometimes taking slaves) and leaving before the enemy can respond. As Lanius states, their forces are much better suited at taking positions than holding them due to their up close style of fighting. While Legion raids are often very successful, it is worth noting that the number of positions the Legion actually controls over a period of time in the Mojave is very small compared to the NCR.
I may change the specifics, but this may be dispositive.