[X] Plan Expanding Operations

[X] Promotion by Fire
[X] Yardwork
-[X] New Vegas Fiends
-[X] 175 Veteran Paladins
-[X] 105 Paladins
-[X] 25 Sentry Bots

Promotion by fire is a critical action in expanding our operations and expanding the area where we can exert our influence and secure potential assets. We should continue on the previous attack we launched on the fiends and see about crippling them as any potential threat, possibly destroying them later on depending on how the situation develops.

[X] Merry Band of Misfits

With the GM confirming that the California elements of the Brotherhood can survive fine till turn 12 before supplies start to dwindle and with the ceasefire in effect we can afford to see about improving our diplomatic operations in order to attempt a peaceful-ish resolution to the issue.

[X] Dam Expansion
-[X] Hydroponics
[X] Bunker Bunking

Our food situation is beginning to become an issue and needs to be dealt with soon, hydroponics when combined with the research action by the same name will hopefully improve the situation for us. As for the second action any overcrowding issues we have should be dealt with before it has the possibility of creating any issues.

[X] Sifting Through the Ashes
-[X] Pre-War Government

[X] The old world has burned.
-[X] Agricultural Technology
--[X] Hydroponics
-[X] Electronic Technology
--[X] Old World Programming
--[X] Robots

The main aim this turn is to further expand our technological base, helping to deal with the food situation, gaining more knowledge of robotics will provide for future opportunities for automation , and giving us a better insight into how old world electronics worked by getting an understanding for their programming. Sifting through the ashes is there to expand general knowledge of how things were pre-war and see if it anything interesting comes out of it.

[X]The Men Who Knew Too Little

Its time to compliment our soon to be Intel division by adding a counter-Intel division.

@Isaacssv558 Let me know of anything wrong with the plan and provide any feedback you feel would help. Also I do have a question concerning the Intrigue action, will we need to roll again for the Big Brother action?

Edit: Changed plan based on QM feedback , sent more troops on the fiend action and swapped out manufacturing tech for robotics.
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[X] Plan Expanding Operations

[X] Promotion by Fire
[X] Yardwork
-[X] New Vegas Fiends
-[X] 90 Veteran Paladins

Promotion by fire is a critical action in expanding our operations and expanding the area where we can exert our influence and secure potential assets. We should continue on the previous attack we launched on the fiends and see about crippling them as any potential threat, possibly destroying them later on depending on how the situation develops.

[X] Merry Band of Misfits

With the GM confirming that the California elements of the Brotherhood can survive fine till turn 12 before supplies start to dwindle and with the ceasefire in effect we can afford to see about improving our diplomatic operations in order to attempt a peaceful-ish resolution to the issue.

[X] Dam Expansion
-[X] Hydroponics
[X] Bunker Bunking

Our food situation is beginning to become an issue and needs to be dealt with soon, hydroponics when combined with the research action by the same name will hopefully improve the situation for us. As for the second action any overcrowding issues we have should be dealt with before it has the possibility of creating any issues.

[X] Sifting Through the Ashes
-[X] Pre-War Government

[X] The old world has burned.
-[X] Agricultural Technology
--[X] Hydroponics
-[X] Industrial Technology
--[X] Advanced Old World Manufacturing
-[X] Electronic Technology
--[X] Old World Programming

The main aim this turn is to further expand our technological base, helping to deal with the food situation, improving our manufacturing capabilities, and giving us a better insight into how old world electronics worked by getting an understanding for their programming. Sifting through the ashes is there to expand general knowledge of how things were pre-war and see if it anything interesting comes out of it.

[X]The Men Who Knew Too Little

Its time to compliment our soon to be Intel division by adding a counter-Intel division.

@Isaacssv558 Let me know of anything wrong with the plan and provide any feedback you feel would help. Also I do have a question concerning the Intrigue action, will we need to roll again for the Big Brother action?
You will need to roll again for all locked actions. Also, you can speed multi-turn actions with manpower based success chances by allocating over 100% success. It hasn't been particularly relevant with your limited manpower and is less efficient than the first 100%, but you can allocate up to 175 Veteran Paladins and 105 Paladins right now. You can get 210% with the Veteran Paladins, which would complete two months of the action and have a small chance to complete it entirely.

Advanced Manufacturing is currently of limited use as you don't have the materials or facilities to take advantage. Advanced technologies generally require some stewardship actions to put into use. You avoided this with the Pancor Jackhammer thanks to your Pre-War armouries, but getting the full benefits of Advanced Medicine requires a hospital and automation is very difficult without first researching robotics.
Sorry for the double post but I wanted to ask before I forget again

@Isaacssv558 did we get any heroes from lost hills?
No, but you will get a hero once the evacuation is complete. You're already running pretty close to the softcap. You can (potentially, these are by no means assured) get 7 of Andrea Brixley, Arcade Gannon, The Courier, Caesar, Veronica, the King, Joshua Graham, Aaron Kimbal, Ulysses, Fisto, Jack, Testacles, Doctor Klein, and Mr. House. That is to say, 7 of those listed are fake and cannot actually be recruited under any circumstance.
No, but you will get a hero once the evacuation is complete. You're already running pretty close to the softcap. You can (potentially, these are by no means assured) get 7 of Andrea Brixley, Arcade Gannon, The Courier, Caesar, Veronica, the King, Joshua Graham, Aaron Kimbal, Ulysses, Fisto, Jack, Testacles, Doctor Klein, and Mr. House. That is to say, 7 of those listed are fake and cannot actually be recruited under any circumstance.

I feel doctor Klein might actually be one we can hire though it will be very hard to do so, and require finding and dealing with Big Empty. Mr. House will never join us proper, we may make him a valuable ally but never a member of our group. Fisto is non sentient so obviously not a leader. Veronica is definitely a potential leader. Ulysses and Courier 7 are possibilities but I can't see a big reason to care about of either of them IC. Graham is possible but I doubt the series of events that led to him being cast out from the legion will still occure. Ceaser... ha no. Gannon mabye if the FoA show up we could poach him. The rest I don't know off the top of my head so no insights for them.
Vote closed for [X] Plan Expanding Operations

[X] Promotion by Fire
ST 75: 9, Major Success (7 DoS)

[X] Beaver Lodge
ST 80: 8, Major Success (8 DoS)

[X] Yardwork
-[X] New Vegas Fiends (T3)
175V; 105P; 25S; ST 100+100+88: 96, Overclocked Minimal Success (1+1-C DoS)

[X] Merry Band of Misfits (T3)
ST 75: 24, Major Success (6 DoS)

[X] A challenger has arisen: Part I (T2)
ST 50: 4, Good Critical Success (5+C DoS)

[X] Dam Expansion
-[X] Hydroponics (T2)
ST 50: 46, Upgraded Success (1+2 DoS)

[X] Bunker Bunking
ST 90: 8, Major Success (9 DoS)

[X] Sifting Through the Ashes
-[X] Pre-War Government
ST 75: 42, Good Success (4 DoS)

[X] The old world has burned.
-[X] Agricultural Technology
--[X] Hydroponics
ST 90: 55, Good Success (4 DoS)

-[X] Electronic Technology
--[X] Old World Programming
ST 85: 93, Bare Failure (0 DoS)

--[X] Robots
ST 80: 91, Bare Failure (1 DoF)

[X] Big Brother (T2)
ST 50: 26, Success (3 DoS)

[X] The Men Who Knew Too Little (T4)
ST 60: 62, Bare Failure (0 DoS)
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So what does the fiend success mean
I won't be surprised if that means the Fiends have been exterminated :drevil:
Remember this is roll under, you got a doubly mitigated critical failure. This is approximately equivalent to a normal success. (A crit fail with a 100% success rate mission of this type results in no casualties, but no progress. Your excess of troops compensated for this and increased the success level to bare success.)
Remember this is roll under, you got a doubly mitigated critical failure. This is approximately equivalent to a normal success. (A crit fail with a 100% success rate mission of this type results in no casualties, but no progress. Your excess of troops compensated for this and increased the success level to bare success.)
So we didn't get them all or something?
So we didn't get them all or something?
No, you destroyed about a third of their remaining members through sheer overwhelming firepower. They are currently down to about half their original strength, sufficient to begin reducing the mission's DC. You could have slaughtered them to a man and expressed the failure in casualties, but your troops automatically prioritize their lives over the mission outside of certain circumstances involving rare technologies.
Update 5: Stabilization
[X] Promotion by Fire
The formalization of a military command structure goes exceedingly well. Ramos relocates to Black Mountain, where a static command center is established to coordinate the Chapter's combined garrisons. Hardin takes a more mobile approach, focusing on portability and compactness. His work allows deployments to be organized from the most convenient location rather than from the most established one. The only downsides are that Ramos can no longer focus solely on one settlement and Hardin's specialized improvements are unsuited for non-expeditionary use.

Gained: Command Center (100%)
Gained: DoD
Gained: DoO
Removed: Leaderless Penalty
Restricted: 1 Military Action (Expeditions)

[X] Beaver Lodge
Hardin's redistribution of the garrison goes exceedingly well. He increases Hoover Dam's garrison up to 400 soldiers split evenly between Knights and Paladins. With 2 weeks remaining until the end of the month, Hardin then sets the newly formed garrison to work constructing a rudimentary metal refinery to help replace the parts and supplies used in your recent construction projects.

Created: Military Base (Hoover Dam)
Gained: Mixed Metal Refinery (25%)

[X] Yardwork
-[X] New Vegas Fiends (T3)

The Fiends put up a desperate defense, pushing themselves to limit with ever largest quantities of drugs. It is only thanks to the sheer size and quality of your force that you are able to continue pushing forward. By the end of the month, your forces are exhausted but the enemy's forces are reduced by a third.

Killed: 1/3 of New Vegas Fiends

[X] Merry Band of Misfits (T3)
While the Brotherhood has traditionally lacked knowledge in diplomacy, the NCR-Brotherhood war forced many members of the Lost Hills chapter to learn the basics. While this expertise was not sufficient for a formal diplomatic corp, it has aided the creation process greatly. By month's end the corp has established their internal organization. All that remains is to finish integration with the chapter as a whole.

Locked: [X] Merry Band of Misfits

[X] A challenger has arisen: Part I (T2)
Veronica seems determined to make up for last month's lack of instruction. She breezes through lessons and planning alike in a flurry of activity. While she is somewhat exhausted by the end of the month, you cannot deny she is ready to officially become a procurement specialist.

Gained: +1 Stewardship Action (Veronica)
Boosted: A challenger has arisen: Part II (+20)

[X] Dam Expansion
-[X] Hydroponics (T2)

The construction of a hydroponics facility goes is completed on schedule despite occurring concurrent to your hydroponics research. The week you spend researched is used to prepare the non-hydroponic components of the facility. Knights weld metal frames to hold hydroponics modules and begin to lay piping. By week's end, the research is completed and construction and installation of the hydroponics begins. The facility is still unfinished, despite the combined efforts of much of your chapter. Water does not yet flow through the irrigation system, and you lack the seeds to begin planting. However, you expect to solve those issues next month and head off the impending food crisis.

Locked: [X] Dam Expansion (Hydroponics)

[X] Bunker Bunking
The previously cleared bunker is rapidly converted to a residential area with the aid of the newly arrived civilians. With half the month still remaining, they finish repairs on another section of the bunker complex, clearing space for further expansion.

Gained: Residential Bunker (100%)
Repaired: Empty Slot (100%)

[X] Sifting Through the Ashes
-[X] Pre-War Government

Ibsen does a wonderful job sifting through the historical archives for data. He discovers that the Pre-War government functioned via a multi-tiered federal system. While the size of the each tier had fluctuated, with the old States being a mere fourth the size of 'modern' commonwealths, the general system remained intact until the War.

He also discovers a plethora of contradictions between the founding documents, which date back centuries, and more recent policies, which date back to decades before the war began. You think these policy shifts may help to explain why the Enclave's behavior towards the savages so greatly contradicts their official stance, which declares all residents of North America native-born citizens of their organization.

[X] The old world has burned.
-[X] Agricultural Technology
--[X] Hydroponics

You put the entirety of your focus on hydroponics for the first half of the month. Other research suffers without your guidance, but the Brotherhood's accumulated knowledge of Hydroponics is prepared in time to install it in the newly prepared hydroponics facility.

Gained: Hydroponics

-[X] Electronic Technology
--[X] Old World Programming

While research into Pre-War computers is delayed until the final half of the month, you still manage to more efficiently catalogue your current knowledge.

Boosted: [X] Old World Programming (+5)

--[X] Robots
Your robotics program is left entirely untouched this month, the research diverted to other activities.

[X] Big Brother (T2)
The ESS makes further progress in their training, moving steadily closer to a functional intelligence agency. They should be ready in another month.

Almost Finished: [X] Big Brother

[X] The Men Who Knew Too Little (T4)
Elder Lyons has a minor medical emergency and is unable to begin work to establish a counter-intelligence group. He will make a full recovery but will be unavailable until next month. Luckily, his staff managed to prepare much of the venture's paperwork in his absence.

Boosted: [X] The Men Who Knew Too Little (+5)

Mixed Metal Mine (Small)

500 Civilians
Large Hydroelectric Generators (100%)
Fortifications (100%)
Hydroponics (50%)
Mixed Metal Refinery (25%)
Empty Slot (100%)
Department of Offense
2 GW
Medium Pre-War Arsenal
Damaged Chinese Stealth Suits
Research Database: History
200 Knights (Recon)
50 Paladins (T-45d)
150 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

100 Civilians
Solar Generators (100%)
Orbital Power Relay (100%)
Small Research Facilities (100%)
200 MW
150 Stealthboys
Huge Brotherhood Arsenal
Vertibird Wreckage
Damaged Power Armour (Enclave)
100 Knights (Recon)
30 Paladins (T-45d)

100 Civilians
Electronic Warfare Facilities (100%)
Light Fortifications (100%)
Command Center (100%)
Department of Defense
Strategic Broadcasting and EC(C)M.
Early Warning and Detection Network (EWDN [eww-den]) Control Node.
Small Pre-War Arsenal
50 Knights (Recon)
20 Paladins (T-45d)
15 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

2000 Civilians
Large Fusion Generator (100%)
Heavy Fortifications (100%)
Residential Bunker (100%)
Residential Bunker (100%)
Empty Slot (100%)
Empty Slot (0%)
Empty Slot (0%)
Small Pre-War Arsenal
Small Brotherhood Arsenal
Small Stockpile: NCR Trade Goods
Unique Schematics: Vertibird
Unique Schematics: AES-18
150 Knights (Recon)
25 Mark II Sentry Bots
20 Paladins (T-45d)
10 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

Medium NCR Arsenal
50 Knights (Recon)
10 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

5 Knights (Recon)
5 Paladins (T-45d)

Alert: Low Food
Alert: Limited Materials

Note: You get one reroll to celebrate my final exam results. (I got them back earlier today.) You can use this whenever you would like, I will hold a vote after each turn's rolls until it is used.
For future reference, what actions count as expeditions?
Things like spoiling attacks, yard work, and most magical mystery tour actions. Basically, anything that involves a force leaving base, doing something, and coming back. If the action takes place on base or in a series of trips it would not count. For example, neither the promotion or dam actions would count.
Note: You get one reroll to celebrate my final exam results. (I got them back earlier today.) You can use this whenever you would like, I will hold a vote after each turn's rolls until it is used.
Well, the robot research is the only undertaking that outright failed.

The Men Who Knew Too Little merely performed suboptimally, but is of a higher priority for us.

We should re roll either one of those.