[X] Yes. Gimme dem dice, imma waifu em.
- CKII Breeding Dynasty Program!
The only choice!

Edited: for below sub-vote! :rofl:
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[X] Yes. Gimme dem dice, imma waifu em.
-[X] CKII Breeding Dynasty Program
[X] Yes. Gimme dem dice, imma waifu em.
-[X] CKII Breeding Dynasty Program

Why not they have been playing hard to get so this is them finally succumbing to our charms.
So I just had an idea for a weapon, basically we rig up a stealthboy with a powerful explosive and make an invisible bomb. I mean Stealthboys are one use already and a bomb or grenade the enemy can't see is rather useful.
When the legion lands in three turns, could we attempt a battle of marathon style assault if we predict the landing site?
So I just noticed that I forgot to vote this round. Doesn't matter since prep won but man I dropped the ball here.:oops:

When the legion lands in three turns, could we attempt a battle of marathon style assault if we predict the landing site?
The Legion arrives in three turns but the battle won't start for a while longer.
So I just had an idea for a weapon, basically we rig up a stealthboy with a powerful explosive and make an invisible bomb. I mean Stealthboys are one use already and a bomb or grenade the enemy can't see is rather useful.

Wouldn't it be better to simply disguise bombs as common objects found in the wasteland as not to waste precious and expensive materials? As Prey demonstrates, if you can make a person paranoid about every object out of place, they can't always see the dangers lurking in plain sight.
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[X] Yes. Gimme dem dice, imma waifu em.
-[X] CKII Breeding Dynasty Program

I know it's not going to do anything, but I would totally vote in a meta-narrative for seducing the dice.
so we have a fort...at least we have some form of defense against the legion...now we just need to burn their forces to ash with the GLORIOUS SPACE LASER!!!

if we can catch Ceaser in the beam then all would be good! because frankly they are the worst sort of wastelander...seriously if you seen the way they do things in the legion? Don't understand why people go for the legion...
The Legion stands little chance here and lots of chance to get fucked xD. The only way they could be more fucked is if we help house out in mrk.2 Securitrons....that and our glorious Doom laser. But please guys set up the maintenance and hospital in the fort
The Legion stands little chance here and lots of chance to get fucked xD. The only way they could be more fucked is if we help house out in mrk.2 Securitrons....that and our glorious Doom laser. But please guys set up the maintenance and hospital in the fort

We may or may not have time to do those, depends on how the dice treat us and when we have the Big Battle with the Legion. But yeah I think we have good odds in our favor, especially with the Stalemate action doing so well.
Wouldn't it be better to simply disguise bombs as common objects found in the wasteland as not to waste precious and expensive materials? As Prey demonstrates, if you can make a person paranoid about every object out of place, they can't always see the dangers lurking in plain sight.
While certainly a possibility I was more thinking in the sense of a throw explosive, one that the enemy might see flying through the air.
Don't forget that the Legion is pretty good at asymmetric warfare, outnumbers us, and docent suck at intrigue.

You know they are once they prepare for that. However until they've engaged us and we just slaughter/wreck face then they will switch to sneakier shit. Numbers are great....except thanks to ncr factions we will swell hella hard before their arrival ideally, also giant sky laser helps prevent any pitch battles against us, and Inquisitors and hopefully our sneaky Bois can demolish them in stealth since our Inquisitors are rather....efficient.

Not to say they can't fuck with us, but their performance is reliant on like three people, and we can likely alpha strike the fuck out of them. We should invest in those assassin's eventually ><
You know they are once they prepare for that. However until they've engaged us and we just slaughter/wreck face then they will switch to sneakier shit. Numbers are great....except thanks to ncr factions we will swell hella hard before their arrival ideally, also giant sky laser helps prevent any pitch battles against us, and Inquisitors and hopefully our sneaky Bois can demolish them in stealth since our Inquisitors are rather....efficient.

Not to say they can't fuck with us, but their performance is reliant on like three people, and we can likely alpha strike the fuck out of them. We should invest in those assassin's eventually ><
Our Inquisitors get by still by being half ton plus killing machines that just so happen to be alright at stealth. And the Legion is going into this well aware of most of the Brotherhood's capabilities thanks to the NCR supplying them with intel. And theoretically, they can fight pitched battles with us, if they manage to position themselves such that unleashing the ortillery would damage something we're trying to protect.

Assaulting a vault in CQC, or a battle across the Dam, or even our fortress. If they get in close enough to us than all the artillery superiority in the world doesn't do anything unless we're willing to accept the friendly fire. And even then we'd still be losing more than otherwise. There's some really nasty low technology tactics that someone like Caesar could crib.

For instance;
Later, the term "human wave attack" was often misused[26] to describe the Chinese short attack — a combination of infiltration and shock tactics employed by the PLA during the Korean War.[27] According to some accounts, Marshal Peng Dehuai—the overall commander of the Chinese forces in Korea—is said to have invented this tactic.[28] A typical Chinese short attack was carried out at night by small fireteamson a narrow front against the weakest point in enemy defenses.[27] The Chinese assault team would crawl undetected within grenade range, then launch surprise attacks against the defenders in order to breach the defenses by relying on maximum shock and confusion.[27]
If the initial shock failed to breach the defenses, additional fireteams would press on behind them and attack the same point until a breach was created.[27] Once penetration was achieved, the bulk of the Chinese forces would move into the enemy rear and attack from behind.[29] During the attacks, the Chinese assault teams would disperse while masking themselves using the terrain, and this made it difficult for UN defenders to target numerous Chinese troops.[30] Attacks by the successive Chinese fireteams were also carefully timed to minimize casualties.[31] Due to primitive communication systems and tight political controls within the Chinese army, short attacks were often repeated indefinitely until either the defenses were penetrated or the attacker's ammunition supply were exhausted, regardless of the chances of success or the human cost.[27]