@Isaacssv558 want omakes of the female stalking Elijah and we reroll TMWKTL . Right getting to work should be up in a hour or two. Everyone else make some too nothing saying its only one female chasing him after all.
I meant for you to be bad at intrigue. I didn't mean for you to be this bad.
We're going to have to induct the Circle of Steel into our actual forces at this rate. They seem to be the only Brotherhood with Intrigue worth a damn. Which makes Christine being CoS even funnier, the person Elijah messed with years ago is now the person he needs most.
@Isaacssv558 want omakes of the female stalking Elijah and we reroll TMWKTL . Right getting to work should be up in a hour or two. Everyone else make some too nothing saying its only one female chasing him after all.
To expand on this, I accidentally reposted the TMWKTL roll and you got a nat 1 (keep in mind this is roll under). Naturally, this was a mistake and doesn't count. However, the dice roller was clearly taunting you, so I'm giving an opportunity to use the better roll.

Edit (From rolz): "Hmmm. If someone makes an omake of the previously mentioned female brotherhood member stalking Elijah (from her perspective) and I laugh, then I will use the second roll for TMWKTL. Because the dice roller is clearly taunting you."
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The bit that annoys me the most is the failure for Veronica. I want more Research actions, damn you!

I kind of do want to see the critfail for TMWKTL.
Stalker Omake (Non-Canon)
Stalking the Genius

There he is, the man who saved us all, Head Elder Elijah. Even from my post in the ventilation shaft, I can see his greatness. I wish he would spend more time outside his workshop. It is becoming harder to come up with excuses to go there and talk to him. But, the times we talked were so great. I still remember the time we first met; he said "Hurry up, move those there and go get the rest." How sweet of him to worry I wasn't reaching my full potential and try to encourage me.

I am not alone in my quest for the Elder's affection. I know other members of the Brotherhood are seeking to ensnare him as well. I see them flirting all the time. They give him gifts disguised as reports or materials for his projects. But, I have an advantage. Unlike the others, I am his favorite. After all, Elijah said so himself. I remember it well; I was giving him some schematics we found while excavating the bunkers. He was so nice about it. "Why are you here? Oh, you found this in the bunker? Well, I guess you are good for something. Carry on." It was the most wonderful declaration of love. Other women might desire a more explicit confession, but not me. I know the Elder must maintain a certain image for the others; he has to say it in a roundabout way.

My most dangerous opponent is the scribe, Veronica. She was trained by Elijah himself. I should know, I was in the closet during the lessons. She sat there with her long brown hair and big brown eyes trying to steal my man. Elijah only teaches her because he feels sorry for her. She even had the audacity to ridicule his near death at the hands of the savages inhabiting Vault 3. She obviously has no idea how to get a man.

I confront her later about her pitiful attempts at wooing my true love. She pretended not to understand and even laughed at me. She made up an outrageous lie. Veronica claimed she wasn't interested in men. As if that were possible! She is obviously trying to distract me so she can get her claws in Elijah. Well, she won't win; her lies do not matter. I will claim the hand of Elijah.

I become closer and closer to Elijah over the months. He starts to open up to me. He says things like "Can you not stand too close? This is delicate." I appreciate his concern for my safety. We even have conversations while I'm in the rafters or under the floor. I am well hidden, but Elijah is a genius. He obviously knows I'm there. We have long discussions about his latest project. I keep quiet because I don't really know what he is talking about. It doesn't bother Elijah; he tries his best to educate me.

After months building up the courage to finally confront Elijah with my proposal, I decide to ask him. On the way there I see the women that were my rivals. I hold my head high; I am about to win. I see the scribes with their tools and reports heading to and from Elijah's lab. Their heads are downcast at their obvious rejection. Knights and Paladins try to hide their heartache behind a mask of professionalism. Finally, I meet Veronica, my greatest challenger in the quest for love. Oddly, she smiles at me and wishes me luck. She must have finally given up on gaining Elijah's affections. Maybe she isn't so bad. But, she will have to keep her relationship with Elijah strictly professional.

I arrive at Elijah's personal lab. He is huddled over something, most likely the Brotherhood's next great breakthrough. I approach him slowly, my heart racing, and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and greets me sweetly: "What do you want? I'm busy learning this coding thing." I look him square in the eye and give my declaration: "Elijah, we have been courting for months now. I think it's time we marry." He seems confused. He probably did not expect I would be the first to mention the obvious next step in our relationship. Eventually, he responds: "Courting? Marriage? I have no time for such things. There is SCIENCE to be done. Veronica! Please take this woman out of here; I have much work to do."

Veronica leads me out of the lab and says something that sounds like apologies. I realize my mistake. I sprung the question in public. Of course Elijah would be shy about this. I should have asked him during one of our private meeting. Now we will have to wait months for this to cool down before we can try again. No matter, a few months isn't too bad. Next time I ask things will be perfect and we will be married. I know it, but so do all the other women trying. I will have to be careful to ensure Elijah doesn't get ensnared by one of those temptresses.

@Isaacssv558 here is an omake about one of the women trying to get Elijah's attention. As you can see she is delusional and kind of blind.
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This could use some editing. In particular, it could use more commas. Do you mind if I do that, or do you plan on editing it later?

I did chuckle, so you get the roll replaced.

There he was the man who saved us all Head Elder Elijah. ->
There he was, the man who saved us all, Head Elder Elijah.
Go ahead I literaly wrote it up in less than two hours. I have to go to bed soon so you can edit it. I'll send you google doc link in a PM
I'm working on the flavour text for TMWKTL and would like some input. Post your idea of a possible super critical result and I may incorporate it.

Note: The mechanical result is already decided. This is just for the flavour text.
That a large mistake nearly happens involving NCR/Legion/whatever flavour faction spies, but the stalker is able to prevent and turn the tables on them and as a reward Elijah assigns them to Lyons as a second to a) help with the running of the EES and b) make sure Lyons keeps them busy so they stop stalking him (doesn't work).
Update 8: The Prodigal Architect
[X] Yardwork
-[X] Southwestern Jackals

Hardin swiftly exterminates raiders from the area north of the Long 15 outpost. You presume the locals are pleased. Mr. House certainly is. He suggests purging the Mojave of raiders entirely.

Annihilated: Southwestern Jackals

[X] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
-[X] Boulder City Concrete Plant

The concrete plant proves to lack useful technology. It is old even by Pre-War standards, having originally been built to service the construction of Hoover Dam. Despite, or perhaps because of, its simple nature, the machinery is still fully functional. Unfortunately, the plant was constructed prior to invention of robotics; it lacks any form of automation. On the bright side, the adjoining warehouse contains enough raw materials to operate the plant for a full month.

Gained: 10 Limestone
Gained: 10 Stone
Gained: Concrete Plant (Massive) {-10 Limestone, -10 Stone, +20 Concrete}

-[X] Cerulean Robotics
The contents of Cerulean Robotics prove mostly unexceptional. There are a few simple robots, but none use particularly advanced technology. The true prize is not the sparse artifacts present. Rather, it is the data stored on one of the aging terminals. The data consists primarily of Pre-War electronic mail. However, a jewel is hidden amongst the rubbish. A seemingly unexceptional missive includes, as an attachment, a substantial set of schematics. The designs detail a wide range of Pre-War electronics, from simple circuits to complex processors. While none possess exceptional features, they promise to further your understanding of electronics substantially.

Gained: Schematic (Pre-War Electronics)

[X] We Come in Peace
Organization of their new library of music proves too time time consuming for Brotherhood Radio's operators. They are unable to begin the new propaganda program on schedule. However, they do produce initial drafts for some of the planned programming.

Locked: [X] We Come in Peace, ST +5

[X] Nukes Killed the Video Star
The Brotherhood's collection of Pre-War music proves substantially larger than expected. It takes most of the month for Scribes to organize the thousands of records. Dozens are too degraded for use, but most are in good condition. More importantly, the music includes many genres and is generally of good quality. Broadcasting, when it finally commences, proves immensely popular. The operators create over a dozen sub-stations to display the full breath of your selection. No other station can even begin to compete with the sheer variety of your music. Brotherhood Radio rapidly becomes the radio station for music listeners throughout the former Southwest and Northwest Commonwealths.

Upgraded: Brotherhood Radio (Popular) -> Brotherhood Radio (Extremely Popular)

[X] The Mineshaft Gap
-[X] Vault 11

Vault 11 proved significantly less intact than expected. Attempts to restart the hydroponics revealed contaminants in the water supply. The problem was eventually solved by installing a new chip in the water purification system. However, the debacle left the operation as whole significantly behind schedule.

Locked: -[X] Vault 11, ST +5

[X] A Child's Flattery
The upgrades to Hidden Valley's factory prove more costly than anticipated. A number of key bulkheads were damaged during the installment of new machinery. A collapse was averted, but the replacement bulkheads required a significant quantity of metal.

Upgraded: Basic Factory -> Advanced Factory
Used: 1 Metal, 2 Machinery

[X] Farming, Plump Helmet Edition
The old hydroponics are repaired without incident. Hidden Valley is now entirely self-sufficient.

Built: Hydroponics (100%)
Used: 1 Metal, 1 Seeds

[X] Buying Happiness
-[X] Freeside

Your continued aid to Freeside proves a success. The slums appreciate any assistance; a few have even emigrated to western edges of Vegas to pursue farming. The charity is also well received by the Followers. Opinions holding the Mojave Brotherhood to have "turned over a new lead" gradually begin to dominate the small community. This has even sparked something of leadership change. While the Followers lack a formal leadership structure, many members hold more influence than others. The star of one Arcade Gannon has been on the rise. His instrumental positions in both opposition and support of the Brotherhood have accustomed the younger generation to his leadership. He has even managed to deflect criticism of his rapid change of opinion into praise of his forgiving nature. The man is clearly a most cunning politician.

Boosted: Reputation (Freeside)
Boosted: Reputation (Freeside Followers)
Used: 1 Food, 1 Medicine

[X] The old world has burned.
-[X] Industrial Technology
--[X] Old World Construction

The Brotherhood databases contain a frankly stunning quantity of information on Pre-War construction. Apparently High Elder Maxson the second was an aspiring architect before the Great War. You do not merely discover how to erect simple structures of steel reinforced concrete. No, the database has information on everything from flying buttresses to rustication. It even details the creation of simple composite materials for particularly well funded projects. A lesser man might spend a lifetime studying the sheer wealth of information contained within. Naturally, you master it all within the month. You even learn how to design a building's facade for intimidation and grandeur. Perhaps doing so would help visiting wastelanders understand their true worth?

Gained: Old World Construction
Gained: Advanced Old World Construction
Gained: Old World Composites
Unlocked: Advanced Old World Composites

-[X] Electronic Technology
--[X] Old World Electronics

You have some initial difficultly understanding the production of Pre-War electronics. Serendipitously, your scouts find the perfect panacea for your problems. The electronics schematics from Cerulean Robotics prove the key to understanding. Their discovery allows you to swiftly finish your work before month's end.

Gained: Old World Electronics
Unlocked: Advanced Old World Electronics

--[X] Rudimentary Development Tools
You personally program a series of rudimentary tools to aid software development. You can now compile code with only minor manual intervention. Brotherhood Scribes be no longer be forced to compile machine code by hand. Sadly, the new tools are far from perfect. The tools are prone to error and require lengthy manual review after usage. Even your genius can only accomplish so much unaided. Perhaps better tools could be crafted with the assistance of the current ones?

Gained: Rudimentary Development Tools
Unlocked: Basic Development Tools

ST 75: 19, Major Success (6 DoS)

[X] A challenger has arisen: Part II
Veronica is unable to attend lessons this month. McNamara has her running about on some trivial errand. Apparently she was searching for a chip compatible with Vault 11's water purification systems. You have no idea why McNamara thought this more important than your lessons. He should have simply hired a courier or something.

Locked: [X] A challenger has arisen: Part II (T5)

[X] Big Brother
The ESS continues to neglect expansion of its infiltration program. However, their performance elsewhere leaves you no room for criticism.

Locked: [X] Big Brother (T3)

[X] The Men Who Knew Too Little
Elder Owyn Lyons long awaited implementation of the counter-espionage program proves surprisingly spectacular. You had merely intended for him to perform simple internal investigations, or perhaps help protect particularly valuable artifacts. Elder Lyons does accomplish these objectives. However, he also creates an ambitious hunter-killer program to track down and eliminate enemy scouts. The newly inaugurated SSK, secret spy killers, prove devastatingly effective. Clad in an unusually quiet model of T-45 armour and possessed of supernal perception, they are eerily effective at ambushing the Brotherhood's foes. The neophyte inquisitors have already slaughtered a dozen 'Frumentarii' and at least three veteran NCR rangers.

Gained: Secret Spy Killers (Owyn Lyons)
Gained: T-45e Light Power Armour
Killed: 12 Frumentarii, 4 Veteran NCR Rangers
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Hurrah! It lives!

And Lyons has given us terrifying effective hunter-killer droids. :o

...okay, since I haven't kept up on the discussions in between updates, why are we making charity drives in Freeside? What does it gain us beyond goodwill?

Also, is there any long term plan in place regarding how we are going to poise ourselves when it comes to House and the NCR?
Also, is there any long term plan in place regarding how we are going to poise ourselves when it comes to House and the NCR?
House likes us already, and we've set out fairly clear guidelines, I think.

NCR is gonna be locked into hostile. Something about us using a KillSat on them, killing Oliver for some reason, and sending them out of the Mojave by way of Charon's ferryboat across the Styx.
Also, is there any long term plan in place regarding how we are going to poise ourselves when it comes to House and the NCR?
The general sentiment on the NCR seems to be convincing it that the proper reaction to the Brotherhood is "Bear, do not poke." Sentiment on House has ranged between "inevitable betrayal" and "induct him into the Brotherhood."

Edit: Also, in case anyone has forgotten, Caesar arrives at the end of turn 12.
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